CLDR/11/18 Bruxelles, le 6 mai 2011 CALENDRIER du 9 au 15 mai 2011 (Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine) Activités des Institutions Déplacements et visites Lundi 9 mai Europe day Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO in Istanbul: delivers the opening speech at the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least European Parliament plenary session Developed Countries (09-12/05) M. Joaquín ALMUNIA participe à la Journée de l'Europe à Madrid: (Levée du drapeau de l'UE (Glorieta de San Vicente, Madrid), "Dia de Europa" à la Représentation de la CE à Madrid Mr Antonio TAJANI participates and delivers the opening speech at the conference "What can Europe do for young people: the strategy of increasing growth and employment" (Milano, Italy) Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ participates in Schuman Day celebration in the European Parliament (Strasbourg) Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends Fourth UN Conference on Least Developed Countries (Istanbul, Turkey, 9-11/5) M. Michel BARNIER à Berlin: Il rencontre le Ministre des Finances, M. Wolfgang SCHÄUBLE et la Ministre de la Justice, Mme Sabine LEUTHEUSSER-SCHNARRENBERGER. Il participe à un workshop au Ministère de l'Economie en présence du Secrétaire d'Etat au Ministère de l'Economie, Bernd PFAFFENBACH. M. Michel BARNIER, M. Günther OETTINGER et M. Klaus WOWEREIT, Maire de Berlin, inaugurent le Bus 100 au Pariser Platz, Brandenburger Tor. Michel BARNIER visite également le Lycée Français (Berlin) Ms Androulla VASSILIOU visits Florence: attends the official opening of the "Conference on the State of the Union" , delivers presentation “Shaping our Future through Education” opening the 1st Panel of Speakers (Lisbon and Beyond), visits the Youth on the Move tent (Palazzo Vecchio, in Florence) Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN addresses Dáil Éireann (Irish Parliament) within the context of Europe Day in Dublin Mr Günther OETTINGER in Oberkirch gives a speech "Wirtschaft, Währung, Energie – Herausforderungen für Europa im neuen Jahrzehnt“ during the Europe week Mr Johannes HAHN holds a speech at the Conference of the Hungarian Presidency on the Danube Strategy (Budapest) Mr Johannes HAHN attends and holds opening speech at the Bundesgartenschau (Koblenz, Germany) Mr Štefan FÜLE participates in the "Back to school" campaign by paying a visit to his former school (Kadan, Czech Republic) Mardi 10 mai College meeting Ms Neelie KROES attends High Level Ministerial Conference on eHealth (10-11/5) (Budapest) Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Viktor SIGL, member of the Provincial Government of Upper Austria Mr John DALLI attends the Ministerial E-Health Conference (Budapest) Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN delivers keynote address at Johnson & Johnson Technology Summit (Kildare, Ireland) Mr Günther OETTINGER receives Mr Horst SEEHOFER, Minister- President of Bavaria Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA attends World Reconstruction Conference (Geneva) Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM participates in the G8 Ministerial meeting on the international fight against transatlantic cocaine trafficking ( Paris) Mercredi 11 mai 13:00 Ms Androulla VASSILIOU Mr Antonio TAJANI participates in the official dinner, hosted by the participates in the meeting of the Inter- Minister of Finance, the Economy and Investment of Malta, in the institutional Network of Women Framework of the Euro-Mediterranean ministerial meeting on (European Parliament, Strasbourg) Industry (Valletta, Malta) Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ à Paris: (09.00) Rencontre avec Mr Laurent WAUQUIEZ, Ministre en charge des Affaires Européennes, (16.30) réunion conjointe des Comités des affaires européennes du Sénat et de l'Assemblée Nationale, entretien avec M. François BAROIN, Ministre du Budget, des Comptes publics, de la Fonction publique et de la Réforme de l'Etat Mr Janez POTOČNIK on official mission to New-York (11-13/5): keynote speech at the Official Opening of the 19th session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD19) Ministerial Segment; Participation at the Signature ceremony for the Nagoya– Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress to the Cartagena Protocol on Bio-safety and the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization; speech at High-level event "Leveraging financial resources for the transition to the green economy" organized by the EU (11/5). Participation in the Ministerial Roundtable 1 "Developing programmes and a framework to accelerate the shift towards Sustainable Consumption and Production" and in the Ministerial Roundtable 3 "Moving towards zero waste and sound management of chemicals" (12/5). Speech at the Ministerial dialogue on “moving towards sustainable development: expectations from Rio+20”; Participation in the CSD19 Closing Plenary (13/5) Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA meets Mr. Luc FRIEDEN, Minister of Finance of Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Mr John DALLI receives Mr Luis DURNWALDER, President of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen - South Tyrol Mr Johannes HAHN attends the ESPON High Level Conference on Targeted Analyses (Brussels) Mr Johannes HAHN receives Ms Julia MARTON-LEFEVRE, Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Andrea BENASSI, Secretary General of UEAPME Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM receives Mr Raimundas PALAITIS, Interior Minister of Lithuania 2 Jeudi 12 mai Extraordinary JHA Council Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives the President of UEAPME (European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) Mr Loek HERMANS Ms Catherine ASHTON participates at the EU Strategic Dialogue with China in Budapest Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA elaborates on "Reform of the EU State Aid Rules on Services of General Economic Interest" at the 90th Plenary Session of the Committee of the Regions (Brussels) Mr Antonio TAJANI will participate and deliver a speech at the Euro-Mediterranean ministerial meeting on Industry (Valletta, Malta) Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits South Sudan (12-13/5): attends public lecture with National Diplomatic Institute, visits a vocational training centre in North Khartoum, meets with Mr Thabo MBEKI, Chair of African Union High Level Implementation Panel for Sudan, meets with Mr Salva Kiir MAYARDITT, President of South-Sudan, attends meetings with Government of South-Sudan and attends Inauguration of the EU Compound and Europe Day Celebration. M. Michel BARNIER à Chypre. Il rencontre le Président, Demetris CHRISTOFIAS, le Ministre des Finances, Charilaos G. STAVRAKIS, le Ministre du Commerce, de l'Industrie et du Tourisme, Antonis PASCHALIDES et le Gouverneur de la Banque Centrale, Athanasios ORPHANIDES. Il rencontre également les représentants des partis politiques gérant les Affaires européennes et financières, les représentants de la Chambre de l'Industrie et participe à un workshop. Mr John DALLI receives Mr Gerd SONNLEITNER, President of the German Farmers' Association (DBV) Mr John DALLI holds press conference on RAPEX (Brussels) Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN meets Professor John WOOD, President of ERAB (Strasbourg) Mr Günther OETTINGER receives Mr Nikolaus BERLAKOVICH, Austrian Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Mr Günther OETTINGER in Hamburg: attends celebrations of the Hamburger Senate in the context of the Europe Week Mr Johannes HAHN receives the seven presidents of the Outermost Regions Ms Connie HEDEGAARD on official mission in Athens: meets with the Minister of Environment, Ms Konstantina BIRBILI; participates in an event with NGO's and Youth Groups; address to the Special Standing Committees on European Affairs and Environmental Protection of the Parliament. Mr Štefan FÜLE receives Ms Mimoza KUSARI LILA, Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo. Vendredi 13 mai Foreign Affairs Council Mr Antonio TAJANI participates and delivers a speech on "Europe, the world's N°1 tourist destination – a new political framework" in the European Tourism Stakeholder Conference ( Budapest, Hungary) M. Michel BARNIER au Liban (13-14/5). Il rencontre le Premier Ministre S.E.M. Saad HARIRI, le Premier Ministre désigné S.E.M. Najib MIKATI, la Ministre des Finances S.E. Mme Raya EL HASSAN et le Gouverneur de la Banque du Liban M. Riad SALAMEH. Il participe à l'Inauguration du Campus de l’innovation et du sport de l'Université Saint-Joseph. Il participe également au Colloque "Conseil stratégique de l'Université Saint Joseph". 3 Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA chairs the 3rd meeting of the Tax Policy Group in Brussels in (Walter Hallstein room, BERL) Mr Karel DE GUCHT receives Mr Edward DAVEY, Minister for Employment Relations, Consumer and Postal Affairs of the UK Mr John DALLI attends the Personalized Medicines Conference, Brussels Mr John DALLI receives members of ELIANT (European Alliance of Initiatives for Applied Anthroposophy) Mr John DALLI receives Meyer Hospital's General Director and the Dean of Faculty of Medecine of the University of Florence Mr John DALLI visits the Biotech Cluster plant, Ghent Ms Maria DAMANAKI gives opening speech at Ministerial Conference on the future of fisheries partnership agreements, Brussels (CHAR) Mr Günther OETTINGER attends Hanse-Tagung "Energieeffizienz und Klimaschutz rund um das Mare Balticum", (Hamburg) Mr Günther OETTINGER attends the Congress of the Youth of the European People's Party (YEPP) (Berlin) Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Henk BLEKER, Dutch Minister of Agriculture and Trade Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Zoltán BALOG, Minister of State for Social Inclusion Ms Connie HEDEGAARD on official mission in Sofia: working breakfast with the Minister of Environment, Ms Nona KARADJOVA,
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