NEWS CBK BROADCASTS mL_T_RAN_N_E_~W_e_~_R_~_D_A_I. ~~¥:J~~ II DAILY WATROUS Trans-Canada Network: (Trans-Canada Network) 540 Kcs. 8:00.9:00 3.1n. 1:00,6:30, PROGRAM 9:00 p.m. 12 Mldnll1.ht eRe Dominion Nelwork: Prairie Region 10;00 p.m. eRe SCHEDULE Transmitter Times given in this Schedule are Central Daylight DATE OF ISSUE, MAY 19. 1945 PRAIRIE REGION W..k of M.y 27th, 1945 612 Telephone Bldg., Winnipeg/Canada CBC Programs Excel Violist CBC Engineer Dies in U.S. Radio Contest in London Accident TorontO-CBC programs took four ottawa.-Captain C. W. (Cliff) first awards in the annual American Speer, of the CBC, died in London, exhibition of educational radio pro­ England on Friday, May 11, 1945, fol­ grams sponsored by the Institute for lowing a traffic accident while in Education by Radio, according to the charge of a CBC mobile broadcasting judges' report just issued at Ohio van. He had been serving as radio state University. Columbus, Ohio, engineer-war correspondent for the The judges stated that the aBC pro· past year with the CBC Overseas grams were "by far the finest sub­ Unit in Italy, Holland, Gennany and mitted," that the broadcasts repre­ England. Capt. Speer was 42 years sented "radio at its best," and dis­ of age and had been with the CBC played "intelligent use of radio:' since 1935. Known as VE 3BF, Cliff had Three first awards were given in Speer been an active amateur the cUltural programs division and since 1920. In the employment of the all went to CBC shows. They were CBC he had served in all engineering Lister Sinclair's "A Play on Words," branches and, as mobile unit engin­ one of the Stage 45 selies produced eer supervised the recording of such by Andrew Allan, aBC supervisor of notable broadcasts as the opening of drama; "Mulrooney's New Year's the Alaska Highway, the Our Can­ Party," a ElCrlpt by Len Petel"l'lOIl pro­ ada series, and other coost-to-coast duced by J. Frank Willis, CBC super­ actuality broadcasts undertaken by visor of feature broadcasts; and "0 the CBC Features Department. He Day of Joy and Gladness," written The eighth oj the Dominion Concert Hour's sum.mer broadcasts, conducted also participated in the Royal Visit broadcasts. Before going overseas he by Mac Shaub and produced by by EUore Mazzoleni, will present a Toronto violist, JOHN DEMBECK, as soloist Rupert Caplan, CBC supervisor of was supervising operator at CJBC this week. Mr. Dembeck will be heard in the Handel "Concerto in B Minor production. transmitter having replaced Arthur The citation of these awards read: jor Viola and Orchestra," on Tuesday, May 29, at 8:00 p.m., over the CBC W. Holmes, when he was appointed "For their astuteness in presenting Dominion network. engineer-in-charge of the CBC Over­ to the public, authors and producers seas Unit. He is survived by his par­ ents, his wife in Islington, Ontario, who, through their apparently un­ n. married daughter, and a son serv­ hampered abilities, are enabled to Caplan is Visitor Mr. Caplan had a constructive comment to make regarding radio ing with the Norwegian merchant create and project radio drama of marine. originality, emotional appeal and in­ to Winnipeg Studios drama in Canada: "We have been makins progress," he said, "but there tellectual integrity. Winnipeg.-The CBC's Winnipeg "The judges feel that all ot the is a crying need for comedy-more Ancient Phone studios have been playing host to the happy characters, fewer frustrations. offerings by the Canadian Broad­ CBC supervisor of production, Rupert casting COrporation, through these Script writers are taking themselves Caplan, whose headquarters are in too seriously:' dramatic programs, have shown Montreal. Mr. Caplan is wcll-known courage and leadership in attacking to western listeners as the produccr vital, current, human problems. They of the Thursday evening drama Brickenden To CBC were by far the finest programs In series which is broadcast from Mont­ G. Fred. Brickenden, Winnipeg the opinion of the judges." real at 7:00 p.m. COT. His week's newspaperman and former secretary Another ilrst award to a CBC pro­ visit here did not interrupt his parti­ of that city's venerable Press Club, gram was for Nature's Revenge, a cipation in the series; he produced has joined the staff at CBC's central broadcast in the national school the May 17 drama-HOnly the Tears newsroom in Toronto. "Brick" cover­ broadcast series on "Conserving Can­ Have Spoken,"by Mac Shoub-on the ed city hall for a Winnipeg daily for ada." The script was by Tommy spot, using a Winnipeg cast. This several years, and latterly was on the Tweed, production by Kay Steven­ visit is part of his annual tour of desk ot the same paper. As Press son. This was in the division devoted the CEC regions. Club secretary he was widely known to programs for use in school by Early this year, Mr. Caplan's among the local fraternity. junior and senior high~school pupils. travels included a trip to the United It was submitted by R. S. Lambert, States, where he studied new tech­ The Unimportant Male.-When I CBC supervisor of educational broad­ niques of broadcasting and televi­ see a child developing beautifully, I casts. sion. He saw television performances think it's a masterpiecc, and I say The citatior\ read: "For an original, relayed from Philadelphia to New to myself: "The person who is creat­ clever script and imaginative pro­ York and Schenectady, and states ing that lovely thing must be some­ duction which makes factual in­ that the network problem in tele­ body well worth knowing. I'd like to formation real and memorable. In­ vision is now solved, but that pro­ know how she's doing it." And some­ LULU BELLE, songstress on the N BC­ telligibility is never sacrificed to duction methods have not kept pace Urnes I wonder if mothers are getting CBC National Barn Dance (Domin­ "procl.uction." Once again, the judges with technique. It will be some time a fair share of the credit for young· ion Network Saturdays, 8:00 p.m.) is wish to commend the Canadian before teleVision is avallable to the sters nowadays.-Hildred Rawson, on trying out one oj Mr. Bell's early tele­ (Continued on page 7) general public in Canada, he thinks. CBC, May 3. phone models,17Utde 60-odd years ago. Page 2 CBC PROGRAM SCHEDULE Prairie Region LET'S PLAY DUETS (4:30 p.m.) British Women Work A set of variations written origin­ IIIIL--_S_U_ND_A_y,_M_aY_2_7th_,1_94_5__1111 ally for piano duet by Wolfgang For Europe's Welfare Amadeus Mozart and dating from We hear that the British are tired All times given aTe Central Daylight; for Mountain Time deduct one hour. the same year as the composer's and how true it is! They are tired TRANS-CANADA great comic opera, "The Marriage of because of anxiety and hard, hard STATION CBK, WATROUS Figaro," will be one of the chief work for long hours without let-up 10:00 CBC NEWS (2 Min,.) (Programs of the Trans-Canada net­ items in today's prOgram. Marie 01' holiday for all these war years. work offered to Prairie Region net­ But in the face of this tiredness, 10:02 NEIGHBORLY NEWS FROM works or stations, not carried on Therese Paquin and John Newmark THE PRAIRIES (13 Min,.) CBK) are the pianists, with Thomas Archer, this real fatigue, two things im­ 10:15 THE PRAIRIE GARDENER music critic of The Montreal Gazette, pressed me over and over again, One (15 Mins.) 9: 00 a.m. CBC NEWS as commentator. The program will was their amazing patience, cheer­ (Central stations) (5 Mins.} 10:30 LA VIE DES QUATRES also include an Adagio in F and fulness, their kindliness and their 9:45 a.m. MUSICAL PROGRAM (15 Mins,) Rondo in B flat by Carl Marie von thoughtfulness; and the other was Recorded. (15 Mins,) Weber. These two related pieces are their truly great concern for the 10:45 CAUSERIE DE L'HEURE 10:30 a.m. MUSIC BY MOZART DOMINICALE (15 Mins,> taken from Weber's Opus 60, com­ people of Europe. Even as the war Recorded. (30 Mins,) pleted in 1819, two years before the was being pushed further and fur­ 11: 00 BBC NEWS (15 Min,.) 11:00 p.m. BBC NEWS REEL premiere of Del' Freischutz, his fam­ ther from the British Isles, British 11:15 CANADIAN YARNS (15 Mins.) ous opera. The second and third of people were ta.lking constantly of the <15 Mins.) 11:15 TALK BY RALPH WIGHT­ Grieg's Four Norwegian Dances, one need to send food and clothes to the 11 :30 NBC CONCERT ORCHESTRA MAN (15 Min,.) of Schubert's Heroic Marches, and liberated countries. Everywhere was (29 Mins,) "Chanson de Route" from Five Chil­ the complete and unquestioning ac­ 11:59 DOMINION OBSERVATORY DOMINION dren's Pieces, by Louis Aubert, con­ ceptance of what to them was an OFFICIAL TIME SIGNAL (Programs oj the Dominion network temrx>rary French composer and dis­ obvious fact-there could be no eas­ (1 Min.) offered to Prairie Region networks or ciple of Gabriel Faure, will also be ing of rationing of food or clothing 12:00 MUSICAL PROGRAM stations, not carried on CBK) on the program, This series offers in Britain until relief had been sent Recorded. (15 Mins.) 5:00 SUMMER HOUR (60 Mins.) music originally composed for two to Europe.
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