H/ JOURNAL OF 'HE AUSTRALIAN NAVAL INSTITUTE VOLUME 2 NOVEMBER 1976 NUMBER 4 AUSTRALIAN NAVAL INSTITUTE 1. The Australian Naval Institute has been formed and incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory. The main objects of the Institute are:- a. to encourage and promote the advancement of knowledge related to the Navy and the Maritime profession. b. to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas concerning subjects related to the Navy and the Maritime profession. c. to publish a journal. 2. The Institute is self supporting and non-profit making. The aim is to encourage freedom of dis- cussion, dissemination of information, comment and opinion and the advancement of professional knowledge concerning naval and maritime matters. 3. Membership of the Institute is open to:— a. Regular Members—Members of the Permanent Naval Forces of Australia. b. Associate Members—(1) Members of the Reserve Naval Forces of Australia. (2) Members of the Australian Military Forces and the Royal Australian Air Force both permanent and reserve. (3) Ex-members of the Australian Defence Forces, both permanent and reserve components, provided that they have been honourably discharged from that force. (4) Other persons having and professing a special interest in naval and maritime affairs. c. Honorary Members—A person who has made a distinguished contribution to the Naval or maritime profession or who has rendered distinguished service to the Institute may be elected by the Council to Honorary Membership. 4. Joining fee for Regular and Associate Member is $5. Annual Subscription for both is $10. 5. Inquiries and application for membership should be directed to:— The Secretary, Australian Naval Institute, P.O. Box 18, DEAKIN, A.C.T. 2600. CONTRIBUTIONS As the Australian Naval Institute exists for the promotion and advancement of knowledge relating to the Naval and maritime profession, all members are strongly encouraged to submit articles for publication. Only in this way will our aims be achieved. DISCLAIMER In writing for the Institute it must be borne in mind that the views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Department of Defence, the Chief of Naval Staff or the Institute. JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN NAVAL INSTITUTE (INC) Title CONTENTS Page President's Annual Report 2 Chapter News 2 Correspondence 3 Financial Statements 5 Officer Development - By Rear Admiral G. R. Griffiths, DSO, DSC, RAN 6 Training the General List Officer, Some Problems and Possibilities - By 'Master Ned' 10 Pearl Harbour - By LCDR. W. M. Swan, RAN (Ret) 16 From the Editor 17 Objectivity in Ship Procurement - By LCDR. C. J. Skinner, RAN 18 Proposed Protected Cruiser for Australia 23 Wargaming - By Lieutenant S. P. Lemon RAN 27 Book Reviews . 35 Articles or condensations of articles are not to be reprinted or reproduced without the permission of the Institute. Extracts may be quoted for the purposes of research, review or comment provided the source is acknowledged. ***** OUR COVER Our cover now features the crest of the Australian Naval Institute. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute-Page 1 The state of our finances and the record of income and expenditure up to the end of our financial year (30 September) have been distributed separately and will be printed in the next issue of the Journal. As can be seen our funds are in a comparatively healthy state but as with everything, inflation continues to exercise its grip on our rising publsihing costs. To summarise, a year of consolidation and President's Report Presented at the steady progress. Annual General Meeting Held on 22 October, 1976 CHAPTER NEWS It gives me much pleasure in reporting to Canberra you the activities of the Australian Naval Institute On Wednesday, 29th September, Rear Admiral G. R. for the year 1975/76. Since my first report there GRIFFITHS, DSO, DSC, the Chief of Naval Personnel, has been considerable progress. On the 30 addressed the Canberra Chapter on the subject of "Officer September 1976 our membership stood at 140 Development". regular, 115 associate and 3 honorary members, a The meeting, which was held at the usual venue, total increase of 125 since 30 September 1975. RSL National Headquarters, and chaired by the Convenor, This is very gratifying but we should all strive to Captain L. G. FOX, RAN, produced our best ever attend- encourage more to join. The future success of the ance of 41 members and guests. Australian Naval Institute depends largely on the The Admiral's talk stimulated a large number of questions and a wide ranging discussion which extended strength of its membership. into the refreshment period, after closure of the formal The Council has met each month during the meeting. year under review to conduct the day to day The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 30th business of the Institute. I would like to take this November when Commander A. R. CUMMINS, RAN is expected to address the Chapter on the subject "Opera- opportunity to thank all officers and councillors tional Training Projections for the 1980's". for their support and advice during the year. As foreshadowed in my Report last year the By-Laws have now been issued. The issue of the August 1976 Journal (our 5th) displayed the Institute's new crest on the Canberra Chapter Annual Report cover. It is intended that the crest be used for The Canberra Chapter has met on five occasions at RSL National Headquarters during the 1975/76 year with future issues until we are big enough and weatlhy an aggregate attendance of 133 members. Papers were enough to vary the cover illustration from issue to delivered at these meetings as follows: issue. The Journal, thanks to the dedication of a small group of enthusiasts, has reached a high October 1975: The Future Role of Womens Services standard in articles printed and is being widely by Captain B.D. McLeod A.M. WRANS November 1975: The Indian Armed Services-An Over- praised for its content. I would like to add here view by Captain T.R. Fisher, RAN that contributions from members in the way of March 1976: Australian Martitime Trade letters and comment on articles published has by Captain N. Ralph DSC, RAN not been very large and if we are to attain our aim, June 1976: The FFG Acquisition-Some Aspects we need more from members to the forum, about of the Management Role which, for years many, many Naval people by Captain N.R.B. Berlyn RAN lamented the fact that we did not possess-we now September 1976: Officer Development by Rear Admiral G.R. Griffiths DSO, do-so to your pens. DSC Support for a National Headquarters from Chapter finances solely involved the sale of refresh- the organisations mentioned last year was minimal. ments in which the cash turnover totalled $144.93. The This project is kept under constant review by the Chapter has an outstanding liability of $13.00 with cash in hand of $20.22. It also has assets to the value of $30.45. Council but prospects do not look very promising. The Chapter accounts have been audited by the Honorary Chapters of the Institute are active both in Treasurer of the ANI. Sydney and Canberra under the vigoruous leader- The Office Bearers of the Canberra Chapter are as ship of their respective Convenors. Regular meet- follows: Convener-Captain L. G. Fox; Secretary-Lieu- ings are held and papers persented which are later tenant R. Jemesen; Treasurer—Mr. F. Goddard. published in the Journal. It is hoped that like- The next meeting of the Canberra Chapter will take place at the RSL National Headquarters Tuesday, 30th minded enthusiasts in other centres will follow November, 1976, and further meetings are expected to suit. It does not require many members to start a occur thereafter during 1977 at approximately quarterly Chapter. intervals. Page 2-Journal of the Australian Naval Institute In conclusion, it is considered that the proceedings of the Canberra Chapter have made a valuable contribu- tion to the growth of the ANI and it is with some optimism that the office bearers look forward to the Chapter year 1976/77. L. G. Fox Correspondence Captain, RAN Chapter Convener Dear Sir, I was delighted to see "Juror's" letter in the May Sydney Chapter Annual Report '76 Journal, and I concede his point that I have not pro- perly investigated the Battleship Mentality in the RAN. The inaugural meeting was held on 22 October, Unfortunately he weakens his position by the statement 1975 at which the film "The Rise of the Red Navy" and about the "DDG acquisitions during the gun-boat war of two papers were presented. "The Battleship Mentality Part Confrontation". In fact the DDG's were ordered four years I-The Case for the Prosecution" was presented by Captain before Confrontation began. Nevertheless, I hope his J. A. Robertson and 'Software at Sea' was presented by letter will have roused some others to write and tackle the Lieutenant Commander C. J, Skinner. Both papers and subject with greater precision. the film invoked considerable interest and subsequent While commenting on the May issue, "Slingshot" is discussion. obviously another member with something thicker than The second meeting was held on 10th December, ice water in his veins. While I do not agree completely 1975 when two papers were presented, "Naval Aspects with everything he says, either, it is, in my opinion, one of the Defence of Australia" by Rear Admiral N. E. of the best contributions we have had so far, and gives me McDonald and "Operation Sea King Recovery" by Captain great hope for the Institute's future. Whoever you are J.
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