1978 (#74) THE NEW LDV. THE EVOLUTION OF THE REVOLUTION. When we built the original LD-1000, we threw away the book of traditional running shoe ideas, and started a revolution. It was a radically new shoe that combined our famous Waffle sole with a super-wide flared heel to give runners stability and traction like never before. Now comes an evolutionary shoe that grew out of the original revolution. The LDV For some runners, it will be a better shoe. Others will still want the original. We’ve reduced the flare of the heel. Opened the toe. And built the LDV on a vector last shaped to the natural axis of your foot to decrease over-pronation. The outer sole is made from tougher rubber with a new Waffle sole pattern that has stabilizers for longer wear. The new LDV We built it because we never stop working to build something better. A . m ^ . ... .,,, , It’s all part of the Nike theory A ¿ ^ 8 2 8 5 S°W . Nimbus Ave! Suite 115 of evolution. Nike Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Also available in Canada through Pacific Athletic Supplies Ltd., 2451 Beta Avenue, Burnaby. B.C., Canada V5C 5N1 Road Test: Formula I T O * PERFORMANCE: Special traction profile grooving of wedge provides a smooth, yet makes this shoe highly responsive. Extended positive ride. ROAD HOLDING: Perfect sole and racing spoiler stores up touch-down stability achieved through flared heel and energy and throws leg into longer stride at lift­ thick wedge. Special sole profile (developed off. Timesaving ghilly lacing makes for in collaboration with the Automobile Industry) quicker starts. SAFETY: Special holds the road and ensures perfect traction. arrangement of profile eliminates lateral AIR CONDITIONING: No overheating. The slip - the main cause of knee injuries. uppers - made of nylon and leather - Combined effect of carefully determined provide perfect air cooling where it's needed. width of heel, extended sole area and MILEAGE: On long distances, a real energy grooved wedge reduces heel impact by 25%. saver (see performance). Durable quality Full padding and heel counter built in as rubber profile developed to provide out­ standard. SUSPENSION: Excellent shock standing mileage for money. absorption on any road surface. All-round adidas = A West Valley TC Publication UP FRONT Two local runners, Cary and Clare Hun­ Northern California ter, have designed a challenging game for runners. The game-board appears Running Review on the cover of this issue; the art­ work for the game was done by another local runner, Teri Hagerty. This is a game that can be both fun and chal­ P.O. BOX 1551, SAN MATEO, CA. 94401 lenging .. .see page 49 for more info. PH. (415) 341-3119 (PAID ADVERTISEMENT) NOV-DEC. 1978 (No. 74) ONLY $6.00/YEAR (6 ISSUES) Staff CONTENTS EDITOR: Jack Leydig LDR RANKINGS: A r t Dudley FUN AND GAMES 7 MEDICAL ADVICE COLUMN 22 PUBLISHER: DeMoss D esigns RESULTS MGR.: Larry Main THIS & THAT 9 THE RUNNING PODIATRIST 23 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: C heryl Bicndy AD MANAGER: Judy Leydig BOOK REVIEW 13 SWEDISH MASSAGE 25 CIRCULATION MGR.: Carl Faaland PROD. MGR.: Harold DeMoss LONG DISTANCE RATINGS 14 SCHEDULING 27 FEATURE EDITOR: Len Wallach ARTIST: Penny DeMoss CLASSIFIEDS & AD RATES 16 RACE WALKING 30 PODIATRIST: Harry Hlavac, DPM PHOTO EDITOR: John Marconi OUR READERS SPEAK OUT 16 TRACK & FIELD RESULTS 31 MEDICAL ADVICE: Tim Smith, MD AGENT MGR.: Mike Niemiec GUEST EDITORIAL 19 PREP RAMBLINGS 31 20 PREP EDITOR: Keith Conning STORE SALES: Ray Menzie THE HUMAN RACE CROSS COUNTRY RESULTS 34 NOR-CAL PORTRAIT 21 LONG DISTANCE RESULTS 36 STAFF WRITERS: B ill Clark, Harry Hlavac, Jack Leydig, Jack Wi­ RUNNERS' ZOO 22 LATE GNUS 54 ley, Keith Conning, Doug Rennie, Harry Cross, Dan Hints, B ill Reinka, Richard Doty, Celeste Scanlon, Len Wallach, Jim Nuc- cio, Tim Smith, John Weidinger, Dave Martin, Peter Eisehberg, EDITOR’S MESSAGE Tom Jordan. • WE'VE GONE 4-COLOR! - Thanks to our advertisers, the NCRR is now able to publish in full color (at least on the cover). PRODUCTION & MAILING: John Weidinger, Jack & Judy Leydig, Bob In the future we hope to be able to expand and print full- Rolston, Don Lucero, Mike Duncan, Ken Paul, Joe Green, Ken color pictures on the inside too...but that depends on our Phelps, Mike Niemiec, Frances Sackerman, Dan Rolandson, Char­ advertisers and YOU. Remember, subscriptions are what will lie Harris, Chad Breshears, Carl Faaland. allow us to keep improving our magazine. Be sure to patronize all our advertisers, as they help keep us afloat too! And a STATISTICIANS: Keith Conning, Fred Baer, David Black. special thanks to Brooks, adidas, Nike and Clare & Cary Hunter for making this first 4-color issue possible. CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Lorraine Rorke, Lani Bader, Dennis Because we'll now need color transparencies for the cover O 'Rorke, Jim Hume, K e ith Conning, John M arconi, Len W allach, pictures, we'll be paying $25 if we use yours. It costs us Jim Engle, Lois Gouen, Don Melandry, Mike Fenner, John Sher- about $125 to do a 4-color separation on your transparency, so etz, Mike Brown, J e ff Johnson, Don Gosney. that's why it'll take more advertisers and subscriptions be­ fore we're able to do color on the inside too. If you are in­ REGULAR CORRESPONDANTS: Fred Baer, Roger Bryan, Keith Conning, terested in contributing photographs, either for the cover or Harold & Penny DeMoss, Vem Garribetta, Wayne Glusker, B ill inside (black & white), drop us a line for full details. Hotchkiss, B ill Mensing, Dick Meyer, Wayne Moss, Phyllis 01- • A NEW COLUMN - Harry Hlavac has been our foot specialist rich, Dave Peterson, Jim Royal, Chuck Sheley, Walt Stack, Peg­ now for quite a few years, but the body consists of more than gy & Scott Thomason, Len Wallach. (SoCal) John Brennand, B ill the foot, so we've added a new feature which will be presented Cockerham, Dave Pain, Stan Rosen field, Steve M iller, Al Shea- by Dr. Tim Smith of the Total Health Medical Center in Oakland hen. This will simply be a "Medical Advice Column", dealing with various ailments as related to running and jogging and possi­ Subscriptions bly other field events (jumps, weights, etc.). From time to time we'll have a 'guest writer' in place of or in addition to RATES: $6.00/Year ($3/Six-Months) by 3rd Class Bulk Rate from our regular writer, Dr. Smith. San Mateo, CA. No multiple-year subscriptions available. Add • WHAT HAPPENED TO THE INSERTS? - Most of our subscribers $2.50/Yr. for 1st class; add $1.50/Yr. for 3rd class to all are probably wondering why they didn't get any 'race entries' foreign countries; foreign air rates upon request (usually $10 included with this issue (or in a separate mailing). Well, we a year). Note: THE NCRR IS NOT FORWARDABLE (3rd class) . If have come to the point where it's probably more expensive for you are moving, please let us know at least 2-3 weeks before. a meet director to print up and deliver 2500+ entry blanks to us and then pay for bulk-mailing privileges, mechanical colla­ DEALERS: If you wish to carry the NCRR in your store or simply ting, etc., than it would be to simply have us print up a full wish to make money for yourself (or club), you can save 40% page advertisement (could include an entry blank) in the maga­ by ordering 10 or more copies per issue...write for full info. zine itself. And...it is a LOT easier for your slave-labor crew here at NorCal Central. So, we know that a lot of our AGENTS: Anyone can become a 'salesman' for the NCRR, and it readers will be missing the stack of litter that usually comes does not require any 'direct sales approach'. You may simply tumbling from the innards of the NCRR, but the time has come. distribute our subscription blanks at races, clinics, etc., § We're encouraging meet directors to put full-page ads in the get a $1.00 commission for each new subscription we receive NCRR...they get added circulation from the store copies and with your name or agent number on it (you must be signed up as freebies we distribute, whereas before they were only reaching an agent...it is not automatic). our individual paid subscribers. • DO YOU HAVE A NEED FOR TYPESETTING SERVICES? - The NCRR FREQUENCY: The NCRR is published 6 times a year with a guaran­ is seriously considering leasing a $15,000 typesetting system teed minimum of 40 pages per issue (we're usually 48+). Pub­ in the near future, but we can't afford the monthly costs by lication dates may vary slightly due to volunteer labor!! ourselves. We'll most likely hook this unit (a small computer in itself) to a small printer that's capable of printing ad­ CIRCULATION: The NCRR guarantees an average circulation of dress labels, as well as other hard-copy products. This sys­ 7500 copies/issue, consisting of paid subscriptions, newsstand tem will be feasible if we can line up a half-dozen or so re­ § specialty shop sales and samples. Please subscribe now! gular users (6 hours or more per month for each user) that could be 'trained' to use the system themselves and pay a no­ UNPAID STAFF: All help is voluntary; profits to athletes' tra- minal rental fee. If you think you (or a friend or business) vel fund. 'COVER PHOTO: $26 (color transparencies only). might be interested in this, please give us a call immediately 4 2nd ANNUAL MUHAMMAD ALI Invitational Indoor Track Meet January 6, 1979 30 EVENTS CELEBRITY ♦ CHALLENGE OPEN ♦ ♦ MUHAMMAD ALI JUNIOR COLLEGE AND ♦ 23 HIGH SCHOOL CELEBRITIES ♦ IN MASTERS CO-ED RELAY LONG BEACH ARENA - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA Fast, New, Record Breaking 200 Meter Track Meet Director.........Wilma Rudolph C h a irm a n ..........
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