Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 11-2-1965 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1965). Winona Daily News. 663. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/663 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r Mostly Fair, Over 20 Help Wanted Continued Mild Ads In Today's Tonight, Wednesday Classified Section Spotlight on East in Off-Year Voting Johnson 1st Oust McNamara, Bomb 3-Way Race 92 Reds Killed in Man to Vote in For Mayor Hanoi, Goldwater Asks Mopup Me Home Precinct (AP) In New York Plei PHILADELPHIA " at - turned down his request to visit Goldwater said the war ln SAIGON, South Viet Nam picked up 26 suspects. A U.S. Division fought off the assault JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) - Barry Goldwater called today Viet Nam as a reserve general Viet Nam could be ended in a WASHINGTON (AP) - New (AP) — U.S. combat troops re- spokesman said North Vietnam- and killed four Viet Cong. The President Johnson was the first for the resignation of Secretary in the Air Force. relative few months if "we Jersey, Virginia and a half-doz- ported 92 Communist guerrillas those Americans suffered light casu- man to vote in his home polling would say to Hanoi you are en Eastern and Midwestern ese regulars were among of Defense Robert McNamara no killed and 26 captured in killed and captured. alties, the spokesman said. place today, setting a citizenship , Speaking from his home In longer a sacred place." cities ¦— including New York, fighting in central Viet Nam ' example for millions who are urged an all-out bombing of Philadelphia and Cleveland — There was no word on Ameri- In the northernmost sea res- Hanoi industrial complexes and Phoenix, the former Arizona today and Monday. can casualties. casting ballots in off-year elec- He urged heavy bombing of hold the spotlight in scattered cue of the war, Capt. Norman blamed Govs. William W. senator said the resignation of "not the city—we Men of the 1st Air Cavalry The Plei Me camp underwent tions. McNamara "Would be the best are not people off-year election balloting today. P. Huggins of Mullins, S.C., was Scranton and Nelson Rockefell- killers," but industrial targets. Division, who arrived in Viet a week-long seige before the picked up after his plane was Johnson, deeply tanned and thing that could happen in .our In most of them, Republicans er, both Republicans, for his de- On politics he said the attacks are trying to Nam only seven weeks ago, Communists were routed last hit by conventional ground fire looking fit, showed up to vote a ' war effort. He has had too big a supplant Demo- fought three engagements week, the cavalrymen have polls feat in last year s presidential by Rockefeller, of New York, cratic office-holders over a Communist surface-to- few minutes after the election. say in making foreign policy." . The results against an enemy force of be- been hunting down Viet Cong opened in this small town—popu- and Scranton, of Pennsylvania, will be watched closely for pos- air missile site 35 miles north- In a taped television inter- Goldwater, tween 500 and 600 men near the and North Vietnamese in the lation 611—where he grew up. who was sotfndly describing him as trigger happy sible portents for the 1966 east of Hanoi, a military view with newscaster Viace beaten by President Johnson in and out to destroy Social Secur- U.S. Special Forces camp at area since then. spokesman reported. The President was accompa- ( congressional and 1968 presiden- Plei Me, 210 miles north of Sai- Leonard of KYW Westing- the 1964 election, said McNa- ity hurt most in his bid for the tial elections. The Viet Cong attacked an nied by Mrs. Johnson. house) entitled "One Year La- mara's policies have reduced presidency. gon. Hoggins headed oat over the The big Texas-wide issne In Most interest has centered on outpost near Qui Nhon, on the South China Sea and bailed out ter," Goldwater also said the the morale in the Pentagon to "They said jt so often that The airborne cavalrymen re- coast 260 miles north of Saigon, the election was whether to back Johnson administration had an all-time low. people believed it," he asserted. New York City. An estimated 57 miles east of Haiphong, Gov. John Connolly's proposal 2.5 million of the city's 3.6 mil- ported they killed 88 of the ene- but a U.S. spokesmansaid para- North Viet Nam's major port. my, raptured 26 others and troopers of the 101st Airborne to add two years to the present lion eligible voters are expected He spent an hour in a life raft two-year term for the governor to decide a hotly contested may- before he was rescued by a and other state officials. The or's race between Democratic plane piloted by Capt. David P. City Comptroller Abraham D. Westenbarger of Fairfield, Ohio. AFL-CIO campaigned strongly against the Connally proposal to Beame and Rep, John V. Lind- During the rescue, two U.S. Legal Move say, a Republican running with amend the state constitution. to Oust dive bombers shot up a North Johnson did not disclose his Liberal party backing at the Vietnamese- sampan that was feelings on the matter. bead of a fusion ticket. heading for the downed man Connally, a Johnson protege, Straw polls Indicate a close and firing machine guns at him. will seek re-election next year. vote. The race is Huggins was reported in good complicated A White House spokesman Magnusson by the presence of a third candi- condition. Started who date, author-publisher William said Monday that Johnson, ) Huggins was on a photo-re- is recuperating at his ranch ST. PAUL (AP — Minnesota Last Friday Magnusson and the conduct of the commissioner F. Buckley Jr., the Conserva- connaissance mission over three near here from his gall bladder Gov. Karl Rolvaag is instituting 16 other men were indicted on in office." Rolvaag said he will tive party nominee. SAM launching sites which U.S. operation Oct. 8, was feeling legal proceedings for the re- fraud charges growing out of a act with "utmost dispatch." Democrats are favored to planes attacked Sunday. Pilots moval of one of his appointees, federal grand jury's probe of Rolvaag asked Magnusson, capture both governor's con- very well. Insurance Commissioner Cyrus after the strikes said they left The President was busy at his American Allied Insurance Co., last Saturday, to resign. The tests. In New Jersey, Demo- one site in ruins, knocked the E. Magnusson. St. Paul. commissioner refused, contend- cratic Gov. Richard J. Hughes, desk much of Monday, signing a Rolvaag and Atty. Gen. Robert two others out of action and de- Viet ing he is innocent and that he 56, is expected to defeat GOP raft of bills. He proclaimed Mattso&J announced the move Mattson planned to release to- will be vindicated in court stroyed a key highway bridge in Nam and adjacent waters a . Rol- State ' Sen. Wayne Dumont Jr., Monday Mattson said it is the day a report on his depart- vaag then, with Malison's help, the area. Small-arms fire combat zone, making service- 51, while in Virginia Democratic brought down a Navy jet during first time in Minnesota history ment's study of the American set the wheels in motion for legal Lt. Gov. Mills E. Godwin Jr., 50, men there eligible for free air that a governor has attempted, Allied case. Mattson said it removal of Magnusson from the the raid, and the pilot was pre- mail privileges and speedy par- is rated a probable victor over sumed captured after bailing by legal means, to remove a covers "the entire American Al- commissioner position. Republican A. Linwood Holton, cel post service. These benefits commissioner. lied matter and reflects upon out. were authorized by one of the 28 Meanwhile, the Minnesota As- 42, and Conservative party nom- inee William bills he signed. sociation of Independent Insur- J. Story, 55. A U.S. C130 Hercules dropped ance Agents wrote Rolvaag that Republicans are making 5,000 gift packages and 25,000 He also signed the School Dis- ' " strong bids for committing the it is not the group s position to mayor of Cleve- newspapers over a 90-mile aster Air Act, pre-judge." land, Ohio, and district attorney stretch along the North Viet- federal government to help re- Wounded Soldier "We cannot at this time agree of Philadelphia. Other by hurri- impor- namese coast south of the city build schools damaged or disagree with the request for tant mayoral elections are in of Vinh. The packages contained cane, flood or earthquake. resignation as presented, be- Detroit; Louisville, Ky. ; and Ak- cloth, plastics, needles, thread, cause we cannot, in complete ron, Ohio. notebooks, towels and under- Wants to Go Back fairness, under our American New Jersey, shirts. FT. GORDON, Ga. (AP) - said from his hospital bed. "I principles take action without Virginia and New York are electing legisla- It was the largest such drop of Sgt. Claude W. Spiva, 23, feel I can do a better job for the complete knowledge of the facts household goods so far and was 28 Dead in wounded in an ambush by the Army in Viet Nam than here in involved." tures, while Kentucky is filling made in connection with the Viet Cong, wants to go back to the United States." Mattson said charges involving some seats.
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