SURGICAL TECHNIQUES Ranee Thakar, MD, MRCOG Dr. Thakar is Consultant ObGyn and Urogynecology Subspecial- ist at Mayday University Hospital in Croydon, United Kingdom. Abdul H. Sultan, MD, FRCOG Dr. Sultan is Consultant ObGyn at Mayday University Hospital in Croydon, United Kingdom. To repair a laceration involving The authors report no financial the external sphincter and anal relationships relevant to this article. epithelium, retrieve the sphincter's torn ends using tissue forceps and reapproximate them using interrupted Vicryl 3-0 sutures. Obstetric anal sphincter injury: 7 critical questions about care IN THIS ARTICLE y Is endoanal US When and how you manage an injury determines the helpful? patient’s quality of life. Here are 7 issues to consider. Page 58 CASE Large baby, extensive tear To minimize the risk of undiagnosed y Repair technique OASIS, a digital anorectal examination for internal and A 28-year-old primigravida undergoes a for- is warranted—before any suturing—in external sphincters ceps delivery with a midline episiotomy for every woman who delivers vaginally. Page 62 failure to progress in the second stage of la- This practice can help you avoid miss- bor. At birth, the infant weighs 4 kg (8.8 lb), ing isolated tears, such as “buttonhole” y How to code for and the episiotomy extends to the anal verge. of the rectal mucosa, which can occur obstetric anal The resident who delivered the child is uncer- even when the anal sphincter remains tain whether the anal sphincter is involved in intact (FIGURE 1), or a third- or fourth- sphincter injury the injury and asks a consultant to examine degree tear that can sometimes be present Page 66 the perineum. behind apparently intact perineal skin What should this examination entail? (FIGURE 2).1 OASIS = Clinical training of physicians and negligence? The obstetrician is rarely culpable when midwives also needs to improve. Did a jury find an OB guilty in a a third- or fourth-degree obstetric anal Every labor room should have Martens malpractice case that involved sphincter injury (OASIS) occurs—but a protocol for management of anal vacuum extraction? Read 2 Kimberly there is little excuse for letting one go un- sphincter injury ; this article describes "Medical Verdicts" on page 70 detected. detection, diagnosis, and management, ©2008 56 OBG MANA G E M ENT • February 2008 focusing on seven critical questions. figure 1 Only a physician formally trained in Buttonhole tear primary anal sphincter repair (or under supervision) should repair OASIS. 1. When (and how) should the torn perineum be examined? The first requisite is informed consent EAS for vaginal and rectal examination im- mediately after delivery. Also vital are ad- equate exposure of the perineum, good lighting, and, if necessary, sufficient an- algesia to prevent pain-related restriction of the evaluation. It may be advisable to place the patient in the lithotomy posi- A buttonhole tear of the rectal mucosa (arrow) with an intact external anal sphincter (EAS) demonstrated during a tion to improve exposure. digital rectal examination. SOURCE: Sultan AH3 (used with After visual examination of the permission). perineum, part the labia and examine the vagina to establish the full extent of the figure 2 tear. Always identify the apex of the vagi- Injury obscured nal laceration. by intact skin Next, perform a rectal examination to exclude injury to the anorectal mucosa A and anal sphincter.3 Palpation is necessary to confirm OASIS FAST TRACK Insert the index finger into the anal canal A rectal examination and the thumb into the vagina and per- form a pill-rolling motion to palpate the with digital palpation anal sphincter. If this technique is incon- is always necessary clusive, ask the woman to contract her to determine anal sphincter with your fingers still in the extent of injury place. When the sphincter is disrupted, you feel a distinct gap anteriorly. If the B perineal skin is intact, there may be an absence of puckering on the perianal skin over any underlying defect that may not be evident under regional or general anesthesia. Because the external anal sphincter (EAS) is in a state of tonic contraction, the sphincter ends will retract when it is disrupted. These ends need to be grasped and retrieved at the time of repair. Also identify the internal anal sphinc- ter (IAS). It is a circular smooth muscle (A) Intact perineum on visual examination. (B) Anal sphincter FIGURE 3, ( page 58) that is paler in ap- trauma detected after rectal examination. SOURCE: Sultan pearance (similar to the flesh of raw fish) AH, Kettle C1 (used with permission). www.obgmanagement.com February 2008 • OBG MANA G E M ENT 57 SURGICAL TECHNIQUES CONTINUED figure 3 the sonographic defect was not clinically Grade 3b tear visible despite exploration of the anal sphincter.5 As a result of this unneces- sary exploration based on endoanal US, 20% of these women developed severe fecal incontinence. Therefore, we believe that OASIS is best detected clinically im- mediately after delivery, provided the physician performs a careful examina- tion with palpation of the anal sphinc- ter.6 In such a scenario, endoanal US is of limited value. Grade 3b tear with an intact internal anal sphincter (IAS). 3. How is obstetric The external sphincter (EAS) is being grasped with Allis anal sphincter trauma forceps. Note the difference in appearance of the paler IAS and darker EAS. SOURCE: Sultan AH, Kettle C1 (used with classified? permission). To standardize the classification of peri- neal trauma, Sultan proposed the follow- than the striated EAS (similar to raw red ing system, which has been adopted by meat).4 Under normal circumstances, the the Royal College of Obstetricians and distal end of the IAS lies a few millime- Gynaecologists and internationally7–9: ters proximal to the distal end of the EAS First degree: Laceration of the vaginal (FIGURE 4, page 61). However, if the EAS epithelium or perineal skin only is relaxed due to regional or general an- Second degree: Involvement of the peri- esthesia, the distal end of the IAS will ap- neal muscles, but not the anal sphincter pear to be at a lower level. If the IAS or Third degree: Disruption of the anal anal epithelium is torn, the EAS is, invari- sphincter muscles (FIGURE 4, page 61): FAST TRACK ably, torn, too. • 3a: Less than 50% thickness of the Obstetric anal General or regional (spinal, epidural, external sphincter is torn caudal) anesthesia provides analgesia • 3b: More than 50% thickness of the sphincter injury and muscle relaxation and enables proper external sphincter is torn is best detected evaluation of the full extent of the injury. • 3c: Internal sphincter is also torn clinically Fourth degree: A third-degree anal tear immediately after with disruption of the anal epithelium 2. Is endoanal US helpful (FIGURE 4). delivery to detect OASIS? If there is any ambiguity about grad- Endoanal ultrasonography (US) to iden- ing of the injury, the higher grade should tify OASIS requires specific expertise, be selected. For example, if there is un- particularly in the immediate postpartum certainty between grades 3a and 3b, the period, when the anal canal is lax (espe- injury should be classified as Grade 3b. cially after an epidural). Ultimately, how- ever, the diagnosis rests on clinical assess- ment and a rectal examination because, 4. Is an operating room even if a defect is seen on US, it has to be necessary? clinically apparent to be repaired. OASIS should be repaired in the oper- In a study by Faltin and colleagues, ating theater, where there is access to in which routine postpartum endoanal good lighting, appropriate equipment, US was used as the gold standard for and aseptic conditions. In our unit, we diagnosis of OASIS, five of 21 women have a specially prepared instrument had unnecessary intervention because tray containing: CONTINUED 58 OBG MANA G E M ENT • February 2008 SURGICAL TECHNIQUES CONTINUED figure 4 Classification of anal sphincter injury First- and second-degree injuries are described on page 58. Rectum Internal sphincter Grades 3a 3b Grade 4 3c External sphincter Anus ©2008 Maura Flynn • a Weislander self-retaining retractor Fourth-degree tear • 4 Allis tissue forceps Repair torn anal epithelium with inter- • McIndoe scissors rupted Vicryl 3-0 sutures, with the knots • tooth forceps tied in the anal lumen. Proponents of this • 4 artery forceps widely described technique argue that FAST TRACK • stitch scissors it reduces the quantity of foreign body Repair torn anal • a needle holder. (knots) within the tissue and lowers the In addition, deep retractors (e.g., risk of infection. Concern about a foreign epithelium with Deavers) are useful when there are asso- body probably applies to the use of cat- interrupted ciated paravaginal tears. gut, which dissolves by proteolysis, rath- Vicryl 3-0 sutures, er than to newer synthetic material such with the knots tied as Vicryl or Dexon (polyglycolic acid), 5. What surgical technique which dissolves by hydrolysis. in the anal lumen is recommended? Subcuticular repair of anal epithelium Buttonhole injury using a transvaginal approach has also This type of injury can occur in the rec- been described and could be equally ef- tum without disrupting the anal sphincter fective if the terminal knots are secure.10 or perineum. It is best repaired transvagi- nally using interrupted Vicryl (polyglac- Sphincter muscles tin) sutures. Repair these muscles using 3-0 polydioxa- To minimize the risk of persistent rec- none (PDS) dyed sutures. Compared with tovaginal fistula, interpose a second layer braided sutures, monofilament sutures of tissue between the rectum and vagina by are believed to lessen the risk of infec- approximating the rectovaginal fascia. A tion, although a randomized controlled colostomy is rarely indicated unless a large trial revealed no difference in suture- tear extends above the pelvic floor or there related morbidity between Vicryl and is gross fecal contamination of the wound.
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