www.ukrweekly.com mmr-o >f- —ж (П ^e аскяв СВОБОДАІІ^УОВ(ША П - - Ї" Ш УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ щоденник ^ЯР^ икя А І N ІЛН DAIIV і Щ аоі О -с -130 Ото - О — О OZ О Ох о ЗОЯ UkrainiaENGLISH-LANGUAGnE WEEKL Y EDITIOWeelcN l У Vol. LXXXVII No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14,1980 25 cents At CSCE, West Synod of bishops nominates episcopal candidates Taking part in the Synod were: continues to score Denies legitimacy of 1946 Lviv Synod Patriarch Josyf, Archbishop-Coadjutor Myroslav Lubachivsky, ` Metropolitan ROME -The First Regular Synod denying the legitimacy, of the Lvrv Soviet violations of Bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Maxim Hermaniuk (Winnipeg), and Synod of 1946 ( which in effect liquida­ Bishops Neil Savaryn (Edmonton), Church, convened by Patriarch Josyf ted the Ukrainian CathjolicChurch and MADRID - Delegations of the Slipyj with the approval of Pope John Isidore Borecky (Toronto), Andrew United States and Western European subordinated the faithful to the Russian Roborecki (Saskatoon), Ivan Prashko Paul II. was held here from,November Orthodox,Church. states attending the Madrid Conference 25 to December 2. (Australia), Platon Kornyljak (Ger­ to review implementation of the Helsin­ In reviewing the situation of the many), Andrey Sapelak (Argentina), ki Accords constantly emphasize Soviet The first topic at the synod was that Catholic Church in Ukraine, the Synod Augustine Hornyak (Great Britain), viotttions of human and national rights of episcopal appointments to the Phila­ issued a statement calling for the Basil Losten (Stamford, Conn.), Efraim andicite the persecution of Ukrainian delphia and Chicago eparchies as well recognition of the rights of the Church Kre'vey (Brazil), Jerome Chimy (New and other rights activists, reported as other auxiliary episcopal posts. in Ukraine as we'll as respect for the Westminster, B.C.), and Demetrius Myroslaw Smorodsky, the New Jersey rights of the faithful. Greschuk (Edmonton). attorney who is a public member of the The bishops nominated three candi­ U.S. delegation. dates for each of the six posts: two in The Synod issued a separate state­ Unable to attend were: Bishop V0I0- R. Spencer Oliver, a leading member Philadelphia, two in Stamford and one ment addressed to their brethren in dymyr Malanczuk (France), Archbi­ of the U.S. delegation, scored the Soviet each in Chicago and Winnipeg. The list Ukraine and places of exile, expressing shop Gabriel Bukatko and Bishop Union for its religious persecution, of nominees was then submitted to the its support for the stuggle they wage Joakim Segedi(Yugoslavia)and Bishop pointing to the.' liquidation of the pope for the final selection. for the Church and their faith. Jose Martenetz (Brazil). Ukrainian Catholic|thurch,and perse­ Apart from the nomination of candi­ In their deliberations, the bishops Protoarchmandrite Isidore Patrillo, - cution of believers. dates, the bishops drafted a document emphasized the importance of the OSBM; Archmandrite 'Ivah Chpma; Mr. Oliver condemned these Soviet jn : ,, - ,. actions in remarks delivered during a Л '3 | session devoted to Principle 7 of Basket ҐШ ШЬ ` ` ' v` Ш 111 of the Helsinki Accords. Mr. Smo­ Щ' ^ ,^ ЩІ '-ffc'``fer -^'' I :i s rodsky noted that he mentioned a document authored by Yosyf Terelia as Щ `-r Jsg; яЧ Ip іШ 9 `v хЩ, :` . well as the cases of Mykola Rudenko,` і w Oleksa Tykhy^and the Rev. Vasyl Ro- L ' Ш- maniuk. І 1 Щ \ ' 5 j ' Mr. Oliver's^ statements were sup­ ported by th^e of the British and "`" вЩь Canadian delegations which also sharp­ 4 ;. , ly criticized the USSR for its repression of Helsinki monitors. According to Mr. Smorodsky, most notable were remarks by an Irish representative who spoke out in defense of Ukrainian Catholics and statements by the Canadian delegation which 1 pointed to the systematic Russification policies being implemented in Ukraine. Nearly all Western delegations have ^^t^^^^`^^'^^^^ . been citing the cases of Ukrainian - \ political prisoners and rights activists, - `'` `'-f- said Mr. Smorodsky. Ukrainian bishops during an audience with Pope John Paul II broadcasts of Radio Vatican which are Archimandrite Lubomyr Huzar, Stu- transmitted to Ukraine and duly ex­ dite; Archmapdrite Victor Pospishil Carter issues rights daydeclaration pressed their apprecia,tionfor the and the Very Rev. Michael Нгупспу– WASHINGTON - President Jimmy Significantly, this year's proclama­ broadcasts to the pope. shyn, superior of the Redemptorists, took part in the deliberations as advi­ Carter has issued a proclamation decla­ tion mentions the suppression of trade Among the other issues discussed at sors. ring December 10 as Human Rights unions as a violation of human rights,an the Synod were: preparations for the On Sunday, November 30, a Divine Day and designating the week begin­ obvious reference to the labor unrest in celebration of the millenium of Christi­ Liturgy was celebrated in St. Sophia ning December 10 as Human Rights Poland. In addition, the president also anity of Rus-Ukraine; ecumenism and Sobor in which the participants to the Week. The president signed the yearly refers to the American hostages still cooperation with the Ukrainian Ortho­ Synod as well as` the Ukrainian com­ proclamation on November 14. being held captive in Iran and apartheid, dox Church; vocations; translation of munity took part. The document also proclaims Decem­ although no specific mention is made of Liturgical texts into Ukrainian as well ber 15 Bill of Rjghts Day. The Bill of South Africa- as other languages; the role of the laity (Continued on page 2) Rights became part of the U.S. Consti­ Calling the U. N. Universal Declara­ in the Ukrainian Church; and the tution onOecemftpr,IS, 1791. tion of Human Rights a "cornerstone of contemporary Ukrainian family. Stating that the cause of human a developing international consensus on ' The Synod commenced with the INSIDE: rights "is embattled throughout the human rights," the president noted that world," PTesideJt Carter urged all celebration of a Moleben in St. Peter's the united States „must continously Ш Feature on artist Zoya Lymar — Americans to stand firm in the insis­ Basilica at the altar of St. Basil the monitor the progress of this effort and page 8. tence that human rights be upheld by all Great which contains the relics of St. the records of governments around the Ш Remarks by Max Kampelman, governments, and to support the ratifica­ Josaphat. The Moleben to the Holy world." co-chairman of the U.S. delegation tion of the Genocide Convention, the Ghost was concelebrated by Patriarch to the Madrid Conference - page 4. American. Convention on Human Josyt ana me oisnops, wun ine Ukrai­ Ш Panorama by Helen Регогак– Rights and other national or interna­ The full text of the president's nian community of Rome in atten­ Smindak - page 9. tional cbvehahts dealing with rights. proclamation appears on page 3. dance. `l^ - - ^„ ,,—^Jii, .^.---jeiitaAfciu-u^. -^ - ..–. --:.-. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1980 No. 29 Al annual report 30 governments Ukrainian Frenchman offers himself were responsible for political killings in exchange for Yuriy Shukhevych . NEW YORK - People were murder­ Republic of Germany on prisoners held PARIS - A young French Ukrain­ the Soviet Union and enjoy a taste of ed by government forces or executed for in connection with politically motivated ian has offered to trade his freedom for freedom. He pointed out that Mr. political reasons in more than 30 coun­ crimes; the jailing of people who try to the release of Yuriy Shukhevych, son of Shukhevych, who was sentenced in tries in the 12 months reviewed by leave Romania or the German Demo­ the late commander-in-chief of the 1972 to five years in prison and five Amnesty International's annual report. cratic Republic without permission; the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), who years in a special-regimen camp for published Tuesday, December 9. questions raised by the way non-jury has been imprisoned in Soviet camps alleged "anti-Soviet agitation and The,victims included peasant families courts operate in Northern Ireland. for nearly 35 years. propaganda," was being punished for his father's activities. in El Salvador and Guatemala; mem­ A major purpose of the report is to Mykhailp Pidsadny made his request bers of political, religious and ethnic provide an account of Amnesty Interna­ in a November 12 letter to the French groups in Iraq,Iran and Ethiopia: and tional's work in the period covered, foreign minister, in which he offered to Mr. Pidsadny first announced his people in all walks of life in countries as from May I, 1979 to April 30,4980. exchange himself for the 46-year-old intentions 18 months ago, but when far apart as Afghanistan. Chile and the Ukrainian dissident and asked the Amnscty International rejected his Philippines. In a preface to the report, Jose minister to d iscuss the proposal with the proposal, he decided to appeal directly The 408-page "Amnesty Internation­ Zalaquett. chairperson of the organiza­ Soviet delegation at the Madrid Confer­ to the French government. A former al Report 1980" also documents the tion's International Executive Commu­ ence. member of SUM, the 29-year-old extent of detention without trial, tor­ te, says: "The death toll from executions Mr. Pidsadny, said he is willing to French Ukrainian is currently a mem­ ture and other forms of repression. and political murders recorded in these make the sacrifice to allow Mr. Shuk­ ber of Plast, as was Mr. Shukhevych's Organized on a regional and country- pages is matter of the gravest and most hevych, who has been in and out of father. He is also a member of the Union by-country basis, with entries on 110 urgent concern." He notes that Am­ Soviet prisons since he was 15, to leave of Ukrainians in France.
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