STRENGTH! FOR AN ADVERTISER·s DOLLAR The value of your advertising dollar is depen­ dent upon its consumer impact. This means that the medium of advertising purchased by your dollar must have STRENGTH­ Strength to create new purchasing desires. has by far the greatest evening coverage area of cny w Rochester Regional Radio Station. s Exclusively Rochester owned and operated. A Earliest with the latest news - every hour on the y h::Jif hour. PROOF-MELODY CORNER-Call request program) receives 60,000 cards annually MORE PROOF-PARADE OF STARS CSun. 5:35-6:00 P. M.l received 25,000 cards in one week Take advantage of this STRENGTH . Put your advertising dollar . to work. In Rochester, the right buy is WSA Y. Cover Girl: BETTY GALPIN, Rochester girl, recently was chosen as the Rochester girl most closely resembling Ava Garner, the movie star. She is shown at the left. Below is the real Ava, herself. What do you think? Betty came in for con­ siderable recognition and entertainment just recently when she was selected over other local aspirants. Miss Gal pin is interested in working as a photographer's model. While attending Benjamin Franklin High School she studied art and won three gold key awards and an honorable mention in inter-high school art competition .­ She likes to work with water colors. In addition to posing and painting, she likes chic clothes, all kinds of dancing and swimming. She lives at 643 Port­ land Avenue with her brother, Robert, and her uncle, George Stoll. See Page 4. In This Issue: PAGE Local TV Programs . I2 Radio, TV Jottings . I4 Peek at the Stars . II Disc Parade . I7 Where to Go, What to Do . 40 Restaurant Page . .. 23 Night Club Hi-Lites . 24 Civic Clubs . 22 Kiwanis Baseball . 26 Sports Menu . 29 Short Story .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 Fashion Row . 35 Timely Food Hints .... .. 32 Blossom C a lendar . 3I Gasoline Dealers . 3I Green Thumb Gardener . 30 Prize Puzzle 4I What's Doing in Rochester .. 44 Stage and Screen . I9 * * She Looks Like Ava Gardner? The Rochester girl who looks like Ava Gardner, the screen star, is Betty Galpin. That's t he verdict handed down in the recent contest conducted under the sponsorship of the RKO P alace Theatre, Bond Clothes, Inc., Hotel Seneca, Len Campagno Studio and radio station WVET. More Men and Women The search for Ava Gardner's local wear Bond Clothes than " double" brought Miss Galpin a rare any o t h e r clothes in treat. She received $50 from the America theatre management and the presen­ tation was made on the stage May 9 by Bob Trebor of WVET, who also handed her a letter from Joseph Cir­ aldi of Bond Clothes inviting her to select a new suit at the Bond store. She chose a navy and white check. The Hotel Seneca management picked up the tab for cocktails for Miss Galpin in the new lounge and dinner in the Ivanhoe Room. Then Downtown: the attractive contest winner and her party "did" the town. 133 E. MAIN STREET The Len Campagno Studio added Shop Daily 10 to 5 :30 a fine gift to Min Galpin'• collection Thurs. from 10 to 9:00 -a handsome portrait of herself. At The Factory: 1400 N. GOODMAN Shop from 12 Noon to 9:00 Daily Sat. from 9:30 to 5:30 FREE PARKING 4 * * * Betty Galpin poses backstage at the RKO Palace Theatre with WVET's Bob Trebor, who is handing her a check-one of the prizes she won in the Ava Gardner Contest. -Len Campagno Photo. * 5 * Cocktails for two in the new lounge of Hotel Seneca were followed by dinner in the hotel's Ivanhoe Room. -Len Campagno Photo. LEN CAMPAGNO STUDIO 133 Clinton Avenue So. The Finest in Candid and Formal Wedding Photography You may have your wedding photographed in Color . .. Color Transparencies, Color Prints and 16 MM Kodachrome Movies. Invite us to your Wedding ... We'll take the Candids Call BAker 4431 to see our samples 6 NEW STATION SAME TIME These Popular Friday Night ABC Programs 9:00 P. M.-OZZIE & HARRIET CHeinz) 9:30 P.M.-THE SHERIFF (Procter & Gamble) 10:00 P.M.-MADISON SQ. FIGHTS (Gillette) Now On VET 1280 kc 7 ORCHIDS FOR THOUGHTFULNESS They Cheer Patients At ·Area Hospitals . • • Here are some of the young entertainers who bring pleasure to patients of Batavia and Canandaigua veterans hospitals and residents of the Monroe County Home, St. Joseph's Villa and Hillside Home for Children. They will be on the program at the Daddy Sunshine Picnic in August. Back row, from left: Majorettes Connie Walters, Margaret Lee, Barbara Getman and Betty Cotter. Front row: Accordionist Roccie Maddalena, Baton Teacher Nancy Jean Clark and Trumpeter Anthony Contino. Kneeling is Joan Marie Witmer. 8 STATIC By LA WHENCE WITTE Barry Kroeger, popular and busy it is a mistake to practice in an actor regularly featured in daytime otherwise quiet room. "Too many serials " The Road of Life" and singers practice in self-imposed soli­ "Young Dr. Malone," performed a tary confinement. Then when they turnabout role in TV's highly-rated audition, every slight extraneous " Studio One" drama. In contrast to noise becomes an unbearable distrac­ his usual badman roles, Barry was tion." starred as the painter Rembrandt, in As he sings more than 1,300 songs a teleplay based on the famous art­ on his daily 15-minute program each ist's life. Barry can currently be year, Jack Berch's advice has merit. seen on local movie screens in a part Among the unorthodox assets to a more true to his type, however-he's singer, he believes, is having some­ the evil Napoleonic minister Ia Roche one in the family noisily turn pages in 20th Century's "The Sword of of a newspaper. "That's pretty good Monte Cristo" . .. CBS-TV's "The preparation for the day the singer First Hundred Years" has built up faces a large audience. Practicing such an interested and faithful view­ despite distractions gives the singer ing audience in its short time on a protective vacuum." video, that the five-times-weekly family comedy-drama will eliminate a summer hiatus and continue • • • straight through-with cast members written out of the script for the cus­ SHORT SHOTS: Eve Arden is tomary two-week vacation period. toying with the idea of writing a fashion column . A dress outfit • • • will put out Gloria Swanson styles . Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca SUMMER TIP: Jeanette Dowling, postponing their film debut til next who is featured on NBC's " When a year . Ginger Rogers to do a Girl Marries," suggests a very pleas­ comedy senes on CBS. ant plus for summer coolness. When she changes her windows from heavy winter drapes to sheer curtains, • • • Jeanette hangs a sachet bag with a light, not too-intrusive scent, on the WATT'S WATT: Director John hook that holds the tie-backs. "And." Lewellen and the 387 " Quiz Kids" says Jeanette, "the breezes do the he has helped achieve radio and tele­ rest, wafting a faint fragrance into vision fame are the subject of an the room." article featured in the May issue of American Magazine. Photographs of • • • many past and present members of GOOD ADVICE: To singers still the Quiz Kids panel illustrate the trying for the big break, Jack Berch, article in which Lewellen counsels veteran singing star of his own NBC parents of intelligent youngsters . program, says "make each practice Fireside Theater, which inaugurated session an audition." His years as a the idea of holding movie-house successful radio performer have " sneak previews" of its forthcoming given Berch a completely easy man­ television programs, will hold an­ ner when performing in public. other such preview either in Holly­ "Noise often throws a singer off wood or New York this Fall. balance," he says. In analyzing this, Jack Benny, who made his last he has come to the conclusion that picture seven years ago, has been 9 signed for a role in the Betty Hutton RADIO NEWSREEL: One-time picture, " Somebody Loves Me" . screen star Norma Shearer, who has CBS is planning to star Sam Leven­ been retired since 1942, is said to be son in a radio series t his Fall now that his video series is so popular considering a broadcast on NBC's ... Lowell Thomas, Jr., son of the " Screen Directors' Playhouse" in the famous CBS newscaster, and lecturer near future . Smilin' Ed McCon­ and world traveler in his own right, nel will move from NBC to CBS-TV may visit Korea this Summer. If he this Fall . Jean Hersholt, who does, he will record on-the-spot inter­ plays the title role in CBS' " Dr. views . An outstanding feature of Christian," has done an English the " Captain Video" serial, heard on translation of 168 Hans Christian the Du Mont Network each weekday Anderson stories which will hit the night is the frequent Video Ranger bookstands shortly . A police messages-short and potent commu­ :lrama, " Manhunt," is slated to fill nications which instill in young lis­ in for NBC's " Hii Parade" this Sum­ teners the spirit of fair play, anti­ mer . Edward Everett Horton has discrminaton, the Golden Rule, the been signed for the leading role in Bill of Rights and personal integrity. " Whistling in the Dark" to be aired These messages have had excellent June 7 on CBS' " Playhouse on reception from vileo fans and they Broadway" . Roberta Quinlan reinforce Captain Video's support of celebrating her second anniversary the forces of the good.
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