PP3739/12/2002 ISSN 0127 - 5127 / RM3.00 / 2002:Vol.22No.11/12 Aliran Monthly : Vol.22(11/12) Page 1 COVER STORY NGOs And Non-Electoral Politics Build Participatory Democracy and the Autonomous Public Sphere by Francis Loh political controversy AA surrounding the pro- AAA posed construction of the Penang Outer Ring Road (PORR) Project made the headlines in early December 2002. The controversy resulted in the suspension of two elected Penang State Legislative Assembly Per- sons (SLA) from their own party. Their suspension reminds us that when the chips are down, the Barisan Nasional (BN) always prioritise their party interests ahead of those of the rakyat whom they claim to represent. How else does one explain the decision of the BN leaders, including those from the MCA, to punish the two Penang MCA SLAs for, appar- ently, going against the BN party whip ? Malaysians who have been strug- gling for political reform and change but who have become dis- illusioned with the opposition, especially PAS, that appears fix- ated with realizing an Islamic state, should take special note. They should not argue themselves into a corner and end up tacitly supporting the BN instead. By analyzing the PORR contro- versy, I wish to highlight the ex- istence of two realms of politics in Aliran Monthly : Vol.22(11/12) Page 2 EDITOR'S NOTE Our cover story is a continuation of our theme over the last two issues. Francis Loh discusses the Penang Outer Ring Road (PORR) controversy but CONTENTS highlights the significance of building participatory democracy and the autonomous public sphere. By COVER STORY this is meant the non-formal realm of politics out- ••• NGO's And Non-Electoral Politics 222 side electoral politics. He opines that, now more so than ever, Malaysians seeking democracy should ••• Go For Electoral Pacts 101010 also consider the work of NGOs. ••• Involved Versus Opportunistic Politics In Sarawak 121212 Accompanying the lead story are two interviews, one with Penang-based Lim Kean Chye and FEATURES Kuching-based Dominique Ng. Lim, who was in- ••• Sept 11 And Human Rights volved in the anti-colonial struggle, reflects on the current state of passivity in the opposition. Political In Malaysia 141414 activist Ng, on the other hand, laments the passing ••• Police Watch Group Wins Award 252525 of genuine “old-style” commitment in politics and ••• Violent Suppression 272727 the growing prevalence of opportunism. ••• Life In Prison 292929 ••• Malaysia Abstains On Torture World Human Rights Day fell on Dec 10. Prema Protocal Vote 313131 Devaraj reports on a seminar-cum-celebration in Penang while Eric Paulsen explains why Police ••• NST's Irresponsible Reporting 343434 Watch and Human Rights Committee is the winner ••• A Special Kind Of Love 353535 of Suaram’s annual human rights award. ••• Dear Mommy And Papa 373737 ••• Where Faith And Life Intertwined 383838 Chee Soon Juan, an opposition party leader in Sin- ••• A Gentle Soul Who Did His Best 404040 gapore, recounts his five-week ordeal in Singapore jail after falling foul of the authorities yet again. Another regional story is of the violent suppression REGULARS by Thai police of a peaceful gathering to protest the ••• LettersLettersLetters 161616 Malaysia-Thailand gas pipeline project in Haadyai, ••• Thinking Allowed 191919 a story that was largely blacked out in the Malaysian ••• Current Concerns 323232 media. OTHERSOTHERSOTHERS This month’s Heart to Heart section commemorates the untimely passing of Jubal Lourdes and Irene ••• AppealAppealAppeal 232323 Ch’ng in a freak accident in Bali. Jubal, a longtime ••• Subscription Form 242424 Aliran exco member, was a gallant fighter for hu- man rights who was much loved by those who knew him. We carry tributes by Aliran president P Ramakrishnan, his brother Darrel and close friend Martin Jalleh, a regular AM contributor. Daniel and Dwayne, the couple’s two children, write a note of Published by farewell. Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, ALIRANALIRANALIRAN is a Reform Movement dedicated to Penang, Malaysia. Justice, Freedom & Solidarity and listed on the Tel : (04) 658 5251 Fax : (04) 658 5197 roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran welcomes Homepage : http://www.malaysia.net/aliran all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Angkatan Edaran Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. Lot 6, Jalan Tukang 16/4, Seksyen 16, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Aliran Monthly : Vol.22(11/12) Page 3 Malaysia, the formal and the non- MCA and UMNO; of the severity formal. Although these two as well as the laxity of the pun- realms often converge, they are in ishment meted out so far; and now fact different. Malaysians who are of “new information” available disillusioned with electoralism which has prodded UMNO to and the political parties, includ- take the matter to the BN Supreme ing the opposition parties, might Council. It is not unlikely that the want to engage in the non-formal MCA will now be pressured by the realm instead. There is much need BN Council to expel Tan and Lim. for consolidating this sphere if we are keen on ushering in partici- Significantly, there has been little patory rather than simply proce- attention given in all this public dural democracy. This article is discussion on the merits and de- submitted as a response to the merits of the PORR Project itself. debate on our current political options that has been conducted Opposition To PORR in the previous two issues of the Aliran Monthly. Yet it is obvious that many lion Project has been awarded to Penangites are opposed to the Peninsular Metroworks Sdn Bhd Let us first discuss the PORR con- PORR Project, not least of all be- a company with next to no expe- troversy before investigating the cause the Penang State govern- rience in highway building, rais- two different realms of politics. ment had not duly consulted those ing questions of cronyism. whose homes were going to be af- The PORR Project fected prior to approval of the It is because of such concerns and Project. Although no detailed En- anxieties that Danny Law, the Thanks to the PORR controversy, vironmental Impact Assessment DAP SLA for Batu Lanchang, Tan Cheng Liang (SLA for Jawi) (EIA) as required by law has been with the support of two opposi- and Lim Boo Chang (SLA for conducted, the deputy chief min- tion Assembly members, intro- Datuk Keramat), two relatively ister has proclaimed that there duced the motion to postpone the unknown Penang MCA repre- would henceforth be no further PORR Project pending completion sentatives have recently become realignment of the proposed high- of the long delayed RM400 mil- nation-wide personalities. Issues way. No doubt there will be seri- lion Jelutong Expressway. Only surrounding their failure to vote ous impact on the environment, after its completion, Law had ar- against the DAP motion in the and the quality of life of gued, could it be determined Penang Assembly on 21 Nov, the Penangites will be affected. whether there was real need for investigation by the MCA Disci- this controversial highway. It was plinary Board into their absten- But there is also popular concern because of this growing discon- tion, and their subsequent sus- that the Penang government is try- certment between the Penang pension from the MCA indefi- ing to solve Penang’s transport Government and the Penangites, nitely, dominated domestic poli- problems by simply adding a new according to Tan Cheng Liang, tics in early December. ring road here, an additional ex- that she abstained from voting pressway there, and even a third against the DAP motion. After all, There have been arguments and link connecting the island to the the DAP motion was simply to counter-arguments by their sup- peninsula. There is no evidence postpone the launch of the Project. porters and detractors whether the that it is developing an “integrated party whip was in effect when the transport system” wherein a more However, it does not appear that voting was conducted; of the other comprehensive public transport the merit of Tan’s argument, even SLAs who were missing when the system (including perhaps a light less the objections of Penangites, vote was taken; of brewing ten- rail transit system) is given due were ever seriously taken into con- sions between the MCA and consideration. Finally, there is sideration during the MCA Disci- Gerakan as well as between the amazement that the RM1.02 bil- plinary Board’s deliberations. For Aliran Monthly : Vol.22(11/12) Page 4 and the MCA, there would not nowadays more interested in have been any protest and contro- pushing for the realization of an versy. The Gerakan president, Islamic state, rather than in repre- who does not reside on the island, senting the interests of the rakyat, insults Penangites, considerable Muslim and non-Muslim. In view numbers of whom are opposed to of such apprehensions about the the Project for reasons mentioned opposition parties, there is a dan- above. Some also smell a rat! They ger that concerned Malaysians did not need to be instigated by might begin to withdraw from the MCA nor even by the opposi- politics, or rally behind the BN by tion parties. default. The Formal Realm Of In fact, there is little possibility of Procedural Democracy PAS’ Islamic state coming to pass in the immediate future. For in re- The PORR issue highlights the sponse to the improved perform- existence of the formal and the non- ance of PAS in the 1999 general a while, it seemed that the Board formal realms of politics in Malay- election, the BN government, was concerned whether the BN sia.
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