, H local Coverage U Complete News, Pictures Newspaper Devoted v Presented Fairly, Clearly ,,„. Community Interest Snbepenbent • leaber And Impartially Each Week 'Mirl Mull,. 1 1 .IK ),.,I l;v,.i v Tlii :>l l In- I . \V WOODBRIDOE, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1951 ••II SlreM, W.K»(II| S. J PRICE FIVE ('KNTS On Korpun Assignment lourI Gives Towimliip Chimhes lo Proclaim Again Tidings of Old: 4 Special May Election miatum .' 11c ,§>cek lesus pil|n lints (Erurifirit .. ;$jc is JK'iseu .IT WOODBRIDO.E—"And the an-Che churches of the Township 'The Lord Blf""> You": recessional. 'If , Trucks gel answered and said unto the lid ursdiuorally joyous Easier "Come, Ye Faithful"; postlude, Aiaitii i,n busier .ii'.enws." On Two New Schools: women, Pear not ye: for I know .nuslc. will be played by Lhe or- that ye seek Jesus, which wu .anists and «ung by the choirs Methodist ,,| Dn-laiTH May crucified. He fter weeks of rehearsing. Rev. Freder- "J Is not h>re !,;,,llin<' on Trial Trinity Episcopal ck VV. Poppy for He Is At' Trinity Episcopal Church vlll preach on '„ v...jjrhi Offenders risen, as He Jev. WJliiam H. Schmaus. will ,he topic, "Life Cost Put at $2,350,000 said. Come rbach on th;;"*£opto, "The Rinen 3eyond Life," we the place , i !(;[•; The Saga of .oid." Mrs. William S. Neebe i'ext John H:2, where thi •rganlst iind choir director, haf 'It It were not .,,,, rrncks carting fill Lord lay. Anci irepaied the following program ;o I would have ,,"]nv<iy still contln- go quickly, delude, "Praeludium," Kreisler. Urban, Local Jet Fighter Pilot, Poll to Decide f and tell His old you," at. the 11 o'clock service .., |Sinito Andrew D. alin solo, William S. Neebe; pro- disciples thai iaster Sunday morning at the ill roiKcrnfed that essional. "Jesus Christ Is RIs'r Voodbrldge Methodist Church. i' is risen from the dead; and :oday"; introit, "In Joseph's. Completes 33rd Mission in Korea jOnlnmanAye., i ,oiiif to a conclu- "hiild He north before you lnti The music will be as follows: Pre- jovely Garden." soloist, MiSs Ruth ude, "The Holy City";,choral pre- , , „ ;;9 for "there will iKlilre; there shall ye see Him •Jrady; Kyrie, Gloria Tlbl, Laus llii liiilriirnitmtl.inilrri ude, "Now Is Christ Risen"; an- r ulioiiniment for any •), I have told "you. And they de- ,'ibl: sermon hymn, "Alleluia"; HS Proposals hem, "Early In the Garden"; 49TH FIGHTER BOMBING WING, KOREA - Major •.ii'tud quickly from the sepulchre ffertory anthem, "Hosanna." so- Theodore J; Urban, Albert Street, Woodbrklge, a Fifth Air • ilh fear and great joy; and dir inthem, "Lift High the Triumph": olst, George Leyonmark; re- WOODBRIDOE — A so-rallc;! , ;,iiist seven truckers, PIT. JAMI S It. KANKIN mi to bring His disciples word...." Force jet fighter pilot with 33 combat missions over Korea, ponse, "Old Hundredth"; Sur- lUherr * 'The Resurrection"; post- "package referendum" for tin con- ..„,.. ,md time again. Once again the Easter stors recently returned from the front lines, a few pounds lighter, urn Corda, Sanctus. Agnus Dei ,ude, "Christ Triumphant." struction of the new hieh school , nine up again Tues- vlll be told 8u|)(|iy morning ir. Horn in Excelsis; benediction after serving fivefive week ks as a forwarfdd controller, Major (Continued on Page 6) Urban is the husband of the former Miss Helen Cinkota, at the stadium site in Wooilbritten •,,,,, I,me State Trooper Rankin with Fifth nnd a new grade school in the ,, r.vski. who served as Albert Street and the son of Mi- Inm&n Avenue section of Colnnisi, .,.',' ;md did not appear Egg Hunt, Rolling chael Orban,.Newark, formerly of will appeal1 on the ballot at a spe- •••.•(-vlniis hearings ap- Air Force in Korea Owner of Burned Store Block Maple Avenue. cial School Board election expected ,„, nvdiirs from his su- With the Seventh Republic of Action is Started to be held the latter pan of May. s I , I h<iw up. It was no < UPilnl In 1,11 Contest Saturday Korea Division, Major Urban di- Voters will be asked to npproye. '.,,. v;.is ordered to ap- Ht}. FIFTH AIR FORCE IN To Rebuild Possibly Larger Unit rected fighter planes against t,he •I" ' i' To Aid Tax Jumble or reject an approprintion of ! ,,;(':; of artfcles and KOpEA -Private First Class James WOODBRIDGE — The annual advancing North Korean Com- $2,380,000 for both schools. The Tin' Independent- 3. Rankin, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs, WOODBRIDOE—George Fineberg, 174 Cambridge Ave- Easter egg-hunt and egg-rolling munists. So effective was his con- .n. this time, only Herbert B. Rrankin of trol that he was awarded the Ko-! r 454 cim, nuc Enelewood, owner of the block-long string of 11 stores contest will again be held Satur- Road, N. J., rean Distinguished Medal, third . .lint- 'o court. A fiG i day afternoon In Woodbridge maklnx it mandatory to receive a^ mUsioner Of Education Charle class, which is equivalent to the .:,! tolrt the court, al- Ti 1 «! 3^ * * * ^ permit before moving In or out of j Anderson refused to permit the early Sunday morning, informed The Independent-Leader Park under the auspices of the United States' Silver Star. m;ii',l.strnte had an- Va n asse A c atfcn in co ih» Township, is now unaer con- School Board to Increase its bond-, ,l.itc of the adjourned .ic^llluad.on SVuth AiTFoS";i yesterdayyy that he."had every intention to rebuild" the J L ff ' Wi Q " Major"Urban was also recom- J J sideration by the Township Com- ed Indebtedness until H appropri- -i; • previous hearing, Headquarters. Private Rankin is •Structure. operatioreation nDepartment with the-Townshi, p Rec- mended' by the" Korean Military ates »100,(KW in cash and sou it',, 1 mittee. • • i hi heard about It one of the men responsible for the i "There Is no question about re-. ' Children between the ages of Advisory Group for the United aside for the building program. States Silver Star for his action • MV\ that- he felt construction and maintenance of! building and I will construct aljQCJ MJUIIVI'IMI/ RuAart one and ten years are invited to Although thp measure will pro- The referendum, approved by near Yongwol, where Major Urban ,i;.' is. some of whom buildings and other mimics nee-,. ,.,,.„„ „ lV°l ™WICip«t Budget participate. The hunt will be con- vide the municipality, with some the State Department of Educa- l ei buMln> Mrr nnthme went forward with armored pa- in other towns now. to earry out the mission oj l"« eibuMln„ >* * r: /" e !!l ducted in the section of the park revenue, as each permit will cost tion and requiring a "yes" or "no" ,ir,y notice. the lieartdiuuters in the Korean isaid"«- However, he stated* /", he !!-didTo be Aired on Tuesday near Amboy Avenue in the vicinity trols of th* Seventh Division. As $1, the purpose of the ordinance vote in its entirety, will be divided they moved through the moun- e* flimsy excuse, Mag- wm, > inot know whether he would con- WOODBRIDGE — Walter R. of the War Memorial at 3 P. M, is to provide the municipality with in four parts. Part A sets the con- tainous area they met a road block the addresses of all residents of the :„' nil declared he would A isn'tlunte of Wobclbrldce High j struct seversl small Btoros or one Darby uf the Department of The Easter bunny will be there struction and furnishinsi costs of "in person." held by the North Koreans In a Townsiiip so that personal taxes ...me ench trucker a School. Private Rankin first en-|iarse building. The latter state- Local Government has sent back the high school at $2,lfl«HM); Part " The .merchants have Ijeen very mountain pass. may be assessed. -..k>' them down to the tered the service at Perth Amboy , ment , wm rellablllty to tne the 1951 budget with a stamp of B will be for 1250,000 for the con-" generous in donating prizes which Shortly, the North Koreans cut ;r,-. -fif and mall them In December, 1348. He joined the .u approval as to form, It was Under the-present setup, only, structlon of the Inman Avenue in uivp me the excuse st01 that a lar e are now on display in Coppola's the patrol off but soon fighters property owners are assessed fori school; Part C for the approprla- United Nations forces in Korea in! 'y « «»Per-market (earned last night. This, of i, live a notice." JanuiiYy of this year. jhain has been Interested in the window on Main Street. In case of came to their aid in answer to personal property and the renters, tlon of 1100,000 in cash, and Part Major Urban's call and in a few ;iU\ According to some of the ten- course, carries no evaluation of rain another date will be set, regardless of the amount of per- D authorizing the bond issue rt smes Notice the budgetary provisions. lightning passes the road block ints in the building, leases were sonal property they may own, areamounting to $2,250,000. Ti-.;> fls- Mirn'p here and now," The budget will come up for MEETING POSTPONED was knocked out. permitted to go scot free. The sys- iiot being extended and it was ex- urea, the board pointed out, Me i".i ••that this case Is Births to TownsWp public hearing and final adop- PORT READING — The Poii A few days later when the ridge tem has brought a series of pro-tentative, as the late Mr.
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