COMMITTEE DATE: 30/04/2013 APPLICATION No. 12/1861/DCI APPLICATION DATE: 26/11/2012 ED: GRANGETOWN APP: TYPE: Hybrid Application APPLICANT: Helium Miracle 113 Limited LOCATION: LAND AT ISV AND THE CARDIFF ARENA ICE RINK, INTERNATIONAL DRIVE, GRANGETOWN, CARDIFF, CF11 0JL PROPOSAL: Hybrid Application comprising FULL DETAIL in respect of the demolition of existing temporary ice rink and erection of new Ice Arena and associated temporary car parking provision, access and servicing and OUTLINE WITH CONSIDERATION OF ACCESS ONLY in respect of indoor natural snow ski slope, A1 retail, A2 financial & professional services, A3 food and drink, B1 office, C3 residential, C1 hotel, D1 non-residential institution, and D2 assembly and leisure uses, access, parking (including a multi- storey car park), servicing, and landscaping ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION 1: The decision notice records that the Council is satisfied that the Environment Statement dated 26th October 2012 and the Appendix to the Environmental Statement dated 27th March 2013 contains sufficient environmental information, and furthermore that all such environmental information has been taken into account in making its decision on application 12/1861/DCI. RECOMMENDATION 2: That, subject to interested parties entering into a binding legal agreement under the provisions of SECTION 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 encompassing those matters referred to in Section 9 of this report, planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions: 1. The development permitted in respect of the erection of new ice arena (as shown on dwg. no. GA(10)Z500K) and associated temporary car parking provision, access and servicing and associated public realm shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this planning permission. Reason: In accordance with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1991. 2. A. Approval of the details of the siting, design and external appearance of the buildings, and the landscaping of the site (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") in respect of the indoor natural snow ski slope, A1 retail, A2 financial and professional services, A3 food and drink, B1 office, C3 residential, C1 hotel, D1 non-residential institution, and D2 assembly and leisure uses, access, parking (including a multi-storey car park), servicing and landscaping shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced. B. Plans and particulars of the reserved matters referred to in condition 1A above, relating to the siting, design and external appearance of the buildings to be erected, and the landscaping of the site, shall be submitted in writing to the Local Planning Authority and shall be carried out as approved. C. Application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. D. The development hereby permitted shall be begun either before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission or before the expiration of two years from the date of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, whichever is the later. Reasons: A. In accordance with the provisions of Article (3)1 of the Town and Country Planning (General Procedure) Order 1995. B, C and D. In accordance with the provisions of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 3. Amended Plans: This consent relates to the application as amended by the revised plans attached to and forming part of the application and numbered as follows: Detailed application (Phase 1 Ice Arena) • ARCH-MP-GA(10)Z500K CISV Red Line Plan • ARCH-ICE-PR (10)Z100E Ice Arena Site Plan Level 00 Phase 1 • ARCH-ICE-GA(10)Z100N Ice Arena Ground Floor Plan • ARCH-ICE-GA(10)Z101M Ice Arena First Floor Plan • ARCH-ICE-GA(10)Z102G Ice Arena Second Floor Plan • ARCH-ICE-GA(10)Z103D Ice Arena Third Floor Plan • ARCH-ICE-GA(10)Z104C Ice Arena Roof Plan • ARCH-ICE-SEC(12)Z100H Ice Arena Sections • ARCH-ICE-PR(11)Z100E Ice Arena Elevations • ARCH-ICE-PR(11)Z101E Ice Arena Elevations Outline application (phase 2 & subsequent phases) • ARCH-MP-GA(10)Z500K CISV Red Line Plan • ARCH-MP-GA(10)Z100M CISV Level 00 Plan • ARCH-MP-GA(10)Z101L CISV Level 01 Plan • ARCH-MP-GA(10)Z102K CISV Level 02 Plan • ARCH-MP-GA(10)Z103H CISV Level 03 Plan • ARCH-MP-GA(10)Z201H CISV Level 01 Phasing Plan • ARCH-MP-GA(10)Z110F CIIA Temporary Parking Plan • ARCH-MP-PR(12)Z100E CISV Site Sections Sheet 1 • ARCH-MP-PR(12)Z101C CISV Site Sections Sheet 2 • ARCH-MP-PR(12)Z102A CISV Site Sections Sheet 3 • ARCH-MP-PR(10)Z100G CISV Level 00 Site Plan • ARCH-MP-PR(10)Z101G CISV Level 01 Site Plan • ARCH-MP-PR(10)Z102G CISV Roof Level Site Plan • 12-04-04B CISV Illustrative Landscape Masterplan 4. Additional information: The consent relates to the application as supplemented by the additional Information attached to and forming part of this application as follows: • Design and Access Statement rev. C (April 2013) • Supplementary Planning Information rev. D (March 2013) • 12-04-06 Ice Arena Plaza • ARCH--MP-PR(12)Z103 Area between leisure box and hotel • ARCH-MP-SK(10)Z107D Level 00 Alternative ramp access • ARCH-MP-SK(10)Z108E Level 01 Alternative ramp access • ARCH-MP-SK(10)Z110B Level 00 Alternative ramp access site plan • ARCH-MP-SK(10)Z111B Level 01 Alternative ramp access site plan • 12-04-CISV Roundabout concept • Transport Assessment Addendum (March 2013) • Independent Audit of TA (April 2013) • Environmental Statement Addendum (March 2013) • Additional Retail Impact Information (Feb 2013) • Planning Supporting Statement rev. A (April 2013) 5. Phasing plan: Prior to commencement of the works a phasing plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved phasing plan unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure an orderly form of development. 6. No class A1 retail or class A3 food and drink within phase 2 of the development shall be brought into beneficial use until the proposed multi-storey car park and snow / ski facility has been constructed. Reason: To ensure an orderly form of development and delivery of the main leisure facilities. 7. Samples of materials: For Phase 1 (Ice Arena) no development shall take place until samples of the principal external finishing materials have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory finished appearance to the development. 8. Architectural details: For Phase 1 (Ice Arena) no development shall take place until a scheme showing the architectural detailing of the principal elevations of the buildings has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall not be brought into use until the approved scheme is implemented. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory finished appearance to the development. 9. Site enclosure: For phase 1 (Ice Arena) no development shall take place until details of the means of site enclosure (temporary and/or permanent) have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details prior to the development being put into beneficial use. Reason: To ensure that the amenities of the area are protected. 10. Public realm scheme (Phase 1): For Phase 1 (Ice Arena) no development shall take place until a detailed scheme of public realm treatment has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include cross sections, plans and spot levels at an appropriate scale, details of all materials and surface treatments, street furniture (including directional signage, external lighting), and key detail sections and plans of all main hard landscaping elements of the associated public realm (entrance plaza), and shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details prior to the development being put into beneficial use. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory finished appearance to the development and a safe environment for cyclists and pedestrians. 11. Public realm scheme (site): Prior to commencement of Phase 2 (Ice Arena) a detailed phased public realm strategy for the entire site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, including hard and soft landscaping, central plaza water feature, water safety measures, street furniture, temporary treatment of development sites pending construction works, and programme for implementation. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details. Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and public safety. 12. Public Art: Prior to the commencement of Phase 1 (Ice Arena)) details of a public art strategy for Phase 1, including a timetable for implementation of individual art commissions, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details. Reason: In the interests of visual amenity. 13. Siting and design (outline): The details submitted in discharge of condition 2 shall, unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority, accord with the indicative layout (including proposed uses) on dwg. numbers: • ARCH-MP-GA(10)Z100M CISV Level 00 Plan • ARCH-MP-GA(10)Z101L CISV Level 01 Plan • ARCH-MP-GA(10)Z102K CISV Level 02 Plan • ARCH-MP-GA(10)Z103H CISV Level 03 Plan • ARCH-MP-PR(12)Z100E CISV Site Sections Sheet 1 • ARCH-MP-PR(12)Z101C CISV Site Sections Sheet 2 • ARCH-MP-PR(12)Z102A CISV Site Sections Sheet 3 which form part of the application.
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