Volume 3, Issue 3 May-June 2008 Caucus Chronicle EMBASSY EMBASSY PHILIPPINE Newsletter published by the Philippine Embassy for the members of the Philippines-US Congressional Friendship Caucus President Arroyo to meet President Bush, Congressional leaders Inside this issue: President Gloria Macapagal- engagements include meet- Balanced budget 2 Arroyo will be in the United ings with Filipino communi- States for a week-long visit to ties, Filipino World War II Ambassador’s Corner 3 further strengthen the historic veterans and American busi- ties between the Philippines ness groups. Caucus Members in 3 Focus and the US. She will also hold a series of The President, accompanied meetings on a wide range of Independence Day Mes- 4 by First Gentleman Miguel issues including the environ- sages Arroyo, will take a commer- ment, security, human rights, Independence Day : 6 cial flight to San Francisco, and other global concerns. Photo Spread California, the first stop of From San Francisco, the President Arroyo shakes hands with Philippine Machine 8 her US visit. President will proceed to Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita Readable Passport before boarding her plane for her Also with the presidential Fresno, California, to hear week-long visit to the US. Gaa welcomes clarifica- 9 party will be some Cabinet mass and interact with the tion on vets bill issue officials, lawmakers and top Filipino community before The President’s second stop Clarification Statement 10 Filipino business leaders. proceeding to Washington is Washington D.C. where of Sen. Akaka The Chief Executive’s US D.C. she will meet with (p.9 pls.) RP UPDATES MCC compact development team visits Philippines • Revenue collections up by 17.9% in the first On 16 May 2008, President Hewko, US Agency for Inter- four months of the year Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo met national Development Mission • RP readies comprehen- with the Millennium Chal- Director Jon Lindborg, Larry sive proposal on MCC lenge Corporation (MCC) Memmott, MCC Deputy Vice compact eligibility Compact Team and thanked President Darius Teter, MCC • Gov't releases P91.28- them for validating the Philip- Operations Department Coun- B for 3.77-M microfi- pine government’s efforts to try Director Darius Nassiry nance borrowers invest in people, fight corrup- and MCC Country Relations • Jobs generation target tion and encourage economic Director Jerry Dutkewych. of 3-million by 2010 freedom. President Arroyo with Compact They were accompanied to on track The MCC team was composed Development Department Vice Malacañan by US Ambassa- • RP to start producing President John Hewko, shortly of Compact Development De- before their consultations at the dor to the Philippines Kristie 10% of its oil need partment Vice President John Presidential Palace in Manila Kenney. (p.2 pls) • Overseas Filipinos dollar remittances to surpass ‘08 $15B mark Free Aung San Suu Kyi - Arroyo • 1 billion peso loan program for students Press Secretary and Presidential Spokesper- house arrest for years, is the recognized launched son Ignacio R. Bunye in a statement yester- leader of the opposition party in Myanmar, • Exxon Mobil Plans day said, “The Philippines regrets the deci- the old Burma. $100M Philippines sion of the Government of Myanmar to ex- “Concrete steps are needed to enhance the Investment tend, once again, the house arrest of Aung credibility of Myanmar's Roadmap to De- • 99 percent of strike San Suu Kyi.” mocracy, that includes the release of political notices in first 5 months resolved Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been under prisoners,” Secretary Bunye (p.8 pls) Volume 3, Issue 3 May-June 2008 Page 2 Balanced budget, no new taxes, infrastructure buildup President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo thus achieve its goal of a balanced said on 27 May 2008 that her admini- budget. stration’s goal of balancing the budget She said that government’s budget sur- remains a top priority despite the hefty plus in April was ''more than double increases in government spending on year on year'' due to increased revenue infrastructure projects that are badly collections, while the cumulative budget needed to accelerate the country’s de- deficit from January to April fell to velopment. P25.8 billion. This overarching goal of a balanced ''I am confident we will be able to sus- budget is attainable without imposing tain progress on the budget front,'' she new taxes, she said in her speech at the stressed. launching of the $550-million Asian The President said the tough economic American Gateway fiber optic cable President Arroyo signs the reforms she initiated have improved the system in Barangay Baccuit, Bauang, "Partnership Buoy" inaugurating the country's fiscal standing tremendously. Philippine leg of the $550-million, La Union.''For the first time in genera- 20,000 kilometer Asia-America ''We are both comfortable and confident tions our budget is under control; we Gateway (AAG) fiber cable network that our discipline will allow us to con- are lowering our deficit and raising project on 27 May 2008 at Barangay tinue on a balanced path of targeted Baccuit in Bauang, La Union. unprecedented amounts of revenue. We investment and overall restraint. Bal- do not want to and will not go back to the days of heavy ancing the budget remains a very important priority that deficit spending. Our commitment to economic reform will not be abandoned. We will do this while also in- has proven effective,'' she said. vesting in much-needed infrastructure and social ser- The President pointed out that with the support of the vices,'' she said. She added there is no need to introduce private sector in the implementation of infrastructure new taxes, and instead tax administration would be en- projects, the government could save its resources and hanced to sustain the increase in revenue collection. MCC compact development team . from p.1 In his report last March, MCC chief invest in our people, fight corruption adding that the Philippines’ proposal executive officer (CEO) John and encourage economic freedom. would focus on food, infrastructure, Danilovich congratulated the gov- These are the hallmarks of my ad- education and health. ernment of the Philippines for “its ministration, and I am absolutely Teves expressed optimism that the demonstrated commitment to tack- thrilled to be so recognized for con- Philippines could break the record of ling difficult challenges and improv- sideration by this prestigious and El Salvador which took 12 months ing the lives of its people.” serious-minded corporation of the to complete.“There is no minimum “While eligibility is an essential first US government.” or maximum (grant amount) for step towards a poverty reduction The MCC Compact is a large-scale each country…” Hewko said, adding grant from the MCC, selection does grant funding based on independent that the amount would depend on the not guarantee funding. The Philip- indicators that measure good gov- project proposals of the eligible pines, like all other countries eligible ernance, the country’s investments country. for the compact, must maintain its in its people and policies that en- The MCC was established in Janu- performance on the MCC selection courage economic freedom. ary 2004, based on the “principle criteria and must now begin a broad- Finance Secretary Margarito Teves, that aid is most effective when it based consultative process with its who was in Malacanan this morning, reinforces good governance, eco- people to develop a proposal that said the MCC team’s visit was to nomic freedom and investments in addresses the country’s barriers to “find out the progress of our efforts people.” poverty reduction and economic in preparing ourselves to meet the MCC’s mission is to reduce global growth. As partners, we agree that requirements of the MCC Compact.” poverty through the promotion of ending corruption and finding long- “Hopefully, we would be eligible to sustainable economic growth. The term ways to reduce poverty are ur- reach the MCC Compact status and MCC was established by US Presi- gent priorities that deserve our full that we would eventually be granted dent George W. Bush at the turn of attention,” Danilovich said. full support,” he added. the millennium to "reward countries When it came out last March, the Teves also said the grant of the that govern well." President hailed the MCC report as a MCC Compact status to the Philip- “remarkable validation of the efforts pines would depend on how good of our government and nation to the proposals of the government are, Volume 3, Issue 3 May-June 2008 Page 3 Caucus Members in Focus Ambassador’s Congressman Robert C. "Bobby" States Congress. Corner Scott began serving his eighth term as Rep. Scott currently serves on the a Member of Congress on January 4, House Committee on the Judiciary, 2007. Rep. Scott also served in the where he is the Chairman of the Sub- Virginia House of Delegates from committee on Crime, Terrorism and 1978 to 1983 and in the Senate of Vir- Homeland Security. Rep. Scott also ginia from 1983 to 1993. serves on the House Committee on During his 15-year tenure in the Vir- Education and Labor and the House ginia General Assembly, Rep. Scott Committee on the Budget. successfully sponsored laws In his 15 years in Congress, that are critical to Virginians Rep. Scott has become known in healthcare, education, em- as a champion of the U.S. ployment, economic develop- Constitution and the Bill of ment, crime prevention, social Rights, fighting to protect the services and consumer protec- rights and civil liberties of all This June, we marked our 110th year as an tion. Americans. independent nation. In November 1992, Rep. Scott Rep. Scott was born on April This is a cause of much celebration, as can was elected to the U.S.
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