Volume XIII Issue II October 2019 U.S. APPEALS COURT RULES IN FAVOR OF NET NEUTRALITY ROLLBacK Saveria Antonacci ports Los Angeles Times. tration appointed a “more Opinion Editor The FCC can also block industry-friendly” FCC individual state laws on Chairman, former Asso- The United States a case-by-case basis. ciate General Counsel at Court of Appeals for the Another aspect of this Verizon Communications DC Circuit ruled against decision allows the FCC and Senior Counsel at states being able to pass to repeal net neutrality the Department of Jus- their own net neutrali- rules. Verizon Communi- tice Ajit Pai. According ty laws, reports Reuters. cations Inc. issued a state- to USA Today, Pai has a This decision comes two ment saying the decision record of fighting against years after the repeal of “underscores the need net neutrality rules, most laws that disallowed pro- for Congress to adopt recently arguing that viders from slowing down national legislation that they decrease the likeli- internet connections, provides protections for hood of investment in Net Neutrality Supporters after the Ruling. Courtesy of Flickr. opening the floodgates consumers while avoiding certain networks and im- sented to a majority-Re- the department switched trality and it is time to put for favoritism of some a disruptive, inconsistent pede companies’ right publican Senate and the to a more expensive plan. an end to it with specific, websites over others. patchwork of state Inter- to competitive practices. White House, which is As a result, Califor- protective legislation. He The Federal Commu- net regulation.” As a result Net neutrality is a hot threatening to veto the nia, Colorado, Maine, states, “broadband pro- nications Commission of the decision, the price topic of debate and has bill, reports The Hill. New Jersey, New York, viders have been on good (FCC), however, may of internet connection been for the last decade. One example of the Oregon, Vermont, and behavior while rules have consider the rollback’s could raise for consumers. Congress remains unable issue this could impose Washington composed been up in the air be- impact on first respond- According to The Hill, to pass any legislation that on society are the Cali- their own net neutral- cause of the lawsuit and ers and those relying on this suit was brought by protects internet con- fornia wildfires in 2018. ity laws in addition to that without federal reg- government-subsidized internet companies, con- nection for U.S. citizens, According to Human pre-existing federal laws. ulations there is nothing broadband internet. One sumers, and over 20 states as the issue has slowly Rights Watch, one fire de- Eric Null, a senior keeping them in check.” example of this includes angered by the repeal become partisan. House partment’s ability to fend policy counsel at New Lifeline, a government who argued that the FCC Democrats recently voted off fires was impeded by America’s Open Tech- Contact Saveria program that provides misjudged the severity of to reinstate Obama-era limited data access, which nology Institute, argues at saveria.antonacci@ internet access to those rollbacks it could impose. rules on net neutrality, their internet provider that administrations have student.shu.edu earning low-incomes, re- The Trump adminis- but this has not been pre- purposefully slowed until been debating net neu- EGYPTIAN POLICE WEAPONIZE SOCIAL MEDIA AGAINST ANTI-GOVERNMENT PROTESTORS Emma Reed many people at the pro- ernment. Of the 3,120 and fellow human rights anonymity, said that he no more protests. His use Staff Writer tests themselves, they people detained since the activist Mona Seif details longer slept at home with of social media marked also detained a significant protests started on Sep- that he was stripped of his family to protect them. a new beginning to how Across the streets of number at checkpoints, tember 20th, 111 were all clothing except for the Amr Imam, a lawyer of protesters organize and Cairo, demonstrators, with officials searching children between the underwear he was wear- the Arabic Network for share information, as well study abroad students, phones for any “politi- ages of 11 and 17. If all ing during his arrest and Human Rights, told The as how governments track and school children alike cal” material. According these charges were to be tortured at the hands of Middle East Eye that re- them and silence dissent. face detainment and tor- to The Guardian, security brought to court, it would security forces during cently terror over activ- Given the increasing ture by Egyptian security forces add the names of be the single largest crim- his imprisonment. Like ism efforts has multiplied: use of social media in or- forces. Police institut- those detained at check- inal prosecution of pro- many other protesters “In the past years, being ganizing demonstrations, ed the harsh crackdown points to a single charge testers in Egyptian history. and activists, Alaa faces a human rights lawyer the Egyptian govern- following an outbreak sheet, a formal police re- Well-known activ- charges of belonging to was like being an outlaw.” ment now targets human of anti-corruption pro- cord of a list of names ist Alaa Abdel Fattah a terrorist organization The New York Times rights lawyers, activists, tests four weeks ago, the of those arrested and is among those arrest- and using social media to credits a military con- and journalists with more first mass movement their charges. The charges ed by the government threaten national security. struction contractor tech-savvy approaches against President el-Sisi’s include aiding terrorist in recent weeks. Rising Alaa is not the only named Mohammed Ali than simple checkpoints administration in years. groups, spreading false in- to prominence in Egypt voice of dissent who has with originally sparking and random stops on the While police arrested formation, misuse of so- during the 2011 Arab been silenced by the po- the protests. Despite liv- street. A recent report by cial media, and Spring, Alaa served five lice in recent weeks – his ing in Spain, Ali utilized Amnesty International participation years behind bars for an lawyer was also detained his previous ties to the describes how the gov- in an unautho- unauthorized protest in when he arrived at the el-Sisi administration for ernment intends to de- rized protest. 2014. Recently paroled, detainment site to repre- credibility and amassed ploy an “indiscriminate” Since 2013, he was again arrested sent Alaa. Many human a large social media by mass-monitoring system unauthorized at a Cairo police station rights lawyers have gone criticizing government of social media sites such gatherings of where he was required to into hiding fearing arrest, corruption and calling for as Facebook and Twitter. 10 or more remain for 12 hours ev- according to The Middle el-Sisi’s removal. Despite This system will look for people have ery night as part of the East Eye. One lawyer, Facebook repeatedly re- 26 so-called violations, in- not been per- conditions of his release, who represents hundreds moving his videos, Ali’s cluding mentioning walk- mitted by the according to Al Jazeera. of political detainees and content still receives many outs, sit-ins, and other Egyptian gov- A tweet by Alaa’s sister spoke on condition of views, which encourage Angry protestor at a rally. Courtesy of Geostrategists. Continue on page 3... Inside Int’l News OPINION Diplo News Campus News Diplomacy Professor Sam Dagher Delivers Focus on European Economy on Our Hypocrisy Lecture on the Syrian the Brink of Recession. Causes Climate Involved in new UN Escalation Change Biodiversity Treaty Conflict and Refugee Pages 6&7 Migration On page 5. On page 8. On page 11. On page 12. October 2019 Page 2 International News UNITED STATES RESTORES DIPLOMATIC TIES WITH SOMALIA, REOPENS EMBASSY Harshana Ghoorhoo li Partnership Forum, a the East African coun- Shabaab forces in recent nor to Somalia, expressed deniable that the U.S. will Staff Writer two-day meeting between try. As reported by the years, forcing them to its commitment to helping remain a strong partner global representatives BBC, America greatly in- retreat from the major in stabilizing the region. to Somalia in its effort Nearly three decades and Somali leaders, took creased aid and military population centers. In The reopening of to build a stable, dem- after its closure follow- place in Mogadishu for engagement in Somalia an address to the BBC, the embassy in Mogadi- ocratic country. A big ing the outbreak of civil the first time. During the and makes it a priority the U.S. military said that shu is a positive step in component of that as- war, the United States meeting, the U.S. Agency to defeat Islamist terror- its efforts are supported strengthening bilateral sistance lies in helping has officially reopened for International Devel- ism in the Horn of Af- and encouraged by the relations between the two Somalia rid itself of the its embassy in Somalia, opment announced the rica as part of its global Federal Government of countries. As reported by extremists, who contin- according to Al Jazeera. funding of about $257 anti-terrorism efforts. Somalia, and “precision the Council on Foreign ually afflict great pain to In a statement released million in humanitari- However, amidst the airstrikes support our Relations, this is especial- the population and pose on Wednesday, October an assistance to Somalia. positive aspects of re-es- partner security forces’ ef- ly important because it a detriment to econom- 9, U.S. Ambassador to After the breakout of tablishing the U.S. Em- forts to protect the Soma- represents a win over the ic progress.
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