•»*!* •¥.,' ••".-". „ Read the Herald fib For Local News ^ by skewer* tmlgH. Temenenr, Servinff Summit F»$it$m •hewer* e*tln« In nwrniar wttfc wwlde^Wy eooier weather. Tfcs wwsk^nd win be fair and rather eesj. (Good lime to get at ERALD windows). 62nd" Yesr—No. 23 <ta tpe SUMMIT, N. «£»«$ftAY, NOV6MIIR 9, 1950 «, t*« **t * Man* ]. in*. UAYtA* -v- mmmm Mock Disaster Shows City's Women Voters «.%.'»•« Smith, Taylor and Gilson Win To Hold Series *.'# On UN Questions As GOP Slate Sweeps Summit Three persons were "killed" and seven "critically in- The development of the powers jured" when Tuesday's hurricane caved in the roof of th« of th* United Nations since the Councilman Samuel A. Smith, Jr., in the First War* franklin Hotel,, twisted the pillars like crumpled match- onset of the war in Korea «Bl be £QundImanJ)tta-:F*-Ta^^ i sticks and caused fires in several sections of the remaining tilt subject of the November gether with City Clerk William R. Gilson were returned Neighborhood Discussion Group* to office with overwhelming odds by Summit votera ia parts of the building. This was the setting for a disaster of the League of Women Voters drill staged by the Summit Civil of Summit Tuesday's general election. The latter two, both Republican Defense Council Tuesday. nominees to succeed themselves, The taock dtasater was executed The first meeting is scheduled easily defeated their Democratic to test the Council's personnel on Lions Seek Hdp for Monday at 3 p.m. at th> home opponents in an election where) their efficiency' and to familiarize of Mrs. T. Davenport of 349 Black- Mayor Bland Will « per cent of the city's 8,858 reg- > burn road. ICr*. H. W. Diefmdorf them with the actions that would istered voters went to the polls. In Club's Blind, and W. C. KleinWder, will tea A total of 5,672 were cast, approx- be necessary in (tie event of "* leaders. Be Armistice real emergency. To make the drill imately 700 fewer votes than were '«a authentic as possible members Pointing out -that "a new con- cajjt in. last years gubernatorial • Sight Aid Program fidence has arisen in th« UN as of the Junior Red Cross par* election. ... • Summit Lions Club through its an instrument of peace due to Day Speaker anticipated as victim* end Inquiring sight and welfare committee la the courageous steps it has taken Armistice Day will be observed % Louia R. Ackerman, Democratic! relatives. The scene of the disaster now making It* annual appeal for here Saturday morning at a brief nominee, who ran against Mr, thU summer in the face of seem- ceremony to be held at 10:45 a,tn. was the FrankUn School. KM flnanclal support by residents to ingly unsurmountable obstacles", Taylor for the Council seat from other places used we.ro the actual at Bontiel Park before the sol. Ward II, polled a total 774. votes carrying on the service., club's a League spokesman yesterday de- diers' monument. The speaker for headquarters of trie d«fei»ive work in this field is Ita majolr un- lared, "How this new mood can ftgainat Mr. Taylor's 2,272. Mr. branches. the event will be Mayor Percivml Gilson, who was returned as city dertaking*. best be consolidated is of inu»e<tJ- M. Bland. Civil Defense Chairmen Ma£- Several thousand letters have ate importance". clerk, won with better than a A 15-mimjte carillon prelude 4-1 majority, receiving 4,517 as well Lester, Jr., described the- re* been "mailed Individual* and organ- Among other point* to be taken heareal as going "quite well for will open the program and follow- agalnat 1,008 for Michael J. iiatlons who over the years have up are, "How the many vital tm ing Mayor Bland'a addrean mem- the ?irat time although numerous assisted the . Lions by the pur- Barnacle, Summit attorney, who security questions facing United ber* of the various veterans' was the Democratic nominee. mistake* were made but that Is chase of blind aid stamps, 100 or StaCe* opinion sad decision '*re organizations and their auxiliaries what we have these tilings for." more of which are enclosed in to be answered and what the ef- will place wreaths at the bane of Congressman Clifford P. Case • bi addition to M*. Lester other each letter, self •addressed and 8M3L13S OF OOWTDENiiCVE wiwathe the faces of chairman of the Republican City Committee; George v of Rahway, who received the high- fect wiH be on United States Republican officials as they attend a pre-election the war memorial. A one-minute observers were Joseph MastroianJ, stamped for the sending of con- foreign:policy and economic life". Baker, chairman of the County Republican Commit- period of silence will be observed, eat Individual vote here, was given disaster field representative. of tributions. Each of the return en- rally and reception held FrtdayaUhe, Hotel Beech- tee; Congressman Case, Mayor Perelval M. Bland, followed by a salute fired by a a healthy 4,7lF"tally, while his Public information and under* wood. Guests of honor weret United States Senator the Eastern Area American Na- velopes has a key check so that standing of the facts and issues Senator Hendricksori* and Edward Pizzi, chairman of rifle squad and the sounding of Democratic opponent, Harry JP. tional Red Cross; Mrs. Jeanetbe your contribution can be acknowl- Robert C. Hendrickaon antt Congressman Clifford P. the reception.—(Chell Frantien.) taps. A benediction by a member Mopaick of Linden, picked up only are Imperative to the voters who Case. Above, left to right, are Eraeil S. Hlckok, Ademakus, nursing field, repre- edged and audited. '. wish to agree or disagree with the of the local clergy will close the 829 Summit votes. sentative, and Robert Heln, gen- In the letter Chairman Sanfor'd government representatives, the program. Considerable area Interest was eral field'representative. Official* WellLsh of the sight and welfare spokesman stressed- The Armistice Day observance focused on New Providence Bor- from New Providence and P««- committee which also include The Leagu« has planned this Switch in Athenaeum Program la being sponsored by the Veter- ough where a referendum con* «aic Red Crosa chapter* also were Charles Scheck, Postmaster Dan- series around a recapitulation of Hospital Todies' ans' Committee of Summit, con- eernlng ths retail sale of alco- witnesses. iel j. fitKpatrick, Walter Mc- recent events and will attempt to sisting of Beacon Hill Post, 190, holic beverages for eonstmtptloa AH Types of Casualties Nfcmara, Rudolph de Roode and get opinions from .members on Brings Geti Romulo Here Tonight j VFW; American Legion Post, on the premises was defeated V Meanwhile, as the drill unfolded, Frank A. Htzl, list varied accom- such questions as "how Russia Cast to Be Picked 1138. and Lindsay Street Post. 322, 6S0 to 401. Brig, Gen. Carlos P. Romulo lands. And when the General went twenty other persona were found pllihments achieved within the should be dealt with In the UN, back, triumphantly, Romulo was American Legion. Mr. Ackerm&n, the Democratic to have minor injuries, fifteen psist year with the funds made by-passing of the Security Council, will address the Summit Athen- at his side. The veterans urge the whole- standard bearer In the Second aeum at Its regular meeting to- Wednesday Night were homeless, eight lost all available through the contribu- an<l whether or not the V. 8. ii general... Romulo was born in hearted find active participation Ward Council race, received his clothing and persona] belongings, tions'. "••••• •" •": "• ~" •" night, "November », at 8:15 pin., Selection of a cast of 100 for of Summit's fraternal and clvfc heaviest vote in district 8 that prepared to give up the veto; 1900, eon of a guerilla who fought the annual Overlook Hospital And three needed rehabilitation. For the past two years the also, what difficulties may be at the high school auditorium. organizations as well as the gen- ward, polling 126 votea to 139 for General Romulo U one of the beet against the Americans. Young "FoUlea" will take place, at a era] public in honoring the men Firemen removed victims from Lions have had in service as a foreseen with U. S. forces serving Carlos himself was deadly opposed talent night party on Wednesday, Mr. Taylor. The Democratic the building and brought the community contribution to sight under UN commanders who may known personalities In the United and women who sacrificed them- aspirant did not carry a jingle Nations and l» the permanent rep- to the "blue-eyed devtfs" in the November 15, at the Hotel Beech- setves in the three wars that our flames under control* Quickly. conservation a ceiling projector. not be Americans". wood. More than 300 amateur per-1 district In his ward. They assisted the medical group This is for free use by any resi- resentative from the Philippine community, our country, and freer Balloting ran fairly light most Members and other neighbor* are Republic. He was the president formers enlisted from the areas dom-loving people everywhere (h giving first aid. dent of the community who Is invited to attend any of the served by the hospital have ex- of the day, but picked up consid- confined to bed. It is available on of the United Nations Geft#«4 Av could continue to enjoy the per- erably late In the afternoon and The all-put alarm was given at sessions. pressed a desire for parts in the sonal liberty which is the heritage p.m. with police, auxiliary police »ppUc«Uo«i to the Tree Public U- sembly kut year.
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