4 - 23000 GEOGRAPHY AND TOURISM, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2020), 47-54, Semi-Annual Journal eISSN 2449-9706, ISSN 2353-4524, DOI: 10.36122/GAT20200804 © Copyright by Kazimierz Wielki University Press, 2020. All Rights Reserved. http://geography.and.tourism.ukw.edu.pl Dorota Świtała-Trybek University of Opole, Faculty of Philology ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8525-5800 email: [email protected] New trends in culinary tourism – regional (Silesian) fusion cuisine Abstract: This article concerns regional cuisine, mainly new ways of its presentation taking into account personal visions the preparation of certain dishes. Today, in culinary tourism there is a growing interest in regional dishes in fusion versions. The author discusses the characteristics of the regional and fusion cuisine, identifies selected Silesian dishes most often modified by chefs, presents the typology of restaurants that offer regional specialities in modern versions. The trend concerning modernized versions of regional specialities is constantly growing, as evidenced by, among others, an increasing number of restaurants specialized in such “food creations”. They are treated as a culinary attraction, and as such they appeal to the interests of an increasing number of culinary and gourmet tourists, especially among the younger generation. Keywords: culinary tourism, regional cuisine, fusion cuisine, restaurants, Silesia 1. Introduction Consuming different foods and drinks not only means of expression. Lastly, culinary heritage satisfies basic existential needs, namely, hunger manifests in language through names associ- and thirst. Its significance goes far beyond the ated with cuisine and activities related to food above-mentioned needs, which is reflected in preparation and circumstances of its consump- the intensive development of culinary tourism tion (Świtała-Trybek and Przymuszała, 2018). focused on the theme of culinary heritage. It is Culinary heritage, so willingly emphasized worth mentioning that culinary heritage is the today, has many enthusiasts who travel to spe- material and spiritual output of previous gener- cific tourist areas in order to get to know and ations, as well as contemporary achievements. experience it. Culinary tourism, one of the char- It is an important cultural element of every acteristic forms of cultural or cognitive tourism nation, shaped for centuries and constantly (Kowalczyk, 2008; Matusiak, 2009; Durydiwka, developing, consisting of both local products 2013), which belongs to one of the most inter- as well as those borrowed and adapted to the esting trends of contemporary cultural tourism needs, preferences and current trends in nutri- in Poland (Stasiak, 2015), is “thematic travelling tion. Therefore, culinary heritage includes, in order to learn local, regional and national apart from ready meals, physical artefacts such raw materials, food products, as well as tra- as kitchen utensils, household items, methods ditional dishes of both rural and urban areas. of growing plants and raising farm animals, This type of tourism rewards tourists because food preparation and preservation, etc. It also they can personally experience new tastes and accounts for intangible aspects, such as culinary smells, and return to those already known. This practices accompanying family customs and is done by taking part in culinary events, tra- annual events, knowledge of food ingredients, versing culinary trails, visiting restaurants and their use, preparation, as well as oral history museums focused on culinary arts, watching concerning these issues, covering a variety of technological processes in food processing 48 Dorota Świtała-Trybek plants, as well as observing the preparation of tourist activities to food, its ingredients and culinary specialities” (Woźniczko et al., 2015). preparation), cuisine tourism (the main pur- In addition, it includes “travels to visit regions pose of a trip is widely understood cuisine, and cities distinctive in the context of culinary but less focused on details, rather expressed traditions, also by reason of their specific cul- in the desire to explore new flavours or return tural landscape, etc.” (Kowalczyk, 2016, p. 32). to those already known, etc.), culinary tourism Culinary tourism consists of three inseparable (motivations and culinary needs are secondary, components present in different proportions: e.g. participation in a culinary festival as a form high quality food, gaining knowledge and expe- of leisure, not just out of a necessity to meet rience (Stasiak, 2015, 2016). Without a doubt, physiological needs). The last type are tourists modern culinary tourism is by all means a cul- for whom cuisine is complementary in terms of tural phenomenon (Orłowski and Woźniczko, tourism, e.g. the desire to taste or see something 2016). different in a new place, e.g. vineyard, market, In the era of mass tourism, an opportunity etc. (Hall and Sharples, 2003). to explore culinary heritage, both tangible and In modern culinary tourism, which draws intangible, in different tourism areas is asso- from a rich set of diverse content related to cul- ciated with the typologization of certain culi- tural heritage, practices that sweeten regional nary tourists according to their motivations. cuisine through extraordinary effort to present C. M. Hall and L. Sharples identified four basic it in an entirely different way are becoming types of culinary tourists: gourmet tourism (the more and more popular. This is not a com- most informed in the matter of food, knowing pletely new phenomenon. Kitchen experiments exactly what they want, having a clearly defined have always marked the development of culi- goal, for example, having certain foods in a spe- nary arts, but, and it needs to be stressed, not cific restaurant, purchasing food products on necessarily in traditional cuisines that cherish a specific market. These people subordinate all unchanged, predictable and valuable methods. 2. Methods and material studied The article includes: The analysis of this interesting phenomenon − the discussion on the distinguishing character- has been conducted using the reactive method, istics of regional and fusion cuisine (Table 1); secondary sources (Polish and foreign litera- − the presentation of selected regional (Sile- ture on the subject), materials obtained during sian) fusion dishes (Table 2) as well as the visits to restaurants offering fusion cuisine, as typology of restaurants offering such foods; well as online materials. 3. Results and analysis 3.1. Regional cuisine vs. fusion cuisine In Poland, for centuries mainly an agricultural that there are no differences between Polish country, regional cuisines are similar. We often regional cuisines. There are, and their forma- encounter the same or slightly altered dishes, tion was affected by annexations and merging frequently under different names, all over the of various culinary patterns. In Galicia, belong- country. Basic foods were: bread (especially ing to the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, which of rye flour), cereal, pastries, dairy prod- was a conglomeration of different nations, the ucts and – since the 18th century – potatoes. occupant did not interfere in the customs of Undoubtedly, gathering resources also used its subjects, therefore cuisine could easily be to play an important role (mushrooms, ber- subjected to various influences. Borderland ries, fruits) (Bohdanowicz, 1996; Byszewska cuisine with dumplings and jam was enriched and Kurpińska, 2012). This does not mean by peppers and mamałyga, Viennese cakes, New trends in culinary tourism – regional (Silesian) fusion cuisine 49 apple strudel, Hungarian goulash or Viennese ation of the modern nutrition market, both schnitzel. As a result, today’s Małopolska cui- globalized and unified as well as oriented on sine is a real mixture of Hungarian, Austrian the production of goods containing unhealthy and Lvov delicacies. Wielkopolska, oppressed ingredients, such as flavour enhancers, trans by the Prussians, was famous for its steamed fats, salt, etc. Traditional cuisine products dumplings with obligatory duck sauce, as well are seen as opposed to “bulk-made” food as excellent preserved products. It also took products manufactured by food corporations a lot from German cuisine, e.g. pork knuckle, and available commercially (e.g. in super- one-pot dishes (eintopf) or yeast dough. The markets, large shops), as well as eating in the Russian annexation left the least traces – hatred so-called fast food joints. Their main value is of the tsarist regime prevented it. Only later our the fact that they “come from the past”, are the cuisine adopted blini, knish and coulibiac (Szy- legacy of earlier generations and are willingly manderska, 2010, p. 8). highlighted, hence they are sentimental and Regional cuisines are an important part of trusted, but are also being memorized by next the tourist offer, and today their popularity generations (Świtała-Trybek, 2019). is undeniable (Kowalczyk, 2011). This global Fusion cuisine combines representative culinary trend is gaining momentum every elements of culinary traditions from differ- ear, constantly taking new forms. This issue ent countries, regions and cultures (What is is so interesting that ways of narration about fusion cuisine: https://www.filharmoniasmaku. regional cuisines, as well as their form of pre- info/blog/czym-jest-kuchnia-fusion/). It is an sentation (simple and natural ingredients, expression of multiculturalism, which is why home-made dishes prepared using time
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