Volume 47—No. 3. Philadelphia, March 31, 1906. Price, Five Cents. SPORTING LIFE. March 31, 1906. 3-31-8. SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO., FROM THE CAPITAL. RECALLED BY A MISSIVE FROM 34 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. MISHAPS OF THE NATIONALS AT "UNCLE NICK" YOUNG. Please send me cabinet size phototype of the celebrated TRAINING QUARTERS. base ball player ____^___________»_________________ The Pitchers Sent to Hot Springs The Retired League Leader Talks for which I enclose three 2-cent stamps to help to defray expense —Exhibition Games Arranged— Briefly of the Night 35 Years Ago of printing, postage, packing, etc. When, For the First Time, "Or= Catcher Malachi Kittridge Getting ganized Ball" Was Attempted. Sen.d .to Himself Into Disfavor at Home. BY FRANCIS C. RICHTER. BY PAUL W. EATON. Former President N. E. Young,, of TVashingt9n, D. C., March 25.—Editor he National League, the other day "Sporting' Life."—It can be stated con­ lent the editor of "Sporting Life" a fidently that when last week opened year's subscription to with another snow "Sporting Life." Accom­ storm there was a wealth panying the check was a of language ton tap at very pleasant and inter­ the twining' carnp of the esting letter of reminis­ Nationals. The next day cences of the "happy was no better, arid days of long ago," which Stahl's Kloadikes found is too good not to be practice on a diamond of shared with our readers the first water out of —particularly as it re­ the question. The man­ lates to the very start agement determined'-''to of the National game take no more chances, as a thoroughly organ­ "Sporting Life" has had reproduced cabinet size phototypes of cele­ and accordingly pitchers ized institution for the Patten, Hughes, Wolfe. N. E. Young promotion and protec­ brated base ball players and offers to send to any of its readers photos of Paul W. Eaton Kitson and Sudhoff, and tion of honest and clean their favorite base ball players by complying with the conditions named catcher Heydon were base ball. Following is that part of in the coupon above, 6 cents for each photo; by the dozen, 50 cents. Only started for Hot Springs, where they Mr. Young's letter relating to base one coupon required with an order. are now. and will remain for a couple ball: The photos are regular cabinet size (514 x ?*£ inches) mounted on heavy of weeks. This result of the game of Mantello mats and packed carefully to insure safe delivery in the mails. freeze-out with the weather man left the club once more without a catcher, The Beginning of Organized Ball. Here is an opportunity to ornament your room with photos of your Kittridge has positively Washington, D. C., March 19.—Editor favorite base ball players at small expense. Each photo in a separate en­ "Sporting Life."—Last Saturday even­ velope to protect and keep it clean. REFUSED TO REPORT ing I was down to my -whist club en­ One coupon and three 2-cent stamps entitles you to one photo. You can, before A|>ril 1. Kit is getting some joying my favorite evening pastime, however, obtain as many photos as you desire by sending three 2-cent easy money at Raleigh, and has ad­ and diuring the whole evening my mind vised the club to the effect that they was divided between the whist game stamps for each photo. can levy the fine called for by the end the first meeting of representa­ The following photos are now ready for immediate delivery. Others will rules and he will stay. The fine in tives of professional base ball clubs, be added. question is likely to be a stiff one, which, by correspondence with all the and swallow up his agricultural earn­ club officials, I had arranged for and NATIONAL LEAGUE FOR 1906. AMERICAN LEAGUE FOR 1906. ings, as his absence leaves the team called the meeting to order within five in bad shape, and his action is there­ or ten minutes of the time we started NEW YORK CLUB—John J. McGraw, man­ PHILADELPHIA CLUB—Connie Mack, man­ fore eliciting more unfavorable com­ our whist game, ager; Joseph McGinnity, Christopher Mathew- ager; Maurice R. Powers. Daniel F. Murphy, ment than might be the case other­ JUST THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, s-ou, Samuel Mertes, William Gilbert, D. L. Ralph O. Seybold, Harry Davis, Edward S. wise. However, a new catcher has in a large room over Collier's restaur­ McGann, Roger Bresnahan, George Browne, Plank, Osee F. Schreckengost, George Edward been signed,, in the person of Duff, Frank Bowerman, Luther H. Taylor, William Waddell, Frederick L. Hartzell, Monte Cross, formerly of Providence, who was with ant, then located at the corner of 10th Daniel Hoffman, Charles Bender, Weldon street and Broad-way, N. Y, I distinct­ Henley, Bris'coe Lord, Johii Knight, James the New "Kork Americans last spring. ly remember'it and all the names and H. Dygert, Andrew Coakley, Harry L. Barton, He is said to be a good hitter, in ad­ faces of the delegates that were pres­ Clyde Robinson, Cecil Ferguson. Otto Williams. dition to catching well. Two ot three ent at that first meeting. In looking games have been played during the CHICAGO CLUB—Fielder Jones, manager; week, between the Nationals and Col­ back through the vista of years 1 can FITTSBURG- CLUB—Fred Clarke, manager; Edward McFarland, George Dajis, William hardly realize that so long a time has Hans Wagner, Claude Ritchey, Thomas Leach, legians, and the Regulars and Irregu­ passed, and from the seemingly little Samuel Leaver. Clarence H. Beaumont, lars, with the usual result in each acorn we planted that night on St. Charles Pbilippe, Patrick Klaherty, Henry case. Hits have been very scarce, and Patrick's day, 1871, what a giant oak Peitz, Otis Clymer, Homer Hillebrand, George J. .("Jiggs") Donahue, August Dundon, the old foul-spit combination seems has grown, spreading its branches over Gibson, Harry Smith, V. Willis. Frank Smith, Edward A. Walsh, Ernest to be getting in its deadly work al­ ! Lhis, the greatest of all lands, and fur­ Gibson, Harry Smith, Victor Willis, Joseph Vinson. ready. Manager Stahl nishing clean, honest, healthful amuse­ Nealou. DETROIT CLUB—William R. Armour, man­ HAS ARRANGED FOR GAMES ment for millions of people. The place ager; James Barrett, Frank Donahue, Samuel with the Danville team on Thursday, for CLUB—Frank jChance, jnanager; Crawford, Louis Drill, William Donovan, THE MEETING George Mullin, Matty Mclntyre, William Friday and Saturday next, and has Coughlin, Edward Killian, Charles O'Leary, tried to make dates with Lynchburg, •was, at my request, selected by Alex. Jesse Stovall, J. Warner, Thomas Poran. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Davidson, who was then, and for sev­ making' a full week of exhibition eral years afterwards, secretary of the games against the Virginia clubs. The Mutual Club, of New York. I repre­ good work of Nill and Schafly contin­ sented the Olympic Club, of this city, ues to be a feature of the proceedings, as secretary and manager. Our presi­ bach, Hobe Ferris, William "Dineen""' Louis and it is announced that they will omas, , Criger Norwood Gibson, Jesse TannehTll dent -was Mr. A. G. Mills, one of the William Duggleby, William Bransfleld, Sher­ shaw. BUrkett> Robert Unglaub, Myron (frim! open the season at short and second best, .brightest and brainiest of men wood Magee, Ernest Courtney, Michael respectively. Otto Williams, who was ever connected -with our National -with last year's New Orleans team, game. The delegates -were dear old Doolin. CLEVELAND CLUB-Napoleon Lajole man­ has been signed for infield utility Harry Wright (who was then a young CINCINNATI CLUB—Edward Hanlon, man- ager; William Bernharat, Fred Buelow John roles. The move is considered a good man), who represented Boston and aeer- Joseph J. Kelley, Jacob Weimer, Oownsend, Harry Bay, Elmer Flick Eari one. Williams has had previous ex­ Rockford: Thalehir, Chicago; Scofield, Charies Harper, J. Bentley Seymour Robert perience in fast company, and has Troy; Ray, Brooklyn; Davidson, New TCwin" Thomas W. Corcoran. Edward Phelps, done some excellent work. He was York; Evans, Cleveland, Hough, Na­ Jonn B'c. Barry, Charles C. Carr, Miller signed by Connie Mack for this sea­ tionals, of Washington; Kerns, •Phila• Huggins. son, but was let out, either by reason delphia Athletics, and myself repre­ NEW YORK CLUB-Clarke Griffith, manager- of an embarras de richesses in the senting our Olympics. • So far as I ST LOUIS CLUB—Homer Smoot, James T. James Williams, David L. Fultz, wmlam young-blood line, or a salary differ­ know I am the only survivor of that Burke Charles McFarland, Jacob Beckley, ^eler. Jack Chesbro, Norman Hlberfe*™ John Taylor, James Dunleavy, Daniel Shay. William Conroy, John Ganzell, \lbert Orth ence, and has been between the first meeting, although there possibly W. P. Shannon, David Zearfoss, Michael Patrick Dougherty, James McGuire To^n OUTLAWS AND THE DEEP SEA, may be one or two others. I do know Kleinow, Joseph Yeager, Frank Hahn Will­ that the great majority have long since Grady. iam Hogg, Harold Chase, Eustace J. Newton or rather, the outlaws and the minors, crossed the river. At that meeting Mr. Walter Clarkson, Robert Keefe «ewion, ever since. The Altoona Club claims Kerns, of Philadelphia, was elected WASHINGTON CLUB— Jacob G. Stahl man his services, and if Manager Irwin, of president and proved to be one of the ager; Frank Kitson, Hunter Hill r«« that organization, can show any legal best presiding officers I ever saw. Patton, Malachi Kittridge. Thomas TTn^,»« hold on Williams, it may prevent the DEAR OLD FORD EVANS Howard P.
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