Atlantic Union leaner " Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields ; for they are white already to harvest" VOL. XV SOUTH LANCASTER, MASS., MAY 31, 1916 No. 22 did not know where they were lo- He also states that our hope of de- GENERAL ARTICLES cated in Havana, which is about half . feating the bills now before Congress as large as Boston. depends largely upon the petitions of OUT OF MEXICO AGAIN After a day in Havana, we came protest which are sent to Congress; ONCE more it has seemed best for to Santa Clara, a beautiful little city therefore, we would urge our people us to leave our home in San Luis in the center of the island, and prin- throughout the Union to quickly cir- Potosi, Mexico. The Mission Board, cipal city of the province of the same culate Liberty Extra, and secure sig- knowing that if trouble should come name. A native lady Bible worker natures to the petitions, sending them we would have no chance of leaving has worked hard here, and has a when filled direct to the Congress- the country, asked us to leave for a good interest, but is compelled by ill men from your district and State. time. The Lord has blessed us health to give up the work. The CONNECTICUT while we have been in San Luis. Five brethren were wondering who could SENATORS young persons have been converted, take up her work, when they were Frank Bosworth Brandegee George Payne McLean also two adults have begun the ob- notified of our coming, so asked us to servance of the Sabbath. Another come here. Our first night here was REPRESENTATIVES DISTRICT man whose father is a Sabbath-keeper, spent in the same hotel in which P. Davis Oakey First District and who had never really kept the Brother Henry Brown was staying Richard P. Freeman Second " r Sabbath, has been waiting some time when a mob of young men tried to John Quillin Tilson Third for baptism. A prominent doctor is drive him out of town, about three Ebenezer J. Hill Fourth if very much interested in t h e truth. years ago, because of our books which James P. Glynn Fifth His wife is fully convinced, and we he had sold. MAINE are hoping that both may take their We are of good courage, and hope SENATORS Charles F. Johnson stand soon. for a good harvest of souls here, Edwin Chick Burleigh One day I called on an elderly where the ground has already been REPRESENTATIVES American with whom I had talked so well prepared. DISTRICT of the truth, and left my copy of the The great needs of the mission Asher Crosby Hinds First District late edition of " Bible Readings," fields call in unmistakable tones to Daniel J. McGillicuddy Second " telling him he might like to get one. our young people just entering the John Andrew Peters Third Frank Edward Guernsey Fourth When I saw him the next day, he work to consecrate themselves for life MASSACHUSETTS asked me to send .for a copy for him- to the more difficult problems and the SENATORS self, two for relatives in Mexico, and greater needs of the regions beyond. Henry Cabot Lodge a fourth for a nephew in Illinois. He E. W. THURBER. John Wingate Weeks admits practically all points of our REPRESENTATIVES faith except the Sabbath, and does IMPORTANT DISTRICT not seem at all prejudiced against A LETTER just received from Pro- Allen Towner Treadway First District Frederick H. Gillett Second that. fessor Longacre, enclosing the follow- Calvin DeWitt Paige Third it We preferred to go to Texas again ing list of Congressmen from each Samuel E. Winslow Fourth if rather than to Cuba, but the Lord State in the Atlantic Union Confer- John Jacob Rogers Fifth if opened the way for us to come to ence, states that the petitions which Augustus Peabody Gardner Sixth it Cuba. Elder Lane met us just as have been taken from Liberty Extra Michael Francis Phelan Seventh If we curie out of the bath and fumiga- should be sent direct to the Congress- Frederick W. Dallinger Eighth Ernest W. Roberts Ninth tion, which we had to take before we men in your State, and not to the Peter F. Tague Tenth it could enter the country. We appre- Religious L i'b e r t y Department in George Holden Tinkham Eleventh if ciated his coming very much, as we Washington. James A. Gallivan Twelfth it 2 ATLANTIC UNION CLEANER DIS PRICT RHODE ISLAND not afford to lose one such privilege. William Henry Carter Thirteenth CC SENATORS " Go to the camp-meeting, even Richard Olney Fourteenth if Ilenry F. Lippitt though you have to make a sacrifice William S. Greene Fifteenth LeBaron B. Colt to do so. Angels who are Joseph Walsh Sixteenth REPRESENTATIVES commissioned to minister to those who NEW HAMPSHIRE DIS rRICT SENATORS George Francis O'Shannessy First District are heirs of salvation will accom- Jacob H. Gallinger Walter R. Stiness • Second pany you. A great work is Henry French Hollis Ambrose Kennedy Third to be accomplished by o u r camp- REPRESENTA II VES VERMONT meetings. The Lord has especially DIS rRICT SEN A TORS honored 'these gatherings, which he Cyrus Adams Sulloway First District William Paul Dillingham has called holy convocations." — Edward H. Wason Second " Carroll Smalley Page " NEW YORK RE PRESENTATI VES Testimonies for the Church," Vol. SENATORS DISTRICT VI, pages 31-70. James A. O'Gorman Frank Lester Greene First District From these quotations it is clear James W. Wadsworth Porter Hinman Dale Second " that we should be on the camp-ground REPRESENTATIVES even though our money matters suf- DIS rRICT MASSACHUSETTS fer. It is impossible to have things Frederick C. Hicks First District Room 606, Tremont Temple, Charles Pope Caldwell Second " as comfortable in tents as in o u r Joseph V. Flynn Third If Boston, Mass. homes, yet we are enjoying conve- Harry Howard Dale Fourth if niences at our camp-meetings today James P. Maher Fifth WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND that our fathers and mothers could ff Frederick W. Rowe Sixth CAMP-MEETING THIS YEAR not enjoy. We shall do all we can John Joseph Fitzgerald Seventh " 1'r3p camp-meeting is one of the to make things comfortable, and we Daniel J. Griffin Eighth Oscar Wm. Swift Ninth most important agencies in our work. expect to have all the conveniences Reuben L. Haskell Tenth It is one of the most effective methods that any camp can give. Daniel J. Riordan Eleventh arresting the attention of the people, There will be a grocery and din- Meyer London Twelfth and reaching all classes with the gos- ing tent, as well as a place where hot George W. Loft Thirteenth pel invitation. And o u r foods can be served to persons eat- Michael F. Farley Fourteenth Michael F. Conry Fifteenth camp-meetings have another object, ing in private tents. Peter J. Dooling Sixteenth preparatory to this. They are to pro- Please be sure to bring straw ticks John F. Carew Seventeenth mote spiritual life among our own and plenty of bedding. Thomas Gedney Patten Eighteenth people. We have engaged a police officer to Walter M. Chandler Nineteenth " It is important that the members watch the camp each night from Isaac Siegel Twentieth of our churches should attend our 7 P. M. to 5 A. M. He will see that George M. Hulbert Twenty-first Henry Bruckner Twenty-second camp-meetings. The enemies of we are properly protected. William S. Bennet Twenty-third truth are many; and because our num- I trust the orders for tents will Woodson R.Oglesby Twenty-fourth bers are few, we should present as come in quickly. Do not take a James W. Husted Twenty-fifth strong a front as possible. Indi- room if you are at all able to stay in Edmund Platt Twenty-sixth vidually you need the benefits of the a tent. We want your company on Charles B. Ward Twenty-seventh the grounds ; but if you feel unable Rollin B. Sanford Twenty-eighth meeting, and God calls upon you to James S. Parker Twenty-ninth number one in the ranks of truth. to sleep out of doors, we shall be glad William B. Charles Thirtieth . Strengthen the meeting all to secure a room for you. You Bertrand H. Snell Thirty-first you possibly can by being present with should come not later than Thursday Luther W. Mott Thirty-second your families. Put forth extra ex- morning in order to get nicely lo- Homer P. Snyder Thirty-third ertion to attend the gathering of cated. Possibly some might prefer George W.Fairchild Thirty-fourth Walter W. Magee Thirty-fifth God's people. to come Wednesday. Norman Judd Gould Thirty-sixth " Brethren and sisters, it would be As before stated, buy your ticket to Harry Hayt Pratt Thirty-seventh far better for you to let your business North Lawrence, Mass., and at the Thomas B. Dunn Thirty-eighth suffer than to neglect the opportunity station take a trolley marked either Henry G. Danforth Thirty-ninth of hearing the message God has for " Lowell " or " Willows," getting off Stephen W. Demsey Fortieth Charles Bennett Smith Forty-first you. Make no excuse that will keep at Glen Forest Park. North Law- Daniel A. Driscoll Forty-second you from gaining every spiritual ad- rence is on the Boston and Maine Charles M. Hamilton Forty-third vantage possible. You can railroad; consequently, those arriv- ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER 3 ing at the South Station in Boston Lord came very near.
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