(Newspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, dearly Community Intereit I'o ,hc And Impartially Each Wtek Local Coverage Complete New* Pktnref NO. 50 WMkb tartereon CARTERET, N, J.tf FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1962 •atand at tad Otaa Wall PRICE TEN CKNTB n U P. 0, OwMM, M. ). Labor Council Backs Medical Care for Borough Trosko Sr. is Primary Campaign Renamed by Jaycees Boro Group Honor 2 Gains Momentum; CARTERET —. The Labor Council elected Its nffl- kisli anil 'Thompson 1 jeera for the coming year. Re- Accorded Salutation 'JULIAN elected to his second consecut he Rallies are Slated jtefm of president wan Stephen \\y Membership jTrosko, 8r. He has been In the .labor movement since 1938 He CARTERET - William KM will started as President of « dl- iind Vincent Thompson wen . March 1' Our rectly chartered AIT. local im- |selected as Jaycees of thi ,-IUT day old" ion, at the Carteret plant of • month for January and Febru Patten that time U. 8. Metals Refining Co He my. respectively, and wer< lMHF also served ai a Vice-President honored at the last Jayce . all ill*, holds of the State CIO In 194R mid I'f'tiilK. ii1iK> have hSp- 1847. when Carl Holderman Kish was selected for h: Workers !ln- 21 years. was president of the N J state work in arranging the Carter s (c« In- idenU CIO. Mr Holderman later be- competition for the Young Ma lu-uu-d In our came Secretary of Labor m of the Year award which ni Wr remem- Governor Meynem cabinet Mr won by John M. Kollbas, pres. Trosko served as President of dent of the Board of Educn-' Active Local M7, International Union, Hon. Kish is employed by the! IN. ,1. Bel: Telephone Company: ,,i \liiicli M ftt Mine, Mill * Smelter Workers in Trenton. j CARTERET - The PruB|W • »iini Junior for eight years, and i\s Griev- icampaign is warming up In tw ance chairman for two yr»r<; Thompson was the chairman, ., !h|v world it CARTKRKT LABOR <<M Mil, I.KADIRS. Xrated from left to right, Joseph Welusz, Ste- borough along several fronts. for the recently completed jim-] Mr looked like He attended specialized corny Workers have been lined D» phfn TroHltn, Joseph (orrrntf, f'.nill IVter. Standing from left to rijtht. .lames Irving ior bowling tournament heldj ,; !)| Oiled 111 Oil 'Continued on Page 2' in behalf of the Democratic Of* Louis Hlep and Ai Suto. Jfor seventh, eighth and ninth) ',i\,, bin boy" t*ld ganiaztion candidates — 8Ubft» jurade boys and girls. He is em- • -he hospital We Deverln and Abazla. ' ,ployed by Global Frozen Foods ••;! \m But she iof New York. i Friends of Councilman Aim* (lepncil Clears To Make Orphans Happy Colleges Accept lander Such, incumbent, claim I A nominating committee to F R. HOLT, JR. returns a slate of officers at the TRM'TNMN that the General Democrats ..... lew, than a toured Heart Sodality to Distribute Easter 3 BorO Stud April 10 meeting was appointed IOINS R. E. STAFF: F. Rus Organisation has not endorsed; . vriime afflicted TO MANAGE OFFICE: Mrs. any of the candidates, pointing 11 by President Robert Mullan. sell Holt, Jr., of Carteret, has . :.K);I;IIK cough and Chocolate Rimnien to Children Robert olDonne1 Dorothy Trautweln has been to Mayor Skiba's statement Fnr Fall I Prm ' will head the •iirfhis for weeks 1 Ul 1 all 1CI HI committee and will be assisted. joined the staff of Louis named resident manager of that "this is an open primary . :,:<, recovery Be- ToCctBarkPav CARTERET - Some 150i On April 8, the Sodality will the newly opened offices of as far as the Democrat! art by Kiflh Louis Kady Rorialtl Schl sing< r Com an New 11.. MI tiny, the doc- CARTIRIT Borouxh . tuidren at St. Michael> Orph- attend a Communion breakfast CARTERET - Three more - ' ' P y- " First Securities Corporation concerned." 1.Toth and William Bensulocki ark Realtors, as appraiser. • .1 :lnomv "Thf Council Wednesday night .mane will be made happy April at St. Anthony's Church. Any- Carteret H, S. Seniors liave in the Carteret Shopping A bang-up campaign hat will be an Mr Holt wlH Joel L Hi., viill tell If he imanlmoualy absolved Patrol- l. when members of the Young'one who wishes to go should been accepted by eolleees - *"*'** ' Center. been launched in Carteret In member of the committee. Schlesingor, president of the i •;.•!;" Hf tatd, men John Kahora and Ernestines Sodality of Sacred contact Catherine Modrak be- the fall term. Mrs. Trautwein entered the behalf • of Edward J. Patten, Ktsh of charges of neglect of Heart Church pay a visit to the for? April 1 Ellen Patricia B*11^.,,^^'11; ichah'man.0 willVbeSin Iha™^of '-o^pany. in the appraisal of financial field as a mutual Democratic Organization can- duty. They *#re ordered rein- L "*- "~J- hold ... •: fur, hli The ter of Mr. and Mrs". William J. scheduled forpndustrial and commercial funds salesman for Hemphill, didate for the 15th congrei* «Uted at onee and will receive The Sodality will distribute their Tau Day on April 29, afterJBeirne. 94 Marion Street, has Noyes Co. In Newark and be- sional district. ' March 31 Proceeds from the] real estate in which the firm th« b«* pijr from the day they an Easter chocolate rabbit tolall the Masses. Due to Palm been accepted by Monmouth came that firms' first female Workers Are Listed nished to endeavor will go toward spon-i ich child. Plans for the trtp|8unday. next month's meeting specializes. Mr. Holt, licensed fully - registered representa- re nurse* were tutptndtd College of West Long Branch soring a player for the Carteret A drive in behalf of Mayor real estate broker, Is a for- tive. Six yuarsaffo, when real Stephen Sklba, Councilman- ! penlcllln The two patrolmen wrrr rep- were made at this week's meet- will be held on April II and w"ill major in library Pop Warner football team. 1 mer member of the Real estate syndlcfllon was intro- iThomas Deverin and Raymond Nd more. tf br S Kaplan of IHK of the Sodnlit.y Tiie girl* All sir.? wishing to join the science. The local winners of the jun- Estate Board of Newark, Irv- duced in New Jersey by First Abazia, all of whom have been this ijniWgh 'Mil leave from in front, of the Sodality In May. must attend; MIM Beirne is active in thejior bowling tournament will be ington and Hillside North, Jersey Securities, Mrs. Taut endorsed by the General Dem- The tf» patrolmen were «us- church at 2 P M the meeting regularly. jYoung Ladies' Sodality of St.jhonored at a social at the San and previously operated his wein joined that firm, con. ocratic Organization has co-|Brau Inn Saturday night. Fol- i*n<M ptonuury 24 The pre- -•• ••---- ~~ " 'jJoieph's Church and is own office at 343 Sandford centrating on the sale of tnu launched in the borough, lowing the presentation of tro-j ' !• received I vloui W a prisoner. Josepph w- ,, nTi L lL nT ft 111Dtt* J1 chairman (>( the C.Y.O.s Rell- Avenue, Newark. i tuals and syndication shares. Charles McKlernan and Nich- Yuhaa*, as be- phies at 8 P. M. a cocktail party :i; tlir !io>plttll olas Tassinello head the com- ;:iinr ATllPped ,i'd, andand buffet will be held for Jay-! while In tfe cell 1 mittee for the nomination ot ! .i ,))!•' and r:; Lutheran (Jiurchlamps for Bimd She cees and their guests. Eugene tfedWon of Uir council the trio. Committees have bea$< Brown is chairman and is being Jackson Favors (Patten Campaign named. They are: ' ' followed hearings of Dimes assisted by Thompson. \n\\ ror 50 Publicity, Don Bullivan. El- h«Uftjr thne nighU ^ CARTERBT-Lists - ServiceThe Perils s«I CARTEBIGet LkmT - Ths eV& Carteret In Carterer School she It *fts announced that the then. W 17 ' totb Kalora and Kish lestl- Kmptlneas" will be the theme ot\}^* <»* J" *>»**«* at lto 1 lleen Ebert and Carl Sclbetta; •,i btien a the speaker for the fourth part of An Emergency ! Head Is Named larranKeroents, Klehard^ Rich- ovn behalf. Ka W'.U) I iiKJ F.TA., jthe six-part program, entitled ihe t«bk ,1 *.,*#>>» ttal RUh -.,* ».. of m. ^j^i^ssy.^^&i ards, Robert Elliott, Ivy San- jgan Ro.«, pastor at the B^OjUnw nd Dr. Roland H.Shaul. [junior choir, and was Ui .charge "Carteret-1970," will be S. Bud-! tostefano, Harry Helm and pre«> 8 of personal properties for theidy Harris, executive director ofj Clinic in Boro For Middlesex also told the~couricll>. M. and 1045 A. M. services of Uie South Plainfleld Sight .Alioe Totaro; social, George junior play. She-also belongs to! the Woodbridge Redevelopment CARTERET - Roy A. Jack- CARTERET - Anthony M.j searched Yuha* after of Zlon Evangelical Lutheran Conservation Chairman of Dls- Petrosky Mary Zaleskii aeza the a oappella choir, mixed Agency. Harris is slated to ,'i.m lo the hlm to headquarters jchurch. 712 Roosevelt Avenue.Tlct 16-D Governor Lance and son, Democratic candidate for Velencslcs, Mayor of Edison,Horvath, campaign literature, ;chorus, opera guild, and is on-wak at 9:30 P, M. April 10. Township, and former Demo-| Bummara, Earl Rumpf, We bawled It ttu the contention of the OciiU, the third Sunday in|Dr. Shaul commended the local the Borough Council of Car- MaHo the literary staff of the Ann- cratic chairman there, has been coughlln and Joseph him drfeiw that Yuhao did not'trm. will be obsened.and the!"011-1' Club lwJ* >onstant teret, endorsed George Otlow- |Thomas Ijcott News. appointed campaign manager ski for Congress Wednesday Buonvico.
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