._..-------------------------------:---_-------- t i trnr /I~~:' \ ~o:J~;.. ~~ \ \ '- - .. '"1 :J • , '<<I' ,~'z.... ~~ WA YNE COUNTY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ... ESTABLISHED 1869 'J .. " • ,~ o(;l"I\f< ....... o"() '/ (J)/ • V~1.117,No. 48,Three Sections, 40Pages, Plus Supplements WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1986-NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN T ;. c.....x / ~NTS 'Three seek to fill·two school board sec\ll!JJ~ , Northville voters will head to the polls Monday, June 9, A homemaker and student at Eastern Michigan 'board's representative to the Future Needs Committee in He lives at 42029Sunnydale with his wife Bonnie their to select two Northville Board of Education trustees from ,University, she is active in several local and area the absence of Superintendent. George Bell. two children. a rleld of three candidates, organizations including the National Organization for He also is a Commissioner of Under 14 boys Soccer, (, Polls will open at 7 a.m. Monday and close at 8 p.m. Incumbent Glenna Davis, a five-year veteran of the Women, League of Women Voters, Art Guild, Northville • served as Vice President of the Northville Association for Voters are reminded that polling places for Monday's board, is seeking election to her second full term. Action Council and PTA. the Academically Talented and was treasurer of Cub school election may differ from general election loca. Challengers are Joseph Dunkerley and Robert She is a member of the Schoolcraft College Women's Scout Pack 721in 19l14-8S. tions. Voters should check their school voter registration McMahon. Advisory, Michigan Media Project (a group working He lives at 20370 Woodbend with his wife Joyce and 'card for precinct and polling place. At least one new trustee will sit on the board following 'toward improving the image of women in all media, par- their five children. Polling places by precinct are as follows: Monday's election. The vacant seat on the board was ticularly advertising), PI;Oject Peer (currently working Robert McMahon, a resident of Northville since 1978,is 0 Precinct 1- Northville City Offices, 215W.Main; created by Karen Wilkinson, who decided not to seek re- IX on a repOrt on the status of Title in Wayne County) and I Community and Economic Development Manager of the 0 Precinct 2 - Silver Springs School, 19801Silver Spr-; election to a fourth term. the Northville State Hospital Security Council. Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG l. ings; . " Monday's election is expected to generate a somewhat Davis lives at 19405 Fry with her husband John and He serves on several civic and professional organiza- 0 Precinct 3 - Winchester School, 16141Winchester' larger voter turnout than last year when less than two their thn:e children. tions including the Strategic Planning Committee of Drive; . percent of Northville's approximately 12,700voters re- Joseph Dunkerley Is Supervisor of Energy, En- United Community Services of Metropolitan Detroit 0 Precinct 4 - Amerman School, 847N. Center; .. elected incumbent Jean Hansen to her second four-year vironmental, and Preventative Maintenance Planning Madonna College Gerontology Advisory Committee, Ad- 0 Precinct 5- Northville City Offices, 215W. Main; , . • term. Hansen was unopposed in re-election bid. for the Engine Division of Ford Motor Company. .Ivisory Council to the Area Agency on Aging, Board of 0 Precinct 6 - Moraine School, 46811 W. Eight Mile. • Appointed to the board in 1981to fill the remaining term A resident of Northville since 1980,he has served on the IDirectors, United Community Services - Wayne Divi- of former trustee Richard Barron, Davis was elected to Middle School Advisory Committee, the Elementary sion and the Northville Regional Pyschiatric Hospital her.first full term in 1982. 'School Redistricting Committee ana served as the school Citizens Advisory Council. 0 Candidates' interviews/6A .~ Detroit files suit • to keep DeHoCo· .land tax exempt By ANITA CRONE had not been exempt from taxation." Heintz said' she has not been in- The city of Detroit has filed suit in formed of any ruling by the commis- the Michigan Tax Tribunal seeking to sion, and was "very surprised" when stop Northville and Plymouth served with the suit May 30. townships from placing city-owned "Detroit didn't call us. They didn't, parcels on their tax rolls. make an attempt to find out What, if • The Northvi1le Public Schools also anything, we had done about putting received a' summons and complaint the land on the tax rolls. All they did form; however, the district was not was file this suit," Heintz said. named as a defendant. John Street, Maurice Breen, supervisor of director of business and finance said Plymouth Township, was on vacation he had turned the matter over to the last week and could'not be reached board's attorn~s. ·Jor. comment. However, Heintz said "' .. '1'he'parcefs oti"bie'tofiner site 'of the two townships would fight the sull DeHoCo (two of which are in Nor- together and the matter bad been thville Township) have been tax ex- turned over to former State Rep. empt because Detroit has contended Robert Law, a member of the firm of • .it used the land to train police of- Nora, Hemming, Essad, Polaczyk . .Bcers. However, Northville The suit says the two properties in 'Township contends the land is not be- Northville Township were tax ex- ing used for governmental purposes empt, being used for a governmental and thus should be on the tax rolls. purpose, as an integral part of . In a March 26 letter to the DeHoCo and the township arbitrarily :Michigan Tax Commission, Super- withdrew the exempt status of the 'visor Susan Heintz advised the group properties. :the township wanted the land to be Heintz contends the exemption was :taxable under Michigan Compiled never withdrawn. "We haven't got- • Law 211.91,which states: "When an • L. ~' --iSI __ iiIiMIMi ten a response from the tax commis- '.assessing officer finds that any real Record/JERRY ZOl YNS'KY sion. We didn't place the properties 'property or personal property which on the rolls," she said. for any reason is exempt from taxa- The suit further contends the Division Champs :tion under the laws of this state, is not township had not enabled the tax being used fo the purposes for which commission to fulfill its statutory du- Northville pitcher Chris Dominique (No. 20) is congratulated by season with a fine 14-8 overall record and tied with Livonia the tax exemption is granted, he shall ty by informing the commission of his teammates after going all the way on the mound and leading Franklin for the Division title with an 8-2mark. In seven innings after approval of the state tax com- the alleged change of status; and, the the Mustangs to a 12-1win over Livonia Churchill on May 27.The of work, Dominique surrendered no earned runs, four hits and mission place the property on the tax properties since before Dec. 31, 1985 .win, in the 1986 season finale, clinched a share of the WLAA . struck out nine batters . rolls and the property shall be sub- and since, have been used for a Western Division crown for Northville. The baseballers ended the ject to taxation in the same amount and to the same extent as though it Continued on 11 I -16-year-old leads 1986 high school honor roll I By KATHY PETERSEN ,tagnolli'earned a 4.0 at Northville 'Iater to business with a poss'lble 'University of Michigan. Her major is I .High School after skipping ninth lcareer In either Institutional ;undecided, but she Is leaning toward Science and high finance are possi- ~rade, Bertagnolli, 16, plans to at. :stockbroklngorlnvestmentbanklng. ,a high school teaching career In ble careers for Northville High ~end University of Michigan In the . While In high school he was on the ,science. School's top 1986graduates. fall to study engineering. :tennis team and played on several cl- , Her other academic interests In- Class valedictorian Mark Ber- He said he may swlt~h his major lty recreation teams including soccer. elude courses about computers and , , Also during high school Bertagnolll psychology. -------------:------------- ;was vice'president of finance and co- ; Van Loke ,qUalified for a Regents :partner of his Junior Achievement :Scholarsblp from the ,University of Over business, National Honor Society 'Michlgan and a Northville teachers' -Inside: treasurer, German Club vice- ,Alpha Nu Chapter, Delta Kappa Board candidates 6A president and voted "Most Likely To :Gamma, scholarship. Succeed" by his classmates. Jill Werdell, salutatorian, received Calendar 2A 160 At college Bertagnolll is consider- one "B" during the past four years of Garage Sale Ads jng running for a residence hall her academic career. It was for a :representative position. sophomore composition class, she Classified 3B In This Week's Janice Van Loke, valedictorian, said. GREEN SHEET! maintained a 4.0 grade point average : Werdell, 17, spent time on the mar- Editorials 14A during her high school career. In ad- ching field with Van Loke. She played dltlon to stUdying Van Loke played :flute in the band for four years and • :Mini Olympians SA flute with the ma~chlng band for her 'also sang for four years with the . GREEN SHEET, first two years and served as drum tsehool choir . :Obituaries Action Ads major for her last two years of high , In addition to her school activities SA Get Results school. Werdell took music lessons In flute Van Loke, 17, was also involved .and plano. OurTown 1C 348-3022 backstage with the high school plays : She will attend Reed College In ,and musicals for four years, She said ;Portland, Oregon, to study biology. lshe helped build the sets, sell tickets 'Werdell, a National Merit finalist, land apply the performers' make-up.
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