Regular Session April 20, 2016 A video recording of this meeting and presentations can be viewed at www.pinalcountyaz.gov The Pinal County Board of Supervisors convened at 9:30 A.M. this date in the Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, 135 N. Pinal Street, Florence, Arizona. The meeting was called to order by Chairman House followed by an Invocation by Chaplain Del Budke and the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: Chairman Todd House; Vice-Chairman Anthony Smith; Supervisor Pete Rios; Supervisor Cheryl Chase; Supervisor Stephen Q. Miller; County Manager, Greg Stanley; Chief Civil Deputy County Attorney, Chris Keller; Clerk of the Board, Sheri Cluff and Assistant to the Clerk of the Board, Diane Gardner. Call to the Public - David Frie, Casa Grande, spoke regarding accusations made in the Casa Grande Dispatch against the Sheriff and his Chief Deputy. Mr. Frie felt the County Board of Supervisors should request the Arizona Attorney General do an investigation into the matter. Brandon Irish, Maricopa, spoke regarding his war on corruption on every level in the country. He expressed his dissatisfaction with Electrical District 3 and also Pinal County Animal Care and Control. Roberto Reveles, Gold Canyon, spoke regarding Pinal County Policy and Procedure 1.30 governing the political activity of Pinal County Employees. Mr. Reveles stated that Steve Henry was in violation of Policy 1.30 governing all County Employees. Presentation of Certificates of Service to employees for 20, 25 and 30 years of service. Greg Stanley, County Manager, presented Certificates of Service to Denise Keller, Library, 20 years; Gilbert Tarango, Public Works, 25 years; Laura Miller, Court Administration, 25 years; Jo A. Mihalic, Public Health, 20 years; Beckie L. Jones, Public Health, 25 years; Joseph P. Schultz, Assessor, 30 years; Annette G. Ortiz, Assessor, 30 years; Scott Dill, Sheriff’s Office, 20 years; Tyrone S. Montgomery, Sheriff’s Office, 20 years; Robert S. Monashefsky, Sheriff’s Office, 20 years; Angelica M. Valenzuela, Sheriff/Detention, 20 years and Tonya R. Delgado, Sheriff/Detention, 20 years. County Manager's Report (Information Only). Greg Stanley, County Manager, said the State Budget is still in leadership discussions. Mr. Stanley said there were a couple of favorable items that are going on. He said, we Regular Session April 20, 2016 Page 2 may get reimbursed for the Presidential Preference Election, secondly, Pinal County did not get the lottery funds but it does appear that those monies are included in the budget and they are currently working on the Juvenile Corrections piece. A concern is that the State will put a rate levy cap on our tax rate which could affect our bond ratings. Purchasing Division Report – April 20, 2016 The purchasing report was presented by Randon Riffey CONTRACT RENEWALS: 1. PC-111917 – Asphalt Pulverization and Soil Stabilization Services – Recommend approval of modification #4 to exercise the 4th optional renewal with Asphalt Busters and Palo Verde Constructors. The term of the renewal is May 23, 2016 through May 22, 2017, with no option periods remaining. There has been no spend on this service in the last year. This contract is used by Public Works. 2. PC-121018 – Generator Maintenance – Recommend approval of modification #3 to exercise the 3rd optional renewal with Gen-Tech and W.W. Williams. The term of the renewal is May 8, 2016 through May 7, 2017, with one option period remaining. The County has spent approximately $78,000 on this service in the last year. This contract is used by I.T. and Facilities. Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Procurements between $100,000 and $250,000: PO # AMOUNT SUPPLIER ITEM DEPT. 1. 234759 $219,989.17 Western Fence Barbed wire Public fencing Works Motion was made by Supervisor Smith and seconded by Supervisor Miller to approve the purchasing report as presented. Motion carried by unanimous vote. CONSENT ITEMS Chairman House advised that all items indicated by an asterisk (*) would be handled by a single vote as part of the consent agenda, unless a Board Member, County Manager, or member of the public objected at the time the agenda item was called. Chairman House asked if there were any requests from a Board member, staff or the audience to remove a consent agenda item for discussion. There were none. Regular Session April 20, 2016 Page 3 Motion was made by Supervisor Rios and seconded by Supervisor Miller to approve consent agenda items A through K. * A. Current billings before the Board. * B. Request for Vera A. Stelk, Gregory M. Frink, Janet Carpenter, Benny Sains, Grace J. Adams, Robert N. Meade, Jr. and Melba Hopper to be allowed to file for widow/widowers and/or disabled persons or non-profit organization tax exemption. * C. Direct the Pinal County Treasurer's Office to issue a replacement check in the amount of $1238.23, Check No. T136306, dated 07/08/2014, issued to Li Shih which was never cashed and is now stale-dated. * D. Memorandum of Agreement No. ADEQ13-033141, Amendment 3 (MOA) with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and Pinal County Air Quality (PCAQCD). This will extend the agreement terms through June 30, 2017. This amendment adds terms to provide a mechanism for ADEQ to disburse funds to PCAQCD as designated by the Environmental Protection Agency to support the air quality programs through Federal 105 funds. * E. Resolution No. 042016-AD0204 - a resolution electing the full payment system of Title 1 of the Secure Rural Schools Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 and authorizing the transfer of one-half of the County's allotments of Forest Fee Reserve Funds up to a maximum of $150,000 per fiscal year to the Pinal County School Superintendent's Office. (AD0204) * F. Resolution No. 042016-RD15-093 - a resolution releasing Bond No. 0659820 associated with Shea Homes at Johnson Farms, Neighborhood 6C, located in Section 32, Township 2 South, Range 8 East, within Supervisory District 2. (RD15-093) * G. Resolution No. 042016-HUD - approving and agreeing to the Capital Fund Program amendment to the consolidated annual contributions contract with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The total amount of this resolution is not to exceed $214,135.00 * H. Public Housing Authority (PHA) certifications of compliance with the PHA Annual Agency Plan and a Board Resolution to accompany the Plan submittal to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Public and Indian Housing. * I. Reallocation of Sub grantee agreement no. 14-AZDOHSOPSG-140307-05 between the Pinal County Sheriff's Office and the Arizona Department of Homeland Security in the amount of $100,000.00. The funds will be used to purchase 2 fully equipped vehicles (including radios). The award requires a fiscal year 2015-2016 budget amendment to transfer reserve appropriation only from Fund 213 (Grants/Project Contingency) to Fund 203 (Sheriff's Grants) to increase revenue and expenditures appropriations. There will be no impact on the General Fund. Award Period: April 1, 2016 to July 31, 2016. Regular Session April 20, 2016 Page 4 * J. Arizona Auto Theft Authority Grant Award between the Pinal County Sheriff's Office and the Arizona Auto Theft Authority in the amount of $5,037. The funds will be used to repair a Automatic License Plate Reader. The award requires a fiscal year 2015-2016 budget amendment to transfer reserve appropriation only from Fund 213 (Grants/Project Contingency) to Fund 203 (Sheriff's Grants) to increase revenue and expenditure appropriations. There will be no impact on the General Fund. * K. Acceptance of the 15/16 Board of Supervisors Year End Report. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Public Hearing and discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 042016- RD15-091 - a resolution ordering the extinguishment of an easement comprising of a portion of North Colt Road, 66 feet wide, commencing at East Canyon Street and terminating at East Moon Vista Road, located within Supervisory District 5, Section 4, Township 1 North, Range 8 East, in the unincorporated area of Pinal County, Arizona. (RD15-091) Celeste Pemberton, Public Works, advised the Board that this request for abandonment was made by the resident as they wish to preserve the natural vegetation and wildlife in the area. Ms. Pemberton stated that the County did not have future plans for the easement. Ms. Pemberton’s presentation can be viewed in the minutes section of the Board of Supervisors webpage. Chairman House opened the public hearing. Chairman House closed the Public Hearing as there was no one who wished to address the Board. Motion was made by Supervisor Miller and seconded by Supervisor Rios to approve Resolution No. 042016-RD15-091. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Public Hearing and discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 042016- RD15-092 - a resolution ordering the extinguishment of an easement comprising of a portion of East Canyon Street, 66 feet wide, commencing at North Colt Road and proceeding East for 168 feet to the point of termination, located within Supervisory District #5, Section 4, Township 1 North, Range 8 East, in the unincorporated area of Pinal County, Arizona. (RD15-092) Celeste Pemberton, Public Works, advised the Board that this item is the East West connection and that the previous item, Colt, was the North South connection in the same area. The same resident has requested this abandonment. Ms. Pemberton’s presentation can be viewed in the minutes section of the Board of Supervisors webpage. Regular Session April 20, 2016 Page 5 Chairman House opened the public hearing. Chairman House closed the Public Hearing as there was no one who wished to address the Board. Motion was made by Supervisor Rios and seconded by Supervisor Miller to approve Resolution No.
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