The Organ of Student Expression Since 1925 TkeMAROO GER Morehouse College • Atlanta, GA January 25-31, 2012 Volume LXXXVI, issue 13 Morehouse Gets a Facelift Morehouse Mourns the New Building, New Trees, New Papa Johns Loss of a Professor Lauren Morton at Morehouse. He embraced Staff Writer all of his students and taught lmortnnl ffisanafl-spAnanjAi with a “tough love” mental­ ity. Students lament over his ast week, the Morehouse death, recalling how he de­ College community loss manded and commanded re­ Lone of its most profoundspect from his students. and impactful professors, Dr. “He was very strict and Martin Morman. Morman, 60 loved order in his classroom,” years old, was a professor in Booker said. “There was no the business department. such thing as ‘I don’t know or Morman taught Senior I can’t find it’ in his class.” Seminar Business Policy, a Steven Parris, a senior busi­ challenging course for most ness administration major with students, but left them empow­ a concentration in finance, ered upon successfully com­ recounts Morman’s impact at pleting the capstone course. Morehouse. Parris was enrolled He taught at Morehouse for a in Morman’s class only for a number of years and earned brief stint, but was still touched tenure. His son, Alexander by his teaching methods. Morman, is a current senior “He had a very interesting business administration major. way of teaching,” Parris be­ Leon Booker, a senior busi­ gan, “and even though people ness administration major with sometimes resented him for a concentration in management, it, they still respected him.” was enrolled in Morman’s class Jonathon Davis, a senior busi­ last semester and felt the effects ness administration major with of his loss. a concentration in accounting, “I was down at first but never had Morman as a profes­ then I thought about the life sor, but was keenly aware of his he lived and all of his accom­ legacy in the department. plishments,” Booker said. “Although I personally did not “He definitely accomplished know him, I know he impacted his goal of preparing African numerous students and pre­ American men for corporate pared them for the professional America and life in general.” business world,” Davis said. Described as a meticulous The business department as and stern professor, Mor­ well as the entire Morehouse man committed an immense College community will forever amount of time into his tenure remember Morman’s legacy. Tre’vell Anderson building when there is open lege has been working on, ac­ sued email accounts. WHAT’S HAPPENING Campus News Editor space on the top and bottom cording to Bertrand. On Jan. 9, an email was sent [email protected] floors of Brawley Hall. It ap­ The old location for the to Morehouse email accounts, ON CAMPUS? peared to students that it may TRIO programs, the battle- by Johnson, entitled “Papa new building replaced be more cost effective to move ship-grey, trailer-like build­ John’s & Freshens’ Update.” Athe parking lot on the TRIO in a preexisting space ings sandwiched between “The majority of the re­ side of Perdue Hall. New treesas opposed to constructing an Gloster Hall and the Leader­ quired electrical, mechani­ n - s 4 sprouted up all across campus, entirely new facility. ship building, according to cal, and plumbing work has seemingly overnight. And still Vice President of Campus Bertrand, will be returned to been completed,” Johnson’s no Papa Johns. Operations Andre Bertrand its leasing company and re­ email read. “Inspection de­ 6 9 ■ Morehouse College has responded with the Colleges moved from the grounds. The lays from the city of Atlanta < '>'$•>■>' , ■.,~ 1 seen various changes to the plan for the empty Brawley remaining space will be con­ and challenges with installing jan. 26 “"te* O- Gste-cte- | campus over the past few space, given the move of the verted to a “green space.” the plumbing lines have us 3 « u £ “ ZL .tete„ *•-. ' -z ■ ■ '? weeks. One of the most no­ music department to the Ray This green space is in line weeks behind where we had jan. 27 zzc tSréez table changes is the newest Charles Performing Arts Cen­ with the new trees that many hoped to be, but those specific 3-QÜ p.rr * Cerrer addition to the Morehouse ter. students have seen being challenges have been over­ February Shsfc H-swry HonA teServ.ce - A infrastructure. On the side of “The Division of Humani­ planted. come.” -s--- c*'? 'O'tart Otes te Cemrr:-!- 7, Service yaA/e Dagger; Perdue Hall, outside the main ties and Social Sciences will “[The new trees] is a specif­ The slated opening date campus gates, lies a new mod­ be expanding into the space ic project from a donor who for the facility is Feb. 10, but Feb. í írretetei Perep>ect;ves -.■■■■. z Han te' ular building. This building is in Brawley,” Bertrand said. wanted to provide a treescape could be earlier. In regards Fesce tes O se,-;: - OUte" to serve as the new office for The hope of this expansion for Morehouse,” Bertand said. to the FLEX card option re­ Aíncan Ar-isrcar Hte te terre.. the Federal TRIO Programs is that full time professors who In regards to the long- garding meal plans, it will be Y ínv Cbvrte•—■-'A«'- which include: Student Sup­ are “doubled up” in offices will awaited Papa John’s, students trialed this semester and offi­ Feb. 9-J 2 terents /i'eev&.-e port Services, Upward Bound, be able to have single offices. have also voiced concerns cially launched during the fall Feb. ¡5-í6 Morebwí© tensaste tepe : and the Ronald E. McNair Brawley will also house the over false opening dates that of2012. 2.'.c-'r Post-baccalaureate Achieve­ developing Cinema, Tech­ were provided during the fall These new changes to the Feb.24-25 Merehun ie M5 -■k»v-7 C s - < 5-, » ment Program among others. nology, and Emerging Media semester. Ralph Johnson, As­ campus are bound to make . A ■ ■ ■ ■ ! At the sight of the start of Studies (CTEMS) program. sociate Vice President of Pro­ it more aesthetically pleasing February 27-Karrb 2 — teib-rerrr Vtesy construction in the lot prior to The need for a new location curement & Contracts, en­ and beneficial for all Men of Winter break, students voiced for the TRIO programs is a courages students, however, Morehouse. Tte terte y tete tete* ¿A-T’.'è'te ■' X ' ‘ teté "ìtetewi-ir concerns of building a new “long overdue” goal the Col­ to check their Morehouse is­ L_______________ ____________________________J inside track News......................1 World & Local.......3 Business & Tech......4 Features........ ........6 Opinions......... .... 7 A&E..... ....10 Sports........ ........ 12 te te -iffN < ' A Investing 101: Stocks p.4 on the web Saturday Sunday El 61° 53° Campus Lookalikes p.7 www.themaroontiger.com * «JMS Top music.it blogs p. 11 rte--tes- te« www.twitter.com/thcmaroontiger 34° 30° terrr H» ■ "ite; <■ Recycle The Maroon Tiger 4 www.themariKintigef.tom January 25 - 31.2012 2 NEWS THE MAROON TIGER SUSTAINABILITY Peace and Love Come to Nicolas B. Azix’12 Editor-in-Chief [email protected] COR N E R Jordon Nesmith the AUC tennis courts and in front of MANAGEMENT Associate Campus News Editor the freshman residence hall, Lance Dixon ’12 Cydney Fisher Botts, a freshman sociol­ One question posed was jnesmith 17 @gmail.com White Hall. A considerable Managing Editor Staff Writer ogy and anthropology major, about violence that occurred [email protected] number of trees along Brown leffery Taylor 11 '12 [email protected] spoke of her own personal ac­ while in high school. A hroughout the 2011-12 Street and in the vicinity of Chief Layout Editor count with violence when she number of passionate people school year, Morehouse the Leadership Building have jefferydtaylor@gmail. com iolence derives from a was molested as an adoles­ raised their hands hoping to Thas made many clear efforts tobeen or are currently slated to Ahmad Barber T3 lack of humanity. Hav­ cent. She spoke of how Peace share their stories. This pro­ be the environmentally con­ be removed; many of which Photography Editor Ving no sense of feeling allowsand Love assisted her in mov­ gram was inspirational and ahmad. [email protected] scious change we all want to are dead. Jourdan Shepard '12 for murder, domestic abuse, ing forward in her life. provided AUC students a see in the world. Many modi­ However, due in part to the Chief Copy Editor and suicidal tendencies to “I want to bring true unity chance to truly open up and fications are being made on college’s interest in reducing jourdancshepard@gmail. com occur. However, there is a to the Atlanta University Cen­ be loved. campus to meet with greener the carbon footprint and Ful­ Charlie Williams IV '12 light coming from within the ter,” Botts said of her efforts. The program also consisted standards of operation. ton County Ordinances, any Associate Copy Editor Atlanta University Center to “I feel that by doing service of a host of performers. Po­ [email protected] With the use of a mini grant trees removed must be equiv­ Sierra Stokes SC T3 stop these acts from occur­ together we can build a strong ets, rappers and singers en­ provided by the United Negro alently replaced. Associate Copy Editor ring. Miss Residence Hall everlasting bond for future tertained the group with their College Fund, two confer­ These many efforts are help­ [email protected] Association (RHA) Brittany generations.” artistic tales of violence and ence rooms in the Leadership ing to create a buzz for Recy- “Reeci” Botts had a phenom­ In addition, she also re­ how they dealt with it.
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