'Yes or No?' Debate Topic To Be All Spartan Capital Punishment the by the Two %tic, epresentatives and The debate is sponsored r. San Jose chapter of Californians two college staff members will I SAN Against Capital Punishment and JOSE STATE COLLEGE of capital debate the questions the Sunday e%ening Community night at 8 in SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1960 NO, 117 nishment Sunday foeum. thorium. Taking the affirmatie side in the question "Capital Punishment, Oral Reading Yes or Nor will be Representa- Campus Political Parties Full Schedule tives Bruce Allen IR-Los Gatos) and Clark Bradley IR-San Jose'. Millay Opposing them will be Bud R. Of p.m. Planned For Hutchinson, assistant professor of Must Register by 5 business and economics at SJS, and Mrs. Joan McCord. a research Award Today is the Wins last day for on- campus politics, and to either run associate at Stanford. campus political parties Alumni Week Kamitses, 18-year-old fresh - to reg- or sponsor candidates for elected Caryl Chessman is scheduled to ister. "The Great Challenge: Educa- from Sunnyvale, won the Dr. or appointed Associated Student die in the gas chamber at San The name, purpose, tion" will be the topic of Wiscon- .!hy Kaucher Oral Reading and list of Body offices.' Quentin the following morning. 25 members of the sin Gov. Gaylord A. Nelson, who yesterday reading "The party must be Such groups may include cam- Meanwhile, letters and telegrams submitted to the will be the keynote speaker for i.ter of Lidice" by Edna St. Activities office, pus recognized organizations such protesting the death of the con- Adm242, and Student Council. as the second annual Founder's Day, it MiBay, 315 clubs, fraternities, etc., or spe- demneli cons ict-author are con- S. Ninth at., by 5 Tuesday. Kaucher award is a $50 this evening. cial groups such as TASC or tinuing to pour into Gov. Edmund fling. An academic procession will be- prize given to the student in any SPUR. G. Brown's office. A ruling requiring registration gin the commemoration of ttae 'viler who is judged best in the SPECIAL COMMITTEE But Governor Brown is power- was passed by the Student Coun- college's founding day which .! interpretation of any written When TASC applied for tempo- to act on behalf of Chessman cil at its April 20 meeting. dates to 1862. Classes will be dis- less vi,rk. The choice is based on the rary recognition at the council's a missed from 10:10 to 11:20 a.m. since the legislature defeated reader's understanding of the au- PRIVILEGES March 10 meeting, Pres. Rich Hill for the Inner Quad festivities. move by Brown to have capital thor's intent, presentation skills Among the privileges and im- created a special committee to punishment abolished in Cali- BEGINS ALUMNI WEEK and communication. munities of parties are: 1. No study aspects of political parties fornia. The Founder's Day program will Other students in competition constitution required; 2. Do not on campus. Moderating the four-man panel kick off the SJS Spring Alumni the award were Jerry Juhl. have to attend Student Activities The committee consisted of Miss is Allen Galson. president of the week, which lasts until May 7. The 'Ming "Only the Dead Know board meetings; 3. Do not have to Janet Douglas, associate dean of Sunday evening Community forum. week includes reunions, luncheons, Brooklyn" by Thomas Wolfe; Bob submit a list of officers; 4. May students, Ben Zlataroff; Guy Glea- Each debater will have 24 min- open houses, Geary, reading "The Summer of distribute two handbills; 5. May son, and Pat McClenahan. a dedication and a utes to present his case. and 12 game. the Beautiful White Horse" by hold two rallies; 6. Will be allowed * * * football minutes will be allowed for re- William Saroyan; Drusilla Green, 40 inches of paid Spartan Daily ad- On Thursday, the Science de- buttals. A question and answer reading poems by E. E. Cummings; vertking. partment will hold an open house period will follow the debate. and an international tea and cof- Bruce Lovelady, reading The The party may not be spon- Forms Ready Representatives Allen and Brad- fee hour will be given by the For- Morning Song of Senlin" by Con- sored, supported or aided by it ley have declared themselves pro- rad Aiken; Rae Marston, reading campus groups or individual, eign Language department from ponents of capital punishment. to 4 p.m. in 07A. 'Tea at Mrs. Armsby's" by James ASH REGULATIONS For 23 Office "But they do not consider it a and Carole Warren. 4' On Saturday, the faculty and Thurber; The registered group must fol- dead issue as does Representative reading 'The Creation" by James Applications for some 23 elec. administration of the Industrial Jack Thompson IR-Evergreen i," DEBATERSAllen Galson, director of the sponsoring Johnson. low all college and ASI3 regula- Arts department will dedicate DEATH Walden tive offices are available at the Sunday Evening community forum, looks over material for Sunday's Dr. Hutchinson said yesterday. Gillespie, last semester's win- tions. Any violation would subject their new $3.5 million educational Gil College Union, 315 S. Ninth at., capital punishment debate. Standing are State Assemblyman Clark Dr. Hutchinson is a member of ref, was master of ceremonies. the party to prosecution by the building on Ninth at. The build- according to Doyle Norman, chair- Bradley (R-San Jose), Bud Hutchinson, SJS associate professor of Californians Against Capital Pun- were Dr. Harold Miller. ing is the largest industrial arts Judges It. ASH Judiciary. of business and economics: and Assemblyman Bruce Allen (R-Los ishment, and Mrs. McCord has the English department; man of the ASB elections com- education facility in the state. head of A campus political party as de- Gatos) written several hooks on criminol- Mis Helen Campen Hall, assist- mittee. WAHLQUIST OFFICIATES _ ogy with her husband, William, fined by the council ruling is "a ant professor of speech and educa- Last day for applying is May 4, SJS Pres, John T. Wahlquist who is a professi.- ..f ,ciiilogy at students organized for tion; and William Erlendson. pro- group of said Norman. Upon validation, will officiate at the 10 a.m, dedie., o Of music. the purp.,se ;;f participation in lion. Dr. Kermit Seefeld, he., I Stanf rd fessor candidates can obtain petitions, Scholarship Speaker of the Industrial Arts department Elective offices are president, at the University of California 1400 Count 'Ern vice president, attorney general, at Santa Barbara, will give 1.1 treasurer, evecut ive secretary. keynote address. Education TV Programs Each class will elect four repre- To Talk on The SJS graduation class of Monday. In addition to his work with itp sentatives to the council. Grad- 1910 will be honored next Satur- In an e Gap,- the scholarship service, he is a ITO uate students will elect two. day at the Gblden Grad Reunion "Closing the Educational Continue spe- member of the mayor's commit- The general ASB election is Dinner in the old college cafe- ' Richard L. Piaui will discuss on Puerto Rican affairs tm scheduled for May 12-13. teria of the Home Economics cial educational problems of cul- Newteei York City, is currently building, The 1910 class will be- turally and economically deprived 1 -Eh president and director of the - is Weekend come officially recognized mem- groups. Na- York Puerto Rican schema. bers of the Golden Grads, com- Mr. Plaut, president of the . - and . fund, and a member of the N.1 VS Profs posed of alumni who have been tional Scholarship service for Ne- ; tive," two ditfernt television se- City board of education's coin- graduated 50 or more years. gro students, will be presented at, ries originating from studios on mission on integration, Also on Saturday. the Occupa- 10:30 a.m. in T1155 by the College campus, continue this weekend on Given Plaque tional Therapy department will lecture committee and the Di'. .- KNTV, channel 11. hold an open house from 2 to 4 sion of Education. This week's programs will be a p.m. in the Health building. Spar- Since becoming president of tt WAA Swaps Ideas "Survey of Music." from the or ervice tan Shields. sophomore men's lion- , service in 1918, Mr. Plaid has Speech and Drama department's I couraged a program which fir series which is being presented to- Four SJS professors were given orary society, will conduct tours "seeks to discover hidden talen At Meeting Toda morrow at 2:30 p.m., and "What bronze plaques of special reco :- if the campus during the day. In underprivileged young people. Cs (loin se\ en Bay Makes Rockets Go,' from the nition Wednesday from the Representato and then provides MIA/MCC and educational TV series. Sunday at of San Jose in ceremonies %At area colleges and universities will supplementary scholarships fair 11:30 a.m. are part of the city's Charter Y, Greek Play-Day be the guests of the Women's Ath- qualified students. The "Survey of Music" program celebration. The scholarship program has letic assn. today at an annual will provide a discussion on the Honored along with 200 on . Will Feature provided more than $2,300.000 in WAA planning meeting. ; literature and historical signifi- San Jose citizens were Lawrence Togetherness' financial aid. enabling 6200 stu- About 32 WAA representatives icance of the more unusual musical A. Appleton, professor of business;1 to exchange dents to go on to college when will be on campus , instruments! Wilfred E. Blessing, assistant pro- l'ogmherness" will draw SJS otherwise they might not have ideas and establish policies for the Presenting and demonst rat ing lessor of industrial arts; Dr.
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