International Classification of Procedures in Medicine Volume 2 3. Radiology and certain other applications of physics in medicine 6, 7. Drugs, medicaments, and biological agents Published for trial purposes in accordance with resolution WHA29.35 of the Twenty-ninth World Health Assembly, May 1976 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION GENEVA Reprinted 1990 ISBN 92 4 154125 3 0 World Health Organization 1978 Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accor- dance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. For rights of reproduction or translation of WHO publications, in part or in toto, applica- tion should be made to the Office of Publications, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. The World Health Organization welcomes such applications. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. PRINTED IN SWITZERLAND 8918294 - Schiiler - 1500 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ............ v 3. RADIOLOGY AND CERTAIN OTHER APPLI- CATIONS OF PHYSICS IN MEDICINE TABULAR LIST .........3-1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX ...... 1-1 6 & 7. DRUGS, MEDICAMENTS, AND BIOLOGICAL AGENTS TABULAR LIST .........6-1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX . 1-1 Already published: VOLUME 1 1. PROCEDURES FOR MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS 2. LABORATORY PROCEDURES 4. PREVENTIVE PROCEDURES 5. SURGICAL PROCEDURES 8. OTHER THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURES 9. ANCILLARY PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION For a general description of the International Classification of Procedures in Medicine, reference should be made to the Introduction to Volume 1. Volume 2 includes the remaining chapters of the Classification namely, 3. Radiology and certain other applications of physics in med- icine; and 6, 7. Drugs, medicaments and biological agents. There is one important difference in presentation between the two volumes. Volume 1 has a single alphabetical index common to the six chapters of the Classification included in it. For Volume 2, it was considered that the two sections were much more likely to be used separate- ly than together; each has accordingly been given its own index. 3. RADIOLOGY AND CERTAIN OTHER APPLICATIONS OF PHYSICS IN MEDICINE TABULAR LIST 3. RADIOLOGY AND CERTAIN OTHER APPLICATIONS OF PHYSICS IN MEDICINE Because of the special characteristics of this chapter, optional fifth-digit and even sixth-digit subdivisions are provided for several groups of categories. Nevertheless, the categories are still significant at the three-digit level. The fifth- and sixth-digit subdivisions, being optional, are not given in the alphabetical index. I Three groups of categories must be distinguished in this chapter: Categories 3-00 to 3-09 are intended for recording general activities and tasks of physics in medicine, and represent another axis of classification of the procedures included in the next group. Therefore statistical data obtained for categories 3-00 to 3-09 should be set apart from data for the next group. Categories 3-10 to 3-62 and 3-65 to 3-99 are for coding specific procedures that are classified only in the present chapter. (c) Categories 3-63 and 3-64 group certain diagnostic procedures that are also classified in Chapter 1. Therefore these categories are to be used only when Chapter 1 (Procedures for medical diagnosis) is not being used. Code numbers from 3-63 and 3-64 are not shown in the alphabetical index for Chapter 3; when needed in connexion with this chapter they should be looked for in the tabular list. GENERAL ASPECTS special-purpose diagnostic application of radiology Identification of individual Age evaluation of individual Anthropological investigation of individual Determination of size, volume, and form of organs Search for and localization of foreign body Determination of density and calcium content of bones Screening and mass survey Other special-purpose diagnostic application Not otherwise specified Special-purpose functional radiological study Weight-bearing dynamics Mobility of joints Mobility of other organs Excretion function Absorption function Dynamics of miction Other study Not otherwise specified Clinical indication for radiological application Preoperative control Intraoperative control Postoperative control Fracture-reduction control Tumor control Location Size 3-025 Metastasis control 3-026 Radiotherapy control 3-027 Other follow-up control 3-028 Other clinical indication 3-029 Not otherwise specified 3-03 Dosimetric aspects of diagnostic radiology 3-030 High-dose radiography 3-031 Low-dose radiography 3-032 Unspecified-dose radiography 3-033 Low-dose fluoroscopy 3-034 Gonadal dose to patient 3-035 Other somatic exposure of patient 3-037 Radiation exposure of staff 3-038 Other dosimetric study 3-039 Not otherwise specified 3-04 Type of radiological equipment 3-040 Stationary equipment in special room 3-041 Equipment in operating room 3-042 Mobile equipment in ward 3-043 Mobile equipment in vehicle Boat Car 3-044 Portable equipment At home In the field 3-048 Other equipment 3-049 Not otherwise specified 3-05 Purpose of radiotherapy 3-050 Immunosuppression 3-051 Irradiation of hematopoietic organs Bone marrow Spleen Liver 3-052 Irradiation of lymphatic organs 3-4 3-053 Preoperative and intraoperative 3-054 Postoperative 3-055 Analgesic Joints Nervous ganglion Nerve Spine 3-056 Antiphlogistic 3-057 Palliative of tumor and metastasis 3-058 Other purpose Prophylactic 3-059 General and not otherwise specified Tumor irradiation (curative) 3-06 Specific tasks and problems of external radiotherapy 3-060 Treatment planning Radionuclide Target Strategy 3-061 Consultation between medical specialties 3-062 Radiation measurement Dosimetry Radiation output source 3-063 Radiation quality Energy Linear energy transfer 3-064 Isodose distribution 3-066 Use of computer 3-067 Protection of patient and staff 3-068 Other task or problem 3-069 Not otherwise specified 3-07 Specific tasks and problems of internal, interstitial, and intracavitary therapy 3-070 Treatment planning Radioisotope to be used Strategy 3-071 Consultation between medical specialties 3- 5 Dose estimation and evaluation for internal metabolic therapy Dose estimation for radiotherapy with unsealed sources Dose calculation and measurement for seeds and sealed sources Dose computation for combined radiotherapy Use of computer Protection of patient and staff Other task or problem Not otherwise specified Administrative tasks related to physics in medicine Staff training Reporting system Premises Fluoroscopy equipment Radiography equipment Nuclear medicine equipment Other equipment Shielding, monitoring, and other protective measures Other tasks Not otherwise specified General and unspecified tasks related to physics in medicine Diagnostic radiology Diagnostic nuclear medicine Diagnostic non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation Diagnostic use of electricity Diagnostic use of sound and ultrasound Diagnostic use of other procedures from physics Mechanics 3-096 External beam radiotherapy 3-097 Radionuclide therapy 3-098 Therapy with non-ionizing radiation and other therapeutical applications of physics 3-099 Other and unspecified tasks RADIOGRAPHY Includes: plain and general radiography Excludes: radiography with contrast media (3-20 to 3-39) Optional fifth-digit subdivision. The following fifth-digit subdivision can be used with categories 3-100 to 3-199, if desired, to indicate the technique used for radiography: 0 Standard 1 With intensifying screen 2 With use of (stationary) fine grid 3 With use of (moving) Bucky grid 4 With use of high-ratio grid S Teleradiography, orthoradiography 6 Enlargement radiography 8 Other technique 9 Not otherwise specified Optional sixth-digit subdivision. The following sixth-digit subdivision can be used with categories 3-1000 to 3-1999, if desired, to indicate the projections used for radiography: Posteroanterior Anteroposterior Lateral Oblique Sagittal on recumbent patient Sagittal on erect patient Frontal on recumbent patient Frontal on erect patient Axial Other and unspecified projections 3- 10 Radiography of jaws and teeth 3-100 Upper jaw Maxilla (upper) 3-101 Lower jaw Mandible Excludes: temporomandibular joint (3-102) 3-102 Temporomandibular joint 3-103 Other extraoral dental radiography 3-104 Panoramic dental radiography Transpharyngeal panoramic film 3-7 3- 105 Intraoral dental radiography Bite-wing film Occlusal film 3-106 Dental teleradiography Long-cone technique 3-108 Other radiography 3-109 Not otherwise specified Dental X-ray Jaw X-ray 3- 11 Radiography of skull and brain 3-110 Skull, tangential 3-111 Base of skull 3-112 Cranial foramina Excludes: optic foramen (3-123) 3-113 Sella turcica 3-114 Petrous pyramid (of temporal bone) Excludes: inner ear (3-122) middle ear (3-122) 3-115 Ethmoidal cells Excludes: nasal bones (3-121) 3-117 Cephalometry 3-118 Other radiography of skull 3-119 Not otherwise specified Total skull, in one or more views 3-12 Other radiography of head and neck 3-120 Paranasal sinuses
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