Selections from Rhodes-Osborne

Selections from Rhodes-Osborne

NOTE: you DO NOT need to read the commentaries -- just the translations!!! 28 5. ATHENIAN PHRATRY DECREES FROM DEC£LEA 5. ATHENIAN PHRATRY DECREES FROM DECELEA 29 V, 1TA.€VPOV, 0,>, D..u-rijpa XOWtKta­ a cake weighing one choinix, half a chous of wine; I tOll, oivo ~/..I.Jxov, apyvplo 1-. drachma of silver. §ii §ii raDe [OOgEl' Toi., cppaTEpm bTL 9 The following was resolved by the phrateres when 10 tPopJL{wvoS" apxovTo,> }4(Jl)va{ot­ Phormio was archon among the Athenians [396/5], s, cpparpLapXOJlToS" DE IIaV'ruKAE- and when Pantacles of Oion was phratriarch. 05 ig oro. vacant 18 13 Hierocles proposed: Those who have not yet under­ 1€poKII.ijs d7rE' o7ToaoL fl~7TW Ot€OLKaa- gone adjudication in accordance with the law of the 8T]aav KU'Ta TCJJl vOf1-ov TOJ! Ll1JJLOTWJVtO- Demotionidai, the phrateres are to adjudicate about 15 WV, lhaOtKUaat 1TEpi auTCuv TOS" cppaTEp­ them immediately, after swearing by Zeus Phratrios, as atrr{KU J.uiAa, LI'TTOUXOIl-€Jl05 71pOS" TO Ll­ taking their ballot from the altar. Whoever is judged LOS TO t:PpU'Tp{O, CPEPOVTOS T~V ¢'f]¢ov a1T- to have been introduced, not being a phrater, the priest oTO (3Wf-tO. OS 8' av 86tl}t JL~ WV cppUT1JP €au• and the phratriarch shall delete his name from the x8ijVUt, 19aA.HrpUTW TO ovoILa ath·o 0 [ep- register in the keeping of the Demotionidai and from 20 €VS" Kat 0 cppurp[apxos EK TO ypaJLJLUT€{• the copy. The man who introduced the rejected per­ OTt) Ell Ll 1JIL0TtwvtOWV Kat Tt5 o:vnypa¢- son shall owe 100 drachmas sacred to Zeus Phratrios: o. 0 8€ €aayaywv rOJ! a7TOOtKaa8ivru ocp£­ this sum of money shall be exacted by the priest and tAETW €KUr(W DpaXfLu" i€pas TWL LIt! T- the phratriarch, or they themselves shall owe it. WL fJ'JPUTp{WL' EorrpaTTEv OE TO dpyvpto- 26 The adjudication is to take place in future in the year 25 JI T01170 T(lV [EpEa Kat TOll cppa'Tp{apxo- after that in which the Murnon is sacrificed, on the v, ~ aUTOS- 0cpE{;I.EV. T~V DE DtaOtKacr{av Koureotis day of the Apaturia. They shall take their TO 1\0t1TOV lvat TWt VOTEpWt int ~ an u- ballot from the altar. If any of those who are voted v TO KOPEOV (JvcrTjt, T* KopewTtDt .itll'aT­ out wishes to appeal to the Demotionidai, that shall op{wv' CPEP€V oE T~V !j;ijcpov a1To 71) fJwJ1-o. E- be permitted to him: the ows of the Deceleans shall 30 av U TtS- fJ61\7JTat Ecpe2vat Jr; LlT}fLO'TtWV­ elect as advocates in their cases five men over thirty {oas- cliv uv all'oljJT}cp{crwvTat, EtELvaL av­ years old, and the phratriarch and the priest shall TWt. €/I.€o()at oE €1T' alhoir; avv7Jyopor; T­ administer the oath to them to perform their advo­ oV LlEK€I\W.t.V O[KOV 1TEvn uvopos (mE- cacy most justly and not to allow anybody who is not p TptaKOvTa ETT} YEyovoTar;, T06TOS- oE a phrater to be a member of the phratry. Whomever 35 €topKwaaTw 0 cppaTp{apxos- Kai 0 LEpe­ the Demotionidai vote out after he has appealed shall us- olJVT}yop~a€v TO. OtKatOTaTa Kai OK owe 1,000 drachmas sacred to Zeus Phratrios: this €aon oUva f1-~ oVTa cppanpa cppaTp{{- sum of money shall be exacted by the priest ofthe oikos ev. OTO 0' UV TWV €CPEvTwv aTro!j;T}cptawvTa­ ofthe Deceleans, or he himself shall owe it; it shall also t AllJ1-o'Ttwvtoat, O<pEtAETW XtAtaS- opa- be permitted to any other of the phrateres who wishes to 40 X}1-o.s- Lepas- T~)t Ad tPpaTp[Wt, EG1Tp­ exact it for the common treasury. a'T'TETW OE TO apy6pLOv TOVTO 0 i€p€us- 44 This shall apply from the archonship ofPhormio. The TO LJEKEI\€tWV OtKO, ij alhos- Ocpu/l.€TW. €• phratriarch is to take the vote each year on those who t€LVat oE Kai al\'\wt TWt fJoAo}1-€vwt TW- have to undergo adjudication: ifhe does not take the v rppaTEpwv €G1TparTev rwt KOtJJWt. Tav- 45 [T]a 0' lvat am) tPopJ.L{wvos- apxovror;. bn- 1jJ1lCP[{€V oE rav cppaTp[apxov 7Tepi cliv u- 8 I Hedrick, in error. 19 and 22 have extra letters squeezed into them. 42 The erasure here seems simply to follow an initial error by th{" cutter. 5. ATHENIAN PHRATRY DECREES FROM DECELEA 5· ATHENIAN PHRATRY DECREES FROM DECELEA v [iha8~Ku] ,€V at'll KaTd TOV EVWVTOV vote he shall owe 500 drachmas sacred to Zeus Phra­ €KaaTOV. EUV a£ p.~ E11up7}¢,{a7}1, OrPEAb­ trios; the priest and any other who wishes shall exact W 11EVTuKoa{a[s] apaXp,us lEpUS TW~ LId this sum of money for the common treasury. 50 [T]alL <PpaTp{w[t. E]a1TpaTT€V 8£ TOV l€pEa 52 In future the meia and the koureia shall be taken to [KJai aAAo[v TOV f30 ]AOP.€VOV TO apyvpwv Decelea to the altar. If he [sc. the phratriarch] does TI?VT[O not KOtvWLJ. TO o£ AO~1TOV ay€v TU not sacrifice at the altar, he shall owe 50 drachmas [p.€ta Kat Tn KOPHJt;t E'!i LI€KEA€/,UV E11i 1'- sacred to Zeus Phratrios: this sum of money shall [OV {3wp.ov. (UV 8f. J.L~ e]Va1]~ E111 TO {3wp,o, 01>- be exacted by the priest, or he himself shall owe it. 55 HAETW 11€VT1]KOvT]a opaXfl-US lEpas TW- (lacuna) [t LId T(Ot <PpaTp{wL, E]q7TpUTTETW of. 0 lEP­ [EVS TO dpyupwv TOVTO] -ij aVTos ocpE~M- [TW 28 FaceR FaceR (UV OE Tt TOUTWV 8taKWAU1]t, 07TOt UV 0 {- 59 .. but if any of these things prevents it, wherever 60 EPEVS 7Tpoypacp1]£, Ev()av()a aYEv TU p,d- the priest gives notice, the meia and the koureia shall be a Ka( TU KOpEW. 7Tpoypa¢Ev af. 1TPOTrEp,7T­ taken there. The priest shall give notice on the fifth Ta TijS Jop7T{as EV 7TtvaK{wL A€A€VKWP,• day before the Dorpia on a whitewashed board of not EVWL fl-~ 'AaTov -ry am8afl-w{wL 07T0 UV LI­ less than a span, at whatever place the Deceleans fre­ €KEAELijS 7Tpoa¢OtT(;wtV EV aaT€t. TO 0- quent in the city. 65 £ 1jJ~¢wll-a TOO€ Kai ru l€pEWaVVa dvay­ 64 This decree and the priesdy dues shall be inscribed by paljJat TOV {EpEa EV ar~ATfL A~(){VTJL 1TP­ the priest on a stone stele in front of the altar at Dece~ oa8Ev TO /3wp.O J€K€AHnaW T€AWi 1'0- lea at his own expense. LS" €aVTO.' §iii §iii NLKOa7]p,OS El1TE. rUIl-f.v &AAa KaT­ 68 Nicodemus proposed: In other respects in accordance [a TO. 1TpOT€pa IjJTJ¢tall-aTa a KiTat 1TEPi. T-] with the previous decrees which exist concerning the 70 [is Elaaywy~s TWV 7ra{owv Kat TijS Owa-] introduction of the boys and the adjudication. But the [waa[as. TOS ai. J.LUpTVpas Tpis 8s Eip7]-] three witnesses, who it is specified are to be provided [Tat E1Tt T* avaKp{a€L 1TapiXH18at €K 1'-] for the anakrisis, shall be provided from the members [WV €atm5 (haawTwv p.apTvpOVTas TO. V7rEPWTwp.€(va)] of his own thiasos to give evidence in response to the Kai €1TOP,VUVTaS TOV A{a TOV <PpaTpwv. questions and to swear by Zeus Phratrios. The wit­ 75 p,apTvpiv of. TOS f.JoapTVpas Kat. €7TOfLVV• nesses shall give evidence and swear while holding on vaL EXOfLEVOS TO {3wfLO. (UV of. fL~ tiJat €V T­ to the altar. If there are not that number in this thiasos, w(t) 8,aawL TOTWt TOOOTOL TOV apt8p.ov, €• they shall be provided from the other phrateres. K 'TWV aAAwv ¢parEpwv 1TapEXEa8w. oTav 78 When the adjudication takes place, the phratriarch ai. 1}t 1} OtaOIKaa[a, 0: cppaTp{apxos fl-T] 71'- shall not administer the vote about the boys to the 80 pOTEpOV ot06TW T~V ifiijcpov 7r€pi TWV 7Ta{­ whole phratry until the members of the introducer's OWV TOtS a7raaL ¢paTEpat 7Tpiv uv 01 au­ own thiasos have voted secretly, taking their ballot TO TO ElaaYOfhEVO 8taaWTat KpvfJOTJV a- from the altar. The phratriarch shall count the ballots 7TO TO fJwfLO CPEpOVTES 'TT]v ljJij¢ov oLa¢;TJ¢- 69-73 This major erasure marks the replacement of what was initially inscribed by a longer text resulting in swichedon irregularities; further stoichedon irregularities occur in lines 100 and 106. 32 5. ATHENIAN PHRATRY DECREES FROM DECELEA 5. ATHENIAN PHRATRY DECREES FROM DECELEA 33 [UWVTUL. Ka~ TOS ~~rPOS TUS TOTWV €vav- of the introducer's thiasos in the presence of the whole 8S Tiov TtVV O:m:.tvTWv CPpUT£PWV Tl.t.w 7TUpOV­ phratry present at the meeting, and shall announce TWV £V T1]t d:yopa., ,) cppUTp[apxOS 8tap­ which way they vote. Ifthe members of the thiasosvote t0ft"1}UUTW KUL alluyopevETW (mOTEp' all that the candidate should be a phrater of theirs, but the o/"l4>{aWVTaL. EnV O€ !fT)¢~aafL£vwv TWV 8- other phrateresvote him out, the members of the thiasos taaWTWV lvm aUToi's- cPpun:pa ot &..\1\0- shall owe 100 drachmas sacred to Zeus Phratrios, go t rppaTEpES d1To~TJ4>{awv7at, orp€{AOVT• apart from any members of the thiasoswho accuse him roll €KUTOll opaX/LQS lEpas ndt.dd -rW! <P­ or are obviously opposed to him in the adjudication.

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