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THE TIME No 64,433 WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 9 1992 45 p BATHROOM KITCHEN BEDROOM HOMELY BEETHOVEN DIVINITY LAUGHTER PERSUASION Richard Ingrams Lynne Truss seeks, Michael Arditti, Elton John’s finds Classic FM's and finds, with the return appearance on snippets of great random cookery to the West End French television music acceptable guidance from of Ray Cooney, was calculated to before breakfast the family Bible investigates farce help the Maastricht life & Times life & Times life & Times “yes” campaign Page 1 Page 1 Page 3 Page 10 Mandela mourns massacre victims Monopolies ANC demands enquiry will check medical dismissal of fees ‘cartel’ By Jeremy Laurance Ciskei’s HEALTH SERVICES CORRESPONDENT ruler “carter the in 1989. latest THE within which BMA The hospital consultants deride set. published last week, cover their own lees for private 1.500 procedures from re- from Michael Hamlyn in bisho work, is to be investigated by moval of a wisdom tooth (fee the Monopolies and Mergers £310) to a liver transplant THE African National the bantustans, is an impor- said prayer a in Xhosa calling Commission amid concern (surgeon's fee £5.825. Congress tant condition for the resum- for to insisted yester- God intervene to end that doctors earnings from anaesthetist's fee £2.330). ing of talks." day that the Bisho massa- the madness. Archbishop private practice are too high. Bupa, the largest health in- Cyril Ramaphosa, the ANC Tutu spoke in a mixture of cre would stand in the way Sir Biyan Carsberg. direc- surer. has its own scale of fees secretary-general, was more Xhosa and English, some- of constitutional negotia- M tor-general of the Office of which closely follows the specific How can we now sit times at the same time, saying tions until Brigadier Josh- Fair Trading, yesterday BMA’s. down in multilateral negotia- that he and his colleagues ua Gqozo, asked the commission to en- the militaiy tions with after has About 12,000 consultants Gqozo he had come to show solidarity quire into the setting of ruler of Ciskei, was re- killed so many of our people?” do some private practice ...“not with the ANC, but to “guideline" fees by the British moved from office. he asked. show solidarity earning an average of almost our with our Medical Association to be The brigadier, who seized their £50,000 on top of maximum At a press conference in people hi struggle for charged by consultants. If the power in the nominally inde- pan-time NHS salaries rang- King William’s Town. MLr justice and peace". guidelines were adhered to by pendent homeland two years ing from £45.000 to E86.000. Mandela demanded that The church leaders then a “significant proportion" of ago, said yesterday he would Most charge according to the Brigadier Gqozo be removed crossed the scrubby bushland doctors it would “raise the not resign and insisted his BMA and Bupa scales. A ana that an interim govern- separating the marchers from question of how effective fees troops, who had opened fire surgeon who performs a ment, acceptable to all par- the legislative and adminis- competition is between con- on an march killing couple of major operations in ANC 28 ties. be established imme- trative offices of die Ciskei sultant donors”. an afternoon can easily sup- and wounding 200. had act- diately. That section Ciskei of government and were invited The BMA said it would co- ed with restraint. plement his NHS salary by lawprohibiting free activity of to meet Brigadier Gqozo. He operate fully with tiie com- Nelson Mandda, the ANC £1 ,000 a week. But the range any political organisation dismissed their request for mission's investigation but president, after visiting the of private earnings is wide should also be repealed and him to install an interim gov- daimed that publication of site the killings laying from a few hundred pounds of and South African militaiy intelli- ernment. but they persuaded the scale of fees, which are to a wreath of yellow flowers on more than £100.000. gence officials together with him to accept some demo- intended as a guideline only, the tarmac at Private insurers claim that the bonier be- staff of a private company, cratic consultation with the was in the public interest. It the rate at which consultants tween Ciskei and Afri- South which had been involved in inhabitants of Ciskei. was intended to hdp GPs earn in the private sector is ca. said: “A dimate of free arming and training vigilan- advise patients After visiting the site of the of the likely Continued on page 16. col political activity throughout 3 te forces, should be removed. killings, cost of private treatment and the MrManddawentto whole country, including to protect patients from over- “From this day." Mr Man- the Victoria stadium in the Private profits, page 2 dela ^rid, ‘’Bi$ha win 'rank centre of King William's charging. with Boipatong on that roll- Town where a crowd erf sev- “We strongly urge consul- Germans call of infamy that recounts eral thousand had spent most tants to discuss with their the past two years of F.W. de of the day. He offered condo- patients the cost of treat- Klerk’s incumbency." [Forty- lences and urged discipline; ment," a spokesman said. three people in the warned of pro-ANC the demonstrators then The private insurers also community of Boipatong began to return to their welcomed the investigation. were killed in June townships. when "The level of consultants’ fees pay freeze Zulus of the Inkatha move- In London, Douglas Hurd, and the difficulty of influenc- ment attacked the townshipj. the foreign secretary, con- ing them is a continuing con- or more tax Standing in the road where demned the killing and cern." said Roy Forman, chief ANC demonstrators had wounding of ANC support- executive of Private Patients From Ian Murray been killed cm Monday, Mr ers, as weD as the killing of 10 Plan. IN is BONN Mandda said: “It a very people ai a political gathering David Cavers, chief execu- emotional moment for us to in Natal last Friday. AS HELMUT Kohl, the em- tive of Norwich Union. Health think that those who are He had led a visit by the battled chancellor, faced in- Care, said: “As far as the fighting for democracy, for troika of EC foreign ministers creasing calls for a customer is concerned the peace, for love among South to South Africa last week to government of national unity, more light that can be shed Africans, should be mown discuss the ending of vio- on the way the fees are estab- the German government yes- ' down by those who fear lence. In Brussels yesterday Prayer for the dead; Nelson Mandela, the ANC president laying a wreath lished terday threatened new tax in- the better." The guide- democracy” tiie Community announced yesterday at the spot where 28 of his supporters were in lines were creases unless workers in the shot dead Ciskei first published tty that, as a result of a decision west agreed to accept a volun- Mr Mandda arrived at the several made during that visit, it tary two- to three-year wage border surrounded by jubilant supporters would send at least 15 polit- freeze to help with the costs of hundred who had spent a dully night ical observers to South Africa the reunification. TUC greets bosses’ man to help to curb the rarial Theo Waigd. the finance of vigil atthe site. They were yesterday Archbish- violence. minister, said his planned joined by op Desmond Tutu, head of austerity programme would with cheers and a walkout the Anglican church in south- Barrage of bullets, page 11 raise money for investment in ern Africa. Bishop David Leading article, page 13 the east while bringing down BY ROSS tieman, INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT Grahamstown, The power of one. interest rates throughout Russell of site. section, page 5 HISTORIC new era of government spending on in- similar positions on training Europe. At the same time he whose diocese cowrs the L&T AN dialogue between employers frastructure and more pay and the need for the govern- promised to cut benefits' for and workers is in prospect restraint by company ment to stimulate the con- asylum seekers and to find after the director-general of directors. struction industry. ”1 am sure ways of stemming the flow of 'Secret ballot’ poll helps the CBI promised an “open there is more business be refugees entering the country. Focusing on common to door" to members of the done together,” he said: ’*We Resentment about the influx ground between the TUC and Trades Union Congress in CBI on some European is- both want a highly skilled, of refugees has led to a wave voters to tell the truth Blackpool. sues. Howard said: “The prosperous workforce which of violent attacks on foreign- Mr Despite issuing an uncom- CBI will take pan in the social can build a successful hu- ers. A new poll shows that By Robin Oakley, political editor promising call for pay re- dialogue. We welcome the mane and generous society.” support for the extreme right op- straint. especially in the portunity it offers for employ- The tensest moment came is now over 10 per cent na- ONE of Britain's biggest But the biggest problem they public sector.
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