President’s Page “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” --Robert Frost In my first President’s Page I introduced my over-arching focus for my year as president as being our extended Aerospace Medicine Family. During our meeting in Anchorage, the vast majority of the attendees expressed a feeling that our annual meetings are truly our extended family’s reunion. Many life- long friendships and professional relationships have begun and been cultivated during our annual meetings. These relation- ships have formed the foundation for many collaborations and continue to solidify our organization as the world leader in Fanancy Anzalone, M.D., M.P.H. Aerospace Medicine. In order to stress our family’s diversity, I have listed the 76 nations that are represented by AsMA’s mem- At the meeting in Anchorage our membership approved sev- berships: eral By-laws changes, with the most significant one being the Antigua, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahréin, Barbados, change in the process for submitting and approving Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, China, Resolutions. These By-laws changes allow us to conduct this Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Costa Rica, process electronically and give the approval authority to our Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Council. In doing so, it affords all of our membership, not just Fiji Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, the ones that have the ability to attend our Annual Scientific Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Meeting, the opportunity to participate in the process. Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, The updated By-laws follow: Malta, Martinique (French Antilles), Mexico, Namibia, Article XI. Committees, Section 3. Standing Committees Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Zealand, Nigeria, Functions, N. Resolutions Committee: Northern Ireland, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Resolutions may be proposed to the Resolutions Committee Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, by individual members, by standing and special committees, by Senegal, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the Executive Committee and by the Council. Proposed resolu- Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab tions that have been reviewed and coordinated by the Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Resolutions Committee shall be submitted to Council and if Venezuela. approved by Council, will be presented to the Association As you can see, every Continent, except for Antarctica, is rep- membership. Proposed resolutions will be published on the resented. I challenge our membership to reach out to their fel- Association website for a period of at least 60 days to offer low citizens and, if you are the only member from your coun- Association membership the opportunity to review the pro- try, reach out to your colleagues that are your neighbors to posed resolutions and offer comments. Comments will be sub- build and strengthen a relationship based on the Guiding mitted by the membership to the Resolution Committee either Principles and Goals of AsMA. By sharing our dedication, remotely via electronic means or during the business meeting of knowledge, and love of our chosen fields of expertise, we will the Association. Comments received from members may be in- continue to expand our resources, facilitate collaboration, and, corporated into the resolution by the Resolution Committee hopefully, add to the world’s knowledge related to Aerospace after which the revised resolution shall be resubmitted to Sciences. Council for a vote. Council shall have final approval of resolu- Another key element of our organization that greatly facili- tions. Processing and voting on resolutions by the Council can tates our families’ relationships is the Wing of AsMA. The life- be preformed remotely by electronic means or during Council long friendships that are created and nurtured at our meetings meetings of the Association. The Council and the Executive by our spouses have the ability to bring together every aspect Committee may, on their own initiative, propose resolutions to of our organizations by increasing the opportunity to meet be considered at any time or at an Association business meeting. members from all professional affiliations. Specific to my expe- Lastly, our organization has submitted our new Articles of rience, my wife, Debbie, (Debra A. Anzalone, DrPH, BSN) was Incorporation to the State of Virginia. When approved, our the president of the Wing for our 1993 meeting in Toronto and Association will qualify as an exempt organization under sec- the many friendships that she initiated would not have oc- tion 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Once this is com- curred if we were limited to my professional associations. I en- pleted, we will notify our membership via email and posting courage all of our members to share your meeting with your on the Association's website. spouse or significant other and I am confident this will broaden You can reach me at [email protected] or call me at 878- your relationships within our organization. 338-8777. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 82, No. 7 • July 2011 747 Association News Meetings Calendar Home Office Information Future AsMA Meetings www.asma.org September 11-15, 2011; International Phone: (703)739-2240 Fax: (703)739-9652 Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine; May 13-17, 2012 Bucharest, Romania. Info: Admin/Executive Atlanta Hilton Jeffrey Sventek, Exec. Dir. http://www.iaasm.org/congresses.cfm Atlanta, GA October 6-8, 2011; CAMA Annual Scientific Ext. 105; [email protected] Gisselle Vargas, Operations Manager Meeting; Tucson, AZ. Info: May 12-16, 2013 [email protected] Ext. 104; [email protected] Chicago Sheraton Membership Department October 17-19, 2011; Air Medical Transport Chicago, IL Conference; St. Louis, MO. Association of Air Gloria Carter, Membership Dir. Ext. 106; [email protected] Medical Services Info: http://www.aams.org May 11-15, 2014 October 24-26, 2011; 49th Annual SAFE Sheryl Kildall, Assist. Membership/ San Diego Hilton Subscriptions Symposium; Reno, NV. Grand Sierra Resort San Diego and Casino. Info: [email protected]; Ext. 107; [email protected] http://www.safeassociation.com Journal Department May 10-14, 2015 Pamela Day, Managing Editor Walt Disney World Swan and Ext. 101; [email protected] Dolphin Hotel Rachel Trigg, Assistant to the Managing CAMA Annual Scientific Meeting Lake Buena Vista, FL Editor Tucson, Arizona Ext. 102; [email protected] October 6-8, 2011 “Cognition, Sleep Disorders and Fatigue in Aviation: A Comprehensive View” Abstract Submission Site Opens September 1! Superb Faculty AME Seminar Credit With the 82nd Annual Scientific Meeting behind us, it’s time to start plan- Inquiries welcome: ning for NEXT year--The 83rd Annual AsMA Scientific Meeting will be held [email protected] in Atlanta, GA, May 13-17, 2012. ABSTRACT DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 31. 748 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 82, No. 7 • July 2011 2011 Award Winners of the Aerospace Medical Association Honors Night Ceremonies of the 82nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association were held May 12, 2011, at the Hilton Hotel in Anchorage, AK. Seventeen awards for outstanding contributions in aviation and space medicine were presented. The presentations were made by Marian B. Sides, Ph.D., president of the Aerospace Medical Association. The winners were recommended by the Awards Committee, chaired by Dr. Dwight Holland, and approved by the Executive Committee of the Aerospace Medical Association. ated from the U.S. Air Force Academy with a B.Sc. de- gree in Life Sciences and became a rated military pilot at Craig AFB, Selma, AL. He graduated from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences LOUIS H. BAUER FOUNDERS with both Doctor of Medicine and Master of Public AWARD Health degrees. He was an Outstanding Graduate of B- Peter B. Mapes, M.D., M.P.H. 52 Combat Crew Training at Castle AFB, CA, and a Distinguished Graduate of Squadron Officer School at This award was established to honor Louis H. Maxwell AFB, AL. He has served the United States for Bauer, M.D., founder of the Aerospace Medical Association. It is given over a third of a century, including duty as an Air Force annually for the most significant contribution in aerospace medicine. It is Command Pilot in B-52s and as a T-37B Instructor Pilot sponsored by the Mayo Clinic. with over 3000 military flying hours accrued. He is an Peter B. Mapes, M.D., M.P.H., was the recipient of avid private pilot as well, often flying to the AsMA an- the 2011 Louis H. Bauer Founders Award during nual meeting and other events in his own plane. Honors Night Ceremonies, May 12, 2011, in Anchorage, Col. Mapes was awarded the Malcolm Grow Award AK, for his extensive research of mishap causes and de- in 1993 for being the USAF Flight Surgeon of the Year velopment of successful business cases for the by the Society of USAF Flight Surgeons. The National fighter/attack automatic ground collision avoidance Aeronautic Association and the Secretary of the Air system and helicopter safety technologies. He is known Force recognized him with the other four members of as an "Agent of Change" and his science was what the B-52 crew of Griff 21 for the Most Outstanding brought the funding to install the Automatic Ground Military Flight of the Year with the award of the Collision Avoidance System (Auto-GCAS) in the Block Mackay Trophy in 1993. He is a Past President of the 40+ F-16s, F-35s, and F-22s. His work also garnered International Association of Military Flight Surgeon funding for an Auto-GCAS for the F/A-18. He later Pilots. He holds an adjunct faculty position in Military formed a team of three officers and garnered the funds and Emergency Medicine at the Uniformed Services for helicopter safety technologies, preventing controlled University of the Health Sciences, F.
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