USO08017858B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,017,858 B2 Mann (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 13, 2011 (54) ACOUSTIC, HYPERACOUSTIC, OR 7.551,161 B2 * 6/2009 Mann et al. ................... 345,156 7.623,976 B2 * 1 1/2009 Gysling et al. TO2/47 ELECTRICALLY AMPLIFED 2005, OOO7877 A1* 1/2005 Martin et al. 367.82 HYDRAULOPHONES OR MULTIMEDIA 2006/0144213 A1* 7/2006. Mann ............ 84,724 INTERFACES 2006/0283251 A1* 12/2006 Hunaidi et al. 73/597 2007/0093306 A1* 4/2007 Magee et al. ..... ... 472/128 2008, O250914 A1* 10, 2008 Reinhart et al. ... 84/645 (76) Inventor: Steve Mann, West Toronto (CA) 2009, 0223345 A1* 9, 2009 Mann ......... 84/384 2009,024.1753 A1* 10, 2009 Mann .. 84/384 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2009, 0288545 A1* 11/2009 Mann ..... 84,484 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2010/0050849 A1* 3/2010 Reynolds ........................ 84f173 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS “Natural interfaces for musical expression: Physiphones and a phys (21) Appl. No.: 12/479,767 ics-based organology”, by S. Mann, in Proceedings of the 7th inter national conference on New interfaces for musical expression, Jun. 6. (22) Filed: Jun. 6, 2009 2007, New York), viewed at http://www.eyetap.org/papers/docs/ mann physiphones.pdf on Jun. 15, 2010.* (65) Prior Publication Data “fluld streams: fountains that are keyboards with nozzle spray as US 2009/024.1753 A1 Oct. 1, 2009 keys that give rich tactile feedback and are more expressive and . by S. Mann, in Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), Pro ceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Mul Related U.S. Application Data timedia, 2005, Singapore, at http://wearcam.org/ (60) Provisional application No. 61/059,481, filed on Jun. acmmm2005funtain.pdf viewed Jun. 16, 2010.* 6, 2008. * cited by examiner (51) Int. C. Primary Examiner — Elvin G Enad GIOHL/18 (2006.01) Assistant Examiner — Robert W Horn (52) U.S. Cl. ................................................ 84/742: 84/1 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Michael Ries (58) Field of Classification Search .................... 84/742: (57) ABSTRACT 34.5/156 An instrument in which an acoustic or otherwise measurable See application file for complete search history. disturbance or change is made in physical matter is disclosed. References Cited In one embodiment an oscillatory Vortex shedding phenom (56) enon is formed in water, in association with each of a plurality U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS offinger holes. Water flows past a branch point where it can 3.261,200 A * 7/1966 Vinton ....................... T3/405 A either flow over a labium, edge or the like in a resonant pipe, 4,320,665 A * 3/1982 Cain ........ 73,861.04 or out a finger hole, the finger hole being the path of lesser 4,435,974 A * 3/1984 Fuchs et al. T3/405 A resistance to the water. Obstruction of the finger hole forces 5,194,048 A ck 3/1993 Briggs ................ ... 472/128 the water past an underwater sound production mechanism. 5,987,990 A ck 1 1/1999 Worthington et al. 73/592 Blocking water from coming out of a given hole produces a 6.427,927 B1 * 8/2002 Hall .................... 239.17 6,453,247 B1 * 9/2002 Hunaidi 702/51 given note, which, in Some embodiments, is electrically 6,561,032 B1* 5/2003 Hunaidi ....... 73/597 amplified by a hydrophone. In one embodiment there is a 6,647.359 B1 * 1 1/2003 Verplanket al. TO3/2 further processing of each hydrophone signal. Embodiments 6,702,687 B1* 3/2004 Henry .......... 472/128 with various kinds of acoustic or optical pickups are also 7,119.270 B2 * 10/2006 Delaporte ....................... 84f745 disclosed. 7,179,173 B2 * 2/2007 Henry et al. 472/128 7,504,577 B2 * 3/2009 Riopelle ......................... 84f723 13 Claims, 28 Drawing Sheets "N1, 1 231 498A-232 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 1 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 2 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 3. Of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 4 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 6-u130 Volume 31 99A COntrol Double-fipple assembly V3.IValve inside 1/2x5/8 tubing x 161D 162V Fig. 1E 99A 17OS -99AO 99R resonator 2- -3 Hiu-He99H Fig. 1F 99AH 99A U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 5 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 6 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 - - a - - - - 99A 11OWR Q11 OWT 199A 198 N- 199B U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 7 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 8 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 Fig. 1 K U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 9 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 10 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 11 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 130 3OLED 3OCAM 6 3OCAM2 - S4C E O - O - - 3OFC all 3OPROC 30EFF - Fig. 1N U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 12 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 OUTER 130 HOUSING, 6 * 290 FLOW CHANNEL 240 49 its FLUID P - NLET U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 13 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 OUTER FINGER HOLE, 231 290HOUSING, PIPE 699A HYDRAULOGRAM DISK, 299 HEAD, 291 FIG. 2B 292 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 14 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 OUTER 130 HOUSING, 290 231 232 232 FLOW CHANNEL 24O 49 O 99A Y 99B 99C NET JT/I ZT 2T 340 // A B C D E F G "a", "b" "C" "d" "e" PROCESSOR 330 FIG. 3 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 15 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 431 432 USER- 440 INTERFACE 231 499A 232 499B MOUTH ---- VMCA NGBT O H SOUNDIN N1 TUNING PORT, 41 CO SCREW TUNING s 450 SCREWS SH it HSH - - - - - - - - - - - 450A 46OA 43OA3O -Y is a A B C D E F G "H" "|". "J" "K" "L" FILTERBANKS AND MIXERS FIG. 4A U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 16 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 431 432 2 6 498 231 498A - 232 498B 498L U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 17 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 s FREQUENCY-SHIFTERS 53OB 530 FIG. 5 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 18 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 630 e 690H 699H Fig.6A U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 19 Of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 630 631 63OH 698A 698 698A 695A 695 695A A (2-7 7 r M M 340 A B C D E F G "H" "" "J" "K" "L" AMPLITUDE INVERTERS 640 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 20 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 WATER JET, 631 L 2-- FINGER GUARD, 631 G KNIFE EDGE, 630A 631E 6OOA CONICAL LAMINARIZER, 6OOC FIG. 6C NLET, 2OOL U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 21 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 740 PROCESSOR 750 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 22 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 PROCESSOR U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 23 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 24 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 831 889 889A ass s OUTPUT (ACOUSTIC) 889S m) 1. N SYNTHESIZER FIG. 8B 889 888O 889F 831 889M 1. a- a- a MIC. N SPEAKER OUTPUT 888 (ELECTRIC) INPUT DEVICE ONLY 88 889A 888O ACOUSTIC INPUT 1. e- as N PHYSICAL OUTPUT ASSSC CONTROL MODIFIER INPUT 888A FIG. 8D U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 25 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 898R 897s na 896A FREQ, F FREQ, F FREQ, F 897B 896E FREQ., F FREQ, F FREQ., F 898 897C 896 U\l FREQ., F FREQ, F FREQ., F 899H T 897H 896H 7. FREQ., F FREQ, F FREQ., F U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 26 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 27 Of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 TIME-O TIME-1 TIME-2 TIME-3 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O to go O935 OO36 O 37 938 931 93 LEGEND OUNBLOCKEDBOCKED FIG. 9B TIME-O TIME 1 O O O O O O O (so o O O FIG. 9C O OVO O O O 951 U.S. Patent Sep. 13, 2011 Sheet 28 of 28 US 8,017,858 B2 OOO 1020 1 s FIG 10 US 8,017,858 B2 1. 2 ACOUSTIC, HYPERACOUSTIC, OR Sounds can also be produced underwater. For example, ELECTRICALLY AMPLIFIED municipal Swimming baths, various public and private pools, HYDRAULOPHONES OR MULTIMEDIA and the like, often have underwater loudspeakers so that INTERFACES music can be played for people to hear underwater. This also facilitates safety, so that announcements over the Public This patent application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi Address (PA) system can be heard underwater. sional application Ser. No. 61/059,481 filed on 2008 Jun. 6, Some animals such as dolphins and porpoises can make the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in Sounds underwater.
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