Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Ethiopia United Nations Development Programme Project title: Integrated Landscape Management to Enhance Food Security and Ecosystem Resilience in Ethiopia Country: Ethiopia Implementing Partner: Ministry of Management Arrangements: Environment, Forest and Climate National Implementation Modality Change (NIM) UNDAF/Country Programme Outcome: By 2020 key Government institutions at federal and regional levels including cities are better able to plan, implement and monitor priority climate change mitigation and adaptation actions and sustainable resource management. UNDP Strategic Plan Output: 1.3: Solutions developed at national and sub-national levels for sustainable management of natural resources, ecosystem services, chemicals and waste. UNDP Social and Environmental Screening UNDP Gender Marker: 2 Category: Low Atlas Award ID number: 00097070 Atlas Output ID/Project ID number: 00100923 UNDP-GEF PIMS ID number: 5559 GEF ID number: 9135 Planned start date: Planned end date: May 2017 April 2022 LPAC date: March 17, 2017 Brief project description: Smallholder farming (cultivation and pastoralism) is the mainstay of Ethiopia’s economy across the six regions in which this project will be implemented. Farming takes place in often highly degraded and vulnerable environments where there is substantial loss of vegetation, associated erosion and declining soil fertility. Huge demand for natural capital including biomass fuels exacerbates environmental degradation and affects food production. This project proposes an integrated approach that brings together capacity to achieve food security with the need to restore and sustainably manage key environmental resources. It does this through three interrelated components: Component 1 ensures effective multi-stakeholder platforms are in place to support the dissemination and uptake of integrated approaches; Component 2 develops specific approaches and puts in place effective mechanisms to scale up across target sites and, more widely, in the country; and Component 3 establishes a systematic monitoring, assessment, learning and knowledge management mechanism that supports influencing at a wider scale in Ethiopia – and via the Regional Hub project 1– across other SSA countries under the IAP. Infusing all components is a commitment to gender-responsive development, in which women 1 The Regional Hub Project (PIMS 9070) is an IFAD-led initiative designed to coordinate regional support components across the 12 GEF-funded FSIAP countries. 1 | P a g e stakeholders within smallholder communities play a central role in economic and environmental transformations. FINANCING PLAN GEF Trust Fund USD 10,239,450 UNDP in Cash USD 500,000 (1) Total Budget administered by UNDP USD 10,739,450 PARALLEL CO-FINANCING Government in kind USD 144,465,431 (2) Total co-financing USD 144,965,431 (3) Grand-Total Project Financing (1)+(2) USD 155,204,881 SIGNATURES Signature: print name below Agreed by Date/Month/Year: Government Signature: print name below Agreed by Date/Month/Year: Implementing Partner Signature: print name below Agreed by Date/Month/Year: UNDP 2 | P a g e Table of Contents 1 Development Challenge ....................................................................................................................................... 6 2 Strategy (ToC) ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 3 Results and Partnerships .................................................................................................................................... 18 4 Feasibility .......................................................................................................................................................... 42 5 Project Results Framework ................................................................................................................................ 49 6 Monitoring and Assessment (M&A) Plan ......................................................................................................... 54 7 Project implementation ...................................................................................................................................... 59 8 Financial Planning and Management ................................................................................................................. 61 9 Total Budget and Work Plan.............................................................................................................................. 63 10 Legal Context ..................................................................................................................................................... 68 11 Annexes ............................................................................................................................................................. 68 Annex 11.1 Participants to Addis Ababa stakeholder meeting Annex 11.2 TORs for Project Board, Project manager, Chief Technical Advisor and other positions as appropriate Annex 11.3 List of Stakeholders Consulted in regions Annex 11.4 Gender Analysis Annex 11.5 Knowledge Management Approach Annex 11.6 Reference documents Annex 11.7 Multi-Year Work Plan Annex 11.8 Social and Environmental Screening Template Annex 11.9 UNDP Project Quality Assurance Report Annex 11.10 UNDP risk log Annex 11.11 Results of the capacity assessment of the project implementing partner and HACT micro assessment Annex 11.12 Additional agreements Annex 11.13 GEF Tracking Tool(s) baseline 3 | P a g e List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ADLI Agriculture Development Led Industrialization AEZ Agro-Ecological Zone AF Agroforestry AIS Alien Invasive Species ANRS Afar National Regional State BD Biodiversity BoA Bureau of Agriculture BoARD Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development BoCTP Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Parks BoEPLU Bureau of Environmental Protection and Land Use BoFED Bureau of Finance and Economic Development CA Conservation Agriculture CBO Community-Based Organisation C Celsius/Centigrade CC Climate Change CCA Climate Change Adaptation CCM Climate Change Mitigation CDO Cooperative Department Office CRGE Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy CRS Climate Resilience Strategy CSE Conservation Strategy of Ethiopia CSA Climate Smart Agriculture CSA Central Statistics Agency EBI Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EPA Environment Protection Authority EPACC Ethiopia’s Programme of Adaptation to Climate Change ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment EWCA Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia FHH Female-Headed Household FSP Full-sized Project FYGTP Five-Year Growth and Transformation Plan GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility GEFSEC Global Environment Facility Secretariat GES Green Economy Strategy GHG Greenhouse Gas GIS Geographical Information System GoE Government of Ethiopia GTP Growth and Transformation Plan ha Hectare IRRF Integrated Results and Resources Framework IWRM Integrated Water Resource Management JFMA Joint Forest Management Agreement km Kilometre LD Land Degradation LPA Learning and Practice Alliance M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MDG Millennium Development Goal MEF Ministry of Environment and Forest m Metre masl Metres above sea level mm Millimetre 4 | P a g e MHH Male-Headed Household MoA Ministry of Agriculture MoFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development MPTFO Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (for CRGE - UNDP’s) MSP Medium-Sized Project MUS Multiple Use water Services NAMA Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions NAP National Adaptation Programme (for UNCCD) NAPA National Adaptation Plan of Action (for UNFCCC) NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (for CBD) NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NPC National Planning Commission NSC National Steering Committee NTFP Non-timber forest products OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development PASDEP Plan for Accelerated Sustainable Development to End Poverty PER Public Expenditure Review PES Payment for Ecosystem Service(s) PFM Participatory Forest Management PPG Project Preparation Grant PIF Project Identification Form PIN Project Inception Note PIR GEF Project Implementation Report PIT Programme Implementation Team PM Project Manager PMU Project Management Unit POPP Programme and Operation Policies and Procedures ProDoc Project Document PROFOR World Bank Program on Forests PSC Project Steering Committee PSPC Pilot Site Project Committee PSNP Productive Safety Net Programme RAPTA Resilience, Adaptation Pathway and Transformation Assessment REDD+ Reduced Emission from Deforestation and Degradation SEEA System of Environmental and Economic Accounts SLM Sustainable Land Management SNNPR Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Region SRM Sectoral Reduction Mechanism (of CRGE) SRS Somali Regional State STAP Scientific Technical Advisory Panel t Tonne TEEB The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity TG Target Group ToR Terms of Reference ToT Training of Trainers UN United Nations UNCT UN Country Team UNDP-GEF UNDP Global Environmental Finance UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNEP United Nations Environment Programme WOFED Woreda Office of Finance and Economic Development yr Year 5 | P a g e 1 DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGE Contexts of change and transformation: This project was designed
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