Spanish M.A. Program Reading List Department of World Languages, Literatures & Cultures University of Arkansas One of the requirements for completion of a Master of Arts degree in Spanish is a comprehensive exam on the course work and the MA reading list. MA students should demonstrate knowledge and a broad understanding of the cultural and literary history of the Hispanic world (Spain, Latin America and Hispanic U.S.). Each student will select five historical periods of the MA list, meeting the following criteria: two periods from Spain and two from Latin America must be included; at least two of the periods selected should be of periods before 1900. The period of concentration are Colonial, 19th Century, Contemporary 20-21th Centuries, and U.S. Latino/a for Latin America, and Medieval, Golden Age, 19th Century, and Contemporary 20-21th Centuries for Spain. Students must demonstrate knowledge of the corresponding cultural movements, representative works and authors in each historical period selected. The five periods selected should be from those in which the student has taken courses. If a student selects a period in which she or he has not taken a course, it is recommended to contact the respective faculty member for guidance and orientation. Although much of the material in the reading list will be covered in the classes offered, some works in the MA reading list will need to be studied on an independent basis. Format The comprehensive exam consists of a written part and an oral defense. All parts of the exam are conducted in Spanish. The written exam consists of two parts: The first part includes essay questions on historical periods, literary genres, and cultural movements. Students must answer three questions out of five, including at least one question from Latin America and one from Spain. Students have three hours to complete the exam. The second part of the written exam includes thirty (30) identification words or phrases related to the works, authors, and cultural movements from Latin America and Spain as well as key literary terms. Students have three hours to complete the exam. Oral exam The students who successfully pass the written exam will have an oral exam with at least three faculty members. In the oral exam students may be asked to clarify or expand their essay questions or identifications. The students may also be asked about the essay questions not selected in the written part. Evaluation criteria The exam is evaluated as follows: High Pass/Pass/Fail. In case of failure, the comprehensive exam can only be repeated once. The exam will be evaluated by a committee of at least three faculty members selected by the graduate advisor. The answers of both the written and oral components of the comprehensive exam should reflect a successful completion of coursework and thorough familiarity with the works, authors, and periods of the MA reading list and a general understanding of the cultural history of the Hispanic world. In the exam, the students must demonstrate advanced Spanish oral and writing skills. The essays should be well-organized, coherent, and clearly-written. Essay questions should offer concrete examples and references from the literary works in the list and the texts covered in the courses taken. In the identification part, the student should provide key information on the word or phrase, demonstrating familiarity with the respective literary work, author, or period in question. In one or two paragraphs the students should provide information on the corresponding country, period, author, movement. The identification answers should also provide key details on the content of the literary works in question. Common identifications are main characters, titles, authors, movements, and literary concepts. Oral exam, the student should be able to produce knowledgeable and articulate responses on topics and works related to his or her selected periods. Schedule M.A. students normally take the exam during the last semester of coursework. The exam is offered only twice a year, the third week of April and November. Students must inform the graduate advisor at least one month in advance when they intend to take the comprehensive exams. The written part is taken on the same day, the essays in the morning and the identifications in the afternoon. The oral exam is scheduled approximately one week after the written exam. SPANISH LITERATURE I. MIDDLE AGES Background readings: D. Deyermond A Literary History of Spain I: The Medieval Ages Otis H. Green Spain and the Western Tradition. Vol. 1. (Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1963-64.) Bárbara Mujica Antología de la literatura española Jarchas cantigas y villancicos (selections) Anonymous Poema del Mío Cid Anonymous Auto de los reyes magos Poesía femenina hispano-árabe y poetas hebreos de Al-Andalus (selections) Gonzalo de Berceo Milagros de Nuestra Señora (prólogo y 3 milagros) Juan Ruiz El libro de Buen Amor Alfonso X, el sabio Crónica general (selección) Don Juan Manuel El conde Lucanor (5 exempla) Poesía de Cancionero (selections including Villasandino, Mena y Santillana). Romances (anthology selections) Alfonso Martínez de Toledo Arciprestre de Talavera o Corbacho (selections) Leonor López de Córdoba Memorias Jorge Manrique Coplas que hizo por la muerte de su padre Juan Rodríguez del Padrón Estoria de dos amadores ( in Siervo Libre de Amor). Fernando de Rojas La celestina II. RENAISSANCE AND BAROQUE General background readings: V. Cantarino Civilización y cultura de España F. Rico Historia crítica de la literatura española J. L. Alborg Historia de la literatura española J.M. Díez Borque Historia de la literatura española J.H. Elliott. Spain and its World, 1500-1700. New Haven: Yale UP, 1989. THEATER Lope de Rueda “Las aceitunas” Miguel de Cervantes “El retablo de las maravillas” Lope de Vega La dama boba Fuenteovejuna Juan Ruiz de Alarcón La verdad sospechosa Tirso de Molina El burlador de Sevilla Pedro Calderón de la Barca La vida es sueño El gran teatro del mundo Ana Caro Valor agravio y mujer María de Zayas La traición en la amistad RENAISSANCE AND BAROQUE PROSE Anonymous El Abencerraje Anonymous Lazarillo de Tormes Francisco de Quevedo La vida del buscón Miguel de Cervantes Don Quijote Novelas ejemplares: “Rinconete y Cortadillo” “La fuerza de la sangre” “El coloquio de los perros” “El celoso extremeño” María de Zayas La inocencia castigada Estragos que causa el vicio El prevenido engañado RENAISSANCE AND BAROQUE POETRY Anthology: E. Rivers Renaissance and Baroque Poetry in Spain Garcilaso de la Vega “Oh dulces prendas por mi mal halladas” “Hermosas ninfas, que en el río metidas” “En tanto que de rosa y de azucena” “Egloga III” “Canción V”, “Si de mi baja lira” Fray Luis de León “Vida retirada” y “A Francisco Salinas” San Juan de la Cruz “Cántico espiritual” “Que muero porque no muero” “Noche oscura del alma” Luis de Góngora “Menos solicitó veloz saeta” (sonetos) “Mientras por competir con tu cabello” (sonetos) “Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea” Francisco de Quevedo, sonetos “¡Ah de la vida!… ¿nadie me responde?” “¡Ah Floralba! Soñé que te… ¿dirélo? “En breve cárcel traigo aprisionado” “Miré los muros de la patria mía” “Cerrar podrá mis ojos la postrera” Letrilla: “Poderosos caballero es don dinero” Lope de Vega, sonetos: “Versos de amor, conceptos esparcidos “Noche, fabricadora de embelecos” “¿Qué tengo yo que mi amistad procuras? “Un soneto me manda hacer Violante” Santa Teresa “Vivo sin vivir en mí” “Muero porque no muero” “Vuestra soy” III. 18th AND 19th CENTURIES THEATER: Leandro Fernández de Moratín El sí de las niñas (Castalia Didáctica) La comedia nueva Angel de Saavedra Don Alvaro (Castalia Didáctica) José Zorrilla Don Juan Tenorio (Clásicos Castalia) Antonio García Gutiérrez El Trovador Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch Los amantes de Teruel Bretón de los Herreros Muérete ¡y verás! Manuel Tamayo y Baus Un drama nuevo POETRY: José de Espronceda El estudiante de Salamanca. El diablo mundo (Clásicos Castalia) José Zorrilla Cantos del trovador (selecciones) Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer Rimas (Castalia Didáctica) Rosalía de Castro En las orillas del Sar (Clásicos Castalia) NOVEL: Emilia Pardo Bazán Los Pazos de Ulloa (Clásicos Castalia) Leopoldo Alas La regenta (Clásicos Castalia, ed. de Gonzalo Sobejano) Benito Pérez Galdós Fortunata y Jacinta y Tristana (Bristol, ed. de Gordon Minter) Cecilia Böhl de Faber La gaviota José María de Pereda Sotileza o Peñas arriba Juan Valera Pepita Jiménez Vicente Blasco Ibáñez La barraca SHORT STORY: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer Leyendas (Castalia Didáctica) Desde su celda (selecciones) Leopoldo Alas Relatos breves (Castalia Didáctica) ESSAY: Mariano José de Larra Artículos (Castalia Didáctica) IV. SPAIN 20th CENTURY-PRESENT THEATER: Ramón del Valle-Inclán Luces de Bohemia Jacinto Benavente Los intereses creados Federico García Lorca La casa de Bernarda Alba y Bodas de sangre Alejandro Casona La dama del alba Antonio Buero Vallejo Historia de una escalera and Las meninas NOVEL AND SHORT STORY: Miguel de Unamuno Niebla Pío Baroja El árbol de la ciencia Ramón del Valle-Inclán Sonata de primavera Camilo José Cela La famila de Pascual Duarte and La colmena Carmen Laforet Nada Juan Goytisolo Señas de identidad Luis Martín-Santos Tiempo de silencio Ana María Matute La trampa Carmen Martítn Gaite El cuarto de atrás Cristina Fernández Cubas Con Ágatha en Estanbul POETRY: From the following anthologies, please read the introductions and a good sampling of the poems. If you are unable to find these anthologies, similar ones may be substituted, but please check with the instructor for approval. Antonio Machado, Poesás escogidas, Vicente Tusón (ed.), Castalia Didáctica. Juan Ramón Jiménez, Selección de poemas, Gilbert Azám (ed.), Clásicos Castalia. Antología poética de la generación del 27, Arturo Ramoneda (ed.), Castalia Didáctica. Antología de la poesía española (1939-1975), José Enrique Martínez (ed.), Castalia Didáctica. In consultation with the instructor, choose readings from Julia Uceda, Antonio Colinas, Pere Gimferrer, Guillermo Carnero, Pureza Canelo, Juana Castro and other more recent poets.
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