November 12, 2008 www.dvidshub.net (search phrase: Expeditionary Times) Vol. 1, Issue 21 A balancing act Arizona resident: From vice principal to 557th557th mixesmixes intelligence analyst see pg. 5 thingsthings upup storystory onon pg.pg. 88 ‘The word is spreading’ Training pushes limits see pg. 7 546th ASMC Indiana Guard unit: ‘All good things must come to an end’ U.S. Army photo by Spc. Brian A. Barbour Spc. Julian Ramirez of El Paso, Texas, cleans the axle of a Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET) trailer during a 5-year service at Joint Base Balad see pg. 11 Oct. 30. Ramirez, an active duty Soldier with the 557th Maintenance Company from Fort Irwin Calif., has been deployed for 13 months. Iraqi logisticians train for independence BY SPC. KIYOSHI FREEMAN and British armored personnel to identifying problems in the parts and reliable maintenance tion partnership — this mentor- Expeditionary Times Staff carriers. current system. “From here, we was still necessary to become ing process – are the Logistics Servicing and repairing this work as a team to come to solu- self-sufficient. Training Assistance Teams, or TAJI, Iraq – When you think wide range of vehicles was one tion sets,” he said. In the past the IA was de- LTATs, spread across the 3rd of an army, images of the key issues discussed dur- With so many vehicles in its pendent on Coalition support to ESC’s area of operations. of sleek, lethal- ing a two-day logistical train- fleet, Iraq must import most of sustain its fighting forces. Iraq- Composed of detachments looking tanks ing exercise at the Taji National its spare parts from different is have recently taken their own of American Soldiers or entire and armored Maintenance Depot here Oct. 27 countries, said Capt. Randall steps to increase their logistical units, LTATs train and mentor vehicles may and 28. Weiser, a liaison officer between capabilities. their counterparts in IA sustain- come to Approximately 250-300 Iraqi 1st SB and the IA. This requires The Taji National Mainte- ment units. At the Third Line mind — not and Coalition officers attended a sophisticated inventory man- nance Depot and the Taji Na- Maintenance Facility here, Spc. Ford F-350 the event, the first of its kind. agement system, Internet data- tional Supply Depot here cen- Nathan Collins, an East Lan- pick-up trucks. However, such “It was both a historic and bases, and trained personnel, he tralizes Iraq’s logistical support, sing, Mich., native and a main- a vehicle is simply one of over monumental event,” said Col. said. and Iraqis established a General tenance advisor in 1st SB LTAT, 200 types of vehicles in the Kevin O’Connell, the command- Iraqi Col. Wihed, the com- Transportation Regiment and works with Iraqi mechanics dai- Iraqi Army arsenal, which has er of 1st Sustainment Brigade, mander of the south depot at the Third Line Maintenance Fa- ly, showing them how to repair everything from Soviet-era T-72 3rd Sustainment Command Taji, said the IA received good cility here, mentored by Soldiers tanks (once part of the Hungar- (Expeditionary), adding that equipment over the last year, with the 1st SB, 3rd ESC. See LOGISTICS, ian army) to American humvees the last two days were critical but the transportation of spare The heart of this Iraqi-Coal- Page 4 PAGE 2 EXPEDITIONARY TIMES November 12, 2008 332 ESFS Blotter: Legal advice: Family 25 Oct. – 30 Oct. Mnor Vehicle Accident: A Soldier reported to Security Forces his involvement in a minor vehicle accident. SF Patrols responded to his location and assisted matters, deployments the Soldier in filling out a statement of the events. The Soldier BY ARMY PFC. JACLYN MIMS separation. self in an honorable manner stated that while pulling his vehicle forward, he struck another The more time that a couple with regard to parental com- parked vehicle causing damage to the parked vehicle and scratch- 224th MI paralegal spends apart, the easier it be- mitments and responsibili- es to his vehicle. SF personnel recorded the damage with digital o you and your spouse comes for them to grow apart, ties, photography and briefed the Soldier to inform his chain of com- mand about the incident. have marital prob- form new friendships, and ne- 3) Providing adequate fi- Medical Response: Dlems? If you do, you glect personal affairs. nancial support to Family Fire personnel contacted Security Forces in reference to a medical are far from being alone. Although you may be geo- members, and emergency at the East Gate involving an injured local national’s According to studies con- graphically separated from 4) Complying with all court injury. SF patrols arrived on-scene and were informed by EMT ducted by matrimonial law- your spouse and/or children, orders. that the LN would be transported to the AFTH for further treat- yers, the top three causes of you still have certain obliga- The bottom line is that the ment. SF response was terminated. separation and divorce in tions. geographical separation creat- Minor Vehicle Accident: couples are infidelity, finan- While you are deployed, ed by deployment may appear An Air Force Member contacted Security Forces regarding a mi- cial problems and poor com- make sure that you under- to make marital problems nor vehicle mishap. SF patrols arrived on-scene and assisted the munication. stand your obligations un- more difficult to manage. member in completing a statement. The member stated that he Unfortunately, these prob- der Army Regulation 608-99 However, the key to mini- was parked adjacent to the H-6 Housing fence and an unknown lems contribute to the high (Family Support, Child Cus- mizing the strain on your re- object shattered the back window of his vehicle. SF patrolman number of divorces. tody, and Paternity). lationship is good communi- recorded the damage with digital photography and informed the The United States Census Army Regulation 608-99 cation. member to report the mishap to his chain of command. Bureau reports that, on aver- explains Army policy and Remember that you are not Assault/GO1B Violation: age, about 957,200 divorces Soldier responsibilities with the first person (and certainly A TCN Contractor entered the Bldg. 7168/Eagles Nest to report are finalized every year in the regard to financial support will not be the last person) to an altercation between two of his fellow employees. Complain- United States. When you com- of Family members, child experience relationship prob- ant further stated that he believed both individuals involved were pare the number of divorces custody, child visitation, and lems. intoxicated. SF Patrols responded to the scene and made contact to the number of marriages related personal affairs. The You also have many people with the TCNs. SF determined the individuals to be intoxicated every year (about 2,355,005), regulation prohibits using and resources that can assist and in need of medical attention due to the injuries sustained dur- the divorce rate seems awfully military status or assignment you in resolving your prob- ing the fight. Both individuals were transported to the AFTH and high. to avoid financial support of lems, such as the chaplain, treated. The subjects were then taken to Bldg. 7168/Eagles Nest With such a high number of Family members. chain of command, and legal and placed in detention cells. The complainant stated he would divorces, it may be tempting In addition, Soldiers must assistance. return later in the day to assist the subjects with their statements to feel discouraged with your conduct their personal affairs Finally, if you have any spe- concerning the altercation. own marriage. in a manner that does not cific questions about your re- Patrol Response/Loud Noise Complaint/GO1B Violation: It may also seem extremely bring discredit upon them- sponsibilities under AR 608- Security Forces was contacted in regards to a loud noise com- hard to find the right balance selves or the United States 99, please contact the Legal plaint in H-6 Housing. SF Patrols arrived on-scene and made between work, personal, and Army. AR 608-99 states that Assistance Office at DSN 433- contact with two individuals causing the noise. Upon contact, Family obligations. a Soldier’s responsibility to 2836. patrolmen discovered them to be intoxicated and non-compliant. In the military, maintaining his/her Family includes: We are always willing to The individuals were placed under apprehension and transported to the AFTH for blood tests to determine the levels of influence. good communication is very 1) Maintaining reasonable assist you with your legal af- The subjects were then transported to Bldg. 7168/Eagles Nest and important to having a suc- contact with Family members fairs to make it easier for you placed in the detention cells. Unit leadership was contacted and cessful relationship. Soldiers so that the Family’s financial to focus on completing your the subjects were released. and their Families face many needs and welfare do not rise mission and safely returning additional stressors such as to the level of requiring inter- home. Contact the Provost Marshal Office: deployment, limited commu- vention by the Army, NIPR- 443-8602 nication, and geographical 2) Conducting himself/her- SIPR- 241-1171 Email- [email protected] EXPEDITIONARY TIMES 3d ESC Commanding General, Brig. Gen. Mike Lally Managing Editor Production Editor Contributing Public Affairs Offices Expeditionary Times is authorized for publication by the Maj. Paul Hayes, 3d ESC Sgt. Alex N. S. Snyder, 123rd MPAD 1st Sustainment Brigade 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) for the Joint [email protected] [email protected] 16th Sustainment Brigade Base Balad community. The contents of the Expedition- 371st Sustainment Brigade 123rd MPAD Commander Photo Editor ary Times are unofficial and are not to be considered the 7th Sustainment Brigade official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S.
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