.75 .• 5 9'.'2 wESTtRN MIC: c r o 6 s a p m i c s _________ --------------2 0 0 - *.^55 S COMKi K t ^ C£ OR CITY UT iAlO' ) N e ? HI— m iii . G ood moijrning X. erm ai b o r t i (ion bain ^-a n n w o rk e r -,ate-tt r Today’s forecast: Tellez outit Urcezy and coldcr \sithnth rain showers A ^ ' changing to snow this morning.mi Highs T • in thc middle 40s. Westst vM-inds IS to 25 ^ n C U niton Vt^eto ofc hospitalll mph with stronger afte■fternoon gusts. aces Cl•ertaii Lows 2S 10 30 degrees. ebate over legalized ubor- a te to do .so. nn>e > /V.vsociiited P r e s s ' Pago A2 ' Knighig h t-R ld d e r N ew s S e n ice the endless del tion -r puttingg the alwrtion-rights lobbyy While the procedure• cac a n n o t b e u'^i.d t<i s health, the bill SA5AI.T l.AKK CITY - Javil a v i e r VASHINGTON — The Iiouseise passed on thejdefensivive. protect the m other’s h iriions to save the -relleIlez Juarez, the 2-l-year^>ltlI Uufai-ni' 1 sent to the presideni Wedncdnesday a Buii'the bill.. iwhich cleared the Housee would allow such aborti > mother’s life. But Rep.p. C h a rle s C a n a d y . w ork■rkiT wim lost both arms ama n d a mmaking it a crime for dcK-torsors to per- on a 286 to 12929 vole, is not likely to be- R-Fla.. who vehemcnthntly opposes such icj;i inj an accident witll a ti'aci m an infrequent but highly corcontrover- come law in itss ipresent fonn. __ . form J ,s abortions, said, “There’.sre’s not'a shred of |,„u’iWL'ied |ii)SI-liole iligfjer lastist 1De- sia i1 lalate-term alwrtion procedure.re. President ClCiinion. who says he hus Rickards makes ititofTicial < ir evidence to show a partiiirtial-birth abortion coitilitiber near Malta, lias been :allcd'“paniaJ-birth ubonion"n" Iby anti- “studied and prprayed alwut this issue for The anti-nuclear Twirwin Falls podia- ^CulJ 1- is ever necessiiry to saveve ia woman’s life,” Ioumi.seil; fro m ih e h o sp ilai. )rtion groups, the procedure; is known many months,”,” said he will veto the mea- trist has officially filedd hhis paperwork aborti e Rep. Patricia Schroedoeder, D-Colo., ar- WliVhcn he was discharg;a r^ ;i'il medical circles as intact dilatiIation and sure because itit (d o c s no t p e rm il u s e o f th e to run against Rep. Mich[ichael Crapo for c gued Wednesday lhatUlt Congress’ bill. Wcdi•d n e sd ay abi)iit 2 :.i(l p.m ., 'I'el•I'elk'/ e x trar u ct tio n . procedure to pprotect the health of thc C ongress. r with the Supreme hadd spent: KK) days at the Unive iep. Enid Waldholtz, R-Utah.ll. ccalled it mother. .It takes;es a t%vo-thirds’ m ajority of)f would not pass muster wi Page Cl Rcf e Court because il “fails5 to include any ex- fy uful Utah llL'iilih Sciejites Cent a “ ggruesome n and horrific” procrocedure, each house to ooverturn a \eto, and there ispital spokes- ,-------- _ i it has stirred another furiousIUS jfight in probably aren’ti’t enougli votes in the Sen-V Please see.86 AB0RT10N/A2 Hosf Anti-gay plan fallslls behind in John Dwan sa id p la n - The head of the Idahta h o C i t i i f n s Al* n e dd to w ith liance says thc campoighigh to qualify an • I "1 • h iss Ifamily in a M anti-gay initiative for the ballot is run- "win' FallsS Chilllied but chtleering S aIt h Luke apart- ning behind. P a g e C l m enlint. Vl . i 1 TI’ellez e will re- ^ »ays burgl:;lar . I ^ lu mTl to th e hospi- ta l: ttwo or three J ^ ! J | timles e; a week for fo□r his loss(s e s , 0 veral months »1» — Slow start of 01outpatient ire- Tolioz J uu a aro n z a imm t ent. includ- The T\sin Falls softballlall team dropped By Li:Liz W rig h t ingi ttraining in how to use an1 anartifi- • ighland Wednes- Timesnes-N ew s w rite r a doublehej^er to High: . d Sa ieI g . day. DcDoctors also arc working on :th e P a g o B l TrWIN W FALLS - The city of TwiTwin Falls p o ssssibility of fitting him wilh,'ilh a n h a s? ppaid Sl,872-to a convicted:d Ib u r g la r i rr-’,.-.-;, elect.•ctnmic arm. Dwan said. osc belongings \vere seized bu w host DvDwan said the hospital is expexplor- ' Out ofthe ring 'alls Policc um ed to him by thc Tii^n Fall? g all avenues for paymenie n i o f International Boxinjing Federation in g p a rtm e n t. ;>re t h a n SfiflD.OOO in mc e d iic a l heavyweight champ FrFrancois Botha m o r >ome of the items were given1 to people lls, b u t w ill n o l u s e m o n e y/ giigiv e n was stripped ot his belt)elt by a federal bills, 0 c la im e d th e m fro m police as to lillie Tellez family by the ppul u b lic judge Wednesday. PagoBI prope)perty, althougii policc cannot fo rllr th e ir su p p o rt. w hlat a t happened to all of thee n “This would be contrary to ith e . ite mms. s A judge ruled that the iten irit in which it was given,”rn.” h e - Gymnasts sparkle a c tu:ually a the burglar’s and shoul miid. Athletes from Twin FaFalls’ Sage Gym- beensn returned to him. TcTellez lost the three limbss wlw h en nasties earned accolade3des at the state Xh(rhe chcck, issued Tuesday, sigisignals the h iss cclothes were caught in thele iiirac- meet in Boisc. e n dd oof a 3-year-old civil suit filed by r-powered post-hole diggerg e r on P a g e B3 Killin[linger a g a in st th e c ity of T \rin 1 Sc';c. 13. Vnd police will no longer retur prop- y to burglary victims; a judge nowi les who gets what, said Fritza V ^ lic hh, , tthe city altom cy for Twin I'al K■Cillinger il is serving prison set Li n e - i t e m1 Marco Polo trout fo r• scselling drugs and for burglary.iry. Idaho’s stc-elhead migrligrate from fresh PolPolice arrested J<ilIinKCr'in I'J: on w ater to the Pacific Oceac e a n - a n d b a c k - b urglnry rg l charge and confiscated h prop- but their journey is frai'raught with dan- erty.ty. K illinger’s girlfriend app:ip p a re n tly y ee t o p a s sles e ger. id e•ntified n t some items as stolen th Pa^o Dl not,t, while^ other burglary victims I L o sA\ngcles r Times id esntifi'ed m other stolen itemsIS a ASHINGTON — In a movnove liiat X. 0\ST1,■n, W o n d crlfch said. I w a : T arget shooting legislative \ compact-disc player, a teleph an- I w o uId ld shifl power from the legi; Columnist David Hodlocklander offers ering5 machinc and 11 otherr in I branchich to the W hite House, theh e ;S e n a te practical tips for liveninging up springnme Iging. to Killinger “were app I pa.sseded a landmark measure WediV edncsday trips to the shooting rang' 3 c l a i m e d I g ru nting tii presidents authority lo10 vveto in­ PageDi 8ive,ven to other people who c n a g e u i ;m ,'’ W ondcrlich said. I ' dividu;lual spending items in billsils vwithoui DDuring u a November 1995 civil,'il ttria l, de- I rc jening c ti thu entire measures, rtive Sgt. Dave Heidcmann ofif tlthe Twin [ I I fiByly a vole of 69-31. the Senn;enale ap- lls Policc Department testifiedied that he I 1 p ro ved e t legislation giving the exccxeciiiive g a vve e a black steamer trunk andm d a S ony MIKESAISO ich a powerful tool tiiat allill nmodern mpact disc player to two womtomen with- _ ^ d hot chocolate and coolol ffans, Twin presidiidenis have retjuested butI allalt previ­ Decision should sttS t a n d ership. ac- O" a" omoon that omphaslzod I t seeing any proof of owners rm In a sloop- o u s Coi^ongresscs had denied them, The state Land Boardard’s rejection of rstim ony. h :School student Coroy' CChrlstonson koops warm rding to a transcript of his tcstir Falls High le House also was expecleded tto pass the Auger Falls damI dcdecision was no i/hllo v^atchlng a so ftb a llll g a m o W o d n o sd a y In TwIiwin Falls. ‘llie Dan Killinger has agreed notnut to sue Ing bag wh line-itcm veto without difficulficulty Fri- “taking," today’s editoriajrialsays.
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