VIRTUE OR OBLIGATION VIRTUE OR OBLIGATION 30th International Biblical Conference Szeged 26–28 August, 2019 Szeged 2020 Support by NKA, SZNBK, Catholic Diocese of Szeged-Csanád Patrons of the Conference DR. GYÖRGY JAKUBINYI archbishop of Alba Iulia, DR. LÁSZLÓ KISS-RIGÓ diocesan bischop, PROF. DR. SZABOLCS SZUROMI rector (PPKE), PROF. DR. LEVENTE BALÁZS MARTOS, member of the Pontifical Biblical Institute Edited by GYÖRGY BENYIK Publisher’s Readers SZABOLCS CZIRE, MARTIN MEISER, GOTTFRIED SCHIMANOWSKI Design ETELKA SZŐNYI ISBN 978–963–315–436–6 © Editor and authors, 2019 © JATEPress, 2020 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION (György BENYIK) .................................. 13 WE HAVE HAD A GREAT LOSS – AN EXCELLENT BIBLE TRANSLATOR HAS PASSED AWAY (Ottó PECSUK)..................................... 15 Manabu AKIYAMA, John “PRAISE TO GOD” AS VIRTUE IN THE BOOK OF SECOND ISAIAH: WITH SPECIAL REGARD TO THE SEPTUAGINT VERSION . 17 Introduction . 17 1. Book of the Second Isaiah ....................................... 18 2. “to praise” (“ha¯lal” and “tehillâ”) . 19 3. to glorify (“ka¯b5e¯d5” and “ka¯b5oˆd5”) ................................ 20 4. 1Pt 2,9 and the Book of Genesis ................................. 20 5. “to choose” (“ba¯hEar”) and “to shape” (“ya¯sEar”) . 22 6. 7th Chapter of the Gospel according to John (Jn 7,37–39) . 23 Conclusion . 25 Bibliography . 25 Károly BÁCSKAI MORAL EXPOSTULATIONS IN THE FIRST LETTER OF PETER – 1PT 2,11–3,12 A SITUATION OF APOLOGY ...................................... 27 Christians are to be like good citizens (1Pt 2,13–17) . 28 Christians are to be like good slaves (1Pt 2,18–25) . 29 Christians are to be like good wives and husbands (1Pt 3,1–7) . 30 Christians are to live in a good fellowship with one another (1Pt 3,8–12) . 32 Literature . 34 Laura BARITZ OP MORAL AND VIRTUE IN ECONOMICS. IS PARADIGM SHIFT POSSIBLE IN ECONOMIC LIFE?............................................ 37 Bibliography . 48 5 Taras BARŠČEVSKI IL SILENZIO DELLE DONNE ALLA TOMBA VUOTA DI GESÙ – LA FEDELTÀ AL MISTERO RIVELATO .......................................... 49 0. Introduzione . 49 1. La ricerca del Crocifisso defunto e la visione del Risorto vivo . 50 2. Dalla paura al silenzio . 52 3. Il silenzio eloquente . 55 4. Conclusione . 58 5. Bibliografia . 59 György BENYIK VIRTUE (•D,JZ ) AND VICE LISTS IN HELLENISTIC LITERATURE AND IN THE BIBLE – AND THEIR ATTRIBUTES ............................ 61 The Bible's Point of View on Virtue and Vice . 65 A Change of Attitude on the Subject of Virtue and Vice . 65 The Ten Commandments . 66 A brief history of interpretation of the Ten Commandments . 67 Reflection of prophetic literature on the Ten Commandments . 69 Virtues and vices in psalms . 70 The reflection of the New Testament and Christian theology on the Ten Commandments . 71 The virtue lists of the Gospels and macarisms . 73 Virtue and vice lists in Paul . 76 Lists of virtues regarding the leaders of the church . 77 Summary . 77 Mario CIFRAK OFM „FREUT EUCH AN JENEM TAG UND HÜPFT“ (LK 6,23) DAS VERB „SKIRTAO“ BEI LUKAS ................................................... 79 0. Problematik . 79 1. Der Menschensohn . 80 2. Johannes der Täufer . 81 3. Die Freude im Leiden . 83 5. Schluss . 86 Sándor ENGHY BUT WHO IS THE ONE, WHO REALLY LOVES? THE CONTEXTUAL EXAMINATION OF LEV 19,18 IN THE HEBREW–GREEK OLD TESTAMENT, IN THE Q, IN THE DIDACHE AND IN THE RABBINICAL LITERATURE . 89 Bibliography . 98 6 Jutta HAUSMANN ZWISCHEN PFLICHT UND EINSICHT – ÜBERLEGUNGEN ZU PSALM 1 . 101 I Zur Themenwahl . 101 II Textbeobachtungen . 102 III Schlussfolgerung . 106 Literatur . 107 Endre HORVÁTH DIE „AUFERSTEHUNG AUF DAS LEBEN“ NACH 2MAKK 7 . 109 Literaturverzeichnis . 118 György KOCSI WHO IS THE RIGHTEOUS AND WHO IS THE FOOL? RUMINATIONS ON PROVERBS 10................................................ 119 Preliminary observations on the conference motto <virtue and duty’ . 119 Which virtue is supreme? . 120 The appellation and author of the book of Proverbs . 121 Structure of the book of Proverbs . 123 The buildup and structure of Chapter 10 of Proverbs . 123 Justification of the palindromic structure in Prov 10, 1b–5 . 126 What is the righteous man like? . 129 Will the righteousness of the righteous save him from death? . 130 Riches and poverty . 131 Imre KOCSIS CHRISTUS ALS VORBILD DER DEMUT NACH PHIL 2,1–11 . 133 1. Die Demut Christi im Philipperhymnus (2,6–11) . 134 2. Die Absicht von Paulus nach V. 5. 139 Viktor KÓKAI NAGY MACHT HABEN UND MACHT AUSÜBEN – ÜBER RÖM 13,1–7 NACHDENKEN 141 1. Geschichtlicher Hintergrund . 142 2. Der Text . 144 3. Perspektivenwechsel . 150 Literatur . 152 7 Erik KORMOS CULT VS. RELIGION: PHILOLOGICAL UNDERSTANDING OF BABYLON AS CULTIC SYMBOL IN BOOK OF REVELATION . 155 Foreword . 155 The importance of adequate theological interpretation of the Revelation . 157 Typological understanding of certain words in Revelation . 158 The Jerusalem-typology . 161 The essence of Babylon-typology . 162 Hapax legomena-typologies in Rev 18 . 165 Last conclusions . 168 Mihály KRÁNITZ CONSCIENCE IN SAINT PAUL AND ITS ANTECEDENTS . 171 Introduction . 171 I. The development of the concept of syneidesis . 171 II. The concept of syneidesis in the New Testament and in the writings of the second century . 177 Virgil LÁSZLÓ THE CRUCIFIXION OF THE FLESH WITH ITS PASSIONS AND DESIRES BY PAUL 185 I. The Pauline dictum . 185 II. The context . 185 III. The meaning of sa,rx : apocalyptic or ethical? . 186 IV. Paqh,mata and evpiqumi,ai .................................... 187 V. The crucifixion as a metaphor in Gal 5:24 and the agency of believers . 188 VI. Partly conclusion . 190 VII. Some remarks on Stoicism about passions . 191 VIII. Conclusion . 193 Bibliography . 193 Mihály LAURINYECZ HOW DOES ST THOMAS AQUINAS USE THE HOLY BIBLE IN HIS ARGUMENTATION ON THE VIRTUES IN SUMMA THEOLOGIAE . 195 Preliminary comment . 195 The significance of the Holy Bible in St Thomas’ theology . 195 St. Thomas the university master . 197 Conclusions (drawn from the analysis) . 197 Analysis of specific citations . ..
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