Public Notices PAGES 25-128 PAGE 25 OCTOBER 11, 2013 - OCTOBER 17, 2013 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY LEGAL NOTICES FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS TRADE NAME LAW NOTICE TO CREDITORS other persons having claims or de- IDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOR- NAME LAW PURSUANT TO NOTICE UNDER IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR mands against decedent’s estate, EVER BARRED. SECTION 865.09, FICTITIOUS NAME LAW HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, on whom a copy of this notice is re- NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME FLORIDA STATUTES FLORIDA quired to be served, must file their PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Notice is hereby given that the undersigned pursuant to the “Fictitious Name Stat- PROBATE DIVISION claims with this court WITHIN THE CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR the undersigned, desiring to engage ute” as defined in Section 865.09, Florida Statutes, intends to register with the File No. 13-CP-2330 LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S in business under the fictitious name Secretary of State of the State of Florida, Division of Corporations, the following IN RE: ESTATE OF THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLI- DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. of 42ity located at 4614 Beauchamp fictitious name, to wit: MICHAEL D. LUNSFORD, CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 The date of first publication of this Road, in the County of Hillsborough, Business Name: Deceased. DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SER- notice is October 11, 2013. in the City of Plant City, Florida 33563 Sobek Therapeutics The administration of the estate of VICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE BARBARA PAYNE LUNSFORD intends to register the said name with Business Mailing Address: MICHAEL D. LUNSFORD, deceased, ON THEM. Personal Representative the Division of Corporations of the 13354 Cain Rd. whose date of death was August 1, All other creditors of the decedent 2717 Seville Blvd., Apt. 5204 Florida Department of State, Tallahas- Tampa, Florida 33625 2013; File Number 13-CP-2330, is and other persons having claims or de- Clearwater, FL 33764 see, Florida. Owner: pending in the Circuit Court for Hill- mands against decedent’s estate must IAN S. GIOVINCO Dated at Plant City, Florida, this 07 day Sobek Therapeutics, LLC sborough County, Florida, Probate Di- file their claims with this court WITH- Attorney for Personal Representative of 10, 2013. Address of Owner: vision, the address of which is P.o. Box IN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE Florida Bar No. 994588 Michael Hugh Roberts 13354 Cain Rd. 1110, Tampa, FL 33601. The names and OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF Anton Castro Law Firm October 11, 2013 13-09195H Tampa, Florida 33625 addresses of the personal representa- THIS NOTICE. 1219 N. Franklin Street Federal Employer ID# : tive and the personal representative’s ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITH- Tampa, FL 33603-3313 46-2533481 attorney are set forth below. IN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH Telephone: 813-907-9807 Corporate Document Number: All creditors of the decedent and IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLOR- October 11, 18, 2013 13-09036H FIRST INSERTION L130000054175 October 11, 2013 13-09093H NOTICE OF INTENT TO REGISTER FICTITIOUS NAMES Notice is hereby given that TOWER FIRST INSERTION IMAGING, INC., a Florida corpora- NOTICE TO CREDITORS July 15, 2013; that the total value of CODE. tion, is operating under the names FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION Maru Diagnostic Imaging – Brandon; (SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION) the non-exempt assets of the estate is ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS Maru Diagnostic Imaging – Tampa; NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR $11,169 and that the names and ad- NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER and Tower Radiology Center – Bloom- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, dresses of those to whom it has been BARRED. ingdale, and intends to register with HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, FLORIDA assigned by such order are: NOTWITHSTANDING ANY the Secretary of State of the State of FLORIDA IN AND FOR PROBATE DIVISION NAME OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PE- Florida the Fictitious Names of Maru PROBATE DIVISION HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, File No. 13-CP-2459 SAMUEL D. CORIALE, as RIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO Diagnostic Imaging – Brandon; Maru File No. FLORIDA Division: A Successor Trustee of the HELEN C. (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE Diagnostic Imaging – Tampa; and Tow- 13-CP-824 PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF CORIALE REVOCABLE TRUST DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS er Radiology Center – Bloomingdale, in IN RE: ESTATE OF CASE NO.: HELEN C. CORIALE, dated July 7, 1997 BARRED. compliance with Section 865.09 of the EMMIT L. JONES 2013-CP-002246 Deceased. ADDRESS The date of first publication of this Florida Statutes. Deceased. IN RE: THE ESTATE OF TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS 1242 Conifer Cove Lane Notice is October 11, 2013. Dated this 9th day of October, 2013. The administration of the estate of CHRISTIA HAREIDE, OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE Webster, NY 14580 SAMUEL D. CORIALE TOWER IMAGING, INC., Emmit L. Jones, deceased, whose date Deceased. ABOVE ESTATE: ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE LONDON L. BATES, ESQUIRE a Florida corporation of death was December 18, 2011, is The administration of the estate of You are hereby notified than an Or- NOTIFIED THAT: Attorney for Petitioner “Owner” pending in the Circuit Court for Hill- Christia Hareide, deceased, whose der of Summary Administration has All creditors of the estate of the London L. Bates Law, P.A. Robert H. Mace, Jr., Paralegal sborough County, Florida, Probate date of death was April15, 2013, is been entered in the estate of HELEN decedent and persons having claims Florida Bar No. 193356/ Foley & Lardner LLP Division, the address of which is Hill- pending in the Circuit Court, Thir- C. CORIALE, deceased, File Number or demands against the estate of the SPN:02142458 P.O. Box 3391 Tampa, Florida 33601 sborough County Clerk of the Court, teenth Judicial Circuit, in and for 13-CP-2459 by the Circuit Court for decedent other than those for whom P.O. Box 1213, 4817-0168-2454.1. George E. Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 Hillsborough County, Florida, Probate Hillsborough County, Florida, Probate provision for full payment was made Dunedin, FL 34697 October 11, 2013 13-09203H Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida 33602. Division, the address of which is 301 Division, the address of which is 800 in the Order of Summary Administra- Telephone: (727) 734-8700 The names and addresses of the per- N. Michigan Avenue, Plant City, FL East Twiggs Street, Room 206, Tampa tion must file their claims with this Facsimile: (727) 734-8722 sonal representative and the personal 33563. The names and address of the Florida, and whose mailing address court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS Email: representative’s attorney are set forth personal representative and the per- is P.O. Box 1110, Tampa, FL 33601; SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 [email protected] below. sonal representative’s attorney are set that the decedent’s date of death was OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE October 11, 18, 2013 13-09078H NOTICE OF SALE All creditors of the decedent and forth below. Public Notice is hereby given that Na- other persons having claims or de- All creditors of the decedent and tional Auto Service Centers Inc. will sell mands against decedent’s estate on other persons having claims or de- at PUBLIC AUCTION free of all prior whom a copy of this notice is required mands against decedent’s estate FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION liens the follow vehicle(s) that remain to be served must file their claims on whom a copy of this notice is re- unclaimed in storage with charges with this court ON OR BEFORE quired to be served must file their NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS unpaid pursuant to Florida Statutes, THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER claims with this court WITHIN THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Sec. 713.78 to the highest bidder at THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLI- LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, 4122 Gunn Hwy, Tampa, Florida on CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT IN AND FOR FLORIDA FLORIDA 10/25/2013 at 11:00 A.M. DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SER- PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION VICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS OF SER- STATE OF FLORIDA File No. File No. 2002 FORD ON THEM. VICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE PROBATE DIVISION 13-2731 13-CP-2373 1FMYU60E52UB64468 All other creditors of the de- ON THEM. File Number: IN RE: ESTATE OF Division A cedent and other persons hav- All other creditors of the decedent 13-CP-002130 SARA CECILIA RIVERA IN RE: ESTATE OF Terms of the sale are CASH. NO RE- ing claims or demands against and other persons having claims or Division: A Deceased. THELMA CARTER, A/K/A FUNDS! Vehicle(s) are sold “AS IS”. decedent’s estate must file their demands against decedent’s estate IN RE: The Estate of: The administration of the estate of Sara THELMA S. CARTER National Auto Service Centers, Inc. re- claims with this court WITHIN 3 must file their claims with this court DANIEL SLAGER Cecilia Rivera, deceased, whose date Deceased. serves the right to accept or reject any MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS Deceased. of death was May 20, 2013, is pending The administration of the estate and/or all bids. THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF AFTER THE DATE OF THE The administration of the estate in the Circuit Court for Hillsborough of Thelma Carter, a/k/a Thelma THIS NOTICE.
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