PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING’S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 PRESSRUN 45,600 34 PAGES WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 2001 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $6/ $1 NEWSSTAND This one’s Hurdler is a Ram tough! world beater Wheels Pullout Sports, page 10 Pickering family donates organs after AtAGlance two-year-old daughter’s death Youth taught CPR skills in workshops AJAX — Learn how to save a life and put something valuable One girl, on your resume. The Youth Centre in Ajax is of- fering two levels of CPR training for youth ages 13 to 19 throughout May. Those interested in learning how to perform CPR can enrol in the Heart Saver “A” course. This seven gifts four-hour course will run for two days on May 2 and 3 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. each evening. The course BY MIKE RUTA will teach youth how to identify the Staff Writer warning signs and risk factors of a PICKERING — Generous heart attack and stroke, ideas for during her short life, Jordan heart healthy living, adult one-res- Menard gave the ultimate gift cuer CPR, airway obstruction and after her recent death from in- rescue breathing. juries sustained in a car acci- The Heart Saver “D” course is dent. also being offered by the centre The two-year-old Pickering and is recommended for youth girl’s heart valves, kidneys and who babysit. This course primarily liver were harvested and two deals with life-saving techniques people received life-saving for infants and children up to age organ transplants. Five more eight. people have received tissue do- Beginning May 30 and contin- nations. uing May 31, this seven-hour pro- “In a time of tragedy, for us gram will deal with topics like pre- venting childhood injuries, infant it was a small positive compo- JORDAN MENARD and child one-rescuer CPR, for- nent out of all of this,” said Jor- eign body airway obstruction and dan’s mother, Yvette Byrne- ‘A very bright and selfless two year old.’ rescue breathing. Instruction will Menard, in an interview. begin at 6 p.m. and run to 9:30 The three-car crash occurred p.m. both nights. at Taunton Road and Scarbor- comfort in the fact seven people Both courses are being offered ough-Pickering Townline. A have benefited thanks to her. for $10 per person and pre-regis- total of 10 people were injured, And the Menards are en- tration is required. For more infor- none more seriously than Jor- couraging other people to sign mation or to register call the centre dan, who was rushed to the donor cards on their driver’s li- at 905-428-1212. Hospital for Sick Children in cences, to make an important Toronto. Yvette Byrne-Menard difference in the lives of others. Wind ensemble takes and Brian Menard were shaken “I wanted to create more CELIA BRONKHORST/ News Advertiser photo up but not seriously hurt. Jor- awareness for organ donation,” the stage Saturday dan’s three-week old brother, said Ms Byrne-Menard. “Quite Aidan, who was strapped in a frankly, I don’t ever have my DURHAM — The Winds of car seat, sustained no injuries. card signed on my licence. But Blazing a trail Spring are getting ready to blow Jordan died a day later, coin- when it happened to us, you can music lovers over. cidentally during Organ Donor be rest assured I’m going to fill Mountain biker Lucas Curran finds the Bike Event held Sunday. The event served The Lydian Wind Ensemble Awareness Week. The couple out my driver’s licence.” best route through the trails at Dagmar as a selection race for mountain bike presents its ‘The Winds of Spring’ inquired about organ donation concert Saturday, May 5 at the Ski Resort in north Pickering during the competitors vying for a chance to com- Free Methodist Church of Cana- at the hospital and are finding See JORDAN page 4 Gears Racing Ontario Cup Mountain pete in the 2001 Summer Games. da, 1916 Rossland Rd., E., in Whitby. Solos and duets by en- semble members will highlight the concert. Durham school board officials not tickled pink The concert starts at 7:30 p.m. and tickets are available at the door or by calling 905-666- Union list puts ‘pressure’ on teacher hiring process, board officials say 3169. Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 BY MIKE RUTA Any teacher who ignores the ers ratify a new deal, the pink tion,” said Ms. Page. “It is a for seniors and students, and free Staff Writer pink letter is subject to OSSTF listing will remain in effect. form of strike.” for children under 12. DURHAM — A ‘pink’ list- discipline procedures that She described violating it as She said the local OSSTF ing will make hiring public could result in a fine, repri- “the equivalent of crossing a office gets a couple of calls WHERE TO FIND IT high school teachers for the mand or other penalty. picket line. every day from teachers inquir- Editorial Page/6 coming school year more of a “There’s no question that a “Most people are not will- Entertainment/9 challenge, says Craig Burch, pink listing puts pressure on ing to breach that collective ac- See PINK page 5 Sports/10 employee relations superinten- people not to apply for jobs,” dent at the Durham District said Mr. Burch in an interview, Classified/11 School Board. noting the effect on board hir- Durham stands GIVE US A CALL Last month, citing “a dis- ing will be known in about a General/905-683-5110 agreement” in the bargaining month. Distribution/905-683-5117 process with the board, the On- “I’m worried about it.” tario Secondary School Teach- Durham’s high school behind York pipeline General FAX/905-683-7363 ers’ Federation (OSSTF) is- teachers have been without a Death Notices/905-683-3005 sued a pink letter to all its collective agreement for eight Despite concerns, committees OK Sincerely Yours members. months, the only group of On- 1-800-662-8423 CRAIG BURCH The letter advises teachers tario public secondary school water main with conditions ‘There’s no question that a “not to apply for or accept any teachers in that position. Email: shouston@ pink listing puts pressure on teaching position of added re- Durham OSSTF president BY SUSAN O’NEILL durhamregion.com people not to apply for jobs.’ sponsibility” with the board. Shelley Page said until teach- Staff Writer DURHAM — Although Durham is encouraging York Visit our Web site at Region to look elsewhere to durhamregion.com Provincial team takes on bargaining meet its water needs, Regional councillors on Tuesday stopped Need a short of supporting Pickering in GOLF MEMBERSHIP for Durham elementary teachers opposing York’s proposal to build a water pipeline through Men’s Full Couples Full DURHAM — The takeover team is ETFO the city. Membership Membership Durham unit of the Elemen- provincial president Phyllis After hearing from York of- $845 $1475 tary Teachers’ Federation of Benedict, while ETFO execu- ficials yesterday, members of Ladies Full Weekday Ontario will not be bargaining tive assistant Dave Kendall is Durham’s finance, works and Membership Membership with the Durham District the chief negotiator. planning committees turned $845 from $255 School Board when negotia- “We want to improve the down a motion asking the Re- G.S.T additional tions on a new contract begin working conditions and im- gion to support Pickering in op- ROGER ANDERSON ANNANDALE GOLF683-3210 June 1. prove salary,” said Mr. Butch- posing the pipeline, which ‘A case of doing business.’ & COUNTRY CLUB Durham ETFO has asked er. would see a water main con- its provincial office to take “I think those are the ba- structed from Lake Ontario to meet if the environment min- over the job in an attempt to sics we’re looking for.” through Pickering and into ister grants approval for the FINE CHINESE CUISINE secure a more favourable con- Mr. Butcher said he does- York Region. project. & DINING LOUNGE tract for the Durham mem- n’t regret the one-year agree- Instead, councillors voted to “This is a case of doing bers. ment reached last fall, which ask York Region to investigate business... of trying to help WEEKDAY LUNCHEON “It means that right now resulted in teachers receiving working with Peel or Toronto to your neighbours,” said Durham $ the provincial (arm of ETFO) a two-per cent pay increase, meet its long-term water supply Chairman Roger Anderson. SPECIALS from 4.35 LLBO is in charge of bargaining for one half day per year to work needs before implementing its Debbie Korolnek, York’s di- 376 Kingston Rd., Pickering ETFO Durham,” president on student report cards and Durham plan. rector of water and waste water, (NE corner of Rougemount & Hwy. #2) Bill Butcher says. BILL BUTCHER The Region also outlined a For Reservations, The chairman of the See ETFO page 5 Seeking ‘basics’. list of conditions York will have See DURHAM page 3 Take-Out 509-9888 Pickering Town Centre The World’s Most Rugged Go-AnywhereTM Mobile Phone LIFESTYLE COMMUNICATION Upper Level - Sears Wing 905-420-0744 • Vibration Mode, True Speaker, reliable, solid, water, dusk and shock resistant * Take it Anywhere The Baywood Centre, Ajax • Can be used in heavy rain and is protected * Use it Anywhere CLASSIC CELLULAR against common impacts, brief water submersion, 105 Bayly St. West * Go-Anywhere TM 905-686-8061 dust, salt spray. fog and moisture • Perfect for construction workers, outdoors Whites Rd. & Hwy.2, Pickering enthusiasts and truckers CABLE TECH Beside National Sports Available exclusively at Rogers AT&T Wireless Store in Ajax and Pickering *See store for details ® Rogers Communications Inc.
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