y n THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1966 FACE TWENTY iKanirliffBt^r 1$mU> Average Daily Net Pirns Run The Weather For the Week . Ended Chance of thundershower* II, chief of the .Connecticut holds a bachelor’s degree from August d, IMd this evening, then fair and cooi* Murphy Named State pepartmenti»,of Educi- Brigham Young University -in er, low near 60; sunny and Post Office WonH Locate , About Town tion’s Division of Vocational Re­ Utah and a master's from pleasant tomorrbw, high near Manchester Duplicate Bridge Coordinator of habilitation. Pennsylvania State University. Betty-Jane Turner 13,871 8D. Club will sponsor a game to­ At North End Renewal In his new post Murphy ydll He is working toward a Ph.D. Manchester^A City of- ViUage Charm morrow at 8 p.m. at the Italian State Program in counseling at the University and on one will be selected coordinate rehabilitation coun­ American Club, 135 Eldridge S t Developers who .were consid­ of Connecticut. School Of Dance (Claeetfled Adverttslag on Page 17). PRICE SEVEN CEMIB ering building a post office^ in within the next few weeks. The David Murphy of 52 Bolton seling, educational activities VOL. LX X X V , NO. 272 ('TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER. GONN., FRH)AY, AUGUST 19, 1966 Registrations will be taken at and commimity services for .jail He is married and the father 7:30. The game Is open to the the North End have been called MRA has set a target date of St. has been appointed a state ANNOUNCING NEW LOCATION ■ Inmates in Hartford, Bridgeport of three children. public. Refreshments will be off—by the post office. Sept. 1 for the decision, but 40 OAK ST.—MANCHESTER Rybczyk said it may be later. education service specialist to smd New Haven. eerved. The regional office in Boston OIL SHARE IS 884 GALLONS ABOVE CORMIER ELECTRIC has notified the Manchester Re­ One plan, sul^itted by the assist in developing a statewide He was previously education program to rehabilitate jail in­ coordinator lor the Hartford NEW YORK — Americans LARGE STUDIO— AMPLE PARKING Marine Pvt. Guy T. Smith, development Agency (MRA) North Manchester Development Free Beer mates. State Jail, and prior to that was used about 884 gallons of oil WATCH FOR REGISTRATION DATE ■on of Mr. and Mrs. Stoner F. that it is not interested in hav­ Corp., calls for a split-level and petroleum products each in TEL. 529-8906 MAIOLLA (API—Filipino Smith of 151 Love Lane is serv­ ing a branch office in the North shopping center with a mall. ■irhe appointment, effective a personnel consultant to pri­ ianHeld 1964. Over-all oil use was up 4 troops in Viet Nam will get ing as a member of the ground End. The shopping center would con­ immediately, . was announced vate industry. ALL TYPES OF DANCING per cent. defense force at Guantanamo Alden E. Baiiey, Manchester tain eight stores with parking today by Dr. James S. Peters A California native, Murphy free beer. A brewing corporation an­ Bay, Cuba, U. S. Naval Base. A postmaster", said this week he fs r 340 cars. The developers nounced yesterday it would member of Uie Second Bat­ would go along with the repon- are headed by Erling Larsen send regular shipments of talion, Second Marine Division, al office’s decisimi, but indicat­ of Larsen’s Hardware. beer to the 2,000 men of the he is normally based at Camp The second plan was submit­ ed that he had some reserva­ Philippine civic action group Lejeune, N. C. His battalion is ted by a group of Manchester tions about it. who leave for South 'Viet For Threats to LBJ undergoing a four-month tour businessmen headed by Aldo The two plans submitted for a Nam in September. at the naval complex. proposed shopping center in the Pagani, an Insuranceman. The shopping center would consist HOUSE The company said It was North End have both' included carrying on a tradition it VPW Auxiliary will sponsor a of a strip-type building of 11 a post office in a separate had started when Philippine card party tomorrow at 8 p.m. stores. Both plans would in­ big savings on girls'7 to 14 IM building that might also serve troops fought in the Korean at the post home. clude supermarkets. i ♦ Sent Obscene as bank branch office. boys' regular 1.98 bock to school War. Edward Rybczyk, the MRA’s Both plans would build the !r Past presidents of the North executive secretary; said yes­ shopping center on the south­ Note to Luei, ■ American Benefit Association terday he was notified by the west corner o f Main St. and sport shirts /■ will have a picnic Saturday at Boston regionai office some the realigned N. Main St. The dresses Machinists 11 a.m. at the home of Mrs. months ago that a branch was separate building would be on FBI Reports the southeast side. 1.77 2 for 3.50 Wendell Graves, Bolton Lake. not planned for the North End. HALE vy Last year, though, the regional 3.68 Vote Today PHILADELPHIA (AP) office said the branch was being Elks Make Plans since dress pants —Federal Bureau of In­ considered. A-line shift and shirtwaist vestigation agents arrested The post office moved its Sta­ For Two Events 185 3 styles. Empire silhouettes,'/.^^ On Contract s /AK i WINDOW SHADES plaids and checks, a Philadelphia man today tion "A " out of Depot Sq. last MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER' SAVE! WASHINGTON (AP) — Strik­ on charges of threatening November because it was in the Manchester Lodge of Elks WASHABLE will have its annual outing ing machinists vote today on the life of President John­ redevelopment area. The branch girls' corduroy Sunday, Sept. 18, starting at ending their walkout that has son, sending obscene let­ INTERSTATE was relocated as a contract sta­ 10:30* a.m. at Pagani's Rose- grounded five airlines for six tion in the basement of the old ters to the President’s re­ AQUA SHADES mount Grove, Bolton. A steak Jumpers weeks. Burr office building at 119 Oak­ cently married daughter, Made to Order dinner will be served at 5:30 Key union officials predicted Luci, and threatening in­ land SL under a three-year acceptance of the contract With Your RoUm p.m. Rena Coma is chairman of i f j jury to Gov. William W. lease. the outing, which will be held granting hefty increases in 100% cotton sport ihirts with Scranton of Pennsylvania Full Line of Custom Mailmen who worked put of for members and guests. wages and benefits. But leaders Station "A” now work out of button-down coMor—6-16. Ray­ and his wife, Mary. A family picnic is being plan­ on and flannel dreei ponti in of .some locals opposing ratifica­ VENETIAN BLINDS the Buckland substation on Tol­ Wide wale corduroy lum­ Joe D. Jamieson, head of th* ned for Sunday, Sept. 4 at charcoal grey, olive, block— pers with front or bock zip­ tion were reported trying to line FBI office here, identified th« land Tpke. Wickham Park. Details will be 6-12. pers. 7-14, up votes against the proposal by man as Leonard Fairorth, 26, E. A. JOHNSON Rybczyk speaking from a annoimced later. telephoning officials of locals in renewal jwint of view, said he mi... ........... other cities. Domino Lane an investigator in was not particularly, concerned The webs of ramps in this photo of Waterbury’s fabled highway interchange the city’s commtmicable dis­ FAINT CO. "It’s going to carry,’’ “ " about the post office's decision. eases division of the Health De­ 728 Main St-—Tel. 649-4501 give an idea of its complicated structure. Two double-decker highways inter­ L. (Roy) Siemiller, president of An office building at the place partment. LIQUORS — WINES sect at this point—almost atop the Naugatuck River. (AP Photofax) the AFL-CIO Internatio..-: . ..- where the post office would The indictment charges Fair^ CO RDIALS sociation of Machinists. He fore­ have been located is satisfac­ A f A orth, married and a graduate of cast a favorable vote of 60 per Minimum Pricos M W l : Muhlenberg CJollege in Allen­ tory to the MRA, he said. Waterhury^s Concrete Octopus cent at union local meetings This is a photo of the moon, reassembled by 14 framelets taken by the U.S. town, Pa., in 1962, with sending Meanwhile,, the two plans for across the nation. Lunar Orbiter. It covers an area of 59 by 82 miles on the western edge of Mare ARTHUR DRUG 27 letters, including one threat­ KLH the shopping center, are under Airline spokesmen said some Smythii. The crater in, lower center is about 18 miles in diameter with a central ening to kill the President, and consideration by the agency flights could resume Saturday if peak. (AP Photofax) another to injure Scranton and STEREO MUSIC Complicated Interchange strikers accept the contract. Service should be back to nor­ his wife. Jameson said the man also Is SYSTEMS mal by next week, they said. May Delay Space Program charged with sending a defama­ “ITS TIME TO TAKE A STAND” b a c k t o More than 35,000 machinists - tory letter to Lucl Johnson Nti- • AT Caused Unusual Problems union members struck five ma­ \ gent, the President’s youngest jor airlines — Eastern, Nation­ more than 30 feet to provide a down the hillside and flipping daughter, just returned from ‘DN SEAMLESS FL00RIN6” WATERBURY (AP) — al, Northwest, Trans World and base for the roadbed. the water into the air as it emp­ Trouble her honeymoon, and similar NORMAN'S Twenty years from start to United — on July 8.
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