TMAPC Public Heoring Sloff Reporl TULSA November 18,2020 PLANNING OFFICE Plon óó - Route óó Moster Plon (CPA-92) Prepored by Poulino Boezo, [email protected], 918.579.9 447 llem Consider odoption of the Plon ó6 Executive Summory ond Chopter 5, Recommendotions, os on omendment lo the Tulso Comprehensive Plon. Bockground Over the post l5 yeors since the originol Route óó Enhoncements ond Promolion Moster Plon of Development (2005) wos releosed, severolinitiotives hove been implemented, occounting for o list of successes. Lost yeor, o Moster Plon updote wos commissioned to the Tulso Plonning Office by the City of Tulso ond the Rouie óó Commission to coniinue working ond improving on previous recom mendotions. The updoie, Plon óó, envisions the route os o ploce thot will drow locols ond visitors io celebrote its heritoge significonce. Tulso's 2005 Route óó Moster Plon wos bosed on on inlensive progrom thot pumped economic development through copitol improvement investment. Plon óó focuses on leveroging post projeci implemenlotion to encouroge privote investmenl, preservotion. promotion ond celebrotion of ihe route, ond to coter to o more diverse crowd. Under Plon óó's vision, Route óó in Tulso will continue to become on ottroclive destinotion; o source of employment lhoi fovors economic growth ond opportuniiy creotion; ond o londmork for Tulso. plon óó focuses on 4 moin gools: Preservotion, Revitolizotion, Connection ond Celebrotion. Stoff reseorched cose studies ond posf efforts olong the Route; did doto onolysis ond mopping to identify ossets ond compore before ond ofler conditions during lhe post l5 yeors; compiled o list of projects implemenied ond their impoct; conducted on oulreoch process thot included o workshop meeting with o Steering Commiltee, one-on-one interviews with subject moiter experts, o business ond culture roundloble, lounched o public survey thoi gothered over 1000 responses; ond drofted finolrecommendolions ond o lisÌ of implementolion resources. Stoff presented the droft plon to the Plonning Commission ot on October 21, 2020 Work Session. Stoff hos olso worked with ond provided periodic updotes to the Route óó Commission during the process. Plon óó presented of the Route óó Commission's November 10,2020 meeiing ond received o recommendotion of opprovolto corry forword through lhe Plonning Commission ond City Council process. Comprehensive Plqn Conformqnce Plon óó is in conformonce with the following Priorities, Gools, ond Actions of the Tulso Comprehensive Plon: t Poge 1 of 2 ll 2 W 2nd St, Bth Floor I Tulso, OK 74103 I 918'584.752ó | www.incog.org TMAPC Public Heoring Sloff Report TULSA November 18,2020 PLANNING OFFICE Plon óó - Route óó Mosier Plon (CPA-92) LAND USE: For new ond existing businesses PRESERVAITON ond REVIT ALIZAIION: Stobilize ond for residentiol neighborhoods, including ond odoptively reuse while investing in new mixed-use developments. construction for businesses ond housing includino mixed-use developmenls. IRANSPORIAIION: A wide voriety multi-modol CONNECI: Multi-modol tronsportotion olong choices to reoch destinotions. Rt 6ó ond vio Route óó ond other Tulso destinotions. ECONOMTC DEVELOP MENI: Expond REV rT ALIZAIION ond CEIEßRAIE: I nvestment opportunity ond improve quolity of life into commerciol ond residentiol property; creote public spoces enjoyed by residents ond tourists. HOUSING: Provide o ronge of housing types REVIT ALIZAIION: Encouro ge privote ond prices. investment to olso keep obulting neiohborhoods off ordoble. PARKS, IRAtLS ond OPEN SPACES: Accessible CELEBRATE: Provide public open spoces olong public spoces connected to residentiol Route óó, which creote outdoor opportunities neiohborhoods. for events ond diversity of culture. Slqff Recommendol¡on Stoff recommends thoi TMAPC odopt Plon 66 Executive Summory ond Chopter 5- Recommendotions os on omendment to the Tulso Comprehensive Plon. Allochmenl: Plon óó, Tulso's Roule óó Moster Plon Pqge 2of 2 /l 2 2 W 2nd St,8th Floor I Tulso, OK 74ì03 | 918.584.7526 | www.incog.org l,i lrlll i.t PtNN TULSA 66 ffikl$ä PLANXING OFFICE Tulsa's Route 66 Master Plan L,\ Adoption Information The Executive Summary and Chapter 5 - Recommendations will be considered for adoption by Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission and approval by Tulsa City Council. Effective: For questions, contact: Paulina Baeza, Senior Planner [email protected] Dennis Whitaker, Planner [email protected] Tulsa Planning Office 2W 2nd St.,8th Floor Tulsa, OK 74IO3 91.8.584.7526 + tulsaplanning. org Table of Contents Acknowledgments L Executive Summary .......4 lntroduction 5 Background 5 Purpose Statement.... 7 Vision 7 Chapter 1 - Background I Route 66 History.......... 9 Tulsa's Previous Route 66 Master Plan (2005) 10 Other Studies and Plans..... 10 Case Study... 12 Ghapter 2 - Existing Gonditions L4 The Evolution of Route 66 15 Revital ization Opportu n ities 75 77 Economic Development. 18 Connectivity. 19 Route 66 Projects 22 Ghapter 3 - Successes............. 24 Maps and Figures The Route 66 Master Plan (2005). 25 Map 1- Route 66 Revitalization Opportunities 16 Route 66 Corridor Districts (2005) 28 Table 1- Demographics 17 Vision 2025 Project Highlights..... 29 Table 2 - Economic Development 18 Non-Capital Projects 37 Table 3 - Top lndustry Sectors. 18 Other Successes since 2005............ 37 Map 2 - Route 66 Connectivity 20 - Additional Resources.... 37 Table 4 - Culture & Recreation ............27 27 38 Map 3 - 2005 Corridor Districts Ghapter 4 Methodology.......... Map 4 Highlighted Vision 2025 Projects 30 - 39 - Methodology Figure Future Growth Potential and lndicators 39 43 1- Outreach Process........ Map 5 Density of Landmarks.................... ..........40 Target Areas 48 - Prioritized Map 6 - Density of Land Use Opportunities, and Ghapter 5 - Recommendations 52 Connectivity and Housing ......................41 Goal 1: Preserve 66. 53 Map 7 - Composite Density 42 Goal2: Revitalize 66 55 Figure 2 - Survey Respondents by Age Group 45 57 Figure 3 - Survey Respondents by Zip Code Tier........................45 Goal 4; Celebrate 66 59 Map 8 - Survey Response..... ...........46 Prioritized lnitiatives & Specific Route 66 Projects 6I Figure 10 - Top Strategies for Each Goal 47 Figure 11 - Target Area Preferences by Outreach 49 :--rl Acknowledgments Tulsa Planning Office Plan 66 Advisory Committee Subject Matter Expert Interviewees Project Lead . Ken Busby, Chair, Route 66 Commission and . Jesse Boudiette, President and Owner of Chair, Route 66 Finance Committee Propeller Communications, Route 66 Business . Paulina Baeza, Senior Planner . Rhys Martin, Past Chair, Route 66 Commission, . Amy Smith, Co-Owner of Soul City, Route 66 Project Team and President, Oklahoma State Route 66 Business Association . Executive Director, Tulsa . Dennis Whitaker, Planner Amanda DeCort, . Brandi Ball, Executive Director, Route 66 Main Foundation for Arch itectu re . Ty Simmons, Principal GIS Analyst Street and Member, Route 66 Commission . Rhys Martin, Chair, Route 66 Commission . Nathan Foster, Senior Planner . Walter Faber, Route 66 Property Owner and . Liann Alfaro, Marketing and Plann¡ng Director, . Emily Scott, Assistant Planner CFO, J.D. Young Tulsa Transit . Daniel Jeffries, Senior Planner Jessica Jackson, Executive Director, Kendall . Jane Ziegler, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, Member, Route Whittier Main Street and 66 INCOG Contributors Commission . Aaron Meek, Owner & Operato¡ M Development, . Susan Miller, Director Brian Kurtz, Executive Director, Downtown Route 66 Business Coordinating Council . Travis Hulse, Principal Planner . Vanessa Masucci, Vice President of Sales, . Jed Porter, Historic Preservation Planner VisitTulsa . Luisa Krug, Destination District Manager . Aaron Meeks, Route 66 business owner, . Samiul Haque, lntern and Chair, Route 66 Commission Economic Development Comm¡ttee . Spencer Mitchell, Mayor, Office of Economic Development Plan 66 Sponsors and Contributors . Meredith Peebles, COO, Lobeck Taylor Family . Tally's Good Food Café Foundation, representing Route 66 Business . Lobeck Taylor Family Foundation Owner . Tulsa Planning Office Larry Wofford, Chair of Entrepreneurial Studies, University of Tulsa . Route 66 Commission TULSA O!ñ''' PL XÌIIXG OFFICS LobeckToylor a\ 7 Round Table Diversity Discussion Route 66 Commiss¡on Goal Subject Matter Expert lnterviews . Tally and Angela Alame, Owners, . District 2 - Councilor Jeannie Cue Goal 1 - Preserve the Route Tally's Good Food Café . District 3 - Councilor Christa Patrick . Amanda DeCort, Executive Director, Tulsa . Fou ndation for Architecture Zechariah Harjo, Project Development . District 4 - Councilor l\ara J. McKee Coordinator, Muscogee Creek Nation Goal 2 Revitalize the Route . District 5 - Councilor Cass Fahler - . Mattie Bledsoe-Hayes, Owner, . Aaron Meek, Owner, Group M Development . Connie Dodson OK Style Bar-B-Que District 6 - Councilor . Goal 3 - Connect the Route . Darrell and Tamika Knox, Owner, Ken Busby, Executive Director, Route 66 Alliance . Ja ne Ziegler, Bicycl e-Pedestri a n Coord i nator, Sweet Lisa's Restaurant . Amanda DeCort, Executive Director, INCOG . Trent Morrow, Ziegler Art Supplies (Cherokee Tulsa Foundation for Architecture . Liann Alfaro, Planning and Marketing Director, Nation Tribal member) . Nick Doctor, Chief of Community Development Tulsa Transit Tulsa . Travis Owens, Director, Cultural Tourism and Policy, City of Goal 4 Celebrate the Route & Community Relations, Cherokee Nation . Samantha Extance, Events Coordinator, - Business Mother Road Market
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