THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 24, 1871. 865 Abolition of part of Burgh of Partick, and Re- )oint, situate 277 yards or thereby north-west scinding Orders, Resolutions, &c., relative 'rom the north end of Cowlairs Cottages; thence thereto; Abolition of Present and Imposition bllowing the said Royalty Boundary in a southerly of New Local Rates and Assessments in Dis- and westerly direction along the lines of the trict to be added; Abolition of Powers of Royalty Boundary Stones until it reaches a point Justices, &c., in such District; Powers of 230 yards or thereby, measuring in a north- Corporation, with reference to Water Com- westerly direction from the north-west corner of missioners, and Board of Police; Provisions 3owlairs Mansion House, thence (leaving the said as to Public Health, Nuisances, Sanitary Ob- Royalty Boundary) in a westerly direction, in a jects, Police, and other matters; Powers to straight line, for a distance of '543 yards or there- Board of Police to raise Money; Bye-laws and , till it again meets the said Royalty Boundary other Powers; Regulation of Office of Town at a point 93 yards or thereby, measuring in a Clerk, Provisions as to Appointment, Tenure, northerly direction, from the north-west corner of Emoluments, and Duties thereof, Establishment Iraigbank House; thence, following the said of Pee Fund, Collection and Appropriation of Royalty Boundary, in a westerly and south-westerly Pees and Emoluments of Office, Power to make direction along the lines of the Royalty Boundary Arrangements with present Town Clerk, Retiring Stones till it meets the Parliamentary Boundary Allowances, &c.; Amendment of Acts, and at a point in the centre of the Forth and Clyde other purposes.) Canal, called in the said Act the Great Canal, situate 176 yards or thereby, measuring in a OTICE is Hereby Given, that Application is northerly direction, from a point in the centre of N intended to be made to Parliament in the Garscube Road, opposite the centre of Well Road; ensuing Session by the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and thence along the Parliamentary Boundary, in and Council of the City of Glasgow (in this Notice a south-easterly southerly and easterly direction called the Corporation), for leave to bring in a along the centre of the Great Canal and the Cut of Bill for the following or some of the following junction to the Bridge over the Cut of junction on objects, powers, and purposes, that is to say,— the Glasgow and Kirkintilloch Road; thence east- To alter, enlarge, extend, and define, for Muni- ward along the Low Gamgad Road to the point cipal and all or some other purposes (except the first described. election of Membersto ser vein Parliament), the limits Second.—The lands and territory of Wester of the Municipality, City and Burgh, and ancient and Kennyhill, and others, on the north side of the extended Royalty of Glasgow (in this Notice called Glasgow and Cnmbernauld Road, now formed the Burgh), and to incorporate the lands and terri- into the public park, called Alexandra Park, situate tories hereinafter mentioned, or some part or parts in the Parish of Springburn, and County of Lanark, thereof, proposed to be added to the Burgh, and so far as. embraced in the following Area or Boun- at present beyond the limits of the Burgh, with, dary, viz:: and to constitute the same or some part thereof A Boundary commencing at a point on the Par- part of the Burgh, and to extend as well the liamentary Boundary situate 272 yards or thereby, Municipal franchises, rights, privileges, and im- measuring in a north-easterly direction, from the munities of the said Burgh, as its obligations and north-east corner of North Haghill House, and the powers and jurisdiction of the Magistrates, passing in a northerly, easterly, and northerly and of the Dean of Guild, and of the Dean of Guild direction along the March between Alexandra Court thereof, over the whole of the lands and ter- Park and the lands of Easter Kennyhill to the south ritory to be so added, and the inhabitants of the side of the towing-path of the Monkland Canal; same. thence along the south side of the towing-path, in The limits of the Burgh when extended as pro- a westerly direction, for a distance of 590 yards posed (in this Notice called the extended Burgh), or thereby till it meets the Parliamentary Boundary; will include the present Burgh and the lands or thence along the Parliamentary Boundary in a territories, or some part or parts of the lands or straight line, in a south-easterly direction, to the territories after described, that is to say,— point first described. First, — The lands and territory within the Third.—The lands and territory of Gilmorehill, ancient Royalty of the Royal Burgh of Glasgow, Donaldshill, and others, including part of the not now included within the Municipality, embrac- public park called Kelvingrove Park, and the ing Springburn, and lands and places adjacent, also College of Glasgow, with the Hospital and the lands and territory of Broomhill, Port-Dun- grounds thereto attached, situate in the Parish das, Hundred-Acre Hill, Keppoch Hill, Cowlairs, of Govan, and County of Lanark, so far as em- and others, situate in the City Parish of Glasgow, braced in the following Area or Boundary, viz.,— and the Parishes of Barony, Springburn, and A Boundary commencing at a point on the Maryhill, or some of them, all in the County ol Parliamentary Boundary, situate in the centre of Lanark, so far as the said several lands and terri- the River Kelvin and on the line of the north-east tories are embraced within the following Area or side of the bridge which carries the Glasgow and Boundary, viz.:— Yoker Road, commonly called the Dumbarton A Boundary commencing at a point on the Par- Road, across the Kelvin, and passing in a northerly liamentary Boundary of Glasgow (defined in the and westerly direction along the north-east and Act 2 and 3 William IV., cap. 65, entituled ' An north side of said road till it reaches a point 114 Act to Amend the Representation of the People yards or thereby, measuring in an easterly direc- in Scotland,' and hereinafter referred to as the tion, from the south-east corner of Church Street Parliamentary Boundary), situate in Low Garngac and Dumbarton Road ; thence in a northerly direc- Road, where the Garngad Burn crosses that road, tion, for a distance of 101 yards or thereby; thence such burn being called in the said Act the Grim- in a westerly direction, and at right angles to the ston Burn, and following the Boundary of the line last described, to a point distant 56 yards ancient Royalty in a northerly, easterly, and north- from the east side of Church Street; thence in a westerly direction along the lines of the Royalty northerly direction, and parallel to Church Street, Boundary Stones, until it reaches its most northerly for a distance of 126 yards or thereby; thence in.
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