Cruising Map of the Montgomery Canal Including Frankton Junction and Locks Central Navigable Sections Restoration Sections

Cruising Map of the Montgomery Canal Including Frankton Junction and Locks Central Navigable Sections Restoration Sections

Cruising Map of the Montgomery Canal including Frankton Junction and Locks Central Navigable Sections Restoration Sections Route 34M3 Map IssueIssue 117 50 Notes 1. The information is believed to be correct at the time of publication but changes are frequently made on the waterways and you should check before relying on this information. 2. We do not update the maps for short term changes such as winter lock closures for maintenance. 3. The information is provides “as is” and the Information Provider excludes all representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities in relation to the Information to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Information Provider is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. MMONTGONTG 0011 MMONTGONTG 0011 AAberbechanberbechan KKilniln BBridgeridge 115151 AAberbechanberbechan AAqueductqueduct 1151A51A AAberbechanberbechan RRoadoad BBridgeridge 115252 MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal FFreestonereestone BBridgeridge 115353 FFreestonereestone LLockock 22.57m.57m ((8'5")8'5") MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal 115454 DDolforolfor LLockock BBridgeridge BBridgeridge DDolforolfor LLockock 22.52m.52m ((8'3")8'3") RRockock BBridgeridge 115858 BBridgeridge CCausewayauseway BBridgeridge RRockock LLockock 22.51m.51m ((8'3")8'3") FFootbridgeootbridge MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal MMONTGONTG 0022 This is the September 2021 edition of the map. See for updating to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. All other work © Waterway Routes. Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request. MMONTGONTG 0011 MMONTGONTG 0011 MMONTGONTG 0022 MMONTGONTG 0022 AAbernantbernant BBridgeridge 114040 CCausewayauseway DDairyairy BBridgeridge 114141 RReded HHouseouse TTurnurn BBridgeridge 114242 ! Swing Bridge GGlanhafrenlanhafren BBridgeridge 114343 MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal BBrynryn TTurnurn BBridgeridge 114444 ! Swing Bridge MMONTGONTG 0033 114545 BBrynderwenrynderwen OOldld RRoadoad BBridgeridge 22.62m.62m ((8'7")8'7") BBrynderwenrynderwen LLockock 114646 BBrynderwenrynderwen BBridgeridge MMONTGONTG 0011 114747 BBrynderwenrynderwen NNewew RRoadoad BBridgeridge MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal AAbermulebermule BBypassypass BBridgeridge 1147A47A BBylesyles LLockock BBridgeridge 114848 114949 BBylesyles LLockock 22.19m.19m ((7'2")7'2") NNewew HHouseouse LLockock 22.31m.31m ((7'7")7'7") 115050 NNewew HHouseouse BBridgeridge AAberbechanberbechan KKilniln BBridgeridge 115151 AAberbechanberbechan AAqueductqueduct 1151A51A AAberbechanberbechan RRoadoad BBridgeridge 115252 MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal FFreestonereestone BBridgeridge 115353 FFreestonereestone LLockock 22.57m.57m ((8'5")8'5") 115454 DDolforolfor LLockock BBridgeridge DDolforolfor LLockock 22.52m.52m ((8'3")8'3") BBridgeridge BBridgeridge MMONTGONTG 0022 MMONTGONTG 0022 MMONTGONTG 0033 MMONTGONTG 0033 112727 CCefnefn RRailtailt BBridgeridge BerriewBerriew LockLock 2.52m2.52m (8'3")(8'3") MMONTGONTG 0044 112828 LLongong BBridgeridge BBerriewerriew AAqueductqueduct M 48h 112929 RRefailefail ((Efail-fach)Efail-fach) BBridgeridge CCausewayauseway MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal 113030 GGarthmylarthmyl BBridgeridge 113131 CCausewayauseway 113232 CCausewayauseway AAqueductqueduct 113333 113434 113535 MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal 113636 CCausewayauseway MMONTGONTG 0022 113737 BBunkersunkers HHillill BBridgeridge 113838 SSaddlersaddlers FFootbridgeootbridge AAbernantbernant BBridgeridge 114040 ! Swing Bridge 113939 SSaddlersaddlers TTurnurn BBridgeridge CCausewayauseway DDairyairy BBridgeridge 114141 RReded HHouseouse TTurnurn BBridgeridge 114242 ! Swing Bridge GGlanhafrenlanhafren BBridgeridge 114343 MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal BBrynryn TTurnurn BBridgeridge 114444 ! Swing Bridge MMONTGONTG 0033 MMONTGONTG 0033 145 Brynderwen Old Road Bridge MMONTGONTG 0044 FFootbridgeootbridge 1119A19A MMONTGONTG 0044 MMONTGONTG 0055 MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal 112020 WWhitehousehitehouse BBridgeridge BBridgeridge 11.65m.65m ((5'5")5'5") BBelanelan BBottomottom LLockock M 48h 22.16m.16m ((7'1")7'1") BBelanelan TTopop LockLock 112121 BBelanelan BBridgeridge MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal 112222 SSweepsweeps BBridgeridge 112323 CChapelhapel BBridgeridge 112424 WWernllwydernllwyd BBridgeridge MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal BBrithdirrithdir BBridgeridge 112525 BBrithdirrithdir LLockock 22.74m.74m ((9'0")9'0") LLuggyuggy ((Brithdir)Brithdir) AAqueductqueduct LLuggyuggy BBridgeridge 112626 M 48h MMONTGONTG 0033 112727 CCefnefn RRailtailt BBridgeridge BBerriewerriew LLockock 22.52m.52m ((8'3")8'3") MMONTGONTG 0044 112828 LLongong BBridgeridge MMONTGONTG 0044 Bridge MMONTGONTG 0055 MMONTGONTG 0055 22.67m.67m ((8'9")8'9") CCabinabin LLockock MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal GGuilsfielduilsfield AArmrm AAbandonedbandoned 22.72m.72m ((8'11")8'11") CCrowtherrowther HHallall LLockock 111010 MMONTGONTG 0066 MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal 22.72m.72m ((8'11")8'11") PPoolool QQuayuay LLockock 111111 PPoolool QQuayuay BBridgeridge ! Lift Bridge 111212 AbbeyAbbey LiftLift BridgeBridge 111313 FFootbridgeootbridge MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal Lift Bridge ! 111414 MMoorsoors FFarmarm LLiftift BBridgeridge BButlingtonutlington BBridgeridge 111515 W H HHeulweneulwen TTrustrust GroupGroup ttripsrips forfor thethe ddisabledisabled andand elderlyelderly Secretary:Secretary: 1010 BrynBryn Glas,Glas, Welshpool,Welshpool, SY21SY21 7TL7TL 0193801938 554554 810810 oror 0797407974 573573 498498 H 111616 GGungrogungrog BBridgeridge MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal 111717 GallowstreeGallowstree BridgeBridge E W 111818 CClerkslerks BBridgeridge 11.73m.73m ((5'8")5'8") 1118A18A AAqueductqueduct WWelshpoolelshpool LLockock 111919 SevernSevern StreetStreet BBridgeridge FFootbridgeootbridge 1119A19A MMONTGONTG 0044 MMONTGONTG 0055 MMONTGONTG 0055 MMONTGONTG 0066 MMONTGONTG 0066 110101 MMONTGONTG 0077 This is the September 2021 edition of the map. MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal See for updating to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. All other work © Waterway Routes. Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request. 110202 MMaerdyaerdy BBridgeridge CCulvertedulverted 110303 CCulvertedulverted BBridgeridge MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal 110404 DDragonragon BBridgeridge BBridgeridge BBurgedinurgedin TTopop LLockock 22.46m.46m ((8'1")8'1") 110505 BBurgedinurgedin BBottomottom LLockock 2.48m2.48m (8'2")(8'2") MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal GGuilsfielduilsfield AArmrm AAbandonedbandoned 110606 RReded BBridgeridge BBridgeridge MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal VVarchoelarchoel BBridgeridge 110707 WWernern BBridgeridge AAqueductqueduct 110808 TTanhouseanhouse BBridgeridge BBridgeridge 110909 22.69m.69m ((8'10")8'10") BBankank LLockock BBridgeridge MMONTGONTG 0055 22.67m.67m ((8'9")8'9") CCabinabin LLockock 22.72m.72m ((8'11")8'11") CCrowtherrowther HHallall LLockock 111010 MMONTGONTG 0066 MMONTGONTG 0066 MMONTGONTG 0077 MMONTGONTG 0077 MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal BBeingeing rrebuiltebuilt SSchoolhousechoolhouse BBridgeridge 8866 8877 WWaenaen WWenen RRoadoad BBridgeridge 8888 RRailwayailway BBridgeridge 9900 MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal RRailwayailway BBridgeridge 9922 CCausewayauseway 9933 WWallsalls BBridgeridge MMONTGONTG 0088 FFormerormer RRailwayailway AAqueductqueduct 9944 22.44m.44m ((8'0")8'0") CCarreghofaarreghofa TTopop LLockock CCarreghofaarreghofa BBottomottom LLockock 22.44m.44m ((8'0")8'0") 9955 AAqueductqueduct WWilliamsilliams BBridgeridge 9966 CCulvertedulverted VVrnwyrnwy AAqueductqueduct 9977 PPentreheylinentreheylin BBridgeridge 9988 PPentreheylinentreheylin HHallall BBridgeridge MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal PParsonsarsons BBridgeridge 9999 CClaftonlafton BBridgeridge 110000 MMONTGONTG 0066 110101 MMONTGONTG 0077 MMONTGONTG 0077 MMONTGONTG 0088 MMONTGONTG 0088 S T P SSpiggotspiggots E BBridgeridge 8800 W 48h CCroftsrofts MMillill LLiftift BBridgeridge 8811 7799 M ! Lift Bridge M 7788 M 48h M 48h MMontgomeryontgomery 11.2K 7.0M 8L 1B 4.5H CCanalanal 9.5K 5.9M 8L 0B 4.0H GGronwynronwyn BBridgeridge 8822 ! LLimitimit ooff NNavigationavigation ! Lift Bridge mph 882a2a MMortonorton FFarmarm LLiftift BBridgeridge 2 NNomallyomally oopenpen 3.2 kph 8833 RRedwithedwith RRoadoad BBridgeridge ! LLimitimit ooff NNavigationavigation MMONTGONTG 0077 NNavigationavigation bbetweenetween BBridgeridge 8822 aandnd BBridgeridge 8844 rrequiresequires 8844 CCanalanal HHouseouse ((Pryces)Pryces) BBridgeridge sspecialpecial permissionpermission fromfrom CRT.CRT. M M 8855 CCrickheathrickheath BBridgeridge MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal BBeingeing rrebuiltebuilt MMONTGONTG 0099 SSchoolhousechoolhouse BBridgeridge 8866 8877 WWaenaen WWenen RRoadoad BBridgeridge MMONTGONTG 0088 MMONTGONTG 0088 MMONTGONTG 0099 MMONTGONTG 0099 MMontgomeryontgomery CCanalanal KKeeper'seeper's BBridgeridge 7733 MMONTGONTG 1100 LLLANGLANG 0066 4.7K 2.9M 5L 0B 2.0H FFixedixed cclosedlosed RRednalednal BBasinasin SSwingwing BBridgeridge ! Swing Bridge RRednalednal BBasinasin RRailwayailway BBridgeridge 7733 HHeatheath HHouseouse BBridgeridge 7744 7755 CCorbett’sorbett’s BBridgeridge MMONTGONTG 1111 7766 MMONTGONTG 0088 776A6A M 6.7K 4.2M 5L 0B 2.5H M M h p m 3 8 1 4. 2 h 2 p 3. k MontgomeryMontgomery CanalCanal 2 7.5K 4.7M 6L 0B 3.0H M AAstonston LLocksocks

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