What Should You Do If You Believe You Have a Legal Interest in Any of the Properties Claimed with KPA?

What Should You Do If You Believe You Have a Legal Interest in Any of the Properties Claimed with KPA?

KOSOVO PROPERTY AGENCY No. 18 May 2010 What should you do if you believe you have a legal interest in any of the properties claimed with KPA? What should you do if you believe you have a legal right to any of the claimed properties listed below? IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! 1. If you believe you have a legal interest in any of the claimed properties listed below and which you can find If you have received written notification from the KPA on our web page, you must contact Kosovo Property Agency as soon as possible and within 30 days of the that a claim has been submitted for the property you date the claim was published. Pursuant to Section 10.1 and 10.2 of UNMIK Regulation 2006/50 amended are now using, and/or believe you have a lawful prop- by the Assembly of Kosovo Law No. 03/L-079, you have the (a) right to participate in the claim if you have a erty right to; and you have already contacted a KPA of- legal interest in the property. If you do not respond within the statutory 30 days deadline mentioned above, fice in order to participate in the claim proceedings, no the KPA or the KPCC may issue an order that may affect your rights to the claimed property without any further notice. further action is required from you at this stage. 2. If you have already received a written notification from the KPA that a claim has been submitted for the If you believe you have a legal right to any of the property you are currently using, the statutory 30 days deadline will start running from the day you received claimed properties in the attached list, and you have such written notification. not received a written notification from KPA, you must contact one of the KPA offices within 30 days after the claim was published. In this case, you have the right to 7. become a party to the claim. 10. The KPA will investigate all information submitted by 3. Final decisions of the Property Claims Commission, or you as “respondent” to the claim and also by the oth- Please be aware that even if someone else has submit- in case of an appeal, decisions of the Supreme Court er person who has filed a claim for the property (“the ted a claim for the property you believe you have legal of Kosovo, are binding and enforceable and shall not claimant”). This includes the verification of documents rights to, this does not necessary mean that they have a be reviewed by any other judicial or administrative au- presented by all parties. In addition, the KPA may con- valid claim for the property. If you believe you have any thority in Kosovo duct searches in relevant property records legal rights to the claimed property you should inform 11. 8. the KPA that you wish to become a party to the claim The KPA will implement the decision made by the Once a claim for the property has been fully investi- and that you wish to contest the claim within 30 days KPCC or in case of appeal by the Supreme Court of gated it will be presented to the independent Kosovo upon having been notified of the claim. Kosovo. Property Claims Commission (KPCC) for a decision. 4. 9. By becoming a party to the claim you will be notified Pursuant to the Kosovo Law No. 03/L-079 amending about the further processing of the claim and you are UNMIK Regulation 2006/50, the KPCC has the jurisdic- entitled to present and have considered information tion to make a decision regarding who has legal rights and documentation related to the claim to the KPA. By to the property, and is competent to accept or reject the becoming a party you will be registered as a “respon- claim that was submitted by “the claimant”. If you dis- dent” to the claim agree with the decision you have a right of appeal to the 5. Supreme Court of Kosovo. In order for you to contest the claim and/or become party to the claim, you need to deliver a Notice of Par- ticipation form to the KPA no later than 30 days after the claim was published in the attached list. All KPA of- fices have competent staff who will assist you in com- pleting this form. 6. If you wish to contest the claim, you should provide the KPA with all relevant documents proving your rights to the property. These documents may include: Contract on Sale Possession List Court Decision on determination of rights to real property Signed declaration by the seller or witness Copy of Cadastral Plan Cadastral Certificate or other cadastre documents Allocation Decision Contract on Use Lease Agreement Inheritance Decision in case the property right holder is deceased Utility Bills Taxation Records Temporary permit issued by a public authority or the property right holder www.kpaonline.org Type of Property: Residential Municipality CityTown/Village Street Str. No Parcel No. Claim No. Publication Date Deçan/Dečane Babaloq/Babaloc N/A N/A N/A KPA28847 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Dashinoc/Dasinovac Dasinovac N/A N/A KPA53138 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Dashinoc/Dasinovac N/A N/A 57 KPA23344 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Deçan/Dečane N/A N/A N/A KPA26808 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Deçan/Dečane N/A N/A 1129 KPA27899 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Deçan/Dečane N/A N/A N/A KPA51081 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Deçan/Dečane N/A N/A N/A KPA53129 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Deçan/Dečane N/A N/A 906,907/5,908 KPA53707 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Deçan/Dečane N/A N/A 1139 KPA91313 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Deçan/Dečane N/A N/A 1140 KPA91314 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Drenoc/Drenovac N/A N/A N/A KPA28922 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Dubovike/Dubovik N/A N/A 63 KPA91239 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Hereq/Erec N/A N/A N/A KPA28768 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Junik N/A N/A 7995 KPA30032 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Kodrali/Kodralija N/A N/A 179 KPA48756 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Pjancor N/A N/A N/A KPA28765 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Prapaqane/Papracane N/A N/A N/A KPA53164 14.05.2010 Deçan/Dečane Ratish I poshtem/Donji Ratis N/A N/A 178 KPA53141 14.05.2010 F.Kosovë/K.Polje Vragoli/Vragolija N/A N/A 197/2 KPA91294 14.05.2010 Ferizaj/Uroševac Rahovice/Grbole N/A N/A 152,015,211,522 KPA90349 14.05.2010 Ferizaj/Uroševac Tankosic N/A N/A 1409 KPA90299 14.05.2010 Ferizaj/Uroševac Trn N/A N/A 1054 KPA91322 14.05.2010 Ferizaj/Uroševac Zaskok N/A N/A 438 KPA90022 14.05.2010 Gjakovë/Đakovica Brekovc/Brekovac N/A N/A N/A KPA28837 14.05.2010 Gjakovë/Đakovica Gjakovë/Đakovica N/A N/A 21,22/1,22/4 KPA00335 14.05.2010 Gjakovë/Đakovica Gjakovë/Đakovica N/A N/A N/A KPA28997 14.05.2010 Gjakovë/Đakovica Gjakovë/Đakovica N/A N/A N/A KPA29160 14.05.2010 Gjakovë/Đakovica Gjakovë/Đakovica N/A N/A N/A KPA30511 14.05.2010 Gjakovë/Đakovica Gjakovë/Đakovica N/A N/A N/A KPA34603 14.05.2010 Gjakovë/Đakovica Gjakovë/Đakovica N/A N/A N/A KPA44677 14.05.2010 Gjakovë/Đakovica Gjakovë/Đakovica N/A 7 N/A KPA53125 14.05.2010 Gjakovë/Đakovica Gjakovë/Đakovica N/A N/A 434/4 KPA53181 14.05.2010 Gjakovë/Đakovica Piskote N/A N/A N/A KPA51249 14.05.2010 Gjilan/Gnjilane Makresh I Eperm/Gornji Makres N/A N/A 40 KPA90277 14.05.2010 Gjilan/Gnjilane Perlepnice/Prilepnica N/A N/A 2,599 KPA91309 14.05.2010 Gllogoc/Glogovac Gllogoc/Glogovac N/A N/A 753 KPA28732 14.05.2010 Gllogoc/Glogovac Gllogoc/Glogovac N/A N/A N/A KPA46166 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Belice/Belica N/A N/A 893/1 KPA91240 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Dragolevc/Dragoljevac N/A N/A 45/2 KPA48528 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Dubrave/Dubrava N/A N/A N/A KPA44985 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A N/A 662 KPA10540 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A 4/B N/A KPA14527 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A N/A 1,792 KPA14548 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A N/A 1780/2 KPA28485 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A N/A N/A KPA29135 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A N/A 17/2 KPA39327 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A N/A N/A KPA46063 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A N/A P-70806020-00842-2 KPA47856 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A N/A 461/1 KPA48786 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A N/A 1559/2 KPA48805 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A N/A 1558/1 KPA48957 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A N/A 652/16 KPA49641 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Istog/Istok N/A N/A N/A KPA53026 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Kovrage N/A N/A 177 KPA48519 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Lubove/Ljubovo N/A N/A 691/2 KPA91326 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Muzhevine/Muzevine N/A N/A 114/2,114/3,114/4,115 KPA50725 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Oroberde/Orno Brdo N/A N/A 676/29 KPA51036 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Oroberde/Orno Brdo N/A N/A 676/37 KPA51037 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Polane/Poljane N/A N/A 122/4 KPA19118 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Rakosh/Rakos N/A 3 256/1 KPA95003 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Srbobran N/A N/A 60/1 KPA91226 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Tomoc/Tomance N/A N/A 235/2 KPA91311 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Zac N/A N/A 136 KPA91245 14.05.2010 Istog/Istok Zhakove/Zakovo N/A N/A 429/2 KPA90003 14.05.2010 Kamenicë/Kamenica Bratillovc/Bratilovce N/A N/A 769 KPA91323 14.05.2010 Klinë/Klina Dolc/Dolac N/A N/A 127 KPA08984 14.05.2010 Klinë/Klina Drenoc/Drenovac N/A N/A N/A KPA28850 14.05.2010 Klinë/Klina Drenoc/Drenovac N/A N/A 241 KPA56686 14.05.2010 Klinë/Klina Drsnik N/A N/A 670 KPA38552 14.05.2010 Klinë/Klina Klinë/Klina N/A bb N/A KPA47576 14.05.2010 Klinë/Klina Petriq I ulet/Donji Petric N/A N/A 20,455 KPA08619 14.05.2010 Klinë/Klina Zajm fshati I ri/Novo Selo Zajmovo N/A N/A 251/3 KPA38183 14.05.2010 Klinë/Klina Zllakucane/Zlokucane N/A N/A 158/15,158/16,158/20,158/25,158/26 KPA50828 14.05.2010 Lipjan/Lipljan Kraishte/Krajiste N/A N/A 544 KPA56101 14.05.2010 Lipjan/Lipljan Kraishte/Krajiste N/A N/A 702/3 KPA90373 14.05.2010 Lipjan/Lipljan Sllovi/Slovinje N/A N/A 1086 KPA91315 14.05.2010 Malishevë/Mališevo Kijeve/Kijevo N/A N/A 1000 KPA48162 14.05.2010 Mitrovicë/Mitrovica Mitrovicë/Mitrovica

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