92 R. M. C. REVIEW 24 7 Russell Hill Road, Toronto (5) April 21st, 1927. R. D. Williams, Esq., Sec.-Treasurer R. M. C. Club, Toronto. My Dear Mr. Williams:- I want to tell you with what pleasure I received your note of the 14th inst. conveying to me the gratifying intelligence of being elected an Honor­ ary Member of the Royal Military College Club of Canada, at the annual meeting, held in Montreal on April 9th, 1927. Will you kindly express to the President and Members of the Club how exhilarating was the added reason for making me an Honorary Member which was phrased in your note as "The affection and regard your old pupils feel for you." It will seem to you unnecessary for me to say that I recipro­ cate that sentiment with as much endurance as it implied in the Trigo­ nometrical relation which is so often referred to in the salutations of ex­ Cadets and is included in your note. I shall be guided by the Constitution and By-laws which you enclosed, and may I hope that my fut.ure will frequently put me into that social inter­ course, so congenial to me, with the ex-Cadets who are so thrilling in their gracious gestures. Yours very sincerely, IVA E. MARTIN. 14th April, 1927. Lieut.-Gen. Sir A. C. Macdonell, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., 3026 Sixth A venue, West, Calgary, Alberta. Sir:- I am instructed by the President of the Royal Military College Club to advise you that at the Annual Meeting, held in Montreal on April 9th, you were elected an Honorary Life Member of the Club, in recognition of the invaluable services rendered to the College during your term as Com­ mandant. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, SECRETARY-TREASURER. 3026 Sixth Street West, Calgary, April 22nd, 1927. LOGoF H.M.S.STONE FRIGATE The Secretary, The Royal Military College Ex-Cadet Club, Toronto, Ont. Dear Sir:- Will you please convey my grateful thanks to the President, Commit­ I tee and Members of the R. M. C. Ex-Cadet Club for the signal honour they December, 1927 have conferred on me by electing me an Honorary Life Member of the Club. No event in my life has gratified me more, and few as much. This hon­ ( our is all the more appreciated and valued because of its unexpectedness. I am, with renewed thanks, Yours sincerely, ARCHIBAIJD CAMERON MACDONELL. (Ex-Cadet 151) 2 R. M. C. REVIEW R. M. C. REVIEW 3 Royal Milil<(-YY College of Canada Review and Log of H.M.S. Stone Frigate Compliments OF : : : : EDITORIAL STAFF ii PRICE BROTHERS & COMPANY n Editor-in-Chief..... ................................................. PROFESS·OR W. R. P. BRIDGER Assoc. Editor for Ex-Cadet News ...... LT.-COLONEL E. F. WURTELE LIMITED Corresponding Secretary for India.................... _........... MAJOR A. H. JUKES 1st Class Representative.................................................... _......... L/Cpl. J.M. SAVAGE 2nd Class Representative- .... --............................ -................ G. C. R. T. DuMOULIN Qyebec 3rd Class Representative.............................................................................. G.C., D. P. ROSS 4th Class Representative......................................................... G.C., A. B. CONNOLLY Business Manager and Sports Editor, T. F. GELLEY, Esq. Assistant Business Manager, G.C. H. deM. MOLSON. No. XVI., Vol. VIII. DECEMBER, 1927. R. M. C. REVIEW L 0 G 0 F H. M. S. S T 0 NE F RI GA T E ONE DOLLAR VOL. VIII DECEMBER, 1927 POST FREE Foreword LAWYER friend of mine has often said, that generally speaking, there is only one point in a case. Assuming A that this remark holds good about the Royal Military College, I wish to emphasize what I think would be the one point. R.M.C. has unsurpassed location, plant and equipment reasonably adequate and in course of improvement, an ex­ cellent staff, a comprehensive and useful course of study and work, and traditions which are priceless. The one point is that you can spend much time and money telling Canadians all about these admirable features and they will still know little and think less about the Col­ lege; but if a Royal Military College Cadet walks down the street of a town, or steps into an elevator, or calls at a home, the people he meets will not require to visit the College or read its history or interview the staff; they will recognize the quality of the College in the actual product. Without preaching, let me recall that someone said, "Character is what a fellow is when he isn't watched." No finer thing could be said of the Royal Military College Cadets than that they run true to form no matter where they are. It is part of my job to sell Royal Military College to the citizens of Canada. They have to pay for it. I count myself fortunate that I can, to a large extent, leave it to the samples to sell the goods. COLO NEL THE HON O URABLE J L. RALST O N . C . M . G .. D . S o .: K . C. D . C . L MINISTER OF NAT I O N AL DEFENCE PRESIDENT OF ROYAL MILITARY CO L LEGE O F CANADA. Ottawa, Nov. 18, 1927. 19 R. M. C. REVIEW R. M. C. REVIEW 11 STAFF NOTES BIRTHS COOK-In Toronto, on August 31, to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cook a daughter, Mary Elizabeth. MARRIAGES SHA W-SYER-BRISTOWE; at St. Mary Abbots Church London England Editorial Notes on ~he 18th of Au~ust, Major Charles Clarkson' Shaw, R.C.A., t~ Doris Syer, only child of Mr. and Mrs. F. Syer-Bristowe, of Folk­ E have the privilege and pleasure of P?blishing, as the stone. frontispiece of this number, a portrait of the Hon. J. VOKES-MURPHY; at Kingston, Ont., on October 3rd, Major F. Vokes, WL. Ralston, C.M.G., D.S.O., K.C., Minister of Militia, R.C.E., to Mrs. Bessie E. Murphy. and ex-officio President of this College. Colonel Ral­ MACKLEM-BERMINGHAM; at Kingston, on November 26th No. 605 ston has also kindly written for us the "Foreword" which Oliver Tiffany Macklem to Katherine Derby, daughter of Mr. and appears on the previous page. Mrs. William Bermingham of Kingston. Our fifty-second year has opened auspiciously with the (Mr. Bermingham, father of the bride, is Ex-Cadet No. 203). largest number of Gentlemen Cadets in attendance in the College history. We have reached the two hundred mark with just under seventy recruits. Though we do not wish GENERAL to fall into the error of worshipping numbers, yet we do feel It is with the greatest regret that we have to announce the departure that, when the College expands in this manner, it is a sure of Captain F. M. W. Harvey, V.C., M.C., Croix de Guerre, L.S.H., (R.C.), sign that its utility is being more and more widely realized who, after completing his four years at the College, has rejoined his unit in the Dominion of Canada. at Calgary. At the time of writing, nothing of great moment has Captain Harvey came to us in 1923 as Superintendent of Gymnasia. happened at the College. As always, the beginning of this In the Harrier, Basketball, Track and Football teams he was the moving term has been a time of "learning the ropes" for Recruits, spirit, and to him must be given much of the credit for the successes and of "shaking down" for the rest of the College. Changes achieved by these teams during the past four years. As an old international in the personnel of the Staff have, perhaps, been fewer than football player, his advice and encouragement on the football field were in­ usual, though changes from "single blessedness" to "con­ valuable. jugal bliss" have been comparatively numerous, and we are Captain Harvey was also Secretary of the Superior Staff Mess, and rapidly becoming a Staff of benedicts. for a time superintended the Cadets' Messing. Not only officially but privately,Captain Harvey is greatly missed at There has been much cleaning up and painting going on the College; he was always a most welcome and pleasant addition to any around the College. One of the new tennis courts, so gener­ sport or pastime. We wish him, Mrs. Harvey and their son, the best of ously presented to the College, is in use, and it is hoped to good luck in the West. have others ready for the next season. Work is proceedi.ng steadily on the new Machinery Hall, of which we ·hope to give a description in our June number, by which time it will ~e It is with great pleasure that we welcome on the Staff another Ex­ completed. The next building we should like to see go up is Cadet in the person of Lieut. G. G. M. Carr-Harris, (Coll. No. 1118), a mem­ a new Library. The splendid Douglas Library at Queen's ber of a family which has always played a prominent part in the history University makes us envious of our friends across the river. of the College. Elsewhere in this number will be found a short descrip­ Mr. Carr-Harris obtained a special war commission from the College in tion of two valuable watercolours, presented to the College 1916, and proceeded to the S.M.E., Chatham, where he stayed for six by No. 86, Colonel R. W. Leol'lard. The College is also greatly months. He then went over to France with the 7th Division, which later indebted to another Ex-Cadet, No. 96 James White, Esq., who wa~ transferred to Italy.
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