A Finding Aid to the Emigration and Immigration Pamphlets Shortt JV 7225 .E53 prepared by Glen Makahonu k Shortt Emigration and Immi gration Pamphlets JV 7225 .E53 This collection contains a wide variety of materials on the emigration and immigration issue in Canada, especially during the period of the early 20th century. Two significant groupings of material are: (1) The East Indians in Canada, which are numbered 24 through 50; and (2) The Fellowship of the Maple Leaf, which are numbered 66 through 76. 1. Atlantica and Iceland Review. The Icelandic Settlement in Cdnada. 1875-1975. 2. Discours prononce le 25 Juin 1883, par M. Le cur6 Labelle sur La Mission de la Race Canadienne-Francaise en Canada. Montreal, 1883. 3. Immigration to the Canadian Prairies 1870-1914. Ottawa: Information Canada, 19n. 4. "The Problem of Race", The Democratic Way. Vol. 1, No. 6. March 1944. Ottawa: Progressive Printers, 1944. 5. Openings for Capital. Western Canada Offers Most Profitable Field for Investment of Large or Small Sums. Winnipeg: Industria1 Bureau. n.d. 6. A.S. Whiteley, "The Peopling of the Prairie Provinces of Canada" The American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 38, No. 2. Sept. 1932. 7. Notes on the Canadian Family Tree. Ottawa: Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration. 1960. 8. Lawrence and LaVerna Kl ippenstein , Mennonites in Manitoba Thei r Background and Early Settlement. Winnipeg, 1976. 9. M.P. Riley and J.R. Stewart, "The Hutterites: South Dakota's Communal Farmers", Bulletin 530. Feb. 1966. 10. H.P. Musson, "A Tenderfoot in Canada" The Wide World Magazine Feb. 1927. 11. H.P. Musson, "Burned Boats", The Wide World Magazine May 1936. pp. 110-117. 12. Canadians of Ukrainian Origin Reflections on the Formative Years. A Travel 1ing Exhibition. National Ethnic Archives, 1979. 13. L.F. Tapper, A Guide to Sources for the Study of Canadian Jewry. National Ethnic Archives, 19/8. 14. L. Rosenberg, "Jews in Canada", Contemporary Jewish Record. March-April , 1939. 15. B. Figler, "History of the Zionist Ideal in Canada" The Canadian Jewish Chronicle. Nov. 3 - 17,1961. 16. Discrimination. Equality for Jewish Schools in Quebec. Montreal 6 June 1968. 17. A Victory for Democracy. The Crucial Decision Rendered by Mr. Justice Mackay in the Supreme Court of Ontario declaring void a Restrictive Land Covenant in the case jointly conducted by the Workers' Educational Association and the Canadian Jewish Congress. Toronto. n.d. 18. J. Hammersmith, A Select Bibliography of Readings Pertinent to Cross-Cul tural Education. EDRES 895A. 19. J.C. Lehr, "The Government and the Immigrant: Perspectives on Ukrainian Block Settlement in the Canadian West" Canadian Ethnic Studies. Vol. 9, No. 2, 1977. 20. J.C. Lehr, "The Ukrainian Presence on the Prairies" Canadian Geographic. Vol. 97, No. 2. Oct. - Nov. 1978. 21. J. C. Lehr, "Ukrainian Vernacular Architecture" , Canadian Collector Vol. 11, No. 1 Jan. - Feb. 1976. 22. J. C. Lehr, " UkFaini an Houses in A1 berta" A1 berta Historical Review Vol. 21, No. 4. Autumn 1973. 23. J. C. Lehr, "Changing Ukrainian House Styles" A1 berta History Vol. 23, No. 1. 1975. 24. M.W. Smith and H.W. Boulter, "Sikh Settlers in Canada" Asia and the Americas Vol. 44, 1944. 25. S. Bose, "American Impressions of a Hindu Student" The Forum and Century. Vol. 53, 1915. 26. H. Scheffauer, "The Tide of Turbans" The Forum and Century Vol. 43, 1919. 27. "B.C.'s Turbaned Tribe" Canadian Business Vol. 25, Feb. 1952. 28. India's Appeal to Canada or an Account of Hindu Immigration to the Dominion. Toronto: Canada India Committee, 1916. 29. N.S. Sihra et al, "Indians in Canada" Indian Review Vol. 14, 1913. 30. B.K. Roy, "Miscellaneous. Currents of Thought in the Orient" The Open Court. 1913. 31. "The Position of Hindus in Canada" British Columbia Magazine Vol. 8, 1912. 32. G. Mukerji, "The Hindu in America" Overland Monthly Vol. 41, No. 4. Apri 1 1908. 33. R. Holland, "Indian Immigration Into Canada: The Question of Franchise1' , Asian Review New Series (4th) Vol. 39, 1943. 34. Principal Mackay , "Problems of Immigration, VII. Komagata Maru" Westminster Hall Magazine and Farthest West Review. Vol. 5, No. 6. July 1914. 35. "Race Riots on the Pacific Coast" The Outlook Vol. 87, No. 3. Sept. 21, 1907. 36. E. R. Grace, "East Indian Immigration" Westminster Hall Magazine and Farthest West Review. Vol. 3, No. 3. March 1913. 37. "Canada's Rejection of the Hindu1' The Literary Digest Vol. 49, Aug. 8, 1914. 38. "Sikhs Besieging Canada", The Literary Digest Vol. 49, July 18, 1914. 39. E. McLaren and G. Pidgeon , "East Indian Immigration1' Westminster Hall Maqazine. Vol. 1, No. 8. 1912. 40. H.F. Angus, "Asian Minorities in Canada" United Asia. Vol. 5 No. 5, 1953. 41. Rev. K.J. Grant, "Among the Hindus of British Columbia" -The Missionary Messenger 1915. 42. W.D. Dodd, "The Hindu in the Northwest1' World Today Vol. 13, 1907. 43. M. Ames and J. Inglis, "Conflict and Change in British Columbia Sikh Family Life" B.C. Studies No. 20, winter 1973-74. 44. W. P. Ward, "The Oriental Immigrant and Canada's Protestant Clergy, 1858-1925" B. C. Studies No. 22, summer 1974. 45. F. Lockley, "The Hindu Invasion. A New Immigration Problem" Pacific Monthly 1908. 46. A. C. Bose, "Indian Nationalist Agitations in the U.S.A. 'and Canada till the Arrival of Har Dayal in 1911" Journal of Indian History Vol. 4 (?) 1965. 47. J. Inglis and M. Ames, "Indian Immigrants in Canada" -The Indo-Canadian. Vol . 3-4. 1968. 48. H.A. Millis, "East Indian Immigration to the Pacific Coast" The Survey Vol. 28, 1912. 49. R. Dayal , "The Disabilities of Indians Abroad" Modern Review Vol. 41, 1927. 50. "East Indians in Canada" Modern Review Vol. 25, May 1919. 51. Pol icy Statements and Resolutions of Some Canadian Organizations on Immigration. Ottawa: Canadian Citizenship Council, Jan. 1953. 52. Report on Emigration from Canada on the Western Frontier. Ottawa, Dec. 22, 1880. 53. Farm Settlement in Canada. Issued by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. Department of Immigration and Colonization. n.d. 54. A. Owen to M.O. Scott. Nov. 15, 1905. re: report on immigration 55. H. Macmurchy, How to Make Outpost Homes in Canada. Ottawa: King's Printer, 1929. 56. W.B. Hurd, "The Relation of Origins of Immigrants to the Settlement of the Country" The Papers and Proceedings of the Canadian Political Science Association. n.d. 57. Ontario. Immigration and Deportation of Defectives and Statistics Relatinu thereto. ioronto: Kinu's Printer, 1908. 58. How to Enter Canada. Summary of the Regulations regarding the entry of automobiles for touring, pleasure boats, tourists' outfits and travellers ' baggage. Ottawa. Dept. of National Revenue , 1929. 59. Cooperation in Empire Development. A Speech Delivered by the Hon. G. Spence at the Saskatchewan Immigration and Settlement Convention at Saskatoon on Sept. 23, 1936. 60. Classes Wanted In Canada. The Land of Sunshine and Contented Peo~le. Ottawa: Minister of the Interior. 1909. 61. C. W. Peterson, Canada's Population Problem. Cal gary: The Farm and Ranch Review Ltd. L19251. 62. The Offi cia1 Settlers ' Guide of Saskatchewan. 1909. Swift Current Board of Trade. 63. S. M. Wickett, "Canadians in the United States" Political Science Quarterly. Vol. 21, No. 2, 1906. 64. "The Fortune Survey .. Compares notes with Canada on: Postwar Relations between America and the British Empire", Fortune June 1942. 65. W. A. Carrothers, "The Imni gration Problem in Canada" Queen' s Quarterly. n. d. The documents numbered 66 to 76 were published by the Fellowship of the Maple Leaf. 66. The Monthly Letter of the Fellowship of the Maple Leaf for the Supply of British Teachers for Western Canada. No. 46, Oct. 1920. 67 P.J. Andrews, The Coming Race? Some Reflections on the Inherent Dangers of mass civilisat ion in Britain, alld the opportunities for balanced spiritual development b: peopling the Dominions. London, n.d. 68. Our Generation Its Present Responsibilities. London: Fellowship of the Maple Leaf. n.d. 69. World changes and their impact upon Canadian Development. Summary and Reports, 1932-33. London: Fellowship of the Maple Leaf. May 1933. 70. For Ever England London: Fellowship of the Maple Leaf. July 1941. 71. Empires of Scorn London: Fellowship of the Maple Leaf, March 1941. 72. Canada's Voice London: Fellowship of the Maple Leaf, Sept. 1939. 73. Wayfaring Humanity London: Fellowship of the Maple Leaf. Jan. 1936. 74. Privilege and Its Responsibi 1 ities London: Fellowship of the Maple Leaf. Jan & Feb. 1930. 75. Problems of Population and Colonisation London: Fellowship of the Map1 e Leaf. n.d. 76. "The Impact of 'Non-British Migration Upon the Canadian West and Its Probable Results" London: Fellowship of the Maple Leaf, n.d. M. Haliy, "The 25th Anniversary of the Great Famine in Ukraine", The Ukrainian Quarterly Vol. 14, No. 3, Sept., 1958. Heffelfinger, Rev. G.G. A Near View of the New Canadian. Published by the Board of Home Missions and Social Service of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Buchanan, Sask. n.d. Peterson, Jean E. From Norway to North America: The Descendants in Canada and the United States of Olaf and Caroline Pederson who came from Norway about 1867 to Manitoba and North Dakota. Du buque, Iowa, 1981. Bumsted, J.M. The Scots in Canada. Canada's Ethnic Groups, Canadian Historical Association. Book1et No. 1 , Ottawa, 1982. Higgs , David The Portugese in Canada. Canada ' sEThni c Groups, Canadian Historical Association. Booklet No. 2, Ottawa, 1982. Ward, W. Peter The Japanese in Canada. Canada's Ethnic Groups, Canadian Historical Association. Booklet No. 3, Ottawa, 1982. Austrians- eaPly 1900's A Class of Ruthenian Girls, n.d.
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