ISSN 0019-5723 इंडिमन रेफय जननर INDIAN LABOUR JOURNAL (भाससक प्रकाशन/MONTHLY PUBLICATION) संकयण/Volume 58 भई/May 2017 अंक/No. 5 बायत सयकाय/GOVERNMENT OF INDIA श्रभ एवं योजगाय भंत्रारम/MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT श्रभ ब्मूयो/LABOUR BUREAU सशभरा/SHIMLA EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Chairman Suraj Bhan Editor I. S. Negi Associate Editor Shakti Singh Laxmi Kant Staff Writers Ravinder Kumar NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS Non-controversial articles on labour matters of topical interest (e.g. labour and wage policy; industrial relations; industrial management; trade union movement; labour welfare; workers’ participation in management; employment/ unemployment; labour research of empirical value and of general interest etc.) are accepted for publication in the Journal. The articles generally not exceeding ten thousand words may be sent in a C.D in Microsoft Word only with a print out in double space on one side foolscap paper, addressed to the Director General, Labour Bureau, ‘Cleremont’, Shimla -171 004 alongwith a declaration by the author that the article has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. All references and footnotes, may be given only at the end of the articles. Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy and the opinion expressed in their signed articles. The Labour Bureau, however, reserves the right to edit, amend and delete any portion of the article with a view to make it more presentable and to reject any article, if not found suitable. The articles which are rejected will not be returned and no correspondence will be entertained on the articles which are rejected by the Editorial Committee. A copy of the Journal, in which the article appears, is supplied to the author. An honorarium up to Rs. 1,000 is also payable as per rules for each article published. Our address: The Director General, Labour Bureau ‘Cleremont’, Shimla 171 004 Fax No: 0177-2655253 Website: http://labourbureaunew.gov.in संपादकीय सममति अध्यऺ सरू ज भान संपादक आई. एस. नेगी सह संपादक शक्ति मसंह ऱक्ष्मी कान्ि टाफ ऱेखक रविन्र कु मार अशं दािाओं के मऱए अनुदेश साभयमक हहत के श्रभ भाभरⴂ ऩय गैय-वववादाऩद रेख (जैसे श्रभ एवं भजदयू ी नीयत; औ饍मोगगक संफंध; औ饍मोगगक प्रफंधन; श्रसभक संघ आंदोरन; श्रभ क쥍माण; प्रफंधन भᴂ श्रसभकⴂ की बागीदायी; योजगाय/फेयोजगायी, अनुबवभू쥍म तथा साभाꅍम हहत के श्रसभक शोध आहद) जननर भᴂ प्रकाशन के सरए वीकाय ककए जाते हℂ । रेख जो साभाꅍम तौय ऩय दस हजाय शब्दⴂ से 煍मादा के न हⴂ को एक सी. िी. भᴂ केवर भाइक्रोसॉफ्ट विन प्रा셂ऩ भᴂ एक भुहित प्रयत के साथ भहायनदेशक श्रभ ब्मूयो, ‘啍रेयेभⴂट’, सशभरा – 171004 के नाभ, रेखक की इस घोषणा के साथ कक मह रेख न तो ऩहरे प्रकासशत हुआ है औय न ही प्रकाशन के सरए अꅍमंत्र प्रतुत ककमा गमा है, बेजे जा सकते हℂ । सबी संदबन तथा पु टनोट केवर रेख के अंत भᴂ हदए जा सकते हℂ । रेखक उनके हताऺरयत रेखⴂ भᴂ तथ्मात्भक सटीकता औय 핍म啍त की गई याम के सरए 핍मक्啍तगत 셂ऩ से क्ज륍भेदाय हℂ । श्रभ ब्मूयो ककसी बी रेख को उऩमु啍त नहीं ऩाए जाने ऩय अवीकाय कयने तथा रेख को अगधक आकषनक फनाने के सरए उसके स륍ऩादन, संशोधन औय ककसी बी बाग को हटाने का अगधकाय यखता है । अवीकृ त ककए गए रेखⴂ को वाऩस नहीं ककमा जाएगा तथा संऩादकीम ससभयत 饍वाया अवीकृ त ककए गए रेखⴂ ऩय कोई ऩत्राचाय नहीं ककमा जाएगा । ऩत्रत्रका क्जसभᴂ रेख छऩा है की एक प्रयत रेखक को बेजी जाती है । प्रत्मेक प्रकासशत रेख के सरए यनमभानुसाय 1000/- 셁ऩमे तक का भानदेम बी हदमा जाता है । हमारा पिा: महातनदेशक श्रम 녍यूरो, ‘तऱेरेमⴂट’, मशमऱा – 171004 फैतस न.: 0177-2655253 िैबसाइट: http://labourbureaunew.gov.in Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner इंडियन ऱेबर जननऱ INDIAN LABOUR JOURNAL श्रम 녍यूरो शिमऱा 饍वारा माशिक प्रकाशित Published Monthly by LABOUR BUREAU SHIMLA (प्रथभ प्रकाशनज ुराई, 1943 भᴂ इॊडडमन रेफय गज़ट के 셂ऩ भᴂ) (First Published in July, 1943 as Indian Labour Gazette) सॊस्कयण / Vol. 58 भई / May 2017 अॊक / No. 5 ऩष्ठ ववषय िूची / CONTENTS ृ Page ररपो셍न, िमीक्षाएं एवं अध्ययन / REPORTS, ENQUIRIES AND STUDIES Report on the Working of the Employees‟ Compensation Act, 1923 for the year 2014 457 श्रशमक गततववधियां / LABOUR ACTIVITIES Labour Situation 465 Industrial Disputes 466 िंक्षेप मᴂ िमाचार/ NEWS IN BRIEF (अ) (a) भारतीय श्रम/ INDIAN LABOUR Salary Correction Hits Startup Employees amid Slowdown 468 Women in India Earn 25 Per Cent Less than Men: Survey 468 Mid-Level Employees Face the Heat as IT Sector Modernises 469 Social Security Cover for Over 45 Cr Workers Soon 469 PMO Nudges Statistics Ministry to Start Quarterly Survey of Labour Force 470 Cabinet Approves 2 ILO Conventions on Prohibiting Child Labour 470 Industries/Services declared Public Utility Services under the Industrial Disputes Act 1947 471 Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers 472 Consumer Price Index Numbers for Agricultural Labourers and Rural Labourers 472 (ब) (b) ववदेिी श्रम / FOREIGN LABOUR Canada Calling High-Skilled Indians in Bid to Become Global Technology Hub 473 Most Women Prefer to be Working and the Majority of Men Agree, ILO-Gallup Report 473 Shows US Adds a Robust 235K Jobs; Unemployment Dips to 4.7 Percent 473 Mexico Easing Rules to Allow Cos to Hire Foreign Workers 474 ILO Revises Its Landmark Declaration on Multinational Enterprises 474 Over 75% MNCs Prefer India for Outsourcing: Report 475 श्रम तनर्नय / LABOUR DECISION Strict Rules of Evidence are not Applicable to Departmental Enquiry Proceedings 476 इॊडडमन रेफय जननर, भई 2017 श्रम िाहि配य / LABOUR LITERATURE Important Articles of Labour Interest Published in the Periodicals Received in the Labour 477 Bureau िांख्ययकी / STATISTICS Section A- Monthly Statistics 481 Section B- Serial Statistics 533 जननऱ िे ककया गया कोई भी पुन셁配पादन उपयुक्त 셂प िे अशभवीकृ त िोना चाहिए ANY REPRODUCTION FROM THE JOURNAL SHOULD BE SUITABLY ACKNOWLEDGED इंडियन ऱेबर जननऱ की िदयता एवं ववतरर् िे िंबंधित शिकायतᴂ, यहद कोई िो तो, केवऱ तन륍नशऱखित को भेजी जानी चाहिएं प्रकािन तनयंत्रक, शिववऱ ऱाइन्ि, हद쥍ऱी 110054 Subscription and complaints, if any, regarding the distribution of the Indian Labour Journal should be sent only to THE CONTROLLER OF PUBLICATIONS, CIVIL LINES, DELHI 110054 इॊडडमन रेफय जननर के लरए ऩूर् न देम सदस्मता दयᴂ Pre-payable subscription rates for the Indian Labour Journal िदयता की वावषनक दर / Annual Rate of Subscription: Rs.1200.00 बबक्री प्रतत कॉपी / Sale per copy: Rs.100.00 456 Indian Labour Journal, May 2017 ररपो셍न, िमीक्षाएं एवं अध्ययन / REPORTS, ENQUIRIES AND STUDIES Report on the Working of the Employees‟ Compensation Act, 1923 for the year 2014 1. Introduction The Workmen‟s Compensation Act, 1923 (Employees‟ Compensation Act w.e.f. 31-5- 2010), which aims at providing financial protection to the employee's and/or their dependents in case of accidents arising out of and in the course of employment and causing either death or disablement of employee's, came into force on 1st July, 1924. Besides, the Act has a provision of paying compensation to the employee's for some occupational diseases contracted by them during the course of their employment. Labour Bureau has been bringing out reviews/reports on the working of the Act based on the returns received from State Governments /Union Territories every year. The present report is for the year 2014. 2. Main Provisions and Scope of the Act: 2.1 The Act extends to the whole of India and applies to workers employed in any capacity specified in Schedule II of the Act which includes Factories, Mines, Plantations, Mechanically Propelled Vehicles, Construction Work and certain other hazardous occupations and specified categories of Railway Servants. There is no wage limit for coverage of workers under the Act. It does not, however, apply to (i) persons serving in Armed Forces and (ii) workers covered by the Employees‟ State Insurance Act, 1948. 2.2 The State Governments administer the provisions of this Act through the Commissioners appointed for specified areas. The Commissioners thus appointed are empowered for (i) settlement of disputed claims, (ii) disposal of cases of injuries involving death, and (iii) revision of periodical payments. They are also empowered to impose penalty on employers who fail to pay compensation due to the injured workers within one month. 2.3 Sub-section (3) of Section 2 of the Act, empowers the State Governments to extend the scope of the Act to any class of persons whose occupations are considered hazardous after giving three months‟ notice, to be published in the Official Gazette. Similarly, under Section 3(3) of the Act, the State Governments are also empowered to add any other disease to the list mentioned in Parts A and B of Schedule-II, and the Central Government, in case of employments specified in Part C of Schedule-III of the Act. Besides, the State Governments also make rules for ensuring that the provisions of the Act are complied with. 2.4 The amount of compensation payable to an employee depends on the nature of injury caused by accident, the monthly wage and the age of the employee concerned.
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