~■V -1I -Ti s NEWS B 1i 1 1 \ J 1 1 ONLY WHILE IT IS NEWS 1 1 FIRST 6c 'IN YOUR MEMPHIS LlLé JLi J C2-I C S PER COPY WORLD s J VOLUME 22, NUMBER 60 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1954 PRICE SIX CENTS Teenage Mother Returned Baby Daughter In Court IH- By EUGENE GARNER Circuit Judge Harry Adams, Friday gave Victoria Stone Ros­ : enberg, 17 her 18-month-old baby Rubie Louise Stone back to her mother. The hearing was on a unit of time she had taken care of Little habeas corpus brought by Mis. Ros­ Ruble Louise Stone, but now since enberg, she claimed that Mrs. Faina he$mother has married she wants Mae was holding her daughter, liu- the baby back, Mrs. Mae has no bie to make her pay a. $150 board record to show that Mrs. Rosenberg, bill. 17, ever gave her the baby. Circuit Sirs. Edna Mae told Judge Adams, Judge Harry Adams ruled that a that was not true. Victoria brought child could not be held against a the baby to her home when it was board bill'arid returned the baby to born, and asked her to raise the the mother. baby because she had no way to The teenage mother happily left take care of the illegitimate child. the court Friday with the baby' in Mrs. Edna Mae stated since that ■ her amis. Book Of Poems Nominated For The Pulitzer Prize PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — A book of poems by Mrs. Evelyn Craw­ ford Reynolds of this city, published in 1953 by Exposition Press of New York City, has been nominated for the coveted Pulitzer Prize, it has just been announced. FIRE DESTROYS. THREE ROOM FRAME ROOM— to have starter! in the center roorij,1as a result of The famed prize set up by-one of Foreword to 'To'No SpocinJ Land; PRESIDENT ADDRESSES N A. A. C. P. CONFER­ Chief. Executive addressed- '|hqf.tyeeaoiri'TuÌTil _ •This three-room frame house was completely des-i- a three year old boy playing with matches. The America's most distinguished Jour- written under Mrs. Reynold's pen meat Conference of that orgapty'ation in Wash*/ name. Eve Lynn, is by Dr. Mary ENCE; WASHINGTON, D. C—Präsident Eisenhow­ troyed by fire Saturday. The blaze is reported fire cost the life of a two month old baby.—Photo najlsts, Joseph Pulitzer, Is adminis­ ington today. Mr. Eis.eqHdW'iipId the confer-', tered annually by Columbia Univer­ McLeod Bethune. Of these poems er (right) Is shown chatting with. Judge Theodore ington today. Mr. Eisenfti by Charles Hairgrow. sity and is awarded for poetry and Mrs. Bethune says: "My apprecia­ Spaulding, of Philadelphia, Pa., member of the enee that racial prfi|udlc^àfta^lscriniinatlonprejudice/ Stf four other classes of literature. tion of this work is deep and sin­ Nationol Botird of the National Association lo> not represent the feelingviÀtlI^® ma$S of thà. cere, and my prayers are that this Mrs. Reynolds' book. "To No Spe­ the Advqqcatnent of Colored People, before the American people.—Photo q^^l Mufon. cial Land," is a collection of vibrant kind of devotion, translated into 'r ‘v-n,‘ ',------------------------- .-- ---- ------- Mrs. Sampson lyric verse which reflects a deep arid poetic aspiration, may bring com­ warm feeling for humanity. fort and hope to all who come with­ in the lippie of its influence." ■ In announcing the nomination of- Mrs. Reynolds is the wife of the S^es No Relief In Is ■ SpeakjÄor Mrs. Reynold's book and of 14 other Hon. Hobson R. Reynolds. Grand Exposition Press books which have Director of the Elks Department of also been nomlnatfd, Edward Uh­ Civil Liberties and wel-known in "Derho Tax Strategy Hear President lan, publisher said: "I never cease to Eastern Seaboard social and politi­ i be amazed at the number of really Democrats cal affairs. BY THOMAS J. FOLEY worthwhile books that are passed WASHINGTON — (INS) — House Speaker.Joseph W. Martin BY MATTIE S. COLIN up by publishers every year. These Born in Philadelphia, Mrs; Rey­ At Conference Pulitzer nominations are outstand- nolds Js. widely-known for her news- (R) Macs., predicted Saturday that President Eisenhower will veto ■ •P»i>gS«'>Auhn. ,ift..Uie... Pittsburgh ■ •.GWPAGQ-—LANPl-^_JVe iliuve..,i|i8 iI®imfe.-9f'..l’09fc’.wl.ilth might' a tax .revision bill, if Democrats succeed in Jacking On an increase, /- washingion^-46NSX4“7Î-.^ neyer'liave been“pnblisheri/ ‘if .bkv- Courier’; / Shfe .waS at/one time a too many adolescents In long pants, in personal iricome exemptions. "Wherever the federal authority ’■ j in high places, said former United position Press and the uulliofs did social worker, having served the ! nation f in radio and television at 8 (Continued On Page Eight)’ At, the same time. Cliairmari Dan- extends J will do my-Ufriioir/ii( Nations Alternate Delegate Edith not share a mutual faith lii them." ield A. Reed (R,> N. Y.. of the -p. m. (C8T) Monday In an attempt Sampson, speaking to a capacity House Wnyi and Means Committee, to build up Bupport for the admin­ bring Into living reality equality crowd Sunday afternoon, in the In a statement on the plan to boost istration’s tax program. among all men" stated PresF* Rose Bowl Ballroom. the exemption front $600 to $700, ii dent Dwight D. Eisenhoweryiiji* declnred, "If successful, the Demo­ Meanwhile, Rep. Herman Eber- The occasion was the inaugura­ harter (D.) Pa., said he will make terday. The Chief Executivé/àÜ»j/ tion of Mrs. Marie Brown Thomas, POLICE BEAT cratic etrnt-egy may well mean no tax relief this year.” a House speech Monday stressing dressed the morning sossioiv^t/U as committee-woman of the Second that the proposal for tax relief on Ward Regular Democratic Organi­ -Reed charged that the proposal the Freedom Fulfillment Confâ*/ js "a politically motivated attempt" stock dividends came from Treas­ zation. CITY COURT Jessie Scott, 29, of 746 Hamilton, ury Secretary George M. Humphrey ence of the National Association was fined $26 on assault battery to destroy the tnx bill and excise tax for tlie Advancement of Color»/ Mrs. Sampson, who was prin­ ames Wilson, 38, of 655 antaor. was cuts. He said he is convinced that who has large stockholdings of his James Wilson, 38, of 655 Paritator charges. Tommie HebsOn, 45, of own. People. ( \ •J-l cipal speaker, declared: 396 Avery, face the judge on disor­ "every American is ready to pay his was fined $11 on disorderly conduct fair share of tlie cost of govern­ Eberhorter declared: “I think the "All over America there are charges. Margaret Cole, 42, of 425 derly conduct and assault battery members of the House should know The conference launched for-tM charges, the charges were dismissed. ment'' and the “.fair course\ . Is those who are suffering with Beale, was- fined '$11. on drunk that the taxes of all our people bs that rhe n commendation on divi­ organization a ten-year drive whim/ guilt complexes and frustrations, charges. Lige Blnnctt, 34, of 954 Kansas, dends Is coming from a Secretary of is calculated to achieve' 'complété was fined $11 on suspicious person reduced to fair and reasonable lev­ freedom for American worried about us. but Negroes are Mamie Rodgers 20, of 939 Speed els." : the Treasury who has such tremen­ Negroes'. tijS more alerted to communism than Apt., was fined $11 on.assault but­ charges and $51 on carrying a pis­ 1963, the 100th anniversary of'" tol charges. Martin’s statement to newsmen dous stock holdings himself." they think ...The 16.000,000 Ne­ tery charge. Marie Noorman, 21. Emancipation Proclamation. •: /rii-U<; of 939 Speed Apt. 3, was fined $11 Bob Harris, 25, of 69 S. Parkway came as leatlerS of both parties mar- The Pennsylvanian said th address This prolonged siege against, tlw groes of America, despite racial shelled their forces for what is ex­ was his own Idea', although he did bariers, have done more In a few on disorderly conduct charges. E., was fined $21 for carrying a remaining bulwarks of segregation Johnnie Cox, 25, of 1297 Guaser, knife pect ?d to be the sharpest political not want to create the Impression Is tentatively estimated to-cost’(jm years than any group throughout buttle of the 83rd Congress. that the Democratic leadership the world.” was fined $11 oil peddling with li­ TRAFFIC COURT ten million dollars. The Oonferowe / cense. Arthur Bates, 57. of 359 Cnrrellus Smith, of 277 Tllllman Mr. Eisenhower will address the 'would “disapprove" It. ’ session at which tile President SPOlM ■ Mrs. Mildred Casey presented Hernando was fined $11 for carrying was fined $51 on falling to report was held tn the Departmental Aa* / Mrs. Thomas a gqvel and an a dangerous weapon charges. an accident. ditorlum, a government ; haUSI/SÇ J; orchid. Thomas Anderson. 22, of 243 Vu. James Grand. 34, of 209 Dunlapt Booth Describes Impact NAACP leaders who addressad tti»'/ In the •rear, was fined $11 on ope­ was fined $51 for speeding 30 mph assembly pointed out- the pending S The newly inaugurated commit­ rating a game charges. in a 20 mph zone. Supreme Court decision ou publto teewoman Introduced Congressman school segregation as being a elgni« FtóME SORRÓWED FAMILY—Shown in the above photo áre Mr. William L. Dawson, who appealed Of School Bias Cases flcant milestone toward the goal .01 and'Mrs.'Edward Wright with their two children after their two- to the Women, to work actively equality,.' . ■ with the Democratic party. OS month-old baby had perished in a fire which destroyed their home RICHMOND..
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