Complete Local News Top Advertising Results \slricfc All The Activities Our Family Of Over 9,000 Readers ^ it Town With Your Is A Valuable Market For Home-Town Paper All Our Advertisers XXXVI- -NO. 50 (KartmtCARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY. MARCH 28, 1958 PRICE TEN CENTS Former Borough Man, War Veteran, Churches Saved from Potter's Field Burial Set Rites Minue Plaque Dedication CARTERET — A former Passlatore died In New ate steps to give the man. be- Cartcret man who died In York. March 2, No one lieved to be about 70 years New York IIHS been saved claimed his body. His Identity old, a proper military burial. from burial In Potter's Field, was then not known. Plans are for Interment of his For Easter Tomorrow; Parade Will It was revealed today. After fingerprints of the body at the Beverly ^National The deceased, Caslmo Pas- man were sent out, It was Cemetery. Announce Programs slatorc, resided on Salem Ave- discovered that he was a McGlllls has contacted Jo- For Holy Day Week; veteran of World War I and nue and a dozen years ago seph Synowiecki. funeral di- that he resided here for a Special Music LiNteil Precede Program At H. S. was supposed to have been number of years. rector, who Is now attempting employed by the American Clarence McGIHls, veterans to locate next of kin if pos- CARTERET — Services in Mineral Spirits Company In wm" take" charge "of thP varlmM churches of the Intqrment supervisor for Mid- 1 this borouch. dlesex County, took immedi- the burial arrangements, Boroueh for Palm Sunday Army Band to Holy Week and Easter Sun- day will be as follows: .„, nmst treasured St. J«seph R, C. Church Give Concert i,ri our house is a Council of Churches Drafts Final Rev. Louis Cortney O.S.M., h,i. It. Is In the Rev. A. .1. Boland O.S.M.. Rev. After Ritual nl nid fashioned Victor Grablan O.S.M.; Palm ., iiii lop cover and Plans for Easter Sunrise Service Sunday masses at 6. 7, 8, 9, CARTERET — This bor- , mnhcicany wood. CARTERET-The Executive be sun- in Spanish by tlie. Church. The ushers' team in and 11 A.M. high Mass ough will honor its only recip- ient of the Congressional nib buttons of all Committee of the Carteret' chqir of the United Pentecos- will be comprised of all the of-; with blessing of palms, dis- Medal of Honor tomorrow, ,,. thread of all Coundl of Churches has|tal Church under the dlrec- firial lav representatives from , tiibution and procession with :i parade beginning ht , nf patehlmr'ma- completed plans for the !t Ion of the minister, Rev. Do- the various member churches Palms will be distributed all the Carteret'Park at 1 P.M., ,.,.,1 stubs of pen- Eafiler Sunrise Servlre to be of the council. They are: Shir- afternoon following the last Rodriguez.. plaque dedication and Install- ,,i nri longer write, held'Easter Sunday morning. ley Hackelt, chairman; Aaron j Mass, Holy Thursday: Masses Tlir Easier prayer will be ation ceremonies at the Bor- • i.M-fl razor blades, 6:30, at the Carteret Hiqh offered by Homer TrlcuN, Rozelle. John Nemish. Donfild ' n» !) AM,. 5 P.M. and solnmn ough Hall at 1:30 P.M. .Hid other small School Stadium. If the weath- assistant pnstor of Calvary DeRow, Douclfls Brown, Louis mass and procession at 7:30 This will be followed by -MIIIIOUS to cr Is Inclement, the service | Baptist Church. The welcome ! Moore. Rafael Rusado, Mrs. [ P.M. with adoration all night; memorial services and Amer- will be held In the nidi school i to the con negation, the an- M«rla Gu/man. Good Friday, adoration until IN MEMORY OF ican Legion Good Citizenship j auditorium. The service Is nouncement-s and offering The officers of the council 3 P.M. followed by a mass of awards at the High School at . ,i mine Into our, pianl,P(i aP follows: prayer will be marie by Robert who comprise the executive the pre-sanrtifled and adora- 2M P.M., and close with a. :,,„.• ihan 25 years| Thr E(tstcr sr(.rt|nf, wm Ward, president, of the coun- committee which is making tion of tlie cross; Desolata; PRIVATE NICHOLAS MINUE thirty-minute concert by the ID write a piece delivered by Rrv. Joseph cil. The speaker for the mom- nil final arrangements urn: service at 8 P.M.; Holy Satur- CARTERET'S FIRST RECIPIENT OF THE First United States Army Bund •Oien the Matus of the Calvary Baptist Inc will be Rev. Dr. Vernon Robert Ward, president; Rev. dny. Easter viRll at 10:30 P.M. nt the High School beginning ,ld Plrkersgill. Church. Tlie Invocation will Kooy. professor of New Tes- (Elijah Blur, vice president; ! with blessing of fire, water CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR 'at 3:30 PM. nidye, ncted 0s,),,, ffeiTd by Rev, Malcolm | lament Stulies at the New I William Nat'y, treasurer; and pascal candle followed Members of the committee o FOR DlSTINCtmMtNC HIMSEtF CONSPICUOUSLY 0Y household »oods | Brown of thp Fi|sl PrcsDytP|.. i Brunswick Theological Sem- Homer Tricules. secretary. by n solemn Mass at mid- are urging all citizens to dis- CAUANTRV AND INTREPIDITY IN ACTION WITH THE ENEMY the famous: Church. The Responsive inai-y. The Benediction will The next regular mretiim plight: Easter Sunday, masses play the American flag at half Mary Wilklns will be led by Williac be delivered by Rev. Dr. Ant of the counrll will be on April, at 6, 7, 8. 9, 10 and 11 A.M. ON 28 APRIL 19*1, IN THE VICINITY OF MEDJEZ-EL-BAB, mast tomorrow -until noon, at Metuchen rcsl- Nftgy. treasurer of the Conn- drew Harsanyl of the Free 14 at the Zion Lut.lv ran! h!ch Mass with benediction. TUNISIA. WHEN THE ADVANCE OF COMPANY A WA3 HELD which time it should be raised U?»Y FIANXIN.C FIRE FROM AN ENEMY MACHINE GUN to full mast. ! ell. The Scriptures will he , Magyar Reformed Church, Church. 8 P. M. The Executive St. Elizabeth R.C. Church NEST, PRIVATE M1NUF. VOLUNTARILY, WITH COMPLETE The route of the parade, rend by Rev. Elijah Burr nf' The orsanlst for the serv- Committee of the Council will; Rev. A. J. Huber, pastor; from Carteret Park will lead drew many ^c p^ gaptist Church. The j ice will be Dennis Moorman, meet one hour earlier at the palm SunriaV| Masses at 7_ 8, DISREGARD FOR HIS OWN WELFARE.CHARGED THE ENEMY sror< oI ENTRENCHED POSITION WITH FIXED BAYONET. PHIVATE alom: Carteret Avenue, left In- " '" Anthem for the morning will .organist of the First BftiHlst Calvttry Baptist Church. ;9. and 10:30 A.M. high Mass •\ uimc I'm offered MINUE ASSAULTED THE ENEMY UNDER. A WITHERING to Cyyrcss Street, north on with blessing and distribution WashliiKton Avenue, riisht at ,;KKiinie piece of of palms; Holy Thursday, HUE. RILLING APPROXIMATELY TEN ENEMY MACHINF. ,. ri l.he auctlon- | Easter Holiday Boosts GJNNF.RS AND HIH.EMEN. APTER COMPLETELY Brady's Corner into Roosevelt ! Mass at 6 P.M.; Good Friday, ' Avenue, then right into Per- : iivc me 15 Lukach Praises 'Skunk' Smell DESTROYING THIS POSITION, HE CONTINUED FORWARD, : Mail Volume Here j Mass of pre-sanctlfied at 3 j SIUIIE Avenue to the Memorial r,i:U we had no ! T> M. followed hv Adoration of' ROUTING ENEMY RlKLEMPN FROM DUG-OUT POSITIONS • :i we decided to l CARTERFr -- Easter Is | Municipal Building. the Cross.; Holy Saturday,' UNTII HE WAS FATALLY WOUNDED, THE COVRACE, , iinicer a helpina CD Radio Unit I boosting tlie volume of mall Finally Traced j Following the Borough Hall ™ - , | -p. • blessing of fire, water, and FEARLESSNESS AND AGGRESSIVENESS DISPLAYED BY ::..nle the 15-ccnt • at the Cnrteret Post Office, ceremonies, the route of the i Postmaster Lester Sabo PRIVATE MINUE IN THE FACR OP INEVITABLF DEATH : Hie item was 1 1 11 1 'parade will continue down For Storm Aid I said Hint the trend showed lo Linden hrm^™ ™ " ?" ; WAS UNQUESTIONABLY THE FACTOR. THAT GAVE HIS Per.shiiiK Avenue, right Into ..in to us. The i | a crcater interest in Ea.stcr lowed by a solemn mass at COMPANY THF OFFENSIVE SPIRIT THAT WAS NECESSARY Washington Avenue, to the .- ...idlriicc Of, wo- CARTERET Civil DP-I card mailiiiK, all hough it is CARTERET — "The skunk midnight; Easter Sunday, FOR DRIVING THE ENF.MY FROM THE SECTOR. | front of the Carteret HUh •••(I and lauithed fense Director James Lukach R far cry from Christmas smell" of Tuesday and masses at 7, 8. 9 and 10:30 j School where the memorial .•••lU handed it today publicly commended cards. services will be held. the Carteret CD Dcfcns" Wednesday has been traced A M. lii-h Mass with bene- The tempo in Ea.stcr mall. iThe complete program for Communication Center staff to Linden, and the mystery diction, DEDICATED BY THE PEOPLE OF CARTERET Mr. Sabo said, will increase wived. First Presbyterian Church tomorrow's exccrciscs appears ;i:ied the sew- for a "Job well done" when « next Monday and continue It come from the Amen- Rev. Malcolm Brown, pas- in the adjoining column.i :fii(\ it contained northeast .snowstorm brought 1958 throuRhout the week. can Cyanamide Co. plant tor: Palm Sunday worship Private Minue was killed in ! items needed for down power and telepMnc across the Rahwav River. The prrvicc at 8:30 nhd 11 A.M.: action in Tunisia on April 28, • ,i: i) o s e8 .• A' few ', wire* and disrupted household company said that 200 gal- Tuesday. April 1.
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