0 II UN** COUNTY 1 PAQE B14 - THURSDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1907 3 Chevy small-block has a long history YOuVatpVTolee* of improvement woi» cum* In the beginning, the small-block Chevrolet had a carburetor, a distribu- m whaal ditte*. Vour araa. ^Vli-vz^ tor with breaker points «nd a piece of i-MMtt-MQQ B* *6iM tor cuftant rope that sealed its rear main bearing. BUCK CENTURY, MMM.. 4 CtaCtaer.. MMyy loadeloadedd. ay and Clark Gas was cheap, and emission regula- Boa km rnejjp» qajOUb&nUtt conO- iifte05P*tOraM«*jaroar.Oood •on. A»wngtwo. Can msmsam. deal 97S-MS-3778. •" tions non-existent. BUCK REQAU IWjL.MM CondBOH. MOOT SUBARUOl. 19r^4doet.al power, replaced Forty yean later, advances in tech- muitoxM . |f«ai MIMM. iftMlf m1 d SWattOH. vjrtae, ona owner, deator maMalnad, al 'fee- •nvtv«a ww fiewaaawi . •*•!•. • er* ^?- " _" _ * nology have transformed the small- Urea. 33* mMe. HC900 or beat ofler. OU36MOSLE RRBCA ope-wi-zani• / • - < • • mass, a* eonMtontf block. Its creators would have no. dif- 4-door MmfcSSSLSES SUajW SPBOCtt C ^<mta $$$WEPAYTOPOOIAAR$$$ ficulty recognizing the venerable V8 BUCK REGAL, 1965. 48,000 naaa. RatouR 1JBO. Paaaa cal 87XWK4B8. •tlMllnDi pOWBT DIWMi «MrWw 0MVOT« engine. 3ur«»l,2door. power well, BBJKXIIII, ML&>odoom«on. $4,000 or beet oBer ForYour JunkCir , its fundamental design has been OUKM0HLE TROFEO MM. Al equipped. 7 -locka.' Needs torn* work. SSO$) Call 201-661-0182 anywna of downtown re 24 Hour Swvtet. C* ne merc unchanged through four 'decades of 908-24MS80. 113K ' development. But literally hundreds bonestwithine—buttberehavebeen "Do we get credit for tbe gny who Shop on West Milton Avenue, has CARS FORtlOO or Beat Oder. Seized and brakaaf «raaf. g^J.? aucfefMdbyOEA.Fa.aJ&Mmodea.ftfKs. , 0LD8MOBILE CUUASS Clafra. 19W. Staff Writer no namben thrown arotrnd." moved in?" he asked. heard about tbe sale through tbe news- of refinements have kept the small- 12SJ00O trim. Al power, air, automflc. AM/ aaat. powar avafythlng. Mint 9084887420 boats, computes and more. Your area nowl Mafrim. 973-427-2871. Nine meRSjaats on Irving Street Mayor James Kennedy referred Tbe merchants are supposed to be paper; no one bas come to hini about it block at the leading edge of engine 1-80O-451-00S0 eaanatoi C198. FMcaeaetle, desoMuet eee. AsHng $1900. YOUR AO could appear hen ax at Me aa Cal 906441-0668. marry of tbe questions regarding die officially, be said technology. VOLKSWAQON FOX GL 1968. Stver Hue. yeJOpar^aak.CjajBnBotadaMa. Our and West Bfifcm Avenoe could be en 'know afeMa^aoaetag aboot Ibe moved to a building once owned by CHEVY MAUBU, 198a 4 door, tan. 01k, good PONT1AC. NME paaaanger atattm wagon, loaded, vary good eondWon. manual. AsMng losing their tanldinf in the ale; DottbAlU 5eiid he tea mot purchase of the building to Regan, tbe City Federal Bank. Tbe city would O In the heady days of the Musdecar oondaon, rune very good, $700 or bast oner. to hek) you. Cal i-6OW64<eii. '- They're keeping us in tbe dark," 1879. One owner. 81#» naaa. Al emfcrnent $2ioa90fr6B7-*eooieavemei*a8eoraeklor receiTed:t flanoal offer for me city's Director of Planning and Eco- either sell this to a private owner or Era, it was sometimes difficult to dis- Si 908-687-4274. Rune oaat Only $2700. negoHble. Frank future. But none of mem seen to Jim Pekaroksi of B&J Shoes on Jon. nomic Development Regan did not keep ownership of it tinguish the race cars from the sbo- CHRYSLEa E Case, 1984. AM/ FM stereo ££-748408B. THUCK8 FOR 8AIE know anything about bow or when. "Irving Avenue. Pekaroksi has been in ut TVwnhmsH c tenants fire epeea. ara eeek they were interchangeable: Chev- .auas.S1.10* or best fi^l^ ,55b. poaar.aunrooL New toakee. oondMn.aJuatba ing, demoBshmg atjd improving the Bat Kennedy did say the purchas- "very, very happy as to where they arc offer. 8CM88-27S0. 29J000 naaa: Original owner. Haw aenfce brakes. .Ores. 120, Wett MttdB Avenue and Irving Tbe merchants in tbe Dombroski rolet's Product Promotion group, the reooroe. AeMng |7i.780i Cal 973-788-2164. 973-087-4121. Cal 973^644836. atar 2PM. ing process for the DbfrtaQd now, phis when they move, they will OATOUN2flgPl 1882. Leefteraeata, Sapeed. Street, intrant of tbe NJ Transit sta- building have been feeding on rumors Division's sub rosa racing department VOLVO. 946 WAGON. 1983. Badt, automate, 0in)r4BK,aM^ ini gh has not reached die point of mak- lose the taxes that I pay for them, axcaeent curnseun. flarapitt kept, original SATURN SE2 IBM. ArtomSSc. WreaTwt caertna, 5 speed. *Mm can Mil. tion and homes stores HkE"Rahway for at feast tw^ years^ever since Dom- headed by Vince Piggins. created a owner, prlc* negotla&le^Call Linda 17,800 Mae. 8un not. bra, air. AWFM atereo power aunrool. AIMFM caasefle, Wrd seat they're going »1Sbck the boflding ingafiMncialotTertoDc>inbrosM.He which are substantial" Dombroski buIMn cNkrc aeet Cryatal dean. $1SJO0. miles, excellent condition. $11,800. Pizza, the Pipe Shop and B&J Shoes broski told Pekaroksi about it hybrid 302-cubic-inch small-block 909-353O447. tj) caaaetta. alloy wheels. Mint. $10,600. 973476446S. anar Spm. down except me/* ne said. said the dry has not even appraised said be pays approximately $18,000 908-686-1085. 212-673-M41. 201-7834149. It has been owned by Rahway resident specifically for the SCCA Trans-Am DODGE ASPEN. 1878. Start 8. A-1 machanl- Dombroski said me city & watting the building yet per year in property taxes — taxes "They've really got to let us know "0" road racing series in 1967. Because eonaaorcriw jwettiu.~tiraiMS.air. Great for federal muds—ISIEA hinds far" According to Dombroski, he has that hu tenants never have to pay. whafs going on,** he sfflt buy. S7O0. 90H84-8S5B alar 2pm. been called "Ibe Dombroski building" SCCA regulations required such alternate transportation — before it already lost one tenant because of the According to Kennedy, tbe owner Pekaroski said be bad tried twice in by the city government in die past engines be readily available to the DODGE GRAND* CARAVAN." 1M3. 64.000 ess DVC faun HI flny^ftf nut they ucuncertainty over his building: a two- of die City Federal building would the last week to talk to Regan: once n*M,futyloeda4 raw brakat good condMon, v public Chevrolet offered the race- The city government wants to buy willing to pay. year tenant that sold swimming pay forme merchants' taxes! .if they last week and die other on Tuesday. ready motor in a special Camaro mod- and demolish the building to improve He said be has had* supplies. deckle to move into that building, as He did not succeed in seeing him last el, the legendary Z28. Within two DREAM MACHMES-golaplclura of yourcar? Happy the visibility of the station, which is uonswithAank Regan—wbol think But Kennedy said this lias nothing well. week and Regan cancelled his Tues- years, Z28 sales skyrocketed to over Run I Ior4 waste, only $40. Cal Oawoled at undergoing renovations. The building is a very upstanding man and very to do with ttris." Bharat Patel, the owner of the Pipe uAV flPpOUttlQCOt. 19.000 units. 800-C6W911 lor daaaa. o Q As roe freewheeling 50s and swing- FOROMOSTANfrGT. 1980. SO/5-epeed, red, al power, lumber aaat akteg. loaded. 77k TOYS FOR TOTS DRIVE! ing 60s gave way to the sensible 70s, naaa. Garaged, dean. AsHng $6,400. Cat COUNTY concerns about emissions and fuel 806^51-6658, Union Pontiac GMC, Inc. Graffiti a target al train station in conjunction with Union Hospital Raising salaries Contest winners economy impacted the small-block. FORD MUSTANG. 198a Power jocjaJ[tin- The Union County Board of ,<~ By Uane Stone Ingalls ' pleated that the graffiti has been held the doors that wasn't' finished yet. America's favorite engine con- , no CMMQ, ooo, Community Resource Center is collecting Staff Writer down u a minimum. Secondly, a lot And on tbe top of one of tbe roofs. Bm cnaw. Great oondaon. 72,000 mla«. Asking Chosen Freeholders voted to 1 tinned to evolve through the Digital $2.750/ better. B73-32S-1907. new, unwrapped toys for needy children. raise the salaries of a number of Tbe Rahway train station is soil of thought went into me original I don't think we're really in bad shape Decades. The development of sopbis- under construction fa an effort to help design by NJ Transit to help make tbe when it comes to graffiti. I know mat FQRDTEMP01969.4 door.4 cylndar. 83.000 * county employees — including tkated«lectronic controls gave Chev- naaa, Esaaent body, runs great: Loaded. beautify the downtown area. Unfortu- station, if there's such a thing as it made the newspapers, but I think I their own. The unanimous rolet engineers the means to make the AeMng $1900. Cel-Joe »73-912<483. nately, everyone doesn't seem to be graffiti-proof or maybe graffiti that it's four years too late. The graf- decision by the board is small-block V8 economical, environ- Get It In gear wltb QMC SERRA, 1994. WNa. mW condHon. Your UNWRAPPED toy will be most welcome! cooperating with die plans. Unsightly resistant. fiti that was on there was the real mentally responsible and powerful — 21K, 5-epeed, b«d fcwr. aluminum tootxax. retroactive tx> Jan. 1,1997 and graffiti has already reared its nghy the Auto 8peclal Kennedy went on jo describe the problem. We also bought a machine all at the same time.
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