Volume 125 Issue 88 kansan.com Wednesday, March 13, 2013 THE UNIVERSITY DAILY KANSAN PAGE 2 Tyshawn stands up for Elijah Interactive art at Anschutz UDKthe student voice since 1904 PAGE 10 SHIVER ME TIMBERS DOWNLOAD DANGER Copyright Alert System to battle online piracy; those caught illegally downloading could face consequences EMILY DONOVAN er option for students who live regardless of the Copyright Alert [email protected] on campus, is not a part of the System.” Copyright Alert System. At home, Between 1999, the dawn of AT&T, Cablevision, Time however, Sandino’s family sub- peer-to-peer file-sharing, and Warner, Verizon and Comcast are scribes to Time Warner Cable. 2011, music sales in the U.S. have taking long awaited measures to If Sandino ignored six warn- dropped 53 percent, according to address entertainment copyright ings and were to continue ille- the Record Industry Association infringement. Online piracy now gally downloading, one of the pos- of America. faces a battle with the Copyright sible mitigation measures, band- “The music industry ­­— the Alert System, developed by inter- width throttling, would reduce the people who produce and sell the net service providers and copy- Internet speed for Sandino’s entire music — has been decimated by right holders such as the Motion family. Theoretically, this would [illegal downloading],” said Kelly Picture Association of America, leave Sandino to download, his Corcoran, the owner of Love the Recording Industry Association sister to check Facebook, his mom Garden Sounds in Lawrence. “But of America and the National to reply to email and his dad to do they were overpriced for so many Cable and Telecommunications work all at a dial-up speed for one years that it led people to alternate Association. week. ways to getting music.” The Copyright Alert System will “If I was going to torrent, I Love Garden Sounds is a new standardize sanctions, representing wouldn’t do it at home because it’s and used vinyl record store at 822 a major step taken against the ille- not only my Internet, it’s my fam- Massachusetts St. Business hasn’t gal downloading of entertainment. ily’s Internet,” Sandino said. been hurt by illegal downloading Anyone caught illegally down- Notifications are sent to the because the store has adapted to loading will receive six warnings. owner of the Internet service pro- the modern landscape of illegal Thereafter, ISPs will enact mitiga- vider’s account, rather than direct- downloading, Corcoran said. This tion measures. ly to the individual who has vio- is partially thanks to dedicated The Information Technology lated copyright laws. This system rock fans, since top 40, hip-hop and Innovation Foundation esti- avoids infringing on privacy, said and electronic music are the most mates that the illegal downloading University of Kansas School of Law illegally downloaded genres. of copyright entertainment content professor Mike Kautsch, by adding “Nobody talks about going to a like music and movies consumes agreeing to being subject to the store to buy the new Lil Wayne,” 24 percent of bandwidth globally. Copyright Alert System into the Corcoran said. “They do think Freshman Nick Sandino, for one, Internet service provider’s terms about doing that if they want to go might be in trouble. and conditions. Furthermore, ISPs buy the Black Keys.” Sandino, a marketing major from have sworn to not sell their sub- While peer-to-peer sharing sup- Overland Park, uses uTorrent to scriber’s browsing information to porters may criticize the economics download games and shows from outside parties. of the music industry or argue that The Pirate Bay, which provides tor- “Federal law is very clear,” creative works should be shared, rent files and magnet links. While Kautsch said. “Original works of copyright protection laws are what he downloads PC games like “Deus expression are protected by copy- they are and people should be com- Ex” or “Borderlands 2,” he makes right.” pliant, said Kautsch. a point to pay for the music and The Copyright Alert System “The people who feel that there games that he enjoys. imposes a graduating series of noti- ought to be more freedom to share “If I do want to buy a new game, fications and demands for compli- using peer-to-peer software need I will torrent that game then, if I ance with the law. to go to Congress and lobby for a actually enjoy it, I’ll buy it,” Sandino “I think it will probably have change in the law,” Kautsch said. said. “I don’t want to spend $60 on some deterrent effect,” Kautsch “That’s what they ought to do rath- a game and not enjoy it. I don’t said. “It probably will not suc- er than simply defy the existing TRAVIS YOUNG/KANSAN mind paying for a game, but I want ceed at the level that the copyright l aw.” The Copyright Alert System, developed by internet service providers and copyright holders , will battle online piracy and to try it first.” owners hope it will. There will be standardize punitive procedures. Anyone caught torrenting or illegally downloading will receive six warnings. Thereafter, the ResNet, the Internet provid- determined infringers who subsist — Edited by Hayley Jozwiak copyright holders have said they are not interested in prosecution, but there is nothing legally stopping them from suing. ADMINISTRatION Chancellor discusses recent news, basketball and break affect our funding overall, but the rights to the land, which origi- Aside from being a staple of SPRING BREAK PLANS in particular how it would affect nally belonged to Haskell Indian the college basketball season, espe- During the break, Gray-Little graduate student funding,” Gray- Nations University, with two other cially at the University, the national plans to continue to promote the Little said. groups. Portions of the land are tournament benefits the University Far Above campaign. Gray-Little explained that the available to students and faculty by increasing visibility. While traveling, Gray-Little amount of the fund to be decreased for research, but are not frequently “There will be people who, meets and speaks with alumni would depend on the size of the used. because of that kind of tourna- and donors about the University’s grant as well as how many graduate Although Gray-Little recognized ment, know the Jayhawks,” Gray- goals in quality of educational positions are offered in a program. that the land is considered by some Little said. and research programs. Since “If it’s a grant that had one or two students at Haskell and KU to be The presence of the University December, she has traveled to graduate students, it might result a special, if not sacred place, she in the tournament and the celebra- Phoenix, multiple cities in Texas in a reduction in the funding for said there will most likely not be tion of advancement may attract and California,and will be travel- those graduate students. If there’s a university-wide effort to avoid some potential students to inquire ing to Denver and Chicago in the a grant that has multiple graduate construction. about applications and admissions, future. students, it could eliminate one of “Last year or the year before, it but Gray-Little said where she sees These meetings serve as forums the positions,” she said. became clear that the state could the most dedication and excite- for discussion as well as social It’s uncertain whether the cuts declare imminent domain over the ment is from the alumni. gatherings. will be visible this year or how dif- property that we have and use it for “There are alumni who travel “That’s an element of the ferent agencies will handle them. the purpose of an easement any- from very far places to come to GEORGE MULLINIX/KANSAN University that the students who However, any potential cut could way,” she said. “So in some ways an the celebrations when we go far in are currently enrolled don’t get to Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little talks to reporters about things going on around effect the efficiency of the research official effort doesn’t change that the tournament and there will be see very much of, but it’s really campus and the state on Monday. Gray-Little said that March Madness will help itself. situation very much.” people who I’ll meet as I’m travel- attract potential students. a very enjoyable activity because “Graduate students are very ing who will tell me that they came the strength of commitment to the important in actually getting the MARCH MADNESS back for this event,” Gray-Little EMMA LEGAULT board federal funding cut took University is so strong in the alum- research done, so it would eventu- As the men’s basketball team said. ni,” Gray-Little said. “When we [email protected] effect as Congress declared seques- tration as a consequence for fail- ally affect the productivity of the prepares to kick off the Big 12 Gray-Little believes that student go to a place and have a reception In her second interview with ing to take action to balance the research as well,” Gray-Little said. and NCAA tournaments, March support is vital during the post- and visit with them, they’re just Madness is alive and well on cam- season. delighted to be there and happy the University Daily Kansan, federal budget. WETLANDS Chancellor Bernadette Gray- Although it hasn’t been deter- pus. “I just hope that we are suc- to see one another, so it’s a good Little discussed the Congressional mined when or how individual Student Senate recently voted Gray-Little joked that she tries cessful,” she said.
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