February 18, 1959 Sac This Issue * The Hialeah Hospital Story * Our First All-Spanish Church * South Central Report Hialeah Hospital FUTUREVENTS the membership to bring guests to this Friday evenings, there is one unit class. which meets on Tuesday evenings. Be- GENERAL Recommendations for this method of cause of a shortage of time, the units Operation Dixie continues are made up of six teams instead of throughout Southern Union evangelism in Sabbath school have been made on how this class should the usual eight. This means, of course, FLORIDA operate, who should be members of that the studies will run six weeks. Feb. 22—Dedication of Hialeah it, and for how long. These will soon At the close of the project, there Hospital Wing be available to your Sabbath school will be a series of decision meetings Southern Union Conference through your conference Sabbath school designed to acquaint more fully the Quadrennial Session, secretary. In our "Operatiob Dixie" people with Seventh-day Adventist April 19-22, at Miami Beach program, we have recommended a doctrines. Pastor's Bible Class. Though the Elder H. V. Hendershot, coordinator quarterlies are not now available, you of the Collegedale MV Council, said The Pastor's Bible Class should have a Pastor's Bible Class in the following about this first step of operation before your revival series. "Operation Fireside": This is new! The General Confer- It is suggested that he use Bible school ence Sabbath School Department voted lessons until the quarterlies come off "We feel that the opening night of recently to recommend a Pastor's the press. 'Operation Fireside' was highly suc- Bible Class to be a part of the evange- cessful. All the planned homes were listic methods of the Sabbath school. There is a tremendous soul-winning used with the exception of two or potential in Sabbath school. As yet, we But do you say, haven't we always had three which were canceled because of have hardly tapped the possibilities. a visitors' class taught by our Sabbath sickness. The Pastor's Bible Class will contrib- school ? Yes, you are right but the "The student participation and co- plans for this Pastor's Bible Class is ute to a Sabbath school evangelistic atmosphere. S. S. WILL operation was beyond all expectations. not a visitors' class. You see, the visi- There were a few cases where students tors' class would consist of any visitor, left for the week end, but as a whole if he is a SDA visiting from another Operation Fireside at SMC they stayed by very faithfully. church he is invited to be in the visitors' class. What then is the Pastor's The Southern Missionary College It is our belief that such a project Bible Class? It is this: "Operation Fireside" project got un- as 'Operation Fireside' will bring about derway the night of January 24 when a true spiritual awakening among SMC This class, in effect, is a baptismal the student Bible study teams presented students. The Spirit of God has al- class. The guests will participate in the their topics for the first time. Approxi- ready shown itself in such a way as opening exercises. During the lesson mately 85 people attended the studies to make us feel that this project will study time they will be taught by the presented by the 30 study teams. be of real benefit to the students as pastor (or in bis absence, by a qualified well as the people reached." layman) from -a quarterly that is espe- Advance preparations had been cially prepared for this class. The les- made on the two previous Friday Temperance Contest sons will consist of our doctrines. evenings. The group had also met for practice and study the Sabbath A union-wide temperance week end (Two quarterlies covering a period was scheduled at Southern Missionary of six months are now being prepared afternoon of January 17. At those College February 13-14 under the di- for this purpose). Thus, you can see times the students received instructions rection of Elder L. M. Nelson, temper- that an Adventist who has studied on various phases of the studies. Besides the five units who meet ance secretary for the Southern Union. his regular quarterly should be invited Orators from academies in the union to a class other than the Pastor's Bible were entered in the oratorical contest Class. Laymen will invite those on the at a convocation on Friday, the winner pastor's prospect list to Sabbath school giving his oration on Saturday night to "My Pastor's Bible Class." We in SMC's Auditorium. believe such an invitation will appeal to folk more than a general invitation College contestants in the oratorical, to Sabbath school. poster and jingle areas were to be pre- sented on Saturday night with awards Our Sabbath schools, we are told, being made in these fields, according to "Should be one of the greatest instru- Elder J. M. Ackerman, American Tem- mentalities, and the most effectual, in perance Society sponsor at SMC. bringing souls to Christ." CSSW. 10. Judges for the contests were chosen This points up the fact that our from public officials in Chattanooga Sabbath school should be geared for and from conference personnel. The evangelism. How is it with your Sab- public was invited to attend. bath school ? Is the program evangelis- tic or is it for our own people without 0 an evangelistic touch? Why, the very The laity can often do more for "object of Sabbath school work should a family than can the pastor. "Sitting be the ingathering of souls." CSSW. at the fireside, they can—if humble, 61. Emphasis to the Pastor's Bible discreet, and godly—do more to meet Class will help the Sabbath school the real needs of the families than to gather in souls. So when your pastor Will your Relief Offering banks be full by May 9? This little girl, Karen Linda, is could an ordained minister."—Testi- starts "the Pastor's Bible Class" urge going to be ready. Are you? monies, Vol. 7, page 21. 2 SOUTHERN TIDINGS, FEBRUARY 18, 1959 VOL S3, NO. 7 FEBRUARY 18, 1959 EDITORIAL OPINION 437 East Ponce de Leon Avenue Postal address: Box 849 This Business of Reaching People Decatur, Georgia POSTMASTERS: All notices should be sent Do you at times wonder what others really think of you? Of your to SOUTHERN TIDINGS, P. 0. Box 849, De- catur, Georgia. religion? EDITOR Cecil Coffey So did Jesus. ASSISTANT EDITOR ....... Elsie Blair MAKEUP EDITOR Dan McBroom Long before such modern techniques of measuring public opinion SOUTHERN TIDINGS. official organ of the as polls, the Master asked His disciples, "Who do men say that I the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Son of man am?" Adventists, is published weekly, fifty issues each year, at Collegedale, Tennessee. En- tered as second-class matter July 26, 1929, As an active member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church you must at the Post Office at Collegedale, Tennessee, have been made aware of a mysterious force called public opinion at under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of toostage pro- work in your church and in your community. This force can make or vid,c1 for in Section 10, Act of October 3, break a drive for funds or a community-wide evangelistic project. In 1917, authorized on July 25, 1929. Subscription rate: one dollar per year. fact it can bring either unity or disunity right into the church program. ADDRESS CHANGES may be sent direct to SOUTHERN TIDINGS or, for members of any Evidences of this power are visible, but it cannot be measured; it is a conference listed below, to the local confer- force intangible and unseen. Everything that happens in your church ence office. Always give both the old and new addresses. Allow thirty days for the correction. program affects it. MANUSCRIPTS from members should be ad- dressed to the office of the local conference Just as people make vivid or negative impressions on others, so do where membership is held. CLASSIFIED AD- VERTISING rates and regulations are given in churches. Unless the attributes of a church are favorably impressed on the section for classified advertising. DIS- the public consciousness, eventually the church will suffer in decreased PLAY ADVERTISING rates and regulations are available on request from Advertising support and understanding. Either your church is "a city . set on Mcmaaer, SOUTHERN TIDINGS, Box 849, Decatur, Georgia. an hill," that "cannot be hid," or it may be like salt that has lost its savor. Remember how Jesus described His followers as leaven hidden in three measures of meal which eventually leavened all the meal? The CONFERENCE DIRECTORY meaning for the Adventist Church is clear: each member and each church must continually induce the community to move in the direction of SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Christlikeness, thus leavening the community until favorable public President Don R. Rees opinion results. Secretary-Treasurer A. P. McDow Seventh-day Adventists cannot, must not, take for granted that they Auditor K. C. Beem Educational H. S. Hanson and their activities are appreciated and understood. Daily there are Home Missionary, indications that this denomination still has a "selling" problem of great Sabbath School. S. S. Will MV, Radio-TV, Temperance, magnitude. It is of vital importance that people know the full truth War Service L. M. Nelson about the Seventh-day Adventist Church—its objectives, services, and Public Relations, Religious Liberty ...... Cecil Coffey organization, as well as its doctrines. As someone remarked, "It's not Publishing Eric Ristau that people don't know enough, but that they know so much that isn't so." Associate W.
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