Smells like dorm spirit Do or die Alumni and Badin halls are M en’s soccer squares off today at Seton Hall in Wednesday profiled in the first of a series examining dorm a must-win game to qualify for the Big East loyalty and allegience. tournament. NOVEMBER 3, Scene ♦ page 12-13 Sports ♦ page 19 1999 O BSERVER The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s VOL XXXIII NO. 44 h t t p ://OBSERVER.ND.EDU District attorney: Police justified in shooting DuBose Keating was also cleared of wrongdo­ Those documents show that the Associated Press ing when he fatally shot a drunken shooting stemmed from a call of a bur­ man who rushed at him waving four glary by a San Diego resident who told SAN DIEGO knives, said Gayle Falkenthal, a authorities he found DuBose sleeping Two officers who fatally shot former spokeswoman for the district attorney. in his house. When officers arrived, pro football player Demetrius DuBose San Diego police chief David DuBose initially complied with ques­ during a confrontation were legally Bejarano agreed with the district attor­ tions but began to walk away when justified because ney’s findings. they tried to place handcuffs on him, they feared the ath­ “I believe that the district attorney’s Officer Keating told investigators. lete was going to findings are correct, and that the offi­ After Wills sprayed DuBose with attack them, the cers involved in the shooting were jus­ Mace, the situation quickly escalated. district attorney tified in their actions,” Bejarano said. DuBose ran away from the officers as said Monday. DuBose’s relatives, who have filed a “The officers they tried to handcuff him. Keating wrongful death lawsuit in federal court jumped on his back, but was thrown really didn’t have a against the two officers, weren’t sur­ off. choice,” said The officers chased DuBose, corner­ District Attorney prised with the findings. “They were disappointed, but not ing him outside a corner store on Paul Pllngst. “They DuBose shocked," family attorney Brian Mission Boulevard, a busy street a had to shoot.” Watkins said. block off the ocean. DuBose, 28, a for­ mer player for Tampa Bay Buccaneers The shooting prompted a series of “This guy was really big. And the and Notre Damn, was advancing on the protests and accusations of racial bias officers weren’t small either, but they against the police department because were definitely losing,” witness Henry officers with a martial arts weapons DuBose was black and the two officers Parra, a San Francisco police depart­ when they shot him 12 times, Chief Photo courtesy of Notre Dame Sports Information David Bejarano said in a statement. are white. ment lieutenant, told police. Pfingst posted on the Internet 368 Officers said DuBose charged at them Officers Timothy Keating and Robert Linebacker Demetrius DuBose served as Wills, who have been on desk duty pages of documents, including witness after he took away their nunchukas, a statements and testimony from the two martial arts weapon of two hard plas- co-captain with Rick Mirer in 1992. He since the July 24 shooting, will not face was shot and killed in an altercation with criminal charges. Two years ago. police officers. see DUBOSE/page 4 police in San Diego on July 24. Arinze: Spread Gospel message Sullivan to receive By ERIN PIROUTEK Notre Dame Award News Writer on a basketball and football By KYLE ANDREWS scholarship. After he lost the The Gospel is a message the News Writer scholarship because of a foot whole world badly needs, said injury, he worked his way Cardinal Francis Arinze, in his A campus ceremony today through school, graduating in lecture, “Message of the Gospel will honor Reverend Leon 1943. to a Religiously Pluralistic World Sullivan with the 1999 Notre Later, he moved to New York, at the Threshold of the Third Dame Award for international and served as assistant minis­ Millennium.” humanitarian service. Pastor ter in the Abysinnian Baptist “Two-thirds of humanity do emeritus of the Zion Baptist Church while attending Union not know Christ, or do not Church in Philadelphia, Theological Seminary. While believe in him — or at least not Sullivan is honored for his lead­ receiving a master’s degree yet,” said Arinze, noting the ership in civil rights. from Church’s call to evangelization. Sullivan has been active in C o l u m b i a The fundamental message of Past civil rights movements in both University, Jesus Christ applies to a plural­ New York and Philadelphia, he participat­ Winners istically religious world, accord­ organizing boycotts, programs ed in the civil ♦ J im m y & ing to the cardinal. and writing codes of conduct rights move­ Many non-Christian religions, Rosalynn Carter for U.S. businesses. His involve­ ment starting such as Judaism, Buddhism, ment in South Africa’s anti­ in the city. ♦ M o th e r Hinduism and traditional or apartheid struggle led him to He left New tribal beliefs are ways of life that T h e r e s a write the Sullivan Principles in York to have guided humans for cen­ ♦ Jean Vanier 1977, which for 10 years become pas­ turies. served as a code of conduct for tor of ♦ Helen Suzman “The Church believes the U.S. companies that did busi­ P h i l a d e l ­ Gospel’s plan of salvation ♦ John Hume ness in South Africa. phia’s Zion includes not only Christians but “Leon Sullivan’s struggle Baptist ♦ Cardinal Jews, Muslims, Hindus and against racial prejudice and Church in other believers as well,” Arinze Vinko Puljic economic injustice has been 1950. There said. lifelong, exemplary and inspir­ he becam e He emphasized that spreading ing,” said University president an integral the Gospel message does not F ather Edw ard Malloy in a figure in the civil rights move­ include imposing belief in Jesus statement announcing the ment, organizing boycotts Christ on anyone. award. “In honoring his life against discriminating compa­ No one should use force on and work, we hope to recommit nies and starting the matters of conscience, said ourselves to the same struggle.” Opportunities Industrialization Arinze, however, without Jesus Presently, Sullivan is presi­ Centers, a training program Christ, human history remains dent of the International that has now grown interna­ fundamentally unexplained. Foundation for Education and tionally. In 1971, Sullivan The central message of the Self-Help, a group that aims to became the first African Gospel of Jesus Christ deals with encourage democracy and American to join the General the vertical dimension of man’s SHANNON BENNETT/The Observer bring skilled workers to devel­ Motors board. relation to God. oping countries. The award will be given at “When people accept they Cardinal Francis Arinze spoke Tuesday night about spreading Born Oct. 16, 1922, in West 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Jordan must be God-oriented,” he said. the message of the Gospels throughout the world without Virginia, Sullivan went to West Auditorium of the College of Virginia State College in 1939 see CARDINAL/page 4 imposing beliefs. Business Administration. page 2 The Observer ♦ INSIDE Wednesday, November 3, 1999 Inside C olum n T his W eek in S outh B end Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Club Car ♦ Country Partner Dance ♦ Salsa Dance Lessons: ♦ Quilt Exhibit: Lakeland ♦ Women’s Alliance Lessons: North Liberty Club Landing; 8:30 to 9 p.m. Art Associaiton; Warsaw, Conference: Century tragedy Community Building; ♦ Planet Patrol: 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Center; 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Braving the biting cold last night on my way North Liberty, 8 to 9 p.m. Planetarium and Space ♦ A Fine Sampling: South ♦ Hong’s USA Taekwondo home from a class-required movie, I was ♦ Symphony: Valparaiso Museum; Mishawaka, Bend Regional Museum of Universal Championship: joined by another girl from my dorm. 1 was immediately surprised that she was actually University; Valparaiso, 6:30 p.m. Art; 5 to 7 p.m. Century Center Convention walking with me because for the past several weeks she has had her 7:30 p.m. Hall B; 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. own golf cart to take her from one campus spot to the next. As she struggled with her crutches 1 asked her what had happened to the racy Club Car she used O utside the D o m e Compiled from U-Wire reports to drive. “It was stolen,” she replied, rather matter-of- Harvard apparel maker to name plant locations factly. Never before had I been Maureen CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Joerger said the company needs subjected to the secret Sm ithe “The event is important Harvard University’s second- time to create a workable database underworld of golf cart because they’re starting a largest licensed apparel manufactur­ to track which factory manufactures theft on the Notre Dame er has announced that it will be the movement and signaling to which universities’ apparel. campus, and my response Copy Editor first company to comply with the others that this is the way PSLM lauded the move, while was utter disbelief. Why university’s new full disclosure poli­ pointing out that it is only the first would someone steal a golf things are moving” step. cart from a disabled per­ cy. Last spring, in response to student “Disclosure is the first and easiest son? In my mind, it was worse than taking demands that Harvard cease doing Nitzan Shoshan step,” said PSLM member senior candy from a baby. Here is this perfectly business with manufacturers that Nitzan Shoshan.
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