Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1928-12-12 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1928). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 216. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/216 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Xaljjertait Published Weekly by Students of St Xavier College VOL. XIV CINCINNATI. OHIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928 NO. 12. BUSINESS STAFF 1929 SCHEDULE EXPANDED MOLONEY For "Samarkand" Holds Organization Departmental Library BLscu-sscd fay Sept 28—Transylvania CO-CAPTAINS Meeting. Oct. 5—Georgetown (Ky.) College ot Liberal Arts Faculty. An organization meeting of the busi­ Oct. 12—West VIrgtaia Wesleyan An increased and expanded deport- ness stan Ior "Samarkand", musical Oct. 19—Centre ; meiital libraiy was the main topic'' of Receives Legion Award comedy to be presented January 30 at Oct. 20—U. S. Marines discussion at the meeting of the facul­ To Lead Musketeers the Emery auditorium by tho com­ Nov. 2—Oglethorpe U. ty ot the College of Liberal Arts, St. bined Clet Club and Masque Society, Nov. 9—Dayton U. Xavier College, Sunday nfternoon. St Xavier College musical and dra Nov. 10-Oiicn It wns decided that if at nil feosible star Center Enters Ranl(s of motlc groups, was held Tuesday eve O'Bryan And stotsbery Receive Nov. 23—Denison U. nn eilort would be mode to increase ning. Josepii McGuiness, business Nov. 28—Haskell Indians tho present number of volumes per­ Musketeer Immortals. manager, presided. ^ Honor. All Kiinies played at Corcoran Field. taining to subject matter under dis­ Members of the business staff in cussion in the vai'iou.s classes. Only Football Men Can Receive elude; Thomas L. Eagen, '29; Goorge Walter S. Schmidt Is Named To E. Winter, '31; Donald McHale, '30; Stress was placed upon mniiitaining Such Honor. the present high scholastio stnnding Legion of Honor. Morse J. Conroy, '20; Wllliani M, SCENE of the College of Liberal Arts, at the Clines, '29; John P. Mullane, '30; Rob­ meeting. "Exceptional Ability, Loyalty, ert Savage, '30; Andrew Schmidt, '32; For 1929 Prom to be Decided TJiJon 1929 Schedule Shows One Open Courage And Character" j John Nolan, '32; Robert Sack, '32; During; Holiday, Sciuson. Hev. Daniel M. O'Connell, S. J., dean, Date; Awards IVIade At An­ Riohard Witto, '30, and Edwai'd Gel- presided. Are Basis For Selection. John P. Mullane, chairnian oC the .ler, '30. nual Banquet. Junior Prom committee, announced E. Wirt Russell, '20, has charge ot lato Tuesday that tlie qommlttee would Prank "Frisby" O'Biyan, Louisville, the program for the production. docide upon the place !for holding the Ky., and Harold "Tank" Stotsbery, Co­ 1929 Prom would be decided upon dur­ BUILDING lumbus, Ohio, were elocted co-captains ing the holiday season. of the 1929 St. Xavier College .football Mullane further indicated that the team at the annual Musketeer banquet committeo was dickering with several To House Biology Department. at the Hotel Alms, Thursday evenhig. first class orchestras but that as yet a definite agreement •' had not been To Be Constructed In Near Fu­ Season To Open With Toledo readied. '•: The Prom commitliee consists of ture; Latest Unit to College Saturday Evening; Large Squad Mullane, as chairman, jEdmund Doyle, Group to Cost $120,000. junior class president, Donald McHale, Out For Team; Partial C. Edward Hoban, and F. Oliver Stiens. Work on tho new S120,000 biology Sohedule Announced. The entire junior class Is holding building to be erected on tho St. Xa­ weekly meetings to arrange details of vier College campus will begin v/Ithin the Prom, which is St. Xavier's only Basketball devotees of Cincinnnti the near futuro, Rov. Hubert F. Brock­ formal dance. '; will have an opportunity to soc the man, S. J., president of the colloge, 1928-29 Musketeer quintet in action announced during the past week. The Saturday night when the crack Uni­ DENTISTRY site of the new biology building Is just William E. "Bill" Moloney. versity of Toledo aggregation como to north of Plinkle Hall, on the east side of Llie campus. It matters not how brilliant are the St. Xavier field house for the Discussed by Dr. J. II. Huschart ai painted the many episodes of the 1928 opening of athletic relations with St. Orientation. The biology department of the col­ tootball season-episodes of victories, Xavior College. lege is housed in Alumni Hall. The "Dentistry as a career should appeal team play and outstanding individual Tlie flrst practice of tho season at heads of the biology department at St. to every undergraduate," Dr. J. Homer perfonnaiices—the achievements of the St. Xavler was conducted Monday. Xavier are Dr. Leonard Wuest and Mr. Huschart, prominent Cincinnati den­ Captain-Elect Frank O'Bryan. Musketeei's of 1928 wUl always go hand A score of ixisslbles reportdi to Vincent V. Herr, ti. J. Erection of tist, said, before St.,iXavier .;;Q,qnege in hand with the brilliant performance Coach Joe Moyer for the initial prac­ the-new-building will allow the college O'Bryan, a gi'aduate of• St. • Xavier- undergraduates at the weekly orienta­ to offer an extended curriculum to of William E. "BIU" Moloney, center tice session Monday afternoon. Among High School, Louisville, has won two the players are the quartet of letter- tion lecture Tuesday morning. Dr. students preparing for the study of and the twenty-sixth player to be Huschart's topic was "Dentistry as a letters in football at St, Xavier. Ho men, Captain George Sterman, "Chip" medicine. named to the Musketeer Legion of Career." is a basketball player and also a track Honoi'. Cnin, Toni Daugherty, and Tom Eagen. Will Harmonize. man, conipeting in tho higli jump and The highest award given by St Xa­ Others who rtiported for the squad in­ The speaker complimented tho col­ The new biology building will har­ pole vault events. vier Coiiege to its othletes was made clude: Lou Arnzen, Fronk McDevitt, lege ui3on its expansion program and monize with othor structures on the at the annual Musketeer banquet at Kenny Schaefer, "Buck" Phillips, Joe Indicated that the proposed $120,000 Avondale campus. At present tlierc the Hotel Alms, Thursday night Bartlett, "Bro" Puttninn, Jim Stout, biology building would be of special arc three college, buildings on each A Kentuckian. Ed Tepe, Don McHale, John Wilke, .service to students contemplating ca­ side of the campus. Tho oxpansion Charles Hope, Harry Foley, Ed O'Hara, reers in medicine and dontistiy. program of tho collego includes ar- Moloney, a native of Lexington, Ky., Gene Bode, Ed Hoban. Bob McGivern. Other prominent specialists of tlio r.ingements for a new chapel building. prepped at Lexington High School be­ Bob Egbers, nnd Jerry Hugger. city will speak before the undergrad­ fore coming to St Xavier. He com­ The St. Xavier building group on Partial Schedule. uates after the Christmas holiday.?. pleted two years in the College of Lib­ the Avondale campus at present in­ Tliero will not be an orientation lec­ eral Arts, St. Xavier, and at present The partial basketball schedule in­ cludes Hinkle Hall, the faculty resi­ ture ne:^ti Tuesday because of tho is a treshman in the St Xavier College cludes: dence building; the library building quarter examinations. ot Law. Deo. 15—Toledo University, here. and Alumni Scionco Hall, used for Deo. 22—Ohio Wesleyan, l-.ero. cla.ss room purposes; the union house, In naming Moloney to the Legion of Elet Hall, students' donnitory and the Honor, the St Xavier College Advisory Doc. 29—Wittenberg College, here. Josepii A. Meyer, athletic director field house. \ Council on Athletics pointed out that Jan. 4—Georgetown, Ky., CoUei^o, here. and head coach, St. Xavier Collego, the award is given for "exceptional Jan. 16—Loyola University, thei'e. will attend the annual football ban­ Another plan which the college ex­ playing abiUty, loyalty to the coUege Jan. 17—St. Viator Collego, there. quet of the University of Dayton, at ecutives have in mind is to secure a and the team, courage and character .Jan. 26—St. Louis Univei'sity, there. -the Hotel GibbonB, Dayton, thi's evening. special building for the seismograph on and oH the fleld." Peb. 9—University ot Dnyton, thero. equipment at St. Xavier. The seismo­ Peb. 10—Kenyon Collego, there. graph station Is housed in the base­ The Legion of Honor award is be­ Rev. Thomas A. Nol.in, S. J., spoke Captain-EIvct Harold IStotsbery. stowed only upon footbaU players. No Peb. 23—University ol Dnyton, here. at tho weekly chapel assembly, this ment of the library building. other sport can qualify a student. morning. Stotsbery, also a two-letter man. Committee BASKETBALL PROGRAM QUARTER EXAMS weighs 220 pounds and played a whale The committee naming Moloney to First official appearance of the St. of a game at tackle this year. He is the Honor Legion was composed of Jo­ likewise a track man, bufc confines his A forty-four pnge basketball pro­ Xavler Song Book will be made at the Quarter examinations in the College seph A. Meyer, athletic director, Walter gram, and general athletic review will University of Toledo-St. Xavler Col­ track activities to the shofc put. S. Schmidt, chairman Athletlo Coun­ of Liberal Arts, St. Xavier College, will 'Surprise. mnke its initial appearance at the lege basketbaU game, Saturday.
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