Neighbourhood On Show 13th September 2015 Page Suburb Price of Property Agency Name 198 Aldara Park R1,999,000 Arthur Baron Estates 63 Allens Nek R1 450 000 Chas Everitt 199 Allen's Nek R1,400,000 Arthur Baron Estates 192 Amarosa R1,200,000 Remax 192 Amarosa R1,280,000 Remax 126 Amorosa R3 600 000 Sotheby's 96 Atholhurst R2 550 000 Adrienne Hersch 134 Atholl R5 499 000 Jawits 134 Atholl R7 900 000 Jawits 144 Atholl R9 785 000 Lynn Estates 144 Atholl R9 985 000 Lynn Estates 117 Atholl R15 000 000 Sotheby's 36 Atholl R6,000,000 Ennik Estates 96 Atholl Gardens R1 750 000 Adrienne Hersch 117 Barbeque Downs R3 600 000 Sotheby's 142 Barbeque Downs R2,195,000 Jawitz 142 Barbeque Downs R2,300,000 Jawitz 67 Bassonia R3,200,000 Easy Buy properties 123 Bedford Gardens R1 095 000 Sotheby's 66 Bedfordview R2 350 000 Chas Everitt 122 Bedfordview R3 699 000 Sotheby's 122 Bedfordview R4 500 000 Sotheby's 168 Bedfordview R27,000,000 Pam Golding 122 Bedfordview R3 00 000 Sotheby's 168 Bedfordview R4,300,000 Pam Golding 122 Bedfordview R9 000 000 Sotheby's 96 Benmore R6 850 000 Adrienne Hersch 51 Benmore R9,999,000 Vered Estates 190 Benmore Gardens R1,550,000 Remax 192 Berario R1,389,000 Remax 130 Beverley R1 450 000 Sotheby's 128 Beverley R2 250 000 Sotheby's 60 Beverley R2 495 000 Chas Everitt 60 Beverley R3 395 000 Chas Everitt 164 Beverley R3,200,000 Pam Golding 162 Beverley R3,850,000 Pam Golding 162 Beverley R4,995,000 Pam Golding 42 Blackheath R2,735,000 Fine & Country 206 Blairgowrie R1 690 000 Clive Levy Properties 206 Blairgowrie R1 990 000 Clive Levy Properties 206 Blairgowrie R2 990 000 David Hubble Estate 125 Blairgowrie R3 700 000 Sotheby's 43 Blairgowrie R1,950,000 Fine & Country 167 Blairgowrie R2,050,000 Pam Golding 43 Blairgowrie R2,299,000 Fine & Country 192 Blairgowrie R2,400,000 Remax 137 Blairgowrie R2,450,000 Jawitz 83 Blairgowrie R2,850,000 Seeff 207 Blue Hills Country Estate R10,750,000 Pam Golding 207 Blue Hills Country Estate R12,490,000 Pam Golding 62 Boskruin R1 495 000 Chas Everitt 67 Boskruin R1,500,000 Asset Real Estate 55 Boskruin R3,100,000 Vered Estates 97 Bramley R1 399 000 Adrienne Hersch 99 Bramley R1,600,000 Jessie K Estates 97 Brixton R980 000 Adrienne Hersch 97 Brixton R1 050 000 Adrienne Hersch 45 Broadacres R759 000 SoHo Junction 203 Broadacres R1,090,000 Century 21 190 Broadacres R1,299,000 Remax 161 Broadacres R1,990,000 Pam Golding 203 Broadacres R2,250,000 Century 21 86 Broadacres R2,655,000 Renprop Residential 40 Broadacres R3,950,000 Fine & Country 40 Broadacres R5,500,000 Fine & Country 63 Bromhof R1 475 000 Chas Everitt 167 Bromhof R710,000 Pam Golding 144 Bryanston R2 670 000 Lynn Estates 179 Bryanston R3 500 000 Firzt Realty Company 121 Bryanston R4 700 000 Sotheby's 58 Bryanston R5 495 000 Chas Everitt 120 Bryanston R5 850 000 Sotheby's 58 Bryanston R5 900 000 Chas Everitt 120 Bryanston R5 900 000 Sotheby's 144 Bryanston R7 500 000 Lynn Estates 180 Bryanston R1,195,000 Firzt Realty Company 111 Bryanston R1,200,000 Renprop Residential 149 Bryanston R1,200,000 Pam Golding 149 Bryanston R1,200,000 Pam Golding 203 Bryanston R1,295,000 Century 21 112 Bryanston R1,299,000 Executive Homes 141 Bryanston R1,350,000 Jawitz 203 Bryanston R1,395,000 Century 21 77 Bryanston R1,399,000 Seeff 149 Bryanston R1,599,000 Pam Golding 149 Bryanston R1,599,000 Pam Golding 195 Bryanston R14,500,000 Homes of Distinction 196 Bryanston R15,500,000 Hamilton's Property 197 Bryanston R2,000,000 Hamilton's Property 180 Bryanston R2,450,000 Firzt Realty Company 203 Bryanston R2,600,000 Century 21 38 Bryanston R2,800,000 Fine & Country 48 Bryanston R3,195,000 Vered Estates 77 Bryanston R3,250,000 Seeff 148 Bryanston R3,450,000 Pam Golding 112 Bryanston R3,999,000 Executive Homes 141 Bryanston R4,000,000 Jawitz 148 Bryanston R4,000,000 Pam Golding 195 Bryanston R4,490,000 Homes of Distinction 36 Bryanston R4,600,000 Ennik Estates 140 Bryanston R5,400,000 Jawitz 103 Bryanston R5,495,000 Huize Mark 195 Bryanston R5,900,000 Homes of Distinction 180 Bryanston R589,000 Firzt Realty Company 48 Bryanston R6,600,000 Vered Estates 189 Bryanston R6,950,000 Remax 149 Bryanston R6,990,000 Pam Golding 196 Bryanston R7,490,000 Hamilton's Property 203 Bryanston R7,499,999 Century 21 149 Bryanston R7,500,000 Pam Golding 196 Bryanston R7,500,000 Hamilton's Property 77 Bryanston R9,000,000 Seeff 196 Bryanston R9,295,000 Hamilton's Property 148 Bryanston R9,500,000 Pam Golding 203 Bryanston R975,000 Century 21 180 Bryanston R999,000 Firzt Realty Company 91 Bryanston East R5 999 000 RJD Realty 91 Bryanston East R5 999 000 RJD Realty 148 Bryanston East P.O.A Pam Golding 69 Bryanston East R15,900,000 Russel Fisher Properties 195 Bryanston East R4,999,000 Homes of Distinction 148 Bryanston East R8,000,000 Pam Golding 179 Bryanston East R8,650,000 Firzt Realty Company 82 Bryanston Ext. 5 R3,250,000 Seeff 190 Bryanston Ext. 8 R3,900,000 Remax 35 Bryanston Homestead Ave R11,700,000 Barclay Stephenson Estate Agents 140 Buccleuch R1,799,000 Jawitz 194 Buccleuch R540,000 Remax 80 Buccleuch R720,000 Seeff 206 Cedar Creek R2 450 000 Falcon Estates 161 Cedar Lakes R5,700,000 Pam Golding 61 Cedar View R1 250 000 Chas Everitt 170 Centurion R2 800 000 Pam Golding 67 Constantia R2,000,000 Easy Buy properties 200 Constantia Kloof R1 650 000 John Livanos Estates 198 Constantia Kloof R1,399,000 Arthur Baron Estates 37 Constantia Kloof R2,390,000 Ennik Estates 198 Cosmos City R739,000 Arthur Baron Estates 172 Country Retreat R1,200,000 Des & Warren 130 Craigavon R1 850 000 Sotheby's 130 Craigavon R2 190 000 Sotheby's 162 Craigavon R1,549,000 Pam Golding 162 Craigavon R1,795,000 Pam Golding 140 Craigavon R2,100,000 Jawitz 118 Craighall R4 900 000 Sotheby's 118 Craighall R5 000 000 Sotheby's 135 Craighall R6,150,000 Jawitz 119 Craighall R6 000 000 Sotheby's 119 Craighall Park R4 000 000 Sotheby's 119 Craighall Park R5 500 000 Sotheby's 135 Craighall Park R4,750,000 Jawitz 100 Craighall Park R6,400,000 Kings 154 Craighall Park R6,850,000 Pam Golding 97 Cresta R1 950 000 Adrienne Hersch 124 Cyridlene R1 650 000 Sotheby's 124 Cyridlene R1 695 000 Sotheby's 66 Cyrildene R1 890 000 Chas Everitt 53 Cyrildene R1,895,000 Vered Estates 202 Dainfern R4 650 000 Century 21 160 Dainfern R12,000,000 Pam Golding 160 Dainfern R8,300,000 Pam Golding 202 Dainfern R5 300 000 Century 21 202 Dainfern Ridge R3 500 000 Century 21 66 Dainfern Ridge R4,200,000 Gaye Cawood Realty 202 Dainfern Valley R4 800 000 Century 21 202 Dainfern Valley R5 200 000 Century 21 61 Dainfern Valley R7 800 000 Chas Everitt 61 Dainfern Valley R11 900 000 Chas Everitt 66 Dainfern Valley R4,795,000 Gaye Cawood Realty 160 Dainfern Valley R6,200,000 Pam Golding 160 Dainfern Valley R8,200,000 Pam Golding 172 Darenwood R2,800,000 Des & Warren 83 Darrenwood R2,100,000 Seeff 65 Dewetshof R2 500 000 Chas Everitt 91 Douglasdale R999 000 RJD Realty 60 Douglasdale R1 075 000 Chas Everitt 129 Douglasdale R1 595 000 Sotheby's 129 Douglasdale R2 599 000 Sotheby's 99 Douglasdale R1,000,000 MMD Property 163 Douglasdale R1,035,000 Pam Golding 192 Douglasdale R1,090,000 Remax 79 Douglasdale R1,150,000 Seeff 79 Douglasdale R1,150,000 Seeff 203 Douglasdale R1,450,000 Century 21 194 Douglasdale R1,750,000 Remax 195 Douglasdale R1,899,000 Homes of Distinction 112 Douglasdale R2,650,000 Frankie Bell's Real Estate 195 Douglasdale R2,850,000 Homes of Distinction 192 Douglasdale R780,000 Remax 146 Dunkeld R4,800,000 Pam Golding 49 Dunkeld R5,200,000 Vered Estates 90 Duxberry R6 399 000 RJD Realty 76 Duxberry R4,200,000 Seeff 39 Duxberry R5,950,000 Fine & Country 102 Duxberry R6,350,000 Huize Mark 191 Eacle Canyon Golf Estate R10,999,000 Remax 63 Eagle Canyon R2 595 000 Chas Everitt 63 Eagle Canyon R10 200 000 Chas Everitt 82 Eagle Canyon Golf Estate R7,400,000 Seeff 203 Eagle Trace R3,690,000 Century 21 125 East Town R1 690 000 Sotheby's 42 East Town R1,700,000 Fine & Country 38 Edenburg R2,350,000 Fine & Country 101 Emmarentia R4,500,000 Kings 101 Emmarentia R7,950,000 Kings 85 Essenwood P.O.A Seeff 127 Fairland R650 000 Sotheby's 92 Fairland R750 000 RJD Realty 200 Fairland R3 275 000 John Livanos Estates 62 Fairland R3 700 000 Chas Everitt 41 Fairland R2,690,000 Fine & Country 166 Fairland R2,900,000 Pam Golding 103 Fairland R3,200,000 Huize Mark 37 Fairland R3,450,000 Ennik Estates 41 Fairland R3,450,000 Fine & Country 192 Fairlands R1,735,000 Remax 192 Fairlands R2,525,000 Remax 161 Fernbrook Estate R5,500,000 Pam Golding 206 Ferndale R595 000 Watson Ferris Estate 64 Ferndale R2 375 000 Chas Everitt 126 Ferndale R2 700 000 Sotheby's 126 Ferndale R2 800 000 Sotheby's 167 Ferndale R2,595,000 Pam Golding 83 Ferndale R2,650,000 Seeff 43 Ferndale R2,799,000 Fine & Country 43 Ferndale R619,000 Fine & Country 83 Ferndale R650,000 Seeff 66 Fernridge R3,895,000 Gaye Cawood Realty 203 Fernridge Estate R3,295,000 Century 21 127 Florida Hills R2 500 000 Sotheby's 127 Florida Hills R2 690 000 Sotheby's 172 Fontainbleau R1,850,000 Des & Warren 125 Fontainebleau R1 290 000 Sotheby's 83 Fontainebleau R1,990,000 Seeff 146 Forest Town R6,500,000 Pam Golding 163 Fourway R5,199,000 Pam Golding 161 Fourway Gardens R3,700,000 Pam Golding 129 Fourways R1 999 000 Sotheby's 129 Fourways R2 499 000 Sotheby's 129 Fourways R2 499 000 Sotheby's 87 Fourways R2 600 000 ChernoDavis 164 Fourways R1,170,000 Pam Golding 195 Fourways R1,695,000 Homes of Distinction 194 Fourways R1,999,999 Elements Group 164 Fourways R880,000 Pam Golding 164 Fourways R950,000 Pam Golding 202 Fourways Gardens R4 295 000 Century 21 202 Fourways Gardens R4 950 000 Century 21 202
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